Solo_Napoleon8 mfu_ya_tpsb1967 mfu_cb_wal13 mfu_cb_wal10 Solo_Napoleon21 mfu_cb_wal8 solo_napoleon_cb_gk16 solo_napoleon_mv8 solo_napoleon_di2 solo_napoleon_di1 mfu_one_st tvtornado_13 mfu_cb_wal6 solo_napoleon_cb_gk19 mfu_cb_wal11 solo_napoleon_col_ttas solo_napoleon_di10 mfu_cb_wal12 mfu_nv_tvt4 Solo_Napoleon10 solo_napoleon_cb_gk8 solo_napoleon_di9 solo_napoleon_di6 man_from_uncle_cb_mill01 solo_napoleon_cb_gk3
Full Name: Napoleon Solo
Series Name: The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Nationality: American
Organization: U.N.C.L.E.
Occupation Agent

Creator: Sam Rolfe, Norman Felton
Time Span: 1964 - 2015


Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin are agents of U.N.C.L.E.

As the 50s began, an organization of terrorists and criminals banded together for strength and a union of missions. It called itself THRUSH and though most of its people insisted that the name was just a name, not an acronym, a few gave their opinion that it stood for Technical Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity. Considering the strangeness of that title, it is easier to believe the majority opinion. Whatever its name meant, it grew rapidly and viciously orver that decade until it overshadowed all other unlawful groups and took its place on the world stage as something to be feared. As the 60s came in, it was too powerful a force to ignore.

To fight such a powerful and wide-spread illegal conglomerate, the major nations of the world knew that each by themselves were not capable of fighting a group that crossed borders without notice, something that easily defied each country's jurisdiction. Despite the ideological differences that many of these countries had with each other, they agreed to work in unison to fight THRUSH. To do this they created the United Network Command for Law Enforcement. With five major offices around the globe, New York, Nairobi, New Delhi, Berlin, and Caracas, and a considerable number of field stations, the organization fought the minions of THRUSH no matter where on the planet they struck.

Napoleon Solo

A large cadre of operative worked for U.N.C.L.E., the elite of which were based out of one of the five headquarters. Napoleon Solo was one of those elite and New York was his staging ground. There he was designated Number One in Section Two (Operations and Enforcement), a position he definitely earned.

In his mid 30s as the series begins, he has been an agent with this international organization for nearly a decade. He did not plan on becoming an agent, having a totally different life in mind. He had graduated from college and was headed to a prosperous life in business and then likely politics. This followed a family tradition of service with one of his grandfathers having been an Admiral in the U.S. Navy and the other an ambassador.

Solo had married young, wedding at nineteen while still at university. Expecting that graduation and then business, a family and a bright future lay in store, he was understandably shocked when that plan ended abruptly. His young wife died in a car accident shortly thereafter and while he did manage to graduate college, his plans for the business or political arena were curtailed with the Koran War.

When that conflict came to a close, the gallantry and ingenuity he had shown there had brought him to the attention of someone at the nascent U.N.C.L.E. and with no set idea as to what to do next, he agreed to work for them. In the next ten years as an agent, he rose to the senior position in his section.

Napoleon's favorite pastime, when he is not chasing enemy agents and saving the world, is sailing. He owns a 30-foot sailboat to take part in the activity and it is his sanctuary where he recovers from the stress and dangers and often the wounds and abrasions he faces in his day job.

No longer interested, it would seem, in a long term relationship, likely due to the loss of his wife early in his adult life, Solo has become a considerable man about town. Immensely respectful and appreciative of the fairer sex, Solo nevertheless flits quickly and often from one lovely lady to another, never enjoying long the company of any one person. Two exceptions to this is an ex-girlfriend named Clara for whom he still have considerable affection and the beautiful and highly deadly Angelique, a key agent with THRUSH.

Illya Kuryakin

While Napoleon Solo was the senior agent at the New York section of U.N.C.L.E., he maintained a partnership with a slightly younger agent from Russia, Illya Kuryakin. Possessing a young, handsome face he was the perfect agent to send into places such as nightclubs and college campuses and anywhere that the youth would congregate. Since they were often the targets of or unwitting accomplishes of THRUSH, this ability to blend in was of terrific importance.

U.N.C.L.E.'s international mandate to fight THRUSH and to not meddle into the politics of any nation meant that Kuryakin's Russian nationality was of import but the fact that Communism was its philosophy was not. How Kuryakin felt about the difference betwen the West and the Iron Curtain were never mentioned. What was mentioned was the passion that brewed strongly in the man's soul to fight the people who victimize others.

Though Russian is the nationality people meeting him would think of, Kuryakin was in fact Ukrainian, one of the Soviet Unions long a part of the previous Russian empire but separate in their own minds. He was born in Kiev though where he grew up is unknown as his father was said to have been a Gypsy leader so a nomadic upbringing is likely. He did not join in the family business, however, aspiring to see more of the world in a different means, but he continued to be an expert in the gypsy lore.

Science and math came easily to Kuryakin, shown by the fact that he had a PhD in quantum mechanics from Cambridge. He has a deep love of music and plays the base violin and the guitar. He loves to read and with his skill in several languages, what he reads tends to be wide spread. Like his partner, Solo, Kuryakin is an expert in several disciplines of the martial arts but does not concentrate on any particular one.

Again like his friend and partner, Kuryakin is very popular with the ladies but unlike Solo he seldom is seen in their company, keeping his relationships as private as he does most everything else. He wears a wedding ring but never mentions or alludes to a wife, current or former. As has been used to describe his lifestyle, 'no one knows what Kuryakin does when he goes home at night.'

Enigmatic is perhaps the best adjective to describe Kuryakin.

Together, Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin make up one extremely powerful partnership but because they are each such gifted and capable men, their true worth to U.N.C.L.E. is that they can be sent into the field together where they work so well as a pair or separately where each is fully capable of surviving on his own. Whether together or apart, they give THRUSH a lot of trouble.


Number of Books:24
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:1968

With the phenomenal success of the NBC series, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., it was only natural that the producers find ways to capitalize on that whirlwind and part of the merchandizing was a series of books. This was appropriate since it was the success of the Bond books that brought about the movies and that success laid the foundation for the network to take a chance with a small screen spy or two.

The books, published in America as paperbacks by Ace, had to walk a careful path because they had to be exciting enough to interest both young adults and their parents, they could not be salicious or risk the ire of the television censors and executives. Luckily for the reading public, the authors chosen to put pen to paper were very skilled at their craft and what came out was some exciting stories to augment the thrills on the tube.

As enjoyable as they are, they are still 'light' reading, meant to feed the appetite of an audience, often younger in age, who were fans of the television story and wanted 'more'. The more they got with the books were quick adventures with lots of action filled with characters that were as forgettable as they were fun to meet and leave.

The books should be read if further adventures of Solo and Kuryakin are desired but it should not be forgotten that they were add-ons to the television show and aspired to not be any more.

1 The Thousand Coffins Affair The Thousand Coffins Affair
Written by Michael Avallone
Copyright: 1965

In several towns around the world, a devastating new weapon is being tested by Thrush. Ultra sonic waves make up the killing power of this new device which turns its victims into screaming, mindless shapes babbling incoherent nonsense before dying a very painful death.

2 The Doomsday Affair The Doomsday Affair
Written by Harry Whittington
Copyright: 1965

The plan for world conquest starts with the destruction of the capitol of the United States. The explosive needed to carry out this horrendous plan is being developed in a deep laboratory in California. It is up to Solo and Kuryakin to stop it.

3 The Copenhagen Affair The Copenhagen Affair
Written by John Oram
Copyright: 1965

The newest weapon by Thrush to bring the world into its grip consists of a fleet of supersonic aircraft, specially created to fly silently and nearly invisibly. Able to evade the defense systems of any nation, they can bring destruction without wrarning.

4 The Dagger Affair The Dagger Affair
Written by David McDaniel
Copyright: 1965

What is DAGGER? That is the question that both Solo and Kuryakin, being held prisoner by Thrush agents, are asked over and over. Whoever or whatever DAGGER is, the answer can provide clues to a weapon that could destroy all life on the planet.

5 The Mad Scientist Affair The Mad Scientist Affair
Written by John T. Phillifent
Copyright: 1966

When the niece of an eccentric biochemist gave a reading of his latest paper at a symposium, it was met with derision and scorn. It was so far-fetched as to be totally ignorable. But then someone tries to kill the niece and suddenly the intensions of the scientist become the business of U.N.C.L.E. And then there is the beer!

6 The Vampire Affair The Vampire Affair
Written by David McDaniel
Copyright: 1966

Though the agents from U.N.C.L.E. don't believe in vampires, there is no doubt that the circumstances of their fellow agent's death made it look like there were. Something was up in the Carpathian Mountains that needed investigation.

7 The Radioactive Camel Affair The Radioactive Camel Affair
Written by Peter Leslie
Copyright: 1966

The investigation of the theft of a large number of uranium takes the U.N.C.L.E. agents into the desert of the Sudan, not the most obvious of places in need of radioactive material. Indications are that Thrush is attempting to become the sixth nuclear power in a secret facility in the middle of that barren land.

8 The Monster Wheel Affair The Monster Wheel Affair
Written by David McDaniel
Copyright: 1967

It was as if one week there was nothing and the next there was a space station circling the planet. No major power can lay claim to it so the only conclusion can be that Thrush has a new way of extortion but getting there to investigate can prove to be difficult.

9 The Diving Dames Affair The Diving Dames Affair
Written by Peter Leslie
Copyright: 1967

When the two young ladies are killed in a car wreck near Rio under highly suspicious circumstances, the FBI asks U.N.C.L.E. to look into. Discovering the secret in the jungles of Brazil is just the beginning of the uncovering of yet another mad Thrush plan to take over the world.

10 The Assassination Affair The Assassination Affair
Written by J. Hunter Holly
Copyright: 1967

Destroy the food supply and you destroy the stability of the country. That is the basis behind the newest Thrush scheme. This secret, however, comes to Solo only after he has been sent to find out if the man named Dundee is the target of a Thrush assassination or the instigator himself.

11 The Invisibility Affair The Invisibility Affair
Written by Thomas Stratton
Copyright: 1967

What could make a house disappear like a powerful bomb but without an explosion and without even a sound - just a large hole in the ground proving that it happened. The event was witnessed by an U.N.C.L.E. agent and soon Solo and Kuryakin are sent to find the answer.

12 The Mind-Twisters Affair The Mind-Twisters Affair
Written by Thomas Stratton
Copyright: 1967

At one time, the researchers at the prestigious university were happy to conduct experiments on behalf of U.N.C.L.E., working for a common good. Now, however, they shun such contact and disparage the organization. What could twist the minds of these noted scientists and how can Solo and Kuryakin set things right?

13 The Rainbow Affair The Rainbow Affair
Written by David McDaniel
Copyright: 1967

His name was Johnnie Rainbow and he was one of Britain's most noted master thieves. Over the years he had performed some of the most daring robberies in the history of that country. Now clues point to Thrush wanting to make use of this criminal mind but for what? That is what Solo must mind out.

14 The Cross Of Gold Affair The Cross Of Gold Affair
Written by Fredric Davies
Copyright: 1968

When it is learned that Thrush is trying to corner the market on gold, the question in Waverly's mind is why. Then the information comes that the same criminal organization is starting to manipulate the stock market from Europe, using the time difference as its advantage. What is up and who is the enigmatic man called Porpoise?

15 The Utopia Affair The Utopia Affair
Written by David McDaniel
Copyright: 1968

While Mr. Waverly is on a forced vacation at a ultra-secret resort called Utopia, probably in the Caribbean, Napoleon Solo is in charge of the shop. The troubles afflicting him are many and varied, making him appreciate his boss even more. But things are not so well with the old man, as Kuryakin finds out.

16 The Splintered Sunglasses Affair The Splintered Sunglasses Affair
Written by Peter Leslie
Copyright: 1968

Thrush has had many reasons for wanting to shoot Napoleon Solo but what might the reason be for kidnapping him, especially just outside the offices of U.N.C.L.E. Without a clue as to where they might have taken Solo, Kuryakin is in a bind. And Solo could not have needed help more than when he learned the real reason.

17 The Hollow Crown Affair The Hollow Crown Affair
Written by David McDaniel
Copyright: 1968

It had been believed that the Lab Chief of U.N.C.L.E. had died during the testing of his Particle Accelerator Rifle, a revolutionary new weapon of great power. Then the rumor that he had really changed sides begin to be circulated. Was he dead? Was he a traitor? Was he a prisoner? That is what Solo must find out.

18 The Unfair Fare Affair The Unfair Fare Affair
Written by Peter Leslie
Copyright: 1968

The only reason the agents from U.N.C.L.E. got involved in the strange case was because Waverly was hungry. This hunger, while in Holland, caused the leader to stumble onto a bizarre human-smuggling ring. Who was being escorted out of Europe and why was something he wanted to learn. And that was before Thrush itself got involved.

19 The Power Cube Affair The Power Cube Affair
Written by John T. Phillifent
Copyright: 1968

What began as a simple, family pleasure cruise turned into a race for the many pieces of a device which, when assembled into its normal cube shape, would produce a very powerful machine. The clue to the entire affair came from a dying girl and escalated greatly from there.

20 The Corfu Affair The Corfu Affair
Written by John T. Phillifent
Copyright: 1968

The luscious Countess Anne-Marie Louse de St.-Denis was the head of a very successful cosmetic firm in Paris, specializing in helping women become beautiful. She was also intimately involved in another Thrush operation to put the world under its heel. It is up to Solo to resist her charms as he uncovers and stops the plan.

21 The Thinking Machine Affair The Thinking Machine Affair
Written by Joel Bernard
Copyright: 1968

The inventor of the device which is able to control the minds of men had only the best of intentions for the use of his machine, hoping that it would be for the betterment of mankind. Unfortunately, the evil men of Thrush have other plans. With it, they were able to invade U.N.C.L.E. headquarters itself!

22 The Stone-Cold Dead In The Market Affair The Stone-Cold Dead In The Market Affair
Written by John Oram
Copyright: 1968

The man came into the bar for a simple beer and fled in a panic at the sight of two newcomers. The flight, unfortunately, took into the path of a truck and the thirsty man was dead. He was also loaded with counterfeit bank notes, created by Thrush to destroy the economy of the nations of Europe.

23 The Finger In The Sky Affair The Finger In The Sky Affair
Written by Peter Leslie
Copyright: 1968

What would cause five different air liners within two months to suddenly plunge straight into the ground? All equipment was operating correctly. All pilots were in good health. All indications were that everything was normal. And yet hundreds of people are dead and U.N.C.L.E. must find out why before more innocents die.

24 The Final Affair The Final Affair
Written by David McDaniel
Copyright: 1968

The years-long battle between U.N.C.L.E. and THRUSH comes to an end.
Note: this book was written but never published. It has been made available to the public decades later. I got my copy at Wes Britton's awesome SpyWise site.


Number of Books:10
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:1969

While the entirety of the novels were written to be enjoyed by young adults as well as adults, a couple of books were designed for the younger audience exclusively.

1 The Coin of El Diablo Affair The Coin of El Diablo Affair
Written by Walter Gibson
Copyright: 1965

The two men from a group called the IMP are murdered before they can meet with Solo and Kuryakin. All they had on them was a coin with the words El Diablo on it and the bust of a man. The duo head to the Caribbean to track down the killers.

2 The Affair of the Gentle Saboteur The Affair of the Gentle Saboteur
Written by Brandon Keith
Copyright: 1966


3 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1967 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1967
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1966

Published by World Distributors. A collection of 4 short stories and 1 reprinted comic stories from Gold Key as follows.
The Short Stories are;
1. The Last Flight Affair
2. The Fortune Cookie Affair
3. The Invisible Man Affair
4. The Explosive Affair
The Gold Key Comic Story Reprints is:
1. The Rip Van Solo Affair (Gold Key #4)

4 The Affair of the Gunrunner's Gold The Affair of the Gunrunner's Gold
Written by Brandon Keith
Copyright: 1967

THRUSH is spreading its tentacles around the world through gunrunning and receiving their payment in gold. The U.N.C.L.E. team must track down the four operatives doing the work.

