1924 - 1999

Writing as: Michael Avallone, Troy Conway, Priscilla Dalton, Mark Dane, Jean-Anne de Pre, Dora Highland, Steve Michaels, Dorothea Nile, Edwina Noone, Sidney Stuart, Max Walker

A very prolific writer, Mr. Avallone published his first work in the early 50's and continued strongly until his death. In addition to the Ed Noon detective/spy series, he co-wrote the first few Nick Carter/Killmaster books and penned a large number of books based on popular television shows. He was born in New York City, one of 17 children. His foray into his career began as the writer of pulp fiction with the sports genre but he got his major education as an editor of men's magazines. He billed himself as the "fastest typewriter in the East" and the large volume of work in a huge variety of genres would attest to that. It would not be possible to produce so much so quickly without someone giving him the label of hack and that label plagued him for some time and caused a fair amount of ill-feelings.

Series Books
Michael Avallone
The Butcher The Judas Judge (1979)
  Kill Them Silently (1980)
  Coffin Corner, USA (1981)
  Death In Yellow (1981)
  The Hoodoo Horror (1981)
  Go Die In Afghanistan (1982)
  The Man From White Hat (1982)
  Gotham Gore (1982)
  September Slaughter (1989)
Nick Carter (1964) Run, Spy, Run (1964)
  The China Doll (1964)
  Saigon (1964)
The Coxeman Come One, Come All (1968)
  The Man-Eater (1968)
  Had Any Lately? (1969)
  A Good Peace (1969)
  I'd Rather Fight Than Swish (1969)
  The Big Broad Jump (1969)
  The Blow-Your-Mind Job (1970)
  The Cunning Linguist (1970)
  Will The Real Rod Please Stand Up? (1970)
  The Penetrator (1971)
  A Stiff Proposition (1971)
The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. The Birds Of A Feather Affair (1966)
  The Blazing Affair (1966)
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. The Thousand Coffins Affair (1965)
Ed Noon The Tall Dolores (1953)
  The Spitting Image (1954)
  Dead Game (1954)
  Violence In Velvet (1956)
  The Case of the Bouncing Betty (1956)
  The Alarming Clock (1957)
  The Case Of The Violent Virgin (1957)
  The Crazy Mixed-Up Corpse (1957)
  The Voodoo Murders (1957)
  Meanwhile, Back At The Morgue (1960)
  The Living Bomb (1963)
  There Is Something About A Dame (1963)
  The Bedroom Bolero (1963)
  Lust Is No Lady (1964)
  The Fat Death (1966)
  The February Doll Murders (1967)
  Assassins Don't Die In Bed (1968)
  The Horrible Man (1968)
  The Doomsday Bag (1969)
  The Flower-Covered Corpse (1969)
  Death Dives Deep (1970)
  Little Miss Murder (1970)
  Killer On The Keys (1972)
  Shoot It Again, Sam (1972)
  London, Bloody London (1972)
  The Girl In The Cockpit (1972)
  Kill Her, You'll Like It (1972)
  The Hot Body (1973)
  The X-Rated Corpse (1973)
  The Big Stiffs (1977)
  Dark On Monday (1978)
  Ed Noon's 5-Minute Mysteries (1978)
  High Noon At Midnight (1988)
  The Walking Wounded (2019)
Salt & Pepper One More Time (1970)
David Seven Seven of Intrex (1966)
  Send A Man From Intrex (1967)
  Seven Miles From Intrex (1967)
  Address: Intrex, Saigon (1967)
Troy Conway
The Coxeman Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew (1967)
  The Big Freak-Out (1968)
  Billion Dollar Snatch (1968)
  The Wham! Bam! Thank You, Ma'am Affair (1968)
  It's Getting Harder All The Time (1968)
  Last Licks (1968)
  Keep It Up, Rod! (1968)
  Whatever Goes Up (1969)
  Just A Silly Millimeter Longer (1969)
  It's What's Up Front That Counts (1969)
  The Sex Machine (1970)
  All Screwed Up (1970)
  The Master Baiter (1970)
  Turn The Other Sheik (1970)
  It's Not How Long You Make It (1970)
  Son Of A Witch (1971)
  The Harder You Try, The Harder It Gets (1971)
  The Cockeyed Cuties (1972)
  I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Thing (1973)
  Eager Beaver (1973)
Priscilla Dalton
Other The Darkening Willows (1965)
  90 Gramercy Park (1965)
  The Silent Silken Shadows (1965)
Mark Dane
Other Felicia (1964)
Jean-Anne de Pre
Other A Sound of Dying Roses (1971)
  The Third Woman (1971)
  Aquarius, My Evil (1972)
  Die, Jessica, Die (1972)
  Warlock's Woman (1973)
Dora Highland
Other One Five Three Oakland Street (1973)
  Death Is A Dark Man (1974)
Steve Michaels
Other The Main Attraction (1963)
Dorothea Nile
Other The Evil Men Do (1966)
  Mistress of Farrondale (1966)
  Terror At Deepcliff (1966)
  The Vampire Cameo (1968)
  The Third Shadow (1973)
Edwina Noone
Other Corridor of Whispers (1965)
  Dark Cypress (1965)
  Heirloom of Tragedy (1965)
  Daughter of Darkness (1966)
  The Second Secret (1966)
  The Victorian Crown (1966)
  Seacliffe (1968)
  The Craghold Legacy (1971)
  The Cloisonne Vase (1972)
  The Craghold Creatures (1972)
  The Craghold Curse (1972)
  The Craghold Crypt (1973)
Sidney Stuart
Other The Night Walker (1964)
  Young Dillinger (1965)
  The Beast with the Red Hands (1973)
Max Walker
Mission Impossible Code Name: Judas (1968)
  Code Name: Rapier (1968)