What's New
The last ten major changes to the site.
- 02/08/2025 - For no particular reason, today I am tossing into the compendium a second young reader spy series, this one also dealing with cats. This one, which consists of a half dozen very enjoyable adventures meant for 9-12 year old readers, was created a decade ago by Linda Joy Singleton. It deals with Kelsey, Becca, and Leo, three kids who make up . They are not really spies - well, sorta - and as for the cats part ... well, sorta.
- 02/08/2025 - This Saturday morning I add another very young reader spy series, this one created quite recently by Adrian Beck. It deals with an agent with MEOW-6 named . It is meant for readers 7-9 years old. Nice illustrations.
- 02/07/2025 - We pop ahead in time just a wee bit to the year 2060 for today's entrant into the compendium. In the three books we have from A.N. Jones about operative [love that name, BTW], we follow her as she works for a private intelligence organization called the Centurian Agency. Wintyrs has been an agent for a few years already and is considered one of the best there is but that does not mean things go easy for her - quite the opposite.
- 02/06/2025 - I have always had trouble with stream-of-consciousness stories. I have tried it several times and always walked away both exhausted and unsatisfied. That is the trouble with today's series by Matt Wilk. This three-book series came out in 2016 and I mention in My Comments that I thought the characters were all very interesting but ... Still, I would love to hear your thoughts about because maybe I was just not getting it.
- 02/05/2025 - You know you've found a good series when before you finish the last book that you know about, you look to see if something new had come along since it. That is what happened with the entrant today, written wonderfully by Camden Mays. The series is about , a CIA agent who initially comes across quite disillusioned but who get re-motivated as the storyline progresses. I liked this three-adventure series enough to check if a fourth had come along. Not yet but I remain hopeful.
- 02/04/2025 - A trio of MI5 agents join the compendium today. Written by R.P. Thompson, the adventures of these three, known collectively as the codename of . How two former citizens of Russia and a black man from the Caribbean become British operatives is an interesting on.
- 02/03/2025 - Three delightful adventures by Sarah Sky from a decade ago combines young women in the modeling business who are also spies. While I freely admit in My Comments that I am not in the demographics for this series since I am not young or female nor do I know anything about being a model. Still, I did enjoy the fun change of pace that reading about of MI6 gave me.
- 02/02/2025 - We have a very unusual entrant into the compendium today. These adventures started in 1959 as an Iron Curtain response to James Bond. Penned by Andrei Gulyashki, there are at least 10 books and at least 1 movie and even a television show about , a Bulgarian Secret Service. Some have been translated into English. Like I said, very unusual.
- 02/01/2025 - New month. 2025 is now a 12th of the way in. Since it is a Saturday, I present for membership another spy series meant for young readers. Very young in this case. The operative is and the three rather extensive adventures are written for 6-9 year old readers by Mo O'Hara and illustrated in a very enjoyable manner by Jess Bradley. Anonymoose (the agent's name) is "the best (worst) secret agent in the Big Forest".
- 01/31/2025 - I enter into the compendium this final day of January a set of 8 adventures about a private investigator, written for us by Lyle Christie. As I mention in My Comments on , "You know the trope of a dog's attention span and a squirrel? That is Finn and a woman." That man is a hound, always on the hunt and always successful. Funny he has time for getting involved in all sorts of cloak-and-dagger stuff as well but he does. Do not plan to binge on these as his constant antics can get old quickly but for the occasional 'something different', his adventures are doozies!
What's New!
Say the word SPY to most people and they will respond with James Bond,
with good reason as he is the best known of all fictional spies. With 20+ blockbuster movies over the last 40+ years,
along with the standard movie hype, virtually the entire world knows about 007 and his License To Kill.
Of course, James Bond is by no means the only spy in the world of fiction, just the best known. Who are the rest?
Who has his or her own license to kill, thrill, or chill. How do these agents stack up against each other? Who would
you want beside you in a car chase, in a knife fight, in a dark alley, or beneath the covers?
This site is dedicated to the many, many men and women who, at least in fiction, have defended our freedoms against all forms of enemies, foreign and domestic. Well, granted a few of them were just in it for the money and many were only after the excitement, and sex played a huge role in the motivation of more than a few. But still, their actions helped not only preserve our way of life (on paper) but also brought us, the readers, many hours of escapism and vicarious pleasure.
So, who are these people that I have slaved so diligently to present to you? They are the men and women of spy-fi about whom there is a series. Single-book characters need not apply. There has to be at least two books. Two's the minimum but the more the merrier.
Moreover, I have confined membership to the English language. If it wasn't put into English so I can read it, I haven't worried about it.
Each spy has his or her own page. Click on the "Characters" button to go to a listing page. Click on the letter the
character's last name starts with (or a more common moniker like "Death Merchant" if appropriate). That will take one
step further into the labrynth. Finally, select the character's name from the list and, voila!
Have fun!!