5 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Television Picture Story Book 1967 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Television Picture Story Book 1967
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Published by P.B.S. Limited.

6 The Calcutta Affair The Calcutta Affair
Written by George S. Elrick
Copyright: 1967

One of Whitman's Big Little Books aimed at children - Solo and Kuryakin are in Calcutta to stop a THRUSH plot to unleash bubonic plague using specially created rats.

7 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1968 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1968
Written by Broadley, M., Kevin McGarry, Douglas Enefer
Copyright: 1967

Published by World Distributors. A collection of 8 short stories and 2 reprinted comic stories from Gold Key, 10 features, and 1 game, as follows.
The Short Stories are;
1.The Hydrofoil Affair
2.The Gilded Face Affair
3.The Big Timber Affair
4.The Katmandu Affair
5.The Chinese Pagoda Affair
6.The Roman Scandal Affair
7.The Grey Beard Affair
8.The Flea Circus Affair
The Gold Key Comic Story Reprints are;
1. The Spirit of St.Louis Affair (Gold Key #9)
2. The Super-Tiger of Targan (Gold Key #9) - A Jet Dream adventure.
The Features are:
1. Confidential File
2. Secret Agents and All That!
3. Travel with U.N.C.L.E.
4. If You Can Find It, Read It!
5. Spies Through The Ages
6. The Mighty Antagonists
7. Profile of a Spy
8. Judo For You!
9. Underground Heroine
10. The Gadgetry of U.N.C.L.E.
The Game is:
1. U.N.C.L.E. May Need You! (Quiz)

8 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Television Picture Story Book 1968 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Television Picture Story Book 1968
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

Published by P.B.S. Limited.

9 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

Published by World Distributors. A collection of 10 short stories and 2 reprinted comic stories from Gold Key, 5 features, and 6 games, as follows.
The Short Stories are:
1.The Green Dragon Affair
2.The Doh-Ray-Me Affair
3.The Big Drum Affair
4.The Wax Doll Affair
5.The Big Gun Affair
6.The Skyscraper Affair
7.The Double Yolk Affair
8.Illya Goes Solo
9.Bring Bruno Back Alive
10.Reading Between The Lines
The Gold Key Comic Story Reprints are:
1. The Dead Man's Diary Affair (Gold Key #12)
2. The Powder Puff Derby (Gold Key #12) - A Jet Dream adventure.
The Features are:
1. U.N.C.L.E. File
2. Kaleisoscope
3. The Moles
4. The Secrets of U.N.C.L.E.
5. Measuring Up To Crime
6. U.N.C.L.E. Round the World
The Games are:
1. Aptitude Test
2. They Keep Law & Order (quiz)
3. No Man's Land
4. Cross-words With U.N.C.L.E.
5. Test Yourself!

10 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1969

Published by World Distributors. A collection of 9 short stories and 2 reprinted comic stories from Gold Key, 8 features, and 2 games, as follows.
The Short Stories are;
1.The Bad Joke Affair
2.The Big Bang in a Bottle Affair
3.The Clock Face Affair
4.The "Who Flies Where For What" Affair
5.The Operation Waverly Affair
6.The Amusement Pier Affair
7.The Cut and Run Affair
8.The Sand Storm for Illya ... Nap Hand for Napoleon Affair
9.The Highway to the Sun Affair
The Gold Key Comic Story Reprints are;
1. The Animal Agent Affair (Gold Key #15)
2. The Set-Up Sultan (Gold Key #15) - A Jet Dream adventure.
The Features are:
1. Spy Catcher
2. A City on Springs
3. Policeman All!
4. Did You Know?
5. Strange Rendezvous
6. They Got Away!
7. Odd Facts
8. Mission Accomplished
The Games are:
1. Situations Vacant - Intelligence Agent (James Bond Related Quiz)
2. The Selecta Affair (Boardgame)


Number of Stories:53
First Appearance:1966
Last Appearance:1969

1 The Last Flight Affair The Last Flight Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1966

1st of 4 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1967.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

2 The Fortune Cookie Affair The Fortune Cookie Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1966

2nd of 4 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1967. This is a text version of the comicbook tale in the 2nd Gold Key comic.
Mistaken for a THRUSH agent, civilian Maria Morgan is passed an important message in a fortune cookie. This is part of a scheme by THRUSH to ship stolen fighter parts to Red China.
Click here to read the story.

3 The Invisible Man Affair The Invisible Man Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1966

3rd of 4 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1967.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

4 The Explosive Affair The Explosive Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1966

4th of 4 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1967. This is a text version of the comicbook tale in the 1st Gold Key comic.
Solo's near death while on a relaxing water-skiing trip was deemed a horrible accident considering the loss of life of his date but evidence points to her being in on the plan to kill him, an act necessary to keep him from stopping a bigger mine 'accident'.
Click here to read the story.

5 The Gasser Affair The Gasser Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines's TV Tornado No. 1, 01/14/1967
THRUSH wants some missile secrets. Solo and Kuryakin must stop them from the goal of getting them.
Click here to read the story.

6 The Abominable Snowman Affair The Abominable Snowman Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines's TV Tornado No. 2, 01/21/1967
Illya Kuryakin must face the legendary snow monster called the Yeti and deal with the evil Omzukar, Lord of the Snows.
Click here to read the story.

7 The The "Whoops, Wrong Capsule" Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines's TV Tornado No. 3, 01/28/1967
Napoleon and Illya are in Norway to find out what THRUSH wants there. Is it the Nazi Military secret in the fiord? They must know!
Click here to read the story.

8 The Magic Carpet Affair The Magic Carpet Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines's TV Tornado No. 4, 02/04/1967
A known gangster steals the dossier of "File HD 9" that are plans for thermo-nuclear development and it is the mission of Solo and Kuryakin to get them back.
Click here to read the story.

9 The Crack Of Doom Affair The Crack Of Doom Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines's TV Tornado No. 5, 02/11/1967
Solo and Kuryakin go by plane guarding with delegates to a special defense conference on the island of San Luiz.
Click here to read the story.

10 The Split Second Affair The Split Second Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines's TV Tornado No. 6, 02/18/1967
THRUSH has a plan to destroy the US Mediterranean Fleet and the famous Agents of U.N.C.L.E. must stop it in Italy within a split second.
Click here to read the story.

11 The Last Man In The Tomb Affair The Last Man In The Tomb Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines's TV Tornado No. 7, 02/25/1967
One of the dangerous agents of THRUSH is believed to be planning a major coup in the Amazon of South America, so Solo and Kuryakin are sent to stop it.
Click here to read the story.

12 The Mini-Men Affair The Mini-Men Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines's TV Tornado No. 8, 03/04/1967
A Dr. Argo working for THRUSH has created a number of mini-men saboteurs that Solo and Kuryakin must stop from stealing a sub.
Click here to read the story.

13 The Terrifying Train Affair The Terrifying Train Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines's TV Tornado No. 9, 03/11/1967
Napoleon and Illya travel to Rome on a train for a mission but end up in the same compartment with 3 THRUSH agents.
Click here to read the story.

14 The Ring-A-Ding Affair The Ring-A-Ding Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines's TV Tornado No. 10, 03/18/1967
Solo and Kuryakin discover a jazz club in London that has connections to THRUSH.
Click here to read the story.

15 The Creeping Cloud Affair The Creeping Cloud Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 11, 03/25/1967
A stranger rolling cloud is reported to kill crops. Solo and Kuryakin are sent to California to find out about it.
Click here to read the story.

16 The Screaming Skull Affair The Screaming Skull Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 12, 04/01/1967
Solo and Kuryakin are sent to the new nation of Cabrolia to stop a THRUSH plan to overthrow the current government. Yet what is the reason for the shrieking ivory skull?
Click here to read the story.

17 The Big Beat Affair The Big Beat Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 13, 04/08/1967.
Mr. Waverloy is kidnapped by THRUSH and they demand that U.N.C.L.E. be disbanded. Will Solo and Kuryakin need help to free their chief or is this the end? 
Click here to read the story.

18 The Tiger Tail Affair The Tiger Tail Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 14, 04/15/1967.
Who shot at the U.N.C.L.E.  agents, why does a girl have a tiger on a leash and can it have something to do with the arrival of Sir Laurence in New York? Find out! 
Click here to read the story.

19 The Medicine Hat Affair The Medicine Hat Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 15, 04/22/1967.
The U.N.C.L.E. agents are sent after a known agent of T.H.R.U.S.H., but are trapped and must find out what their enemies want with some drugs.
Click here to read the story.

20 The Deadly Dozen Affair The Deadly Dozen Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 16, 04/29/1967.
Witnesses have come forward to testify against THRUSH and other criminals, but all have vanished. Can the U.N.C.L.E. agents find out what happened to them?
Click here to read the story.

21 The Broken Arrow Affair The Broken Arrow Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 17, 05/06/1967.
Solo and Kuryakin are sent to look on a scientist that is working on the lunar project. Has the scientist turned traitor and will THRUSH get his research?
Click here to read the story.

22 The Evil Eye Affair The Evil Eye Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 18, 05/13/1967.
Solo and Kuryakin get a phone call that the President might be assassinated, but is it a trick by THRUSH. Solo thinks so and that they are after a special delegation.
Click here to read the story.

23 The Gilded Lily Affair The Gilded Lily Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 19, 05/20/1967.
The agents of U.N.C.L.E. go after THRUSH, because of hi-jacked gold and also get involved in a funeral cortege. 
Click here to read the story.

24 The Time Machine Affair The Time Machine Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 20, 05/27/1967.
THRUSH is playing with the time and tries to kill the U.N.C.L.E. agents, but they discover their plot and stop them.
Click here to read the story.

25 The Big Crunch Affair The Big Crunch Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 21, 06/03/1967.
An oil-rich sultan is throwing a party. The U.N.C.L.E. agents are there to stop  the plans of THRUSH who is in league with one of the sultan's men.
Click here to read the story.

26 The Burning Flood Affair The Burning Flood Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

Printed in City Magazines' TV Tornado No. 22, 06/10/1967.
THRUSH plans to flood the U.S. with bogus dollar bills and it is up to Solo and Kuryakin to stop them.
Click here to read the story.

27 The Hydrofoil Affair The Hydrofoil Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

1st of 8 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1968.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

28 The Gilded Face Affair The Gilded Face Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

2nd of 8 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1968.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

29 The Big Timber Affair The Big Timber Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

3rd of 8 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1968.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

30 The Katmandu Affair The Katmandu Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

4th of 8 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1968.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

31 The Chinese Pagoda Affair The Chinese Pagoda Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

5th of 8 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1968.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

32 The Roman Scandal Affair The Roman Scandal Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

6th of 8 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1968.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

33 The Grey Beard Affair The Grey Beard Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

7th of 8 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1968.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

34 The Flea Circus Affair The Flea Circus Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1967

8th of 8 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1968.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

35 The Green Dragon Affair The Green Dragon Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

1st of 10 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

36 The Doh-Ray-Me Affair The Doh-Ray-Me Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

2nd of 10 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

37 The Big Drum Affair The Big Drum Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

3rd of 10 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

38 The Wax Doll Affair The Wax Doll Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

4th of 10 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

39 The Big Gun Affair The Big Gun Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

5th of 10 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

40 The Skyscraper Affair The Skyscraper Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

6th of 10 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

41 The Double Yolk Affair The Double Yolk Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

7th of 10 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

42 Illya Goes Solo Illya Goes Solo
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

8th of 10 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

43 Bring Bruno Back Alive Bring Bruno Back Alive
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

9th of 10 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

44 Reading Between The Lines Reading Between The Lines
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1968

10th of 10 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

45 The Bad Joke Affair The Bad Joke Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1969

1st of 9 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970
Solo is assigned to go to San Cristobel and find out why THRUSH wants a certain formula.
Click here to read the story.

46 The Big Bang in a Bottle Affair The Big Bang in a Bottle Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1969

2nd of 9 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

47 The Clock Face Affair The Clock Face Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1969

3rd of 9 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

48 The 'Who Flies Where For What' Affair The 'Who Flies Where For What' Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1969

4th of 9 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

49 The Operation Waverly Affair The Operation Waverly Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1969

5th of 9 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

50 The Amusement Pier Affair The Amusement Pier Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1969

6th of 9 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

51 The Cut and Run Affair The Cut and Run Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1969

7th of 9 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

52 The Sand Storm for Illya ... Nap Hand for Napoleon Affair The Sand Storm for Illya ... Nap Hand for Napoleon Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1969

8th of 9 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

53 The Highway to the Sun Affair The Highway to the Sun Affair
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1969

9th of 9 stories published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.


Number of Movies:10
First Appearance:1964
Last Appearance:2015

Knowing a good thing when they had it, the producers of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. turned episodes of their popular television show into full-length movies meant for overseas consumption but also released in the States, usually as drive-in material. For each movie, additional footage was added to fill up the required time, this extra film often used in later episodes of the television show or taken from them in the first place. It consisted largely of scenic shots and airplane takeoffs and landings, and the like. One of the things that helped out in this matter is the fact that there were several two-part episodes meaning that there was already 40+ minutes from each episode. In all there were 8 theatrical releases.

The first movie had an interesting track record. The original pilot for the series was shot in color to interest network executives. When the concept was bought by NBC, it was paired down enough to create the first episode (The Vulcan Affair) with changes made to fit the plans for the series. This included changing the New York HQ head from Mr. Allison to the now famous Mr. Waverly. Additionally, the film was converted to black&white as that was the medium to be used for the tv show. When it was later turned back into a movie for release, new color footage was added.

The third contained a whole subplot involving Alexander Waverly's niece that did not exist in the original television show. The beautiful and talented Yvonne Craig played a most alluring Maude Waverly and would do so in more than one of the movies-from-the-show. Since this subplot took a fair amount of time, the movie ran too long so some scenes from the television show were struck.

In the fourth movie, One of Our Spies Is Missing, Yvonne Craig replaced an actress playing the part of Wanda. Since she had previously been Maude Waverly, her appearance now as Wanda might have confused any fans of the movie series. A new character, Do Do, was brought in as a beautiful but homicidal model working for the bad guys.

[ Note: Much of the above information on the movies came from the excellent coverage in Wikipedia.]

Fifteen years after the cancellation of the show in 1968, a reunion made-for-tv movie was produced with the two main stars reprising their roles, albeit a decade and a half later. The title was the amusing and obvious The Fifteen Years Later Affair and detailed an adventure that required pulling the two now former agents out of their new lives to assist in a vital assignment.

In the many years since the show went off the air, there have been the occasional talk about a new movie being made. Scripts would be written, actors discussed, directors considered and so on. As yet nothing has transpired. The latest, interestingly, is the rumor that veteran actor Tom Cruise, the man who brought Mission: Impossible back, is interested in being also the latest Man From U.N.C.L.E. Whether it will happen or whether he will be Napoleon Solo or some new agent is, of course, still in the deciding.

1 To Trap A Spy To Trap A Spy
Director: Don Medford
Writer: Sam Rolfe
Actors: Robert Vaugn as Napoleon Solo, David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin, Friz Weaver as Andrew Vulcan, Pat Crowley as Elaine Donaldson, Mr. Allison as Will Kuluva
Released: 1964

An American tycoon named Vulcan who is also a member of the criminal organization WASP is planning the death of an African Prime Minister to create chaos in that country. Solo gets the help of the tycoon's former girlfriend to stop him.

2 The Spy With My Face The Spy With My Face
Director: John Newland
Writers: Clyde Ware, Joseph Calvelli
Actors: Robert Vaugn as Napoleon Solo, David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin, Leo G. Carroll as Alexander Waverly, Senta Berger as Serena
Released: 1965

Taken from Episode 1-8, The Double Affair. In order to steal a highly secret weapon from U.N.C.L.E.'s protection, they create a double for Napoleon Solo, kidnap the original, and put in the fake.

3 One Spy Too Many One Spy Too Many
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Actors: Robert Vaugn as Napoleon Solo, David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin, Leo G. Carroll as Alexander Waverly, Rip Torn as Alexander
Released: 1966

Taken from Episodes 2-1 and 2-2, The Alexander The Great Affair. Power-hungry Alexander is determined to take over the world like his namesake so he steals a potent chemical weapon to take over a small country as a staging ground for bigger things.

