
A Fan's Guide to Spy Series!

Information on 2684 series covering 15166 books!

As well as 598 movies, 8523 television episodes, and 13789 other things.

What's New

The last ten major changes to the site.

  • 10/22/2024 - I enjoyed today's entrant except for ... well, we'll get to that. Beta Force is the name for the two agents who work for the ultra secret Global Intelligence Commission, Zeke and Phoenix. The pair of adventures about them, penned by Ernest Dempsey, were very well plotted and written and I did enjoy both of them quite a bit. The exception was for Zeke who is way too annoying - but that is IMHO. I did like Phoenix, though. Tastes may vary.

  • 10/21/2024 - Today's entrant into the compendium is, on paper, a highly successful action-adventure author who has never written anything; someone else unseen and definitely uncredited does the scripting for him. Mike Black, aka Michael Stryker, just deposits the very large checks and takes the accolades. Oh, he also kills people while working for a highly secret organization called the Alliance. To be kinder to his reputation, I do note that he makes sure his targets are all very bad people, and then he eliminates them. The author, Sterling Kirkland, has moved on to a couple other series, non-spy but they look very interesting, so I do not know if he will return to Black's world or not but there are two exciting books to enjoy.

  • 10/20/2024 - When is a series not really a series? In today's case, it is when three parts of what amounts to a short story are marketed separately. Natalia is the name for this series - her last name is supposedly Romanov but Natalia is how she is referenced. It apparently took two people, Shani Finn and Pieter Becker, to bring us these pieces of one puzzle about a Russian FSB agent out for revenge and using sex to get it. I did not think very highly of the "stories".

  • 10/19/2024 - This Saturday morning I add to the compendium a six-"adventure" series from 1949, printed in the pages of the British publication Flash Comic. I put that word in quotes because, well ... as I say in My Comments, "These are semi-comedic adventures meant to entertain largely through improbable, if not outright impossible, events but they work because these are the funny pages so no one expects reality." I didn't think too much about Nick Carton but then again, maybe I was not supposed to.

  • 10/18/2024 - I present for membership into the compendium today another winner of a series, albeit far too short at 2 adventures. When you read the actions of Marks & Lip wonderfully penned by Dave Buschi a decade ago, you will see why I gave such a good grade - they earned it!!!

  • 10/17/2024 - Joining the compendium today is an ambitious set of adventures by Shaun Hoilett, published three decades ago. The name of the series is The Redhouse Project which is the name of the scheme by the FSB to destroy America. I have given starring role in these stories to a reporter named Frank Bolan but there is a male CIA agent named Roger Artwell who almost got that top billing and a female FSB assassin named Kraslvaya who also could have taken that spot. In fact, I was really rooting for her but ...

  • 10/16/2024 - In the 80s and 90s, author Christopher Hyde penned some pretty darned good suspense and espionage yarns. While he eschewed making a series of any of them and so did not have a place in this series compendium, his talent definitely earned several spots on my bookshelves. After the turn of the century, he began to release adventures in three different series under the penname of Paul Christopher. Two of them were about archaeologists involved in hunts for rare artifacts, all of which were sought for various reasons by very powerful people. These two may some day be added here as being spy-adjacent. The third series is more than just adjacent and thus Jane Todd, intrepid photographer turned reporter turned war correspondent turned part-time operative for the OSS during WWII, is presented here today.

  • 10/15/2024 - Got an interesting series today joining the compendium about an interesting fellow named Rick Godwin. This three-adventure set was written by D.M. Pierce a half decade ago. I state in My Comments that "Godwin is a thinker with feelings and his thoughts about those emotions make for interesting reading. As do his comments about just about everyone that he meets."

  • 10/14/2024 - There are numerous series in this compendium which deal with the protagonist going after his/her evil boss, especially when said boss does something to hurt the hero's loved one. That is the case here with Czerny Clark and, wow! Does Clark have a reason for wanting revenge and more than enough skill to get it. Toss in the fact that "Clark is very good at completing a mission, no matter the chaos" and you have a 4-adventure series by R. A. McGee which is filled with excitement.

  • 10/13/2024 - The very interesting and entertaining fellow named Bill Blake is not officially an agent of the British intelligence organization known as D19 because D19 does not officially exist. Move outside the 'official' and, yep, D19 is out there doing all sorts of clandestine operations and Blake is right there with them. Well, up until they tried to kill him. Then not so much. The three adventures we have of Blake so far are terrific action-adventures wonderfully penned by Rob Jones, the most recent just coming out so hopefully he will keep Blake going.

More What's New!


Say the word SPY to most people and they will respond with James Bond, with good reason as he is the best known of all fictional spies. With 20+ blockbuster movies over the last 40+ years, along with the standard movie hype, virtually the entire world knows about 007 and his License To Kill.

Of course, James Bond is by no means the only spy in the world of fiction, just the best known. Who are the rest? Who has his or her own license to kill, thrill, or chill. How do these agents stack up against each other? Who would you want beside you in a car chase, in a knife fight, in a dark alley, or beneath the covers?

This site is dedicated to the many, many men and women who, at least in fiction, have defended our freedoms against all forms of enemies, foreign and domestic. Well, granted a few of them were just in it for the money and many were only after the excitement, and sex played a huge role in the motivation of more than a few. But still, their actions helped not only preserve our way of life (on paper) but also brought us, the readers, many hours of escapism and vicarious pleasure.

So, who are these people that I have slaved so diligently to present to you? They are the men and women of spy-fi about whom there is a series. Single-book characters need not apply. There has to be at least two books. Two's the minimum but the more the merrier.

Moreover, I have confined membership to the English language. If it wasn't put into English so I can read it, I haven't worried about it.

Each spy has his or her own page. Click on the "Characters" button to go to a listing page. Click on the letter the character's last name starts with (or a more common moniker like "Death Merchant" if appropriate). That will take one step further into the labrynth. Finally, select the character's name from the list and, voila!

Have fun!!
