g8_di_1938_12__63 g8_di_1938_08__59 g8_di_1939_03__66 g8_di_1943_06__104 g8_di_1936_12__39 g8_di_1938_10__61 g8_di_1939_01__64 g8_di_1939_06__69 g8_di_1939_02__65 g8_di_1938_09__60 g8_di_1936_09__36 g8_di_1942_10__100 g8_di_1940_07__82 g8_di_1943_08__105 g8_di_1933_11__02 g8_cb_jann16 g8_di_1936_01__28 g8_di_1940_01__76 g8_di_1941_03__90 g8_di_1938_11__62 g8_di_1940_06__81 g8_di_1941_06__92 g8_di_1935_09__24 g8_di_1934_07__10 g8_di_1936_02__29
Full Name: G-8
Codename: G-8
Nationality: American
Organization: American Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Robert J. Hogan
Time Span: 1933 - 1991


G-8 is a spy for the American Secret Service.

When we first encounter him, he is very much a spy because he is being held by German forces behind German lines awaiting a German firing squad, much to the relief of that country's Imperial army. As a general for that organization would say, "We must capture and kill this verdammt young man, G-8, at all costs. I would give willingly ten thousand of my bravest for his head. He is too clever to live. He knows more about our business than we do ourselves."

The codename of G-8 is all that the enemy knows of his identity, which is not surprising since as the readers of his more than 100 incredible adventures, that is all we will ever know him by. There will be no first or last name, no nickname, no pet name, no initials of any sort except the callsign of G-8. It is hypothesized that the 'G' stood for 'Government' and that the '8' meant he was the eighth operative for the intelligence organization he answers to but that is not substantiated.

While his identity is an enigma, his reputation and his actions speak volumes. He is young, as mentioned, but he is highly experienced and capable. These two factors, coupled with his incredible audacity, make him the nemesis of all of the Kaiser's sizeable forces. By the time we first meet him as he allows himself to be captured so he can find a way into a prison to get close to a key enemy leader, he has been around quite a while to already be such an accursed thorn in the enemy's side.

[Interesting to know when this all actually takes place. The U.S. did not enter WWI, the conflict in which all these missions take place, until April of 1917 and the Great War came to an end in November of 1918, 19 months, 84 weeks. There are 110 mission from the time we start following him and we know by that famed renown that he was already well known.]

In addition to his great skill as a spy, though, his prowess as a pilot is even greater. His ability to handle his beloved Spad aircraft, a French biplane fighter, is even more spoken of with awe as his espionage work. When not on a secret mission, he could usually be found in a "newly-pressed uniform of a captain of the American Air Service. That was his own uniform. G-8 was a spy, but his proudest possession was that captain's uniform with the wings and bars he had earned." 

For description of G-8 we are given this: "He was not tall and not short either. A young man of medium build. Rather good-looking but no collar ad. He had broad shoulders and an easy rolling motion when he walked or moved that gave hint of having every muscle at his instant command. But those steel-gray eyes were the outstanding thing about this master spy. They held one by a sort of magnetism even while in casual conversation. They were commanding eyes."

Joining him in his exciting and dangerous life in the air are two other pilots who G-8 meets in the first recorded adventure. There is Bull Martin, a large and highly superstitious man, and one not known for being the brightest bulb in a marquee, who has numbered his airplane '7'. On the other extreme is a much shorter man named Nippy Weston, ever ready with a clever quip, who dubbed his plane '13'. Both men will become very close friends with each other and with G-8 and take pleasure in being known as his wingmen.

Also of considerable importance in G-8's life is his man servant named Battle. A British batsman who is a good deal older than G-8 but has a good deal of affection and admiration for the younger officer. In addition to keeping his kit in proper shape and helping tend to his many wounds and bruises, Battle is also a master makeup artist and helps G-8 adopt a wide variety of nearly undetectable disguises.

As impressive as G-8 and his exploits are, even more awe-and-fear inspiring is the large and dangerous line-up of adversaries that G-8 will come up against - many times repeatedly. Most of them are ridiculously intelligent and inventive able to come up with fantastic weapons and horrendous devices and gasses able to kill thousands at a time. They also tend to find outrageous creatures out of nightmarish fantasies.