4 One of Our Spies Is Missing One of Our Spies Is Missing
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writers: Henry Slesar, Howard Rodman
Actors: Robert Vaugn as Napoleon Solo, David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin, Leo G. Carroll as Alexander Waverly, Yvonne Craig as Maude Waverly
Released: 1966

Taken from Episodes 2-20 and 2-21, The Bridge of Lions Affair. While Solo goes in search of a missing scientist, last seen looking amazingly young for his 83 years, Kuryakin must find who is stealing a lot of cats in London. The two cases are part of THRUSH's plan for a youth formula.

5 The Spy In The Green Hat The Spy In The Green Hat
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writers: David Victor, Peter Allan Fields
Actors: Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Solo, David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin, Leticia Roman as Pia Monteri, Jack Palance as Louis Strago, Janet Leigh as Miss Diketon
Released: 1967

Taken from Episodes 3-11 and 3-12. THRUSH is going to change the gulf stream to disrupt Western economy. To do so, they will blow up nuclear weapons in the Atlantic.

6 The Karate Killers The Karate Killers
Director: Barry Shear
Writers: Boris Ingster, Norman Hudis
Actors: Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Solo, David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin, Kim Darby as Sandy True, Joan Crawford as Amanda True, Telly Savalas as Count De Fanzini, Herbert Lom as Randolph
Released: 1967

Taken from Episodes 3-28 and 3-29. Scientist Dr. True has a way to get gold from sea water. THRUSH wants his secret and will kill to get it.

7 The Helicopter Spies The Helicopter Spies
Director: Boris Sagal
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Actors: Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Solo, David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin, Carol Lynley as Annie, Bradford Dillman as Luther Sebastian, John Dehner as Dr. Kharmusi
Released: 1968

Taken from Episodes 4-4 and 4-5. The weapon was called a 'thermal prism' and was developed by a Dr. Kharmusi. It was used on an African village largely as a test as he has bigger plans. Solo and Kuryakin, along with a former associate of the crazed doctor, head to his island to stop him.

8 How To Steal The World How To Steal The World
Director: Sutton Roley
Writer: Norman Hudis
Actors: Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Solo, David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin, Barry Sullivan as Robert Kingsley, Eleanor Parker as Margitta Kingsley
Released: 1969

Taken from Episodes 4-15 and 4-16. When an U.N.C.L.E. agent and a general from a European nation disappear, Solo and Kuryakin investigate. They learn the vanishings are related to the disappearance of five major league scientists by a man with plans for world domination.

9 The Return of the Man From U.N.C.L.E. The Return of the Man From U.N.C.L.E.
aka The Fifteen Years Later Affair
Director: Ray Austin
Writer: Michael Sloan
Actors: Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Solo, David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin, Patrick Macnee as Sir John Raleigh, Gayle Hunnicutt as Andrea Markovich, Anthony Zerbe as Justin Sepheran, George Lazenby as J.B.
Released: 1983

A splinter group from the former THRUSH has stolen a super-bomb, called H975, and demands over a quarter billion dollars. It also demands Napoleon Solo deliver the money. Solo and Kuryakin have long since left the organization but are brought back for this vital mission.

10 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Director: Guy Ritchie
Writers: Guy Ritchie, Lionel Wigram, Jeff Kleeman, David C. Wilson
Actors: Henry Cavill as Napoleon Solo, Armie Hammer as Illya Kuryakin, Alicia Vikander as Gaby Teller, Hugh Grant as Waverly
Released: 2015

It is the early 60's and a new criminal syndicate is trying to sell nuclear weapons. Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin work for a group determined to stop them.


Number of Episodes:105
First Appearance:1964
Last Appearance:1968

Robert VaughnNapoleon Solo [ 1-4 ]
David McCallumIllya Kuryakin [ 1-4 ]
Leo G. CarrollAlexander Waverly [ 1-4 ]

From September, 1964, until January, 1968, Solo, aided by his junior partner, Illya Kuryakin, and directed by his wise leader, fought the forces of evil that would threaten the peace of the world. The primary threat to this stability was the dastardly organization known as THRUSH.

105 'affairs', as each mission was named, were faced by this team during the run of the show. One made-to-TV movie was made in 1983 and cleverly called The Fifteen Years Later Affair. Additionally, eight 'movies' were made from two-part episodes and released in theatres in the U.S. and Europe.

Originally created in response to the great popularity of the James Bond movies and books, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. show became a cult hit all of its own. Interestingly, the man first approached by the show's creator, Norman Felton, to help flesh out the series was Bond creator Ian Fleming. Fleming came up with several ideas that made it into the show, including the name of the main character. Concerns by the producers of the Bond movies over his involvement forced him to drop out, however. Nevertheless, he was very important at the show's infancy.

Another man to play a major role in the show, besides Felton and Fleming, was the writer Alan Caillou. It was through his scripts during the first season that Illya became such an important character. Caillou would go on to write a considerable number of books, in addition to his acting and script writing, including three different spy series himself. As the second season was starting, a relatively new talent, Dean Hargrove, joined the list of writers and penned more episodes than any one else. Mr. Hargrove would go on to be a major player as a writer and producer of numerous popular shows, the most famous of which was Columbo.

The popularity of the show was tremendous and made international stars out of the main actors. At one point, it was seen in over 60 countries. While it did not generate any popular catch-phrases or idioms or such to add the the American lexicon as others did, it in itself became part and remains solidly in the memory of American spy shows.

Originally planned as a Canadian, the creators of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. decided that it would be better for Napoleon Solo to be an American. Illya Kuryakin was, of course, the co-equal part of the adventurous duo but originally he was planned as a minor agent with U.N.C.L.E., one to assist Solo on a case or two. It only took one or two episodes for Illya to become as popular as his senior partner. Kuryakin hailed from the Soviet Union, although it is referred to as Russia to minimize that fact.

The two main characters were sufficiently different to keep each interesting and to not conflict with the other. Vaughn's Solo was sophisticated, suave, and always immaculate, unless he was in a rough-and-tumble fight and even then he cleaned up nicely and quickly. McCallum's Kuryakin was mysterious, dynamic and seething which, coupled with his very handsome face and terrific eyes made him a heartthrobe no young woman could resist.

1 The Vulcan Affair
Episode 1-1, first aired 09/22/1964
Director: Don Medford
Writer: Sam Rolfe
Guest Stars: Pat Crowley as Elaine May Bender Donaldson, Fritz Weaver as Andrew Vulcan, William Marshall as Sekue Ashumen, Eric Berry as Alfred Ghist, Ivan Dixon as Jean Francis Soumarin

Solo is sent to provide protection for a visiting Africah head of state but learns that the man is planning on killing his two top aides.

2 The Iowa Scuba Affair
Episode 1-2, first aired 09/29/1964
Director: Richard Donner
Writer: Harold J. Bloom
Guest Stars: Katherine Crawford as Jill Denison, Slim Pickens as Clint Spinner, Margarita Cordova as Latin Woman, May Heatherly as Heather McNabb, Shirley O'Hara as Aunt Martha

When he goes to Iowa to find out why an airforce man was found dead wearing scuba gear, Solo discovers a plan to steal American planes to take over a Latin American nation.

3 The Quadripartite Affair
Episode 1-3, first aired 10/06/1964
Director: Richard Donner
Writer: Alan Caillou
Guest Stars: Jill Ireland as Marion Raven, Anne Francis as Gervaise Ravel, Richard Anderson as Adam Pattner, Roger C. Carmel as Milan Horth, John Van Dreelen as Harold Bufferton

While in Yugoslavia, Solo and Illya must stop Gervaise Ravel who is planning on using a gas that generates fear to take over more than one government. They are aided by the lovely Raven.

4 The Shark Affair
Episode 1-4, first aired 10/13/1964
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Alvin Sapinsley
Guest Stars: Robert Culp as Captain Shark, Sue Ane Langdon as Elsa Barnman, Herbert Anderson as Harry Barnman, Rockne Tarkington as Mr. Morgan, James Doohan as Mr. MacInernay

A man who has returned to the days of piracy, complete with a Jolly Roger, is stopping vessels at sea and stealing the people.

5 The Deadly Games Affair
Episode 1-5, first aired 10/20/1964
Director: Alvin Ganzer
Writer: Dick Nelson
Guest Stars: Alexander Scourby as Professor Amadeus, Burt Brinckerhoff as Chuck Boskirk, Janine Gray as Angelique, Ben Wright as Stamp Expert, Felix Locher as Major Ernst Neubel

Solo and Illya go in search of a formet Nazi scientist who is working on suspended animation, possibly to bring back his beloved Fuhrer.

6 The Green Opal Affair
Episode 1-6, first aired 10/27/1964
Director: John Peyser
Writer: Robert E. Thompson
Guest Stars: Carroll O'Connor as Walter B. Brach, Joan O'Brien as Chris Brinel, Nachi Nozawa as Chuke, Dovima as Mrs. Karda, Scott Graham as George Tenley

THRUSH is working out of the Yucatan on a procedure to brainwash prominent people but when Solo goes there to put them out of business, he finds he was expected.

7 The Giuoco Piano Affair
Episode 1-7, first aired 11/10/1964
Director: Richard Donner
Writer: Alan Caillou
Guest Stars: Jill Ireland as Marion Raven, Anne Francis as Gervaise Ravel, John Van Dreelen as Harold Bufferton, James Frawley as Lieutenant Manuera, Jon Silo as Alfonso Figueroa

Gervaise Ravel has been spotted in the Andes and Solo and Illya are determined to capture her so they call upon Marion Raven to help.

8 The Double Affair
Episode 1-8, first aired 11/17/1964
Director: John Newland
Writers: Joseph Calvelli, Clyde Ware
Guest Stars: Senta Berger as Serena, Sharon Farrell as Sandy Wister, Michael Evans as Darius Two, Fabrizio Mioni as Arsene Coria, Bill Gunn as Namana

The seductive Serena is the lure to capture Solo and replace him with a double, all to get their hands on an energy source.

9 The Project Strigas Affair
Episode 1-9, first aired 11/24/1964
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writer: Henry Misrock
Guest Stars: William Shatner as Michael Donfield, Leonard Nimoy as Vladeck, Peggy Ann Garner as Anne Donfield, Werner Klemperer as Laslo Kurasov, Narda Onyx as Madame Kurasov

When a diplomat tries to get the Cold War hot again, Solo and Illya must find a way to discredit him without making him look like a martyr.

10 The Finny Foot Affair
Episode 1-10, first aired 12/01/1964
Director: Marc Daniels
Writers: Jack Turley, Jay Simms
Guest Stars: Kurt Russell as Christopher Larson, Leonard Strong as General Yokura, Tura Satana as Tomo, Adair Jameson as Ticket Agent, Dinny Powell as Henderson

While trying to track down a scientist who has created an aging chemical which is proving very deadly, Solo must contend with a 10-year old boy who wants him to marry his mother.

11 The Neptune Affair
Episode 1-11, first aired 12/08/1964
Director: Vincent McEveety
Writers: Henry Sharp, John W. Bloch
Guest Stars: Henry Jones as Vincent Lockridge, Jeremy Slate as Gabe Melcroft, Marta Kristen as Felicia Lavimore, Alexander Lockwood as Jonas Wyatt Lavimore, John Banner as Dr. Foster

Shooting missile off the West Coast of the US to destroy the USSR harvests, a group of scientists hope to force the start of WWIII.

12 The Dove Affair
Episode 1-12, first aired 12/15/1964
Director: John Peyser
Writer: Robert Towne
Guest Stars: Ricardo Montalban as Satine, June Lockhart as Sarah Taub, Emile Genest as Arseny Linz, Henry Lascoe as Premier Dobony Earnst, Hans Difflipp as Colonel

Behind the Iron Curtain, Solo is able to get his hands on a medallion which contains a microdot holding the names of THRUSH agents but as he tries to get it out, he is pursued by a police captain who wants the list.

13 The King of Knaves Affair
Episode 1-13, first aired 12/22/1964
Director: Michael O'Herlihy
Writer: Ellis Marcus
Guest Stars: Paul Stevens as Fasik el Pasad, Diana Millay as Ernestine Pepper, Arlene Martel as Gemma Lusso, Gregory Morton as Carlo Venerdi, Erik Holland as Bobo Barrett

The deposed king of a Middle East country is plotting to retake his throne first by wrecking havoc with its economy and then sending in mercenaries.

14 The Terbuf Affair
Episode 1-14, first aired 12/29/1964
Director: Richard Donner
Writer: Alan Caillou
Guest Stars: Madlyn Rhue as Clara Valder, Albert Paulsen as Major Vicek, Jacques Aubuchon as Emil, Kurt Kreuger as Stefan Valder, Alan Caillou as Colonel Morisco

Solo is on vacation when an old lover asks for help smuggling a gypsy leader out of Terbuf before the head of that country's secret police can capture him to recover evidence of the policeman's embezzlement.

15 The Deadly Decoy Affair
Episode 1-15, first aired 01/11/1965
Director: Alvin Ganzer
Writer: Albert Aley
Guest Stars: Ralph Taeger as Egon Stryker, Joanna Moore as Fran Parsons, Berry Kroeger as Frame, Andy Albin as Mr. Thyssen, Irene Tedrow as Mrs. Thyssen

Plot: Solo and Illya are escorting a captured THRUSH agent to Washington while another pair escort a decoy. Or is it the other way around? And what should be done about the innocent secretary who gets accidentally handcuffed to the prisoner?

16 The Fiddlesticks Affair
Episode 1-16, first aired 01/18/1965
Director: Theodore Flicker
Writers: Aben Kandel, Peter Allan Fields
Guest Stars: Dan O'Herlihy as Marcel Rudolph, Marlyn Mason as Susan Callaway, Ken Murray as Anton Korbel

Solo and Illya want to put a dent in THRUSH's coffers by getting a safe cracker to break into a THRUSH casino and destroy $50 million in cash.

17 The Yellow Scarf Affair
Episode 1-17, first aired 01/25/1965
Director: Ron Winston

Both Solo and a THRUSH agent are in India looking for a crashed airliner in which an UNCLE agent died couriering a new polygraph device. The plane was downed by a cult of Thuggees getting rich on looting sabotagued planes.

18 The Mad-Mad Tea Party Affair
Episode 1-18, first aired 02/01/1965
Director: Seymour Robbie
Writer: Dick Nelson
Guest Stars: Zohra Lampert as Kay Lorrison, Richard Haydn as Mr. Hemingway, Peter Haskell as Riley, Lee Meriwether as Dr. Egret, Dean Harens as Walter

As important visitors collect for a major meeting at U.N.C.L.E. headquarters, THRUSH plans the assassination of them all but as Solo and Illya try to stop it, they are plagued by the strange actions of a mysterious Mr. Hemmingway.

19 The Secret Sceptre Affair
Episode 1-19, first aired 02/08/1965
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Anthony Spinner
Guest Stars: Gene Raymond as Col. Allan Morgan, Ziva Rodann as Zia, Lili Darvas as Madam Karim, Paul Lukather as Capt. Ahmed, Richard Angarola as Lt. Saud

Solo's commanding officer during the Korean War needs help stealing a national symbol of the man's country and returning it to the people, trouble that came after he had killed that nation's dictator.

20 The Bow Wow Affair
Episode 1-20, first aired 02/15/1965
Director: Sherman Marks
Writer: Alan Caillou
Guest Stars: Susan Oliver as Ursula Alice Baldwin, Pat Harrington Jr. as Guido Panzini, Paul Lambert as Andre Delgrovia, Antoinette Bower as Delilah Dovro, Leigh Chapman as Sarah

As Solo recovers from a knee injury, Illya is sent to find out why a cousin of Waverly was attacked by his own dog shortly after the man had refused to sell his stock in his company at a fraction of its value, all forced by a visiting gypsy.

21 The Four Steps Affair
Episode 1-21, first aired 02/22/1965
Director: Alvin Ganzer
Writers: Peter Allan Fields, Joseph Calvelli
Guest Stars: Luciana Paluzzi as Angela, Michel Petit as Miki, Donald Harron as Kitt Kittridge, Malachi Throne as Kaza, Miguel ?ngel Landa as Dancer

A ten-year old boy is the new Prince of a Himalayan nation which has been having major internal struggles. He is the target of THRUSH who wants to kidnap him or kill him if that is not possible. Solo and Illya must intervene.

22 The See Paris and Die Affair
Episode 1-22, first aired 03/01/1965
Director: Alf Kjellin
Writers: Peter Allan Fields, Sheldon Stark
Guest Stars: Lloyd Bochner as Max Van Schreeten, Alfred Ryder as Corio, Kathryn Hays as Mary Pilgrim, Gerald Mohr as Josef Van Schreeten, Marcel Hillaire as Gendarme Sergeant

Two brothers have stolen a huge amount of diamonds and are extorting the diamond market to cough up a large ransom or have the market flooded. Even as Solo tries to catch the, THRUSH is trying to steal the gems.

23 The Brain Killer Affair
Episode 1-23, first aired 03/08/1965
Director: James Goldstone
Writer: Archie Tegland
Guest Stars: Elsa Lanchester as Dr. Agnes Dabree, Yvonne Craig as Cecille Bergstrom, Abraham Sofaer as Mr. Gabhail Samoy, David Hurst as Dr. Leland Mayes Elmont, Nancy Kovack as Miss Flostone

As he is poison, Waverly is rushed to the hospital where he becomes the victim of evil THRUSH agent Dr. Dabree and her brain-altering ray machine.

24 The Hong Kong Shilling Affair
Episode 1-24, first aired 03/15/1965
Director: Alvin Ganzer
Writer: Alan Caillou
Guest Stars: Glenn Corbett as Bernie Oren, Karen Sharpe as Heavenly Cortelle, Gavin MacLeod as Cleveland, Richard Kiel as Merry, Richard O'Brien as Fauntleroy

Mr. Cleveland hosts a black markey auction house in Hong Kong specializing the selling of military secrets. Solo is sent to break it up from the outside while Illya infiltrates as a Mongolian warlord.

25 The Never-Never Affair
Episode 1-25, first aired 03/22/1965
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Guest Stars: Barbara Feldon as Mandy Stevenson, Cesar Romero as Victor Gervais, Robert Gibbons as Donald Baker, Leigh Chapman as Sarah, Kate Murtagh as Miss Raven

The lovely Mandy is a translator for UNCLE but yearns for more. To please her, Solo comes up with a fake assignment which is really just to buy Waverly more tobacco but when she accidentally gets her hand on some microfilm, she is the target of THRUSH.

26 The Love Affair
Episode 1-26, first aired 03/29/1965
Director: Marc Daniels
Writer: Albert Aley
Guest Stars: Eddie Albert as Brother Love, Maggie Pierce as Pearl Rolfe, Robert H. Harris as Dr. Janos Hradny, Antony Carbone as Brother Truth, Michael Masters as Brother Faith

The evangelist known as Brother Love, a very popular preacher, is really a THRUSH leader who is forcing a kidnapped scientist to build a nuclear spaceship.

27 The Gazebo in the Maze Affair
Episode 1-27, first aired 04/05/1965
Director: Alf Kjellin
Writers: Dean Hargrove, Anthony Ellis
Guest Stars: George Sanders as G. Emory Partridge, Jeanette Nolan as Edith Partridge, John Alderson as Jenkins, John Orchard as Forrest, Bonnie Franklin as Peggy Durra

A member of the gentry has a major beef with Solo and Illya. To square it, he kidnaps the latter to entice the former into a torture trap.

28 The Girls of Nazarone Affair
Episode 1-28, first aired 04/12/1965
Director: Alvin Ganzer
Writers: Peter Allan Fields, Peter Barry
Guest Stars: Marian McCargo as Madame Alceste Streigau, aka Dr. Egret, Danica D'Hondt as Lucia Nazarone, Ben Wright as Dr. Nicole Baurel, Kathy Kersh as Sophie, Sharon Tate as Therapist

Evil Dr. Egret is at it again, this time concocting a serum that is said to provide great strength and vitality, even bringing the dead back to life. Solo and Illya head to the Riviera to check it out.

29 The Odd Man Affair
Episode 1-29, first aired 04/19/1965
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writer: Dick Nelson
Guest Stars: Martin Balsam as Albert Sully, Barbara Shelley as Bryn Watson, Hedley Mattingly as Mr. Wye, Oscar Beregi Jr. as Mr. Hollander, Ronald Long as Mr. Zed

Albert Sully had retired from UNCLE a while back but when Solo and Illya need him to impersonate a gangster, he happily comes back and then goes off on his own with the mission.

30 The Alexander the Greater Affair, Part 1
Episode 2-1, first aired 09/17/1965
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Guest Stars: Rip Torn as Alexander, Dorothy Provine as Tracey Alexander, David Opatoshu as Mr. Kavon, David Sheiner as Parviz, Robert Karnes as Colonel Hawks

Leaving behind a tablet with the number 8 on it, industrialist Alexander has stolen nerve gas from a US Army facility to help in his plans of taking over the world.

31 The Alexander the Greater Affair, Part 2
Episode 2-2, first aired 09/24/1965
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Guest Stars: Rip Torn as Alexander, Dorothy Provine as Tracey Alexander, David Opatoshu as Mr. Kavon, David Sheiner as Parviz, Robert Karnes as Colonel Hawks

Leaving behind a tablet with the number 8 on it, industrialist Alexander has stolen nerve gas from a US Army facility to help in his plans of taking over the world.

32 The Ultimate Computer Affair
Episode 2-3, first aired 10/01/1965
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writer: Peter Allan Fields
Guest Stars: Charles Ruggles as Governor Callahan, Roger C. Carmel as Captain Cervantes, Judy Carne as Salty Oliver, Judith Loomis as Flora, Susan Wedell as Dora

THRUSH is hiding its latest computer inside a Latin American prison so Illya gets himself sent there as a prisoner. Solo works from the outside as the husband of a social worker.

33 The Foxes and Hounds Affair
Episode 2-4, first aired 10/08/1965
Director: Alf Kjellin
Writers: Peter Allan Fields, Eric Bercovici
Guest Stars: Patricia Medina as Lucia Belmont, Julie Sommars as Mimi Doolittle, Vincent Price as Victor Marton, Adam Roarke as Cantrell, Don Henley as Belmont's A

It isn't magic when the magician really can read your mind, thanks to a device he created. As Solo and Illya try to get their hands on it, THRUSH agents are vieing for it as well.

34 The Discotheque Affair
Episode 2-5, first aired 10/15/1965
Director: Tom Gries
Writers: Leonard Stadd, Dean Hargrove
Guest Stars: Judi West as Sandy Wyler, Ray Danton as Vincent Carver, Harvey Lembeck as Tiger Ed, Evelyn Ward as Farina, Eric Braeden as Mr. Oakes

As Illya checks out a discotheque that THRUSH is using to store many of its records, Solo deals with a tenant problem and discovers THRUSH has tried to bug UNCLE hq.

35 The Recollectors Affair
Episode 2-6, first aired 10/22/1965
Director: Alvin Ganzer
Writer: Alan Caillou
Guest Stars: Jocelyn Lane as Lisa Donato, Jacqueline Beer as Genevieve Fiamma, George Macready as Demos, Theodore Marcuse as Gregori Valetti, Rico Cattani as Herak

The Recollectors are a group that steals the art collections the Nazis stole in the first place, often killing the Nazis in the process. They then try to sell the items back to the original owners. Solo and Illya go after them.

36 The Arabian Affair
Episode 2-7, first aired 10/29/1965
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writer: Peter Allan Fields
Guest Stars: Phyllis Newman as Sophie, Michael Ansara as Sulador, Robert Ellenstein as David Lewin, Jerome Thor as Norman, Tom Hatten as Thrush Captain

In a facility in the Middle East, THRUSH has been creating a machine which can vaporize anything.

37 The Tigers Are Coming Affair
Episode 2-8, first aired 11/05/1965
Director: Herschel Daugherty
Writers: Alan Caillou, Paul Tuckahoe
Guest Stars: Jill Ireland as Suzanne de Serre, Lee Bergere as Prince Panat, Florence Marly as Drusilla Davina, Jose De Vega as Ferak, Carmelo Manto as Baron Cosimo

In India, not only is a good deal of the jungle dying but the people living in the region are disappearing. Solo and Illya head there to help a woman who has been investigating.

38 The Deadly Toys Affair
Episode 2-9, first aired 11/12/1965
Director: John Braham
Writer: Robert Hill
Guest Stars: Angela Lansbury as Elfie van Donck, Diane McBain as Joanna Lydecker, Arnold Moss as Noubar Telemakian, Gloria Neil as Sarah, Jay North as Bartlett Warshowsky

Bartlett Warshowsky is a genius. He is also a young boy. THRUSH wants to tap his brain for its inventions while Solo and Illya try to rescue him.

39 The Cherry Blossom Affair
Episode 2-10, first aired 11/19/1965
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writers: Mark Weingart, Sherman Yellen
Guest Stars: France Nuyen as Cricket Okasada, Woodrow Parfrey as Kutuzov, Jerry Fujikawa as Harada, Beulah Quo as Japanese Woman, Beau Vanden Ecker as Victor

In Japan, the branch of THRUSH there has gotten their hands on a device that can bring volcanoes active again.

40 The Virtue Affair
Episode 2-11, first aired 12/03/1965
Director: Jud Taylor
Writer: Henry Slesar
Guest Stars: Mala Powers as Albert Dubois, Marcel Hillaire as Raoul Dubois, Frank Marth as Carl Voegler, Lawrence Montaigne as Jailer, Billy Beck as Scientist

A Frenchman named Robespierre is very upset with the state of affairs in his country and is out to destroy all the vineyards in the nation.

41 The Children's Day Affair
Episode 2-12, first aired 12/10/1965
Director: Sherman Marks
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Guest Stars: Jeanne Cooper as Mother Fear aka Yvonne, Susan Silo as Anna Paola, Warren Stevens as Capt. Dennis Jenks, Eduardo Ciannelli as Carlo Farenti, Horst Ebersberg as Huck

A boys' school in Switzerland is a THRUSH front. It is also very close to where a top-level U.N.C.L.E. conference is going on and the conferees are now excellent sniper targets.

42 The Adriatic Express Affair
Episode 2-13, first aired 12/17/1965
Director: Seymour Robbie
Writer: Robert Hill
Guest Stars: Jessie Royce Landis as Madame Olga Nemirovitch, Juliet Mills as Eva, Sol Gorss as Konrad, Chuck Hicks as Hans

On a train from Vienna to Venice, Solo and Illya are the hunt for a new THRUSH chemical that can stop all reproduction in any life form.

43 The Yukon Affair
Episode 2-14, first aired 12/24/1965
Director: Alf Kjellin
Writer: Marc Siegel
Guest Stars: George Sanders as G. Emory Partridge, Marian Thompson as Victoria, Tianne Gabrielle as Murphy, Bernie Gozier as Headman

G. Emory Partridge is back, now working in the Yukon where he has uncovered a quantity of Quadrillenium X, a heavy metal which is very magnetic and fits beautifully in a new THRUSH plan.

44 The Very Important Zombie Affair
Episode 2-15, first aired 12/31/1965
Director: David Alexander
Writer: Boris Ingster
Guest Stars: Linda Gaye Scott as Suzy, Claude Akins as El Supremo, Rodolfo Acosta as Captain Ramirez, Ken Renard as Dr. Delgado, Isabel Cooley as Conchita Delgado

The dictator of a small Caribbean nation has put a voodoo curse on an UNCLE doctor and placed him in a trance-like state. Solo and Illya head there to rescue him.

45 The Dippy Blond Affair
Episode 2-16, first aired 01/07/1966
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writer: Peter Allan Fields
Guest Stars: Joyce Jameson as Jojo Tyler, Fabrizio Mioni as Harry Pendleton, Robert Strauss as Simon Baldanado, James Frawley as Max, Rex Holman as Eddie

A THRUSH bigwig has possession of an ion projection device that UNCLE wants to get their hands on. Solo makes use of the man's girlfriend who is upset because her real love has fallen victim to the man.

46 The Deadly Goddess Affair
Episode 2-17, first aired 01/16/1966
Director: Seymour Robbie
Writer: Robert Hill
Guest Stars: Michael Strong as Narouz, Victor Buono as Colonel Hubris, Joseph Sirola as Malik, Daniel J. Travanti as Luca, Steven Geray as Count Corra

Solo and Illya head to a small island nation to recover a drone plane that went down carrying a large amount of THRUSH money but in addition to THRUSH agents, they have to combat two lovely ladies who want husbands.

47 The Birds and Bees Affair
Episode 2-18, first aired 01/21/1966
Director: Alvin Ganzer
Writer: Mark Weingart
Guest Stars: Ahna Capri as Tavia Sandor, John McGiver as Mr. Mozart, John Abbott as Dr. Ellias Swan, Vincent Beck as Vince Maples, Lorri Scott as Dance Instructor

Illya and a companion are captured by THRUSH who want to force him to get them into UNCLE hq so they can release a strain of tiny deadly bees.

48 The Waverly Ring Affair
Episode 2-19, first aired 01/28/1966
Director: John Brahm
Writer: Jerry McNeely
Guest Stars: Larry Blyden as George Dennell, Elizabeth Allen as Carla Drosten, Jim Boles as Dr. Lazarus, Erik Holland as U.N.C.L.E. Agent 18, Lee Delano as Victor

Solo and Illya are tasked with finding out if a very trusted UNCLE official is really a double agent when classified documents in his possession are found on the outside.

49 The Bridge of Lions Affair, Part 1
Episode 2-20, first aired 02/04/1966
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writers: Howard Rodman, Henry Slesar
Guest Stars: Maurice Evans as Sir Norman Swickert, Ann Elder as Joanna Sweet, Vera Miles as Madame Raine De Sala, Bernard Fox as Jordin, Monica Keating as Olga

Solo and Illya must look into a new scheme by THRUSH, this time to come up with a rejuvenation method. Illya is bemused his part of the investigation involves checking into cats disappearing in London.

50 The Bridge of Lions Affair, Part 2
Episode 2-21, first aired 02/11/1966
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writers: Howard Rodman, Henry Slesar
Guest Stars: Maurice Evans as Sir Norman Swickert, Ann Elder as Joanna Sweet, Vera Miles as Madame Raine De Sala, Bernard Fox as Jordin, Monica Keating as Olga

Solo and Illya must look into a new scheme by THRUSH, this time to come up with a rejuvenation method. Illya is bemused his part of the investigation involves checking into cats disappearing in London.

51 The Foreign Legion Affair
Episode 2-22, first aired 02/18/1966
Director: John Brahm
Writer: Bernie Giller
Guest Stars: Danielle De Metz as Barbara, Howard Da Silva as Captain Basil Calhoun, Elisabeth Fraser as Macushla O'Shea, Michael Pate as Lucienne Bey, Vivienne Ventura as Aisha

To escape THRUSH agents after stealing their code documents, Illya and his companion must parachute from their plane but they land in a desert near an abandoned fort run by a man perhaps not all there.

52 The Moonglow Affair
Episode 2-23, first aired 02/25/1966
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Guest Stars: Mary Ann Mobley as 04/Dancer, Norman Fell as Mark Slate, Kevin McCarthy as Arthur Caresse, Mary Carver as Jean Caresse, Woodrow Parfrey as Andy Watson

With Solo and Illya unable to work having been zapped with a quartzite radiation projector, young agent 04/Dancer and her retired trainer must find the antidote.

53 The Nowhere Affair
Episode 2-24, first aired 03/04/1966
Director: Michael Ritchie
Writer: Robert Hill
Guest Stars: Diana Hyland as Mara, Lou Jacobi as Arum Tertunian, David Sheiner as Walter Longolius, J. Pat O'Malley as The Old Prospector, Leigh Chapman as Wanda

About to be captured while on a mission in Nevada, Solo swallows an amnesia capsule. Even as THRUSH tries to restore his memory, Illya tries to find him.

54 The King of Diamonds Affair
Episode 2-25, first aired 03/11/1966
Director: Joseph Sargent

The diamond market is being disrupted by a British gang who are planning to flood the market with their stolen diamonds.

55 The Project Deephole Affair
Episode 2-26, first aired 03/18/1966
Director: Alex March
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Guest Stars: Jack Weston as Harry 'Buzz' Conway, Barbara Bouchet as Narcissus Darling, Leon Askin as Marvin Elom, Tony Monaco as Leon, Walter Sande as Manager

While trying to kidnap a geologist who has come up with a machine that can generate earthquakes, THRUSH agents grab the wrong man. Solo and Illya must get him out while protecting the real man.

56 The Roundtable Affair
Episode 2-27, first aired 03/25/1966
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writer: Robert Hill
Guest Stars: Valora Noland as Vicky, Bruce Gordon as Lucho Nostra, Don Francks as Artie King, Reginald Gardiner as Prince Fredrick, Tom Barto as 'Bullets' Malone

A criminal gang has taken over a small European principality, one that has no extradition treaty and is creating a refuge for bad guys.

57 The Bat Cave Affair
Episode 2-28, first aired 04/01/1966
Director: Alf Kjellin
Writer: Jeff McNeeley
Guest Stars: Joan Freeman as Clemency McGill, Martin Landau as Count Ladislaus Zark, Whit Bissell as Prof. Harvey Glomm, Peter Baron as Transom, Charles Horvath as Servant

A man who comes across as a vampire, or next to it, has a huge flock of radioactive bats he is planning on unleashing.

58 The Minus X Affair
Episode 2-29, first aired 04/08/1966
Director: Barry Shear
Writer: Peter Allan Fields
Guest Stars: Eve Arden as Professor Lillian Stemmler, Sharon Farrell as Leslie Stemmler, Theodore Marcuse as Arthur Rollo, King Moody as Allen B. Whittaker, Dick Dial as Thrush Expert

Solo and Illya are told to find and protect a female professor who has invented a drug that enhances all human senses. They do not know she is also a THRUSH agent though she is having second thoughts until THRUSH kidnaps her daughter.

59 The Indian Affairs Affair
Episode 2-30, first aired 04/15/1966
Director: Alf Kjellin
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Guest Stars: Victoria Vetri as Charisma Highcloud, Joe Mantell as L. C. Carson, Ted de Corsia as Chief Highcloud, Nicholas Colasanto as Ralph, Richard Loo as Dr. Yaham

On an Indian reservation, THRUSH has kidnapped the chief of the tribe to provide a base from which to put together a hydrogen bomb.

60 The Her Master's Voice Affair
Episode 3-1, first aired 09/16/1966
Director: Barry Shear
Writer: Bernie Giller
Guest Stars: Marianne Osborne as Verity Burgoyne, Victoria Young as Miki Matsu, Estelle Winwood as Hester Partridge, Joseph Ruskin as Jason Sutro, Dale Ishimoto as Dr. Matsu

A girls school filled with young daughters of VIPs, THRUSH has infiltrated the ranks and is brainwashing all the students.

61 The Sort-of-Do-It-Yourself-Dreadful Affair
Episode 3-2, first aired 09/23/1966
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writer: Harlan Ellison
Guest Stars: Jeannine Riley as Andy Francis, Pamela Curran as Margo Hayward, Woodrow Parfrey as Dr. Ansel Pertwee, Barry Atwater as Mr. Lash, Fritz Feld as Mr. Toeffler

THRUSH scientist Pertwee has created a small army of super strong robot-like women and Solo has the misfortune of going up against one.

62 The Galatea Affair
Episode 3-3, first aired 09/30/1966
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writer: Jackson Gillis
Guest Stars: Noel Harrison as Mark Slate, Joan Collins as Baroness / Rosy, Carl Esmond as Baron Freddy De Chasseur, Michael St. Clair as Olaf, Richard Angarola as Mr. Thirty

Illya and Mark Slate gets a woman who is identical to a THRUSH money courier to take her place but the real courier, a Baroness, manages to take her place, thus pretending to be herself.

63 The Super-Colossal Affair
Episode 3-4, first aired 10/07/1966
Director: Barry Shear
Writer: Stanford Sherman
Guest Stars: Shelley Berman as Sheldon Veblen, Carol Wayne as Ginger LaVeer, J. Carrol Naish as Uncle Giuliano, Bernard Fein as Frank Cariago, Alfred Shelly as Angelo

Using the filming of an action movie, gangsters are planning to rob casinos in Las Vegas and they are going to drop a giant stink bomb to pull it off.

64 The Monks of St. Thomas Affair
Episode 3-5, first aired 10/14/1966
Director: Alex March
Writer: Sheldon Stark
Guest Stars: Celeste Yarnall as Andrea Fouchet, David J. Stewart as Abbot Simon, Henry Calvin as Brother Peter, John Wengraf as Abbot John, Iggie Wolfington as Brother Paulus

THRUSH is out to destroy the great works of art stored in the Louvre using a laser fired from a monastery taken over by the man in charge of the plot.

65 The Pop Art Affair
Episode 3-6, first aired 10/21/1966
Director: George WaGGner
Writers: John Shaner, Al Ramus
Guest Stars: Sherry Alberoni as Sylvia Harrison, Sabrina Scharf as Mari Brooks, Robert H. Harris as Mark Ol?, Nellie Burt as Mrs. Harrison, Charles Lane as Ralph Harrison

Using a band of beatniks, THRUSH agent is planning an unusual robbery by unleashing a chemical that causes hiccups that can kill you.

66 The Thor Affair
Episode 3-7, first aired 10/28/1966
Director: Sherman Marks
Writers: Don Richman, Stanley Ralph Ross
Guest Stars: Linda Foster as Nellie Canford, Bernard Fox as Brutus Thor, Harry Davis as Dr. Fazir Nahdi, Arthur Batanides as Mohan Kiru, Ken Renard as Dr. Diljohn

Solo and Illya have been directed to act as bodyguards for a peace advocate who chose as his temporary residence while attending a conference the home of a friend, actually a THRUSH agent.

67 The Candidate's Wife Affair
Episode 3-8, first aired 11/04/1966
Director: George WaGGner
Writer: Robert Hill
Guest Stars: Diana Hyland as Miranda Bryant / Irina, Larry D. Mann as Arnold Fairbanks, Richard Anderson as Senator Bryant, Anna-Lisa as Signe, Than Wyenn as Dr. Osvald Caxton

THRUSH might not be able to win the Presidency but they hope by replacing the wife of the leading candidate with a double, it might be almost as good.

68 The Come with Me to the Casbah Affair
Episode 3-9, first aired 11/21/1966
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck

A THRUSH agent has stolen an important code book from his own boss and fled to Algiers. Solo and Illya race rival THRUSH agents to get their hands on it.

69 The Off-Broadway Affair
Episode 3-10, first aired 11/18/1966
Director: Sherman Marks
Writer: Jerry McNeely
Guest Stars: Joan Huntington as Linda Lamentiere, Shari Lewis as Janet Jerrod, Leon Askin as David X. Machina, Charles Dierkop as Adolph, Peggy Ann Taylor as Eileen Osborne

The THRUSH scheme to tap UNCLE's computer calls for them to bankroll a musical on Broadway as a cover.

70 The Concrete Overcoat Affair, Part 1
Episode 3-11, first aired 11/25/1966
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writers: Peter Allan Fields, David Victor
Guest Stars: Jack Palance as Louis Strago, Janet Leigh as Miss Diketon, Eduardo Ciannelli as Arturo 'Fingers' Stilletto, Allen Jenkins as Enzo 'Pretty' Stilletto, Jack La Rue as Federico 'Feet' Stilletto

The THRUSH plan is to divert the Gulf Stream by using heavy water, a plot devised by a former NAZI scientist.

71 The Concrete Overcoat Affair, Part 2
Episode 3-12, first aired 12/02/1966
Director: Joseph Sargent
Writers: Peter Allan Fields, David Victor
Guest Stars: Jack Palance as Louis Strago, Janet Leigh as Miss Diketon, Eduardo Ciannelli as Arturo 'Fingers' Stilletto, Allen Jenkins as Enzo 'Pretty' Stilletto, Joan Blondell as Mrs. Fingers Stilletto

The THRUSH plan is to divert the Gulf Stream by using heavy water, a plot devised by a former NAZI scientist.

72 The Abominable Snowman Affair
Episode 3-13, first aired 12/09/1966
Director: Otto Lang
Writer: Krishna Shah
Guest Stars: Anne Jeffreys as Calamity Rogers, Pilar Seurat as Amra Palli, David Sheiner as The Prime Minister, Philip Ahn as High Lama of Ghupat, Fuji as Chief of Warriors

The Prime Minister of Chupat in the Himalayas has kidnapped the heir to the throne and is planning on putting his own son in control unless Solo and Illya can stop him.

73 The My Friend the Gorilla Affair
Episode 3-14, first aired 12/16/1966
Director: Alex Singer
Writers: Don Richman, Joseph Sandy
Guest Stars: Joyce Jillson as Marsha Woodley / Marsha Woodhugh, Vitina Marcus as Girl / Rebecca Woodhugh, Alan Mowbray as Harry Blackburn, Percy Rodrigues as President Khufu, Arthur Malet as Professor Kento

To help him take over all of Africa, a research professor has come up with a super-soldier formula with which to create an army.

74 The Jingle Bells Affair
Episode 3-15, first aired 12/23/1966
Director: John Brahm
Writer: William Fay
Guest Stars: Ellen Willard as Priscilla Worth, Akim Tamiroff as Chairman Georgi Koz, Kent Smith as Mr. Macy, Leon Belasco as Maxim Radish, J. Pat O'Malley as Francis X. O'Reilly

The Premier of an Iron Curtain nation is visiting the West and Solo and Illya are given protection duty which is good because his enemies have a series of attempts on his life planned.

75 The Take Me to Your Leader Affair
Episode 3-16, first aired 12/30/1966
Director: George Waggner
Writer: Bernie Giler
Guest Stars: Nancy Sinatra as Coco Cool, Whitney Blake as Corinne Ackers, Paul Lambert as Simon Sparrow, Woodrow Parfrey as Dr. Adrian Cool, James Griffith as Dr. Trebush

When a scientist spots an approaching UFO and reports it, his daughter is kidnapped. When Illya investigates, he disappears as well. Solo must unravel the mystery.

76 The Suburbia Affair
Episode 3-17, first aired 01/06/1967
Director: Charles Haas
Writers: Stanford Sherman, Sheldon Gibney
Guest Stars: Beth Brickell as Betsy Wilson, Victor Borge as Mr. Willoughby / Dr. Lyman Rutter, Richard Erdman as P.T. Barkley, Reta Shaw as Miss Witherspoon, Herbert Anderson as Jonathan Fletcher

A scientist has invented antimatter but he is worried it will be used destructively so he hides out. Both Solo and Illya look for him even as THRUSH does the same.

77 The Deadly Smorgasbord Affair
Episode 3-18, first aired 01/13/1967
Director: Barry Shear
Writers: Ralph Soos, Peter Bourne
Guest Stars: Lynn Loring as Neila Nillson, Pamela Curran as Inga Bergstrum, Robert Emhardt as Heinrich Beckman, Peter Brocco as Dr. A. C. Nillson, Horst Ebersberg as Swen

A suspended animation device has been created and then stolen in Sweden and Solo is tasked with finding it as THRUSH is planning on invading UNCLE headquarters there using it.

78 The Yo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of Rum Affair
Episode 3-19, first aired 01/20/1967
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writer: Norman Hudis
Guest Stars: Dan O'Herlihy as Capt. Rupert Oliver Morton, Peggy Ann Taylor as Jenny Janus, Kevin Hagen as Passenger, Eddie Quillan as Scotty MacPherson, Robert DoQui as Hank

THRUSH needs to transport a device capable of creating tidal waves. They choose a ship whose captain is very unpopular with its crew. Illya joins the ship and soon takes charge of the mutiny.

79 The Napoleon's Tomb Affair
Episode 3-20, first aired 01/27/1967
Director: John Brahm
Writer: James N. Whiton
Guest Stars: Joseph Sirola as Malanez, Kurt Kasznar as Nasasos Tunick, Ted Cassidy as Edgar, Fritz Feld as multiple parts, Merc?d?s Molinar as Candyce

The visit by a country's President to Paris gives his assistant a chance to disgrace him by first making him hate the French and then make it look like he is trying to steal Napoleon Bonaparte's body.

80 The It's All Greek to Me Affair
Episode 3-21, first aired 02/03/1967
Director: George WaGGner
Writers: Robert Hill, Eric Faust
Guest Stars: Linda Marsh as Kyra, Harold J. Stone as Stavros Macropalous, George Keymas as Manolakas, Peter Balakoff as Nico, Michael Davis as Kostas

In Greece to get back stolen UNCLE documents, Illya goes up against a father who mistakes him for his daughter's husband and tries to have him dispatched.

81 The Hula Doll Affair
Episode 3-22, first aired 02/17/1967
Director: Eddie Saeta
Writer: Stanford Sherman
Guest Stars: Grace Gaynor as Wendy Thyme, Pat Harrington Jr. as Peter Sweet, Jan Murray as Simon Sweet, Patsy Kelly as Mama Sweet, Rex Holman as Oregano

Two THRUSH leaders, brothers who are always competing, have taken possession of a toy hula doll which has a powerful UNCLE explosive inside that will go off when it gets too warm. Solo and Illya must get it back.

82 The Pieces of Fate Affair
Episode 3-23, first aired 02/24/1967
Director: John Brahm
Writers: Harlan Ellison, Yale Udoff
Guest Stars: Sharon Farrell as Jacqueline Midcult, Grayson Hall as Jody Moore, Theodore Marcuse as Ellipsis Zark, Richard Collier as Oedipus Buck, Charles Seel as Uncle Charlie

An author has written a best seller that UNCLE sees is really a series of events taken from THRUSH diaries. Before they can pull her in, she is attacked by THRUSH and loses her memory.

83 The Matterhorn Affair
Episode 3-24, first aired 03/03/1967
Director: Bill Finnegan
Writers: David Giler, Boris Ingster
Guest Stars: Bill Dana as Marvin Klump, Norma Crane as Heather Klump, Vito Scotti as Beirut, Oscar Beregi Jr. as Rodney Backstreet, Hal Smith as Kenneth Quartz

As he lay dying, a man who had part of the plans for a miniature nuclear weapon leaves a strange clue as to where the rest of the plan in.

84 The Hot Number Affair
Episode 3-25, first aired 03/10/1967
Director: George WaGGner
Writers: Joseph Cavanaugh, Carol Cavanaugh
Guest Stars: Sonny Bono as Jerry, Cher as Ramona, George Tobias as Harry Parkaginian, Ned Glass as Harry Sighn, Joe Mantell as Charles A. Buuder

Someone has hidden an important THRUSH code in a pattern for a dress so now UNCLE and THRUSH are searching the garment district for it.

85 The When in Rome Affair
Episode 3-26, first aired 03/17/1967
Director: George Waggner
Writer: Gloria Elmore
Guest Stars: Julie Sommars as Darlene Sims, Cesare Danova as Count Cesare Guardia, Kathleen Freeman as Mrs. Sparks, Than Wyenn as Bruno, Sid Haig as Vito

Without knowing it, an American touring Rome takes possession of a perfume atomizer which had a special concoction THRUSH wants. They send a man to charm her but he falls in love instead.

86 The Apple a Day Affair
Episode 3-27, first aired 03/24/1967
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writers: Joseph Calvelli, Les Roberts
Guest Stars: Robert Emhardt as Colonel Picks, Jeannine Riley as Nina Lillette, Gil Lamb as Daddy Jo, Harry Swoger as Sheriff Skully, D'Urville Martin as Gardner Brown

Exploding apples created by THRUSH are going to be used to blow up a nuclear stockpile.

87 The Five Daughters Affair, Part 1
Episode 3-28, first aired 03/31/1967
Director: Barry Shear
Writers: Boris Ingster, Norman Hudis
Guest Stars: Herbert Lom as Randolph, Kim Darby as Sandy True, Joan Crawford as Amanda True, Curd J?rgens as Carl Von Kesser, Telly Savalas as Count Valeriano De Fanzini

The means to pull gold out of seawater appears to have died with its creator but Solo and Illya learn his daughters may have received the information.

88 The Five Daughters Affair, Part 2
Episode 3-29, first aired 04/07/1967
Director: Barry Shear
Writers: Boris Ingster, Norman Hudis
Guest Stars: Herbert Lom as Randolph, Kim Darby as Sandy True, Joan Crawford as Amanda True, Curd J?rgens as Carl Von Kesser, Telly Savalas as Count Valeriano De Fanzini

The means to pull gold out of seawater appears to have died with its creator but Solo and Illya learn his daughters may have received the information.

89 The Cap and Gown Affair
Episode 3-30, first aired 04/14/1967
Director: George WaGGner
Writer: Stanford Sherman
Guest Stars: Henry Jones as Dean Timothy Dwight, Carolyne Barry as Minerva Dwight (as Carole Shelyne), Melanie Alexander as Patricia Darling, Larry D. Mann as Jonathan Trumbull, Zalman King as Gregory Haymish

Waverly is set to give an address to his alma mater but the amount of protest on the campus is mounting and Soly and Illya are assigned protection detail.

90 The Summit Five Affair
Episode 4-1, first aired 09/11/1967
Director: Sutton Roley
Writer: Robert E. Thompson
Guest Stars: Albert Dekker as Harry Beldon, Lloyd Bochner as Gerald Strothers, Susanne Cramer as Helga Deniken, Don Chastain as Heinz Newman, James Millhollin as Wraithlike

A fellow UNCLE agent is murdered while setting up security at an UNCLE conference in Berlin and Solo is one of the chief suspects.

91 The Test Tube Killer Affair
Episode 4-2, first aired 09/18/1967
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writer: Jack Turley
Guest Stars: Christopher Jones as Greg Martin, Lynn Loring as Christine Hobson, Paul Lukas as Dr. Stoller, Lyn Peters as Miss Lamb, Milton Parsons as Waiter

A new super-soldier has been enhanced in a THRUSH laboratory and sent to Mexico to destroy a small village to show how capable he is. As Solo and Illya try to stop him, he is halted when he falls in love there.

92 The J for Judas Affair
Episode 4-3, first aired 09/25/1967
Director: Alf Kjellin
Writer: Norman Hudis
Guest Stars: Chad Everett as Adam Tenza, Broderick Crawford as Mark Tenza, Delphi Lawrence as Olivia Wills, Claude Woolman as J, Kevin Hagen as Darien Dawson

UNCLE is asked to provide protection for a big industrialist by his son when the man is against the coverage. When his son is blown up by a bomb, attitudes change.

93 The Prince of Darkness Affair, Part 1
Episode 4-4, first aired 10/02/1967
Director: Boris Sagal
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Guest Stars: Carol Lynley as Annie Justin, Bradford Dillman as Luther Sebastian, Lola Albright as Azalea, John Dehner as Dr. Parviz Kharmusi, John Carradine as Old Man

Solo and Illya head to Africa to find out who is behind the ray beam shot from the sky that killed all the people of a village. They need the help of a cult leader in the region.

94 The Prince of Darkness Affair, Part 2
Episode 4-5, first aired 10/09/1967
Director: Boris Sagal
Writer: Dean Hargrove
Guest Stars: Carol Lynley as Annie Justin, Bradford Dillman as Luther Sebastian, Lola Albright as Azalea, John Dehner as Dr. Parviz Kharmusi, John Carradine as Old Man

Solo and Illya head to Africa to find out who is behind the ray beam shot from the sky that killed all the people of a village. They need the help of a cult leader in the region.

95 The Master's Touch Affair
Episode 4-6, first aired 10/16/1967
Director: John Brahm
Writer: Boris Sobelman
Guest Stars: Jack Lord as Pharos Mandor, Nehemiah Persoff as Valandros, Leslie Parrish as Leslie Welling, Richard Angarola as Nicholas, Paul Kent as Aide

Solo goes to Portugal to meet with a high level THRUSH agent who says he wants to defect but only will go if his biggest rival is eliminated first.

96 The THRUSH Roulette Affair
Episode 4-7, first aired 10/23/1967
Director: Sherman Marks
Writer: Arthur Weingarten
Guest Stars: Michael Rennie as Barnaby Partridge, Charles Drake as Taggart Coleman, Nobu McCarthy as Monica, Robert Ellenstein as Doctor, Charles H. Radilak as Ambassador Vanderloon

Visitors to an island casino run by a THRUSH agent are being brainwashed into committing suicide but not before THRUSH makes a profit.

97 The Deadly Quest Affair
Episode 4-8, first aired 10/30/1967
Director: Alf Kjellin
Writer: Robert E. Thompson
Guest Stars: Darren McGavin as Viktor Karmak, Marlyn Mason as Sheila Van Tillson, Timothy Carey as Stefan, Peter Bourne as 'Steel Rims', Bob Bralver as 'White Jacket'

Illya is kidnapped from a hospital by an old enemy to be used as bait to attract Solo in for the kill.

98 The Fiery Angel Affair
Episode 4-9, first aired 11/06/1967
Director: Richard Benedict
Writer: John W. Bloch
Guest Stars: Madlyn Rhue as Angela Abaca, Joseph Sirola as General Paco Abaca, Perry Lopez as Carlos Abaca, Victor Lundin as Vinay, David Renard as Assassin

A band of rebels bankrolled by THRUSH is about to overthrow the democratic government of a Latin American country unless Solo and Illya can stop them.

99 The Survival School Affair
Episode 4-10, first aired 11/20/1967
Director: Charles Rondeau
Writers: Donald A. Brinkley, Jack Turley
Guest Stars: Chris Robinson as John Saimes, Richard Beymer as Harry Williams, Charles McGraw as Jules Cutter, Susan Odin as Melissa Hargrove, Ray Girardin as Andrew Hague

A trainee at UNCLE's secret training facility is murdered and Illya heads there to help the investigating officer.

100 The Gurnius Affair
Episode 4-11, first aired 11/27/1967
Director: Barry Shear
Writer: Milton S. Gelman
Guest Stars: George Macready as Gurnius, Judy Carne as Terry Cook, Will Kuluva as Dr. Hans Von Etske, Joseph Ruskin as Mr. Brown, Frank Arno as Technician One

A device capable of affecting thought has been used by a Nazi war criminal serving time in prison.

101 The Man From THRUSH Affair
Episode 4-12, first aired 12/04/1967
Director: James Sheldon
Writer: Robert I. Holt
Guest Stars: John Larch as Dr. Killman, Barbara Luna as Marnya, Robert Wolders as Andreas Petros, Mario Alcalde as Marius, Ralph Ventura as Samos

UNCLE is curious what has THRUSH investing so much time and money in a small island country so Solo is sent to check it out.

102 The Maze Affair
Episode 4-13, first aired 12/18/1967
Director: John Brahm
Writer: Leonard Stadd
Guest Stars: William Marshall as Dr. James Febray, Lawrence Montaigne as Oliver Barnes, Barry Cahill as Clemson, Charles Mayer as Del Florio, Barbara Moore as Lisa Rogers

The weapon is call a "molecutronic gun" and whatever it is, it is prized by both THRUSH and UNCLE. The scheme, though, is to let UNCLE win for the gun is really a bomb.

103 The Deep Six Affair
Episode 4-14, first aired 12/25/1967
Director: E. Darrell Hallenbeck
Writer: Leonard Stadd
Guest Stars: Alfred Ryder as Commander Krohler, Diana Van der Vlis as Laura Adams, Peter Bromilow as Brian Morton, Dale Ishimoto as Mr. Yu, Gilchrist Stuart as Submarine Captain

An UNCLE agent about to get married despite his boss, Waverly, giving his approval. The fiancee is kidnapped to force the agent to help steal a submarine.

104 The Seven Wonders of the World Affair, Part 1
Episode 4-15, first aired 01/08/1968
Director: Sutton Roley
Writer: Norman Hudis
Guest Stars: Barry Sullivan as Dr. Robert Kingsley, Leslie Nielsen as General Maximilian Harmon, Tony Bill as Steve Garrow, Eleanor Parker as Margitta Kingsley, Dan O'Herlihy as Prof. David Garrow

A NATO general is in possession of a gas that makes victims extremely docile. A married couple is out to get it and its inventor who had planned to use it to help take over the world himself.

105 The Seven Wonders of the World Affair, Part 2
Episode 4-16, first aired 01/15/1968
Director: Sutton Roley
Writer: Norman Hudis
Guest Stars: Barry Sullivan as Dr. Robert Kingsley, Leslie Nielsen as General Maximilian Harmon, Tony Bill as Steve Garrow, Eleanor Parker as Margitta Kingsley, Dan O'Herlihy as Prof. David Garrow

A NATO general is in possession of a gas that makes victims extremely docile. A married couple is out to get it and its inventor who had planned to use it to help take over the world himself.


Number of Stories:48
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:2015

Gold Key, a Western Publishing imprint that specialized in taking intellectual property from other media and creating entertaining product for the comic book market, scored a home run when it acquired the rights to do The Man From U.N.C.L.E.. It would create and publish entertaining story meant to please both the young teenager and the adult by having stories which did not talk down to their audience. Following a distinct set of rules of what can and cannot be done, they still had imaginative tales every couple months for several years.

Whitman Publishing, known for its children's works, came out with a coloring book that also had an original story.

Three of the Gold Key comics were reprinted by Magazine Management in 1970, one of them twice.

British comic maker TE Comics came up with 11 of their own stories two decades later.

American publisher Millennium tried to revive the brand five years after but just produced one adventure told in two parts.

In an interesting (from a nostalgia point of view) at the same time the latest movie came out, DC Comics created a new series combining the 60's campy version of the Batman with the admittedly campy Man From U.N.C.L.E. show.

1 The Explosive Affair The Explosive Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Paul S. Newman (writer), Don Heck (penciler)
Copyright: 05/01/1965

Reprinted in the UK in 1970 by Magazine Management, issue 16-39 and again in issue 20-48. Also told in text form in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970.
Solo's near death while on a relaxing water-skiing trip was deemed a horrible accident considering the loss of life of his date but evidence points to her being in on the plan to kill him, an act necessary to keep him from stopping a bigger mine 'accident'.

2 The Fortune Cookie Affair The Fortune Cookie Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: George Tuska (penciler), Paul S. Newman (writer)
Copyright: 10/01/1965

Mistaken for a THRUSH agent, civilian Maria Morgan is passed an important message in a fortune cookie. This is part of a scheme by THRUSH to ship stolen fighter parts to Red China.
Reprinted in the UK in 1970 by Magazine Management, issue 17-45. Also told in text form in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970.

3 The Deadly Devices Affair The Deadly Devices Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Don Heck (penciler), George Tuska (penciler), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Dick Wood (writer)
Copyright: 11/01/1965

Solo and Kuryakin head to the Alps to stop THRUSH from stealing some secret spy devices.
Reprinted in the UK in 1970 by Magazine Management, issue 20-24.

4 The Rip Van Solo Affair The Rip Van Solo Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Werner Roth (penciler)
Copyright: 01/01/1966


5 The Ten Little Uncles Affair The Ten Little Uncles Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Don Heck (penciler), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Dick Wood (writer)
Copyright: 03/01/1966

An U.N.C.L.E. version of Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians in which Napoleon Solo and Ilya Kuryakin must look into the killing of several fellow agents.
Reprinted in the UK in 1970 by Magazine Management, issue 21-06

6 The Three Blind Mice Affair The Three Blind Mice Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Sekowsky (penciler)
Copyright: 05/01/1966


7 The Pixilated Puzzle Affair The Pixilated Puzzle Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Sekowsky (penciler)
Copyright: 07/01/1966

[plot unknown]
Reprinted in Gold Key's issue #22

8 The Floating People Affair The Floating People Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Sekowsky (penciler)
Copyright: 09/01/1966


9 The Spirit of St. Louis Affair The Spirit of St. Louis Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Sekowsky (penciler)
Copyright: 11/01/1966


10 The Trojan Horse Affair The Trojan Horse Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Sekowsky (penciler)
Copyright: 01/01/1967

[plot unknown]
Reprinted in Gold Key's issue #21

11 The Three-Story Giant Affair The Three-Story Giant Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Sekowsky (penciler)
Copyright: 03/01/1967


12 The Dead Man's Diary Affair The Dead Man's Diary Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Sekowsky (penciler)
Copyright: 05/01/1967


13 The Flying Clowns Affair The Flying Clowns Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Sekowsky (penciler)
Copyright: 07/01/1967


14 The Brain Drain Affair The Brain Drain Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Sekowsky (penciler)
Copyright: 09/01/1967


15 The Animal Agents Affair The Animal Agents Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Tom Gill (penciler)
Copyright: 11/01/1967


16 The Instant Disaster Affair The Instant Disaster Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Tom Gill (penciler)
Copyright: 01/01/1968


17 The Deadly Visions Affair The Deadly Visions Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Roy (penciler)
Copyright: 03/01/1968


18 The Alien Affair The Alien Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Roy (penciler)
Copyright: 05/01/1968


19 The Knight in Shining Armor Affair The Knight in Shining Armor Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Roy (penciler)
Copyright: 07/01/1968


20 The Deep Freeze Affair The Deep Freeze Affair
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (illustrator), Mike Roy (penciler)
Copyright: 10/01/1968


21 The Palma Nova Affair The Palma Nova Affair
Published by City Magazines
Contributors: Juan Gonzalez Alacreu (artist)
Copyright: 01/22/1966-03/10/1966

Printed in Issues No. 1 thru No. 8 of a British weekly comic book called Lady Penelope. This is the 1st such comic story in full color to appear and is 16 pages or 2 pages per issue. The UNCLE team is sent to Palma Nova to stop a THRUSH plot to steal British gold.
Click here to read the story.

22 The Bankomie Princess Affair The Bankomie Princess Affair
Published by City Magazines
Contributors: Juan Gonzalez Alacreu (artist)
Copyright: 1966

Printed in the Lady Penelope Annual 1967 with 4 color pages.
Solo and Kuryakin are given a mission to watch over the Princess of Bankomie.
Click here to read the story.

23 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Comic Album No. 1 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Comic Album No. 1
Published by World Distributors
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Don Heck (artist), Paul S. Newman (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Also known as "The Man From U.N.C.L.E. An All-Colour Comic Album" on its cover. It is a hardback book that reprints 2 comic stories from Gold Key Comics as follows;
1. The Deadly Devices Affair (God Key #3)
2. The Explosive Affair (Gold Key #1)

24 The Ten Little Uncles' Affair The Ten Little Uncles' Affair
Published by World Distributors
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (artist)
Copyright: 1966

No. 1 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue reprints Gold Key #5 in a paperback British Graphic Novel style, like a regular sized book. Fellow agents have been killed. It's up to Solo and Kuryakin to find out why in this U.N.C.L.E. version of Agatha Christie's book originally published and titled as And Then There Were None.

25 The Three Blind Mice Affair The Three Blind Mice Affair
Published by World Distributors
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (artist)
Copyright: 1966

No. 2 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue reprints Gold Key #6 in a paperback British Graphic Novel style, like a regular sized book.

26 The Pixilated Puzzle Affair The Pixilated Puzzle Affair
Published by World Distributors
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (artist)
Copyright: 1966

No. 3 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue reprints Gold Key #7 in a paperback British Graphic Novel style, like a regular sized book.

27 The Floating People Affair The Floating People Affair
Published by World Distributors
Contributors: Dick Wood (writer), Mike Peppe (artist)
Copyright: 1966

No. 4 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue reprints Gold Key #8 in a paperback British Graphic Novel style, like a regular sized book.

28 The Target Blue Affair The Target Blue Affair
Published by World Distributors

Copyright: 1966

No. 5 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue is the 1st original comic story by the company in a paperback British Graphic Novel, like a regular sized book.

29 The Hong Kong Affair The Hong Kong Affair
Published by World Distributors

Copyright: 1966

No. 6 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue is the 2nd original comic story by the company in a paperback British Graphic Novel, like a regular sized book.

30 The Shufti Peanuts Affair The Shufti Peanuts Affair
Published by World Distributors

Copyright: 1966

No. 7 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue is the 3rd original comic story by the company in a paperback British Graphic Novel, like a regular sized book.

31 The Assassins Affair The Assassins Affair
Published by World Distributors

Copyright: 1966

No. 8 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue is the 4th original comic story by the company in a paperback British Graphic Novel, like a regular sized book.

32 The Magic Carpet Affair The Magic Carpet Affair
Published by World Distributors

Copyright: 1966

No. 9 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue is the 5th original comic story by the company in a paperback British Graphic Novel, like a regular sized book.

33 The Mad, Mad, Mad Affair The Mad, Mad, Mad Affair
Published by World Distributors

Copyright: 1966

No. 10 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue is the 6th original comic story by the company in a paperback British Graphic Novel, like a regular sized book.

34 The Big Bazoom Affair The Big Bazoom Affair
Published by World Distributors

Copyright: 1967

No. 11 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue is the 7th original comic story by the company in a paperback British Graphic Novel, like a regular sized book.

35 The Hot Line Affair The Hot Line Affair
Published by World Distributors

Copyright: 1967

No. 12 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue is the 8th original comic story by the company in a paperback British Graphic Novel, like a regular sized book.

36 The Two-Face Affair The Two-Face Affair
Published by World Distributors

Copyright: 1967

No. 13 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue is the 9th original comic story by the company in a paperback British Graphic Novel, like a regular sized book.

37 The Humpty Dumpty Affair The Humpty Dumpty Affair
Published by World Distributors

Copyright: 1967

No. 14 in the U.N.C.L.E. part of the World Adventure Library series. This issue is the 10th original comic story by the company in a paperback British Graphic Novel, like a regular sized book.

38 The Number 1 With A Bullet Affair The Number 1 With A Bullet Affair
Published by TE Comics

Copyright: 01/01/1987

Issue #1 and 2 - 2-part adventure. [plot unknown]

39 The E-I-E-I-O Affair The E-I-E-I-O Affair
Published by TE Comics

Copyright: 04/01/1987

Issue #3 and 4 - 2-part adventure - [plot unknown]

40 The Wasp Affair The Wasp Affair
Published by TE Comics

Copyright: 12/01/1987

Issue #5 -

41 The Lost City Of THRUSH Affair The Lost City Of THRUSH Affair
Published by TE Comics

Copyright: 02/01/1988

Issue #6 -

42 The Wildwater Affair The Wildwater Affair
Published by TE Comics

Copyright: 04/01/1988

Issue #7 -

43 The Wilder West Affair The Wilder West Affair
Published by TE Comics

Copyright: 06/01/1988

Issue #8 -

44 The Canadian Lighning Affair The Canadian Lighning Affair
Published by TE Comics

Copyright: 08/01/1988

Issue #9 -

45 The Turncoat Affair The Turncoat Affair
Published by TE Comics

Copyright: 09/01/1988

Issue #10 -

46 The Craters of the Moon Affair The Craters of the Moon Affair
Published by TE Comics

Copyright: 09/01/1988

Issue #11 -

47 The Bird of Prey Affair The Bird of Prey Affair
Published by Millenium

Copyright: 03/01/1993

2-part adventure - [plot unknown]

48 The Batman Affair The Batman Affair
Published by DC Comics
Contributors: David Hahn (artist), Jeff Parker (writer), Jeff Parker (writer), David Hahn (artist)
Copyright: 12/23/2015

Part 1 - Deathtraps and Liars - Someone helps the Penguin escape and set up a nasty trap for Batman and Robin. Napoleon Solo learns a THRUSH leader named Olga is having a meeting to lure investors and decides to crash it.
Part 2 - A Spy For A Spy - Olga captures Solo and Kuryakin and is about to use a pendulum to split up the team when Illiya cons her. Meanwhile, Batman and Robin escape being blown up and recapture the Penguin only to learn a lot of arch-criminals have escaped prison.
Part 3 - Villains in a Rush - Batman starts to plan how to find and recapture the escaped super-criminals. Waverly suspects that their escape might be the work of a new THRUSH member, Bruce Wayne.
Part 4 - Bruce Wayne, Agent of THRUSH - Solo, Kuryakin, and Waverly attend a fancy outdoor party hosted by Bruce Wayne to introduce a new satellite but the party is crashed by Egghead out to steal it.
Part 5 - Villains Arise - When Egghead and Poison Ivy succeed in capturing the new satellite, Batman reveals to UNCLE that it was a fake. Meanwhile, Scarecrow and Olga attacks a NATO warship in the North Atlantic.
Part 6 - Secret and Spies - Batman, Robin, and Batgirl video conference with UNCLE New York HQ and learn that the super-villains working with THRUSH have something planned off Monaco.
Part 7 - A Familiar Face - Batman impersonates Bruce Wayne to infiltrate a Monaco high level meeting about to be attacked by THRUSH.
Part 8 - And a Secret Base - Bruce Wayne is taken aboard a THRUSH submarine while the rest of the team follows in a BatSub. At the bottom of the Mediterranean is a underwater facility.
Part 9 - The Incredible Hugo StrangeA gas attack on the underwater facility knocks out villains and heroes alike, putting everyone under the restraint of the mastermind, Dr. Hugo Strange - former head of the Arkham Institute.
Part 10 - A Mind To Change - Hugo Strange is using therapy to get inside the heads of the Bat group and UNCLE agents. They manage to escape briefly but a giant octopus seems unhappy with that.
Part 11 - A Plan Is Hatched - The Bat/UNCLE team are subjected to more hypnotherapy but so are the super-villains and none of them like it.
Part 12 - THRUSH Outmatched - Turning on their boss, Hugo Strange, the super-villains help the Bat/UNCLE team take over the base and then turn on Batman's group. Batman was ready for them.


Number of Entries:40
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:2014

1 The Man From F.E.R.N. The Man From F.E.R.N.
Published by Millar Publishing
Contributors: Dennis Ellefson (artist)
Copyright: 02-03/1965

Printed in Big Daddy Roth #3 - A parody of the television series with Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Zulu, David McCallum as Ima Boobinske and Leo G. Carroll as Mr. Mum or the head of F.E.R.N. in caricature. F.E.R.N. is the crazy agency also known as the Federal Enforcement of Ridiculous Nonsense. In the story Zulu and Boobinske go up against a villain called Mr. Easter Bunny who looks like Hugh Hefner.
Click here to read the story.

2 The Man From A.U.N.T.I.E. - The Sour Grapes Affair The Man From A.U.N.T.I.E. - The Sour Grapes Affair
Published by EC
Contributors: Arnie Kogen (writer), Mort Drucker (artist)
Copyright: 07/1965

Printed in MAD Magazine #96 and from the "Hollarin' Uncle Dept." A satire parody of the famous TV series with Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Polo, David McCallum as Ilya Nutcrackin, Leo G. Carroll as Head of A.U.N.T.I.E. and Sean Connery as James Bomb. Seems Nutcrackin wants to be the main man or agent, so he hires Bomb to help get rid of Polo. Also watch for MAD's Spy (White Hat & Coat) that appears twice.
Reprinted in The Worst of MAD 1967 Annual.
Click here to read the story.

3 The TV Set with a Difference The TV Set with a Difference
Published by IPC
Contributors: Brian Lewis (artist)
Copyright: 06/11/1966

Printed in Issue #19 of a British comic book called Smash! - Charlie owns a very different type of television set. Because characters from TV Shows come to life and offer him advice. Two of these characters are the spies Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin from "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." series.

4 The Spider's Web Affair The Spider's Web Affair
Contributors: Casandra Nightengale (author)
Copyright: 2014

Published only in a Kindle Edition that can be gotten online.
Solo and Kuryakin must again deal with the evils of THRUSH which has a weapon that consumes a body from the inside out.


Number of Digests:25
First Appearance:1964
Last Appearance:1968

In addition to the 23 books, the Man From U.N.C.L.E. had stories printed in digest format.

The card company Topps had a very short run of its Fan Magazine. While the first issue dealt with comedian Soupy Sales, the second was about the U.N.C.L.E. group.

Two years later, the Man From U.N.C.L.E. show had its own magazine filled with articles about the characters, actors, equipment and locales. It ran from February 1966 until January 1968. Even though it came out every month, its volumes were divided in groups of 6, not 12, so there were 4 volumes in all. Each issue also contained a novella in which the two agents fought the good fight. The listed author for all these stories was Robert Hart Davis but this was just a house name for several other authors.

0 The Shark Island Affair The Shark Island Affair
Published by Topps
Written by Sam Rolfe, Norman Felton
Copyright: 1964

Published in Topps Fan Magazine Vol 1 Issue 2, January 1964.
[plot unknown]

1 The Howling Teenagers Affair The Howling Teenagers Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Dennis Lynds (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 1 - Issue 1, February 1966. Extracts were printed in Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine and Shell Scott Mystery Magazine, both also February 1966
Unless Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin can find THRUSH's devastating new weapon, it will turn hundreds of teenagers into mindless monsters whose only thought is to kill - and laugh about it.

2 The Beauty and the Beast Affair The Beauty and the Beast Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Harry Whittington (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 1 - Issue 2, March 1966.
"They alone are feared by THRUSH. Together they had sworn to seek out and destroy THRUSH's plan to enslave the free world."

3 The Unspeakable Affair The Unspeakable Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by John Jakes (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 1 - Issue 3, April 1966.
"Mute, powerless to speak or write, they choked and died, the gallant men who had unearthed a demoniac THRUST master plan to enslave U.N.C.L.E. and the entire free world - but who had to carry their dread secret with them to their graves!"

4 The World's End Affair The World's End Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Dennis Lynds (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 1 - Issue 4, May 1966.
"Deep in Red Chinese-ravaged Tibet, only Solo and Illya stand between the evil of THRUSH and the defense of free men everywhere."

5 The Vanishing Act Affair The Vanishing Act Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Dennis Lynds (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 1 - Issue 5, June 1966.
"Invisibility is their deadly weapon as Wily MORLOCK THE GREAT and fiendish THRUSH conspire to take over a world of free men."

6 The Ghost Riders Affair The Ghost Riders Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Harry Whittington (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 1 - Issue 6, July 1966.
A 15-car passenger train heading from Pittsburgh to Chicago disappears with all onboard. Illya is sent on the next train and vanishes as well.

7 The Cat and Mouse Affair The Cat and Mouse Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Dennis Lynds (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 2 - Issue 1, August 1966.
"Deep in a troubled new island nation, insurgent forces were marshalling to destroy it, as Illya and Napoleon face their most bizarre and perilous adversary - the saint who had sold himself to the devil to betray the millions who had promised to die for him!"

8 The Brainwash Affair The Brainwash Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Harry Whittington (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 2 - Issue 2, September 1966.
"No man knew them! All men feared them! Only our master spy hunters stood between THRUSH and their control of a free world."

9 The Moby Dick Affair The Moby Dick Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by John Jakes (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 2 - Issue 3, October 1966.
"Alone, they face THRUSH's Empire of Evil - a devil-made tidal wave which can engulf the world!"

10 The THRUSH from THRUSH Affair The THRUSH from THRUSH Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Dennis Lynds (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 2 - Issue 4, November 1966.
"She was feared by three nations, the slim blonde mistress of death who had sword to make U.N.C.L.E. her final, most telling victim."

11 The Goliath Affair The Goliath Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by John Jakes (writer)
Copyright: 1966

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 2 - Issue 5, December 1966.
"Trapped, lost, two desperate U.N.C.L.E. agents face their greatest peril - a horde of brain-washed, senseless girl monsters, who have been told - 'One man must never escape from here alive. His name is Napoleon Solo.'"

12 The Light Kill Affair The Light Kill Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Harry Whittington (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 2 - Issue 6, January 1967.
"Nightmare horror threatens the free world, as Solo and Illya fight to track down and destroy THRUSH's new, most diabolical weapon of all."

13 The Deadly Dark Affair The Deadly Dark Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by John Jakes (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 3 - Issue 1, February 1967.
A power-mad scientist links up with a boy genius to create a weapon that can throw the whole world into the dark unless Solo and Kuryakin can break into a THRUSH headquarters to get it.

14 The Hungry World Affair The Hungry World Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Talmage Powell (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 3 - Issue 2, March 1967.
"It will be man against man, terror against terror in our streets. THRUSH has hurled its last challenge. We win - or all mankind dies."

15 The Dolls of Death Affair The Dolls of Death Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by John Jakes (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 3 - Issue 3, April 1967.
"A new U.N.C.L.E. novel of compelling terror." "A story of Strange People - Strange Worlds."

16 The Synthetic Storm Affair The Synthetic Storm Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by I. G. Edmonds (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 3 - Issue 4, May 1967.
America's favorite U.N.C.L.E. had a date with DANGER!"

17 The Ugly Man Affair The Ugly Man Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by John Jakes (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 3 - Issue 5, June 1967.
"Come spy with your favorite U.N.C.L.E.s."

18 The Electronic Frankenstein Affair The Electronic Frankenstein Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Frank Belknap Long (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 3 - Issue 6, July 1967.
"Those two famous, fearless and fantastic secret agents give you the kind of action that made you cry U.N.C.L.E.!"

19 The Genghis Khan Affair The Genghis Khan Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Dennis Lynds (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 4 - Issue 1, August 1967.
"Danger: U.N.C.L.E.s at work!"
"Under the great wall of China the ruler of Mongol hordes spoke: 'This Russian Illya says he speaks truth. This Chinese rocket man says the same. The gods will decide who is lying. You two fight; to the death. The man who lives; we will follow him in battle to the end of the world!'"

20 The Man From Yesterday Affair The Man From Yesterday Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by John Jakes (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 4 - Issue 2, September 1967.
"Napoleon Solo [and] Illya Kuryakin, the unconquerable U.N.C.L.E.s, are at it again!"

21 The Mind Sweeper Affair The Mind Sweeper Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Dennis Lynds (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 4 - Issue 3, October 1967.
"Those two all-American agents you love the most are at it again in their hottest adventure yet!"

22 The Volcano Box Affair The Volcano Box Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Richard Alan Curtis (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 4 - Issue 4, November 1967.
"Join these two amazing undercover agents in the kind of wild, way-out action that made them famous!"

23 The Pillars Of Salt Affair The Pillars Of Salt Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by Bill Pronzini (writer)
Copyright: 1967

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 4 - Issue 5, December 1967.
"America's two most amazing secret agents in the kind of undercover action that made them your favorite U.N.C.L.E.s."

24 The Million Monsters Affair The Million Monsters Affair
Published by Leo Margulies Corp.
Written by I. G. Edmonds (writer)
Copyright: 1968

Published in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Magazine Vol 4 - Issue 6, January 1968.
"Looting, pillaging, they ravages and maimed and killed - the mindless monsters who only yesterday had been happy children!"


Number of Games:9
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:1969

1 Napoleon Solo The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Game Napoleon Solo The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Game
Game Type: Boardgame
Published by: Ideal
Copyright: 1965

Up to four players. Each an Agent given the assignment to find a T.H.R.U.S.H. Agent and deliver him or her to HQ. Winner is the player who does this first.

2 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Frame-Tray Puzzles The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Frame-Tray Puzzles
Game Type: Jigsaw Puzzle
Published by: Jaymar Specialty Co.
Copyright: 1965

A series of 3 jigsaw puzzles that each came in their own frame tray, measure 14 by 11 inches and have 35 pieces. The 3 puzzles are as follows;
1. The Arabian Stalemate Affair - Solo has come to free Kuryakin who is chained and has to take a knife to the guard so the other guy wont shoot him.
2. The Deep Blue Sea Affair - Solo and Kuryakin appear to be saving a woman from a watery grave while fish and a turtle swim by.
3. The Spying Secret Agents Affair - Waverly is to be looking at Solo and Kuryakin through some type of U.N.C.L.E. computer.

3 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Card Game The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Card Game
Game Type: Card Game
Published by: Milton Bradley
Copyright: 1965

The game includes 42 cards each picturing Napoleon Solo and poker chips. The player with the most chips at the end is the winner. Instructions are on the inside of the box top.

4 The Secret Name Game The Secret Name Game
Game Type: Movies Quiz
Published by: D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd.
Copyright: 1966

From the pages of Diana's Top Secret Diary. Name the movies in the 5 still scenes that are shown.

5 Illya Kuryakin Card Game Illya Kuryakin Card Game
Game Type: Card Game
Published by: Milton Bradley
Copyright: 1966

Contains playing cards, poker chips, and a cardboard spinner with numbers 1-10 on it.

6 Mystery Makers And Breakers Mystery Makers And Breakers
Game Type: Article & Matching
Published by: D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd.
Copyright: 1966

From the pages of Diana For Girls 1967 Annual. Game takes the form of an Article about well know mystery writers. The authors mentioned are Agatha Christie, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood and Mary Shelley. Then it becomes a Matching type game with character from TV series. The object is to match the characters pictured into teams. Listed only because of the 2 Spy Series. TV Series used are as follows; No Hiding Place, The Avengers, Maigret, Cluff, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and Sherlock Holmes.
The TV Series Characters are as follows:
A. Detective-Sgt. Russell (Johnny Briggs)
B. John Steed (Patrick Macnee)
C. Lucas (Ewen Solon)
D. Sgt. Caleb Cluff (Leslie Sands)
E. Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn)
F. Doctor Watson (Nigel Stock)
G. Emma Peel (Diana Riggs)
H. Chief Tom Lockhart (Raymond Francis)
I. Jules Maigret (Rupert Davies)
J. Illya Kuryakin (David McCallum)
K. Clive (The Dog)
L. Sherlock Holmes (Douglas Wilmer)

7 The Secret Agent Game The Secret Agent Game
Game Type: Boardgame
Published by: D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd.
Copyright: 1967

Subtitled "- or catch yourself a villain". From the pages of Diana For Girl 1968 Annual. Six can play this game of spies, other items needed are dice and discs of cardboard with images of the Agents. Select your favorite Agent from John Steed & Emma Peel (The Avengers), James Bond, John Drake (Danger Man) or Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin (The Man From U.N.C.L.E.). Then each player is ready to set out after the villains. The villains are Odd Job (worth 3 Points), Rosa Klebb (worth 6 Points) and Emilio Largo (worth 10 Points). Games is played in 5 rounds and the agent with the highest score is the winner.
The Secret Agent used are pictures as follows;
David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin (The Man From U.N.C.L.E.) Agent 1 & 1st Row
Diana Riggs as Emma Peel (The Avengers) Agent 2 & 1st Row
Sean Connery as James Bond (Agent 007) Agent 3 & 1st Row
Patrick McGoohan as John Drake (Danger Man) Agent 4 & 2nd Row
Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Solo (The Man From U.N.L.E.) Agent 5 & 2nd Row
Patrick Macnee as John Steed (The Avengers) Agent 6 & 2nd Row.
The 3 Villains used are picture as follows;
Harold Sakata as Odd Job (Goldfinger's Henchman) Villain 1
Lotta Lenya as Rosa Klebb (From Russia With Love) Villain 2
Adolfo Celi as Emilio Largo (From the film Thunderball) Villain 3

8 QUIZMASTER - How Much Do You Know About Secret Agents? QUIZMASTER - How Much Do You Know About Secret Agents?
Game Type: Quiz
Published by: Thorpe & Porter
Copyright: 1969

From the pages of Super DC No. 5 printing in the UK. Name who the agents mentioned get there order from.

9 The Selecta Affair The Selecta Affair
Game Type: Boardgame
Published by: World Distributors Limited
Copyright: 1969

From the pages of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Annual 1970.


Number of Collectibles:7
First Appearance:1964
Last Appearance:1966

1 To Trap A Spy 1st LC Set To Trap A Spy 1st LC Set
Item Type: Lobby Card
Created by: MGM
Copyright: 1964

A promotional set of 8 cards that were placed in the theater lobbies that played the movie across the United States. They are mini-poster and 7 still photo scenes of the movie.

2 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Bubble Gum Cards The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Bubble Gum Cards
Item Type: Gum Trading Cards
Created by: Topps
Copyright: 1965

A series of 55 collectible cards with black & white scenes and the actors from the TV show on them. They were packaged with gum and in a box of 24 packs. These cards were issued by Topps in the US and by A&BC in the UK, both chewing gum companies. When the cards are placed sideways with backs up in 5 columns of 11 cards each they form photo 56.

3 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. TV Action Figure - Napoleon Solo The Man From U.N.C.L.E. TV Action Figure - Napoleon Solo
Item Type: Action Figure
Created by: A. C. Gilbert
Copyright: 1965

A 12 inch Action Figure of Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Solo. It came dressed with a small Cap-Firing Gun that was operated by the release of the figure's arm. The gun had to be placed in the hand to be fired. Also included was a U.N.C.L.E. Badge, an I.D. Card and instruction on how to use the gun the right way. The company should have made a better likeness of the character and they would surely have sold thousands.

4 To Trap A Spy 2nd LC Set To Trap A Spy 2nd LC Set
Item Type: Lobby Cards
Created by: MGM
Copyright: 1966

A promo set of 4 cards that were placed in theater lobbies in the US that played the movie when it was released in 1966. A still photo scene from the movie is on each.

5 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Thermos (US/Can) The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Thermos (US/Can)
Item Type: Thermos
Created by: King-Seeley
Copyright: 1966

This thermos came separate or inside the lunch box listed below. It was sold in the United States and Canada. The TV series Logo was pictured on it. The illustration depicted Robert Vaughn (Napoleon Solo) hitting a man in scuba gear and David McCallum (Illya Kuryakin) holding a gun with silencer. The white lid cover (Thermos Topper) could be used for a cup and the lid underneath was red. Just what would a child pretending to be an U.N.C.L.E. Agent put inside? Would it be hot chocolate when the days were cold or juice when the days were hot? We may never know these answers.

6 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Thermos (UK) The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Thermos (UK)
Item Type: Thermos
Created by: King-Seeley
Copyright: 1966

This thermos came inside the lunch box listed next or separate. It was sold in the UK and other European countries. Image on the thermos depicts Illya Kuryakin (David McCallum) holding a gun with a silencer on it and Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn) hitting a man in scuba gear. The TV series Logo was also pictured. The red lid cover (Thermos Topper) could be used as a cup and the lid below was white. Leave it to a UK marketplace to request this reverse in cover and lid.

7 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Lunchbox The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Lunchbox
Item Type: Lunch Box
Created by: King-Seeley
Copyright: 1966

This lunchbox was sold separate or with one of the 2 thermoses show above depending on the place it was sold. Just what would an U.N.C.L.E. Agent have for lunch? We may never know the answer. The illustrations on it depicted the stars from the TV series, namely Robert Vaughn as Napoleon Solo, David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin and Leo G. Carroll as Alexander Waverly plus few bad guys. The illustrations are as follow;
Front (Lid Side) - Depicts the same image from the 2 thermoses (See above).
Back - Depicts Solo and Kuryakin in a red car and they are being cased along a high mountain road by 2 villains also in a red car with a laser beam. Napoleon is driving the car and Illya is firing a gun at those pursuing them.
Top (Handle Side) - Depicts Solo and Kuryakin fighting 2 other men.
Left Side - Depicts Solo and Kuryakin outside running around with guns.
Right Side - Depicts Solo running down a flight of stairs with a gun and Weverly behind him holding a top secret file in his left hand.
Bottom - Depicts Solo, Kuryakin and Weverly in the Computer Room at U.N.C.L.E. HQ, plus the TV series logo.


Number of Items:5
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:1967

1 Spy Techniques Spy Techniques
Item Type: Style For Spying
Made by: Gold Key
Copyright: 1965

Printed on 3 pages of issues 2 (Inside Front & Back Covers) & in issues 3 (Inside Front Cover) of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. comics. Learn the secrets methods of being a good spy like Napoleon Solo.

2 School For Spies School For Spies
Item Type: Agent Education
Made by: Gold Key
Copyright: 1965

Printed on 1 page of issue 3 (Inside Back Cover) of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. comic. Gain the knowledge needed to be a spy like Napoleon Solo or Illya Kuryakinpy like Napoleon Solo.

3 Spy Secrets Spy Secrets
Item Type: Spy Info
Made by: Gold Key
Copyright: 1966

Printed on the inside front cover to issue 4 of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. comic. Learn important secrets to be a better spy like Napoleon Solo.

4 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Wallet The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Wallet
Item Type: I.D. & Money Holder
Made by: Ideal Toys Corp.
Copyright: 1966

A plastic wallet for all young spies that want to be like Napoleon Solo or Illya Kuryankin.
The front picture is the TV series logo and the 2 agents are pictured on the back. The wallet came in the colors of brown and blue.

5 The Case of the Snow Beast The Case of the Snow Beast
Item Type: Coloring Book
Made by: Whitman
Copyright: 1967

A coloring book but with an original story.


Number of Books:9
First Appearance:1966
Last Appearance:2017

1 The Man From U.N.C.L.E.'S ABC of Espionage The Man From U.N.C.L.E.'S ABC of Espionage
Written by John Hill
Copyright: 1966

Interesting information of the U.N.C.L.E. organization as well as tidbits about the intelligence agencies of the U.S., U.K., and U.S.S.R.

2 The U.N.C.L.E. Technical Manual Vol 1: Organizations and Headquarters The U.N.C.L.E. Technical Manual Vol 1: Organizations and Headquarters
Written by Glenn Magee
Copyright: 1986

A book that mentions in detail the Organizations and Headquarters of the television series with illustrations. Also known as "Top Secret File Forty" and a companion volume to the magazine called "The U.N.C.L.E. Files."

3 The U.N.C.L.E. Technical Manual Vol 2: Communications And Weaponry The U.N.C.L.E. Technical Manual Vol 2: Communications And Weaponry
Written by Glenn Magee
Copyright: 1986

Book with in depth information about all communication and weapons that were used on the television series. Also known as "Classified Manual 12X-1" and a companion volume to the magazine called "The U.N.C.L.E. Files."

4 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Book The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Book
Written by Jon Heitland
Copyright: 1987

The book is sub-titled "The Behind-the-Scenes Story of a Television Classic" with a Special Introduction by Robert Vaughn. Drawing on interviews with crew and cast that were extensive the author has assembled a very comprehensive and fully illustrated account on the history of the series that includes the following;
- The program's conception in conference with Ian Fleming (creator of James Bond).
- Show's remarkable surge in popularity.
- Camaraderie between the series stars (Robert Vaughn and David McCallun).
- Factors that lead to the sudden cancellation.
- Plus information on production, filming, guest stars, stunts, props, merchandising and more.

5 The U.N.C.L.E. Tribute Book The U.N.C.L.E. Tribute Book
Written by Robert Anderson
Copyright: 1994

The book is fore-titled "The Unofficial, Unauthorized Top Secret Story." It contains a lot of information about the TV series and the various 1980's attempts at bringing back the show. Includes also reference data on the paperback books and pictures of the show's actors.

6 The Man From UNCLE Memorabilia Book The Man From UNCLE Memorabilia Book
Written by Paul Derek
Copyright: 2012

A book for the near 50th Anniversary of the TV series. Covering information about all the merchandise connected with it from around the world. Namely books, comics, toys and countless other items as well.

7 The Photo Files Of UNCLE The Photo Files Of UNCLE
Written by Paul Derek
Copyright: 2013

Volume 1 in a 2 book series. The secret vaults have been opened and now the U.N.C.L.E. Photo Files are out. View never before seen photos of the U.N.C.L.E. Agents like Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn), April Dancer (Stephanie Powers), Illya Kuryakin (David McCallum), Alexander Waverly (Leo G. Carroll) and many others. All of the photo have captions by the author and the collection is vast within.

8 The Photo Files Of UNCLE #2 The Photo Files Of UNCLE #2
Written by Paul Derek
Copyright: 2013

Volume 2 in a 2 book series. The secret vaults have been opened again for a second time. Enjoy more captioned rarely seen image and photo of many of the U.N.C.L.E. Agents. Again featured are Napoleon Solo(Robert Vaughn), April Dancer (Stephanie Powers), Illya Kurakin (David McCallum), Alexander Waverly (Leo G. Carroll) and many others. Another vast collection of photos.

9 Hero-A-Go-Go! Hero-A-Go-Go!
Written by Michael Eury
Copyright: 2017

This book is subtitled "Campy Comic Books, Crimefighters & Culture Of The Swinging Sixties." It mentions and gives details on a number of Spy Series within! Welcome to the Camp Age when spies liked their wars cold and their women warm and good guys beat bad guys with a pun and a punch. Celebrate the Camp Craze of the Swinging Sixties when just about everyone was a secret agent.


When the television series arrived on the airways, I was moving from tween to teen in a household that had one television and a father who would not watch such ... stuff. On occasion, I got to get peek here and there and knew I would love it if I could but the chances were not many in its first year. As time went on during its four year run, I was able to watch it more often (get a job and buy your own tiny tv and your options increase). I was hooked but the latter years saw stories not as good as the first batch.

Nevertheless, the series made a huge impact on spy fiction on television and for that it must be congratulated. It could not have lasted one season let alone four if a lot of people were not watching. Reading about it now, I learn that it was seen all over the world.

Fans of the television show will find the books an enjoyable experience, though some of the books are considerably better than others. The agents stay totally within character throughout the twenty-three adventures. The humor and the action that made the show popular can also be found on the pages. As television tie-ins, they work.

Those who were not fans will likely want to give these books a pass. The constant use of Thrush as the enemy gets old really fast and, since the authors had to stick within the limits of the show, there is little new and out-of-the-ordinary.

The same can be said for the digests and the comics. If you are a fan, check them out and have great nostalgic fun. Otherwise, give a nod of appreciation for a game-changer that it was and let that be enough.


My Grade: B

Your Average Grade:   A


A+ 9/21/2012 5:52:28 AM

This grade is only for novel number 22 – The Stone Cold Dead in the Market Affair– as the eponymous market was in my home town where I bought the UNCLE spin-offs and my second hand comics as a lad in the 1960s. The opening chapter is set in Newport and the first line is, without fear of contradiction, the most accurate ever put to paper. More than that the pub they go into was locally known as the “Dirty Duck” and is where I started regular underage drinking in the early-ish 70s. The rest of the book I can take or leave but this is one of Newport’s few claims to fame! Here's a link to a bit of related info about the author and the origin of the book....

A+ 7/18/2014 10:11:19 AM

The B grade is for the novels as a whole group. The television series I would give a B-, although the first season would be an A- and some individual episodes would be a good solid A. As for the books themselves, I tend to be an outlier in that I do not consider David McDaniel's novels to necessarily represent the best of them. McDaniel's novels had some of the same flaws the tv show developed - being a bit campy at times and McDaniel's writing at time comes off as a bit geeky and fannish. My favorite of the novels is #7 The Radioactive Camel Affair - it reads the most like a good solid spy story without outlandish villains, implausible situations or fish-out-water characters (it was the fish-out-of-water "innocent" characters that in my opinion sank the tv show).

B+ 2020-11-27

As a kid I watched all 8 sixties movies on TV. I thought they were great. The rehash was poor, but I did enjoy the recent Henry Cavill big screen adaptation. I also had zbout 9 of 10 of the novels. I remember only the first one being any good. The remainder were too long or too sparse. Recently I''ve been able to catch reruns of the original TV show and it hasn''t aged well. Sone good memories, but Solo and the boys seem a little childish to these slightly more experienced eyes

A+ 2022-07-23

The 2015 movie was bloody awful. Solo''s backstory was appropriated from the ''It Takes A Thief'' television series. Guy Ritchie must have forgotten which old series he was meant to be remaking. What a pity David McDaniel''s ''The Dagger Affair'' wasn''t used as the basis for the script instead.

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