By far the most troublesome and hard to put down permanently is Herr Doktor Krueger who G-8 meets in his first recorded escapade and will encounter over 20 times during his career.

"He was short, slim, almost emaciated in appearance. His face was that of a homely, half-starved school boy in his early teens. His lips did not quite meet, and between them showed large irregular teeth, the two upper tusks twice as long as the others, protruding downward in hideous fashion. His forehead was large. His whole head was oversized, with capacity for an enormous brain, and made more grotesque by being shaven clean. Fire seemed to dart from the tiny eyes, set close together, that peered through extraordinarily thick glasses. And when the man spoke his words came in a flat, high-pitched voice."

Krueger would be defeated over and over and yet always find a way to return to vex G-8 yet again. Even at the end of the G-8 missions when it seems that G-8 was finally able to kill Krueger for good, there remained a question of just how dead was he.

Next in line of repeat performances is the extremely diabolical Chu Lung, A Chinese scientist, insane and evil incarnate. He was particularly fond of gasses to incapacitate his victims, usually permanently. Complete with a Fu Manchu style long mustache and a mostly bald head, he delighted in causing mayhem and suffering.

Herr Stahlmaske, aka Steel Mask, will try his hand at killing G-8 while also trying to destroy the Allies armies. His name fits just like the literal steel mask he is always wearing. He will return over a half dozen times in G-8's career.

Grun the Primeval is a huge green-skinned creature who was as deadly as he was homicidal, and he was very homicidal! He was only on hand three times but each time was nearly G-8's last.

The list of other notables is long and varied, most of them being of German  origin but not all. The range of opponents also include occasionally zombies, monsters of this type or that, and even an alien or two from other worlds.

G-8 kept busy!


Number of Books:9
First Appearance:1933
Last Appearance:1942

     In 1970 wanting to cash in on the perceived nostalgia craze demonstrated by the success in the late 60s of Bantam's Doc Savage paperback reprints, rival Berkley Medallion issued a series of 8 reprints of G-8 adventures from its eponymous magazine of nearly 4 decades before.

     The first three books, coming out in 1970, had, IMHO, terrific covers by noted artist Jim Steranko. They also enjoyed a stylized font for the title making them unique but reminiscent of the Savage editions. The remaining five, released the next year, reverted to using small versions of the original magazine covers with standard, uninspired titles.

     Those first three releases mirrored the release orders of the original magazine but after that, the sequence was unpredictable. The 4th was from near the end of the entire original run. The 5th - 7th were from the 40s. The last was back again nearing the end.

     In 1985, another publishing house tried to revive interest in paperback versions of pulp adventures. Dimedia used a tag line of 'Blazing Adventure' for four books, three of which were from The Spider and the 4th was from G-8. They must not have done as well as desired because there were no more in the line.

     In the listing of these books below, I use as the copyright the original date the magazines came out.

1 The Bat Staffel The Bat Staffel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1933

Reprint of the main story from G-8 and His Battle Aces #1. This paperback was released in 1970.

2 Purple Aces Purple Aces
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1933

Reprint of the main story from G-8 and His Battle Aces #2. This paperback was released in 1970.

3 Ace of the White Death Ace of the White Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1933

Reprint of the main story from G-8 and His Battle Aces #3. This paperback was released in 1970.

4 Bombs from the Murder Wolves Bombs from the Murder Wolves
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Reprint of the main story from G-8 and His Battle Aces #106. This paperback was released in 1971.

5 Vultures of the White Death Vultures of the White Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Reprint of the main story from G-8 and His Battle Aces #43. This paperback was released in 1971.

6 Flight from the Grave Flight from the Grave
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Reprint of the main story from G-8 and His Battle Aces #44. This paperback was released in 1971.

7 Fangs of the Sky Leopard Fangs of the Sky Leopard
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Reprint of the main story from G-8 and His Battle Aces #42. This paperback was released in 1971.

8 The Mark of the Vulture The Mark of the Vulture
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1942

Reprint of the main story from G-8 and His Battle Aces #98. This paperback was released in 1971.

9 Scourge of the Steel Mask Scourge of the Steel Mask
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Reprint of the main story from G-8 and His Battle Aces #40. This paperback was released in 1985.


Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:1957
Last Appearance:1957

1 Fields of Gold Fields of Gold
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1957

A text adventure published in Jann of the Jungle #16, 04/1957. 1.67 pages.
[plot unknown]


Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:1966
Last Appearance:1991

1 G-8 And The Secret Weapon G-8 And The Secret Weapon
Published by Gold Key
Contributors: Leo Dorfman (writer), George Evans (pencils), Mike Peppe (inks), Ben Oda (letters)
Copyright: 1966

Published in the solo issue of G-8 and His Battle Aces, 1966.
From cover blurb: "G-8 shoots to kill a monster bird before its explosive eggs wipe out the Allied armies!"
From "Using disguises, airplanes, great daring, and trips through no-man's land, G-8 repeatedly slips across German and American lines. When a German secret weapon begins blasting through American defenses, G-8 learns that it is a hybrid winged Zeppelin dropping self-propelled bombs. The Battle Aces board the aircraft in flight, drop the bombs on German troops, and destroy the ship."

2 Grun, the Green Terror Grun, the Green Terror
Published by Blazing Comics
Contributors: Chuck Dixon (writer), Sam Glanzman (pencils and inks)
Copyright: 1991

Published in the solo issue of G-8 and His Battle Aces, 1991.
According to "Plot based on the 63-page novella The Green Scourge of the Sky Raiders by Robert J. Hogan, published in the pulp magazine G-8 and His Battle Aces [Vol. 20 No. 4, May 1940]."


Number of Digests:110
First Appearance:1933
Last Appearance:1944

In 1933, still relatively new to the pulp adventure world, Robert J. Hogan met with Popular Publications co-founder, Henry Steeger, and presented his idea of a book-length series which he called "G-8". Steeger added "and his Battle Aces" to the title and the idea was born.

The first issue was released in September, 1933 and continued monthly for nearly a decade before dropping to bi-monthly for the last two years due to paper shortages caused by the Second World War.

The series came to an end after a very impressive 110 issues!

1 The Bat Staffel The Bat Staffel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1933

Published in G-8 #1, 10/01/1933
What were these batlike monsters? What was the strange death they carried? G-8 and his ace buddies follow this horror staffel straight into action skies!

2 Purple Aces Purple Aces
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1933

Published in G-8 #2, 11/01/1933
Purple aces — purple faces! Coming to kill you at dawn!"A dying Yank gasped these words. As he did so he pointed to his own forehead where, emblazoned on the skin, was a small purple ace of spades! What was this dread emblem? Who were the suicide pilots that fought like fiends under the Order of the Purple Ace? The Allies wait in terror while G-8 and his sky pals take up a fighting trail against this mystery staffel of death!

3 Ace of the White Death Ace of the White Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1933

Published in G-8 #3, 12/01/1933
"Need help... Important. Meet me in Mine Seven, Shaft Two, at Saarbrucken..." Through the night flashed that message, summoning G-8, famous Yank master spy, to a mystery rendezvous deep in Bocheland. But he didn't know enemy eyes had read that S.O.S. - didn'nt guess he was heading straight into the neatest death trap ever laid for a war spy!

4 The Midnight Eagle The Midnight Eagle
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #4, 01/01/1934
[Doktor Krueger is back! A gigantic Eagle flies the skies over No Man’s Land and is wreaking havoc with Allied pilots, clawing them out of the skies with its enormous talons. Even our hero and his Battle Aces barely survive their first encounter with the airborne menace. G-8, Nippy and Bull are assigned to get to the bottom of this monster being employed to such deadly effect by the Central Powers and after the usual dogfights, fistfights, shootouts and escapes the trio discover that the huge eagle is a creation of wiley old Doktor Krueger! And not only that but under the Eagle disguise the Midnight Eagle is basically a modified German war Zeppelin.]

5 The Vampire Staffel The Vampire Staffel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #5, 02/01/1934
"To all Mankind: Amen Sikh, mad Egyptian scientist, controls the ancient white plague... He is working against the Allies. Plague is to be spread on legs of L..." As G-8 read this unfinished message, he grew chill with terror. Already Yanks were dying by the thousands of a strange disease no one had been able to diagnose — The Plague! Death stalks the world as three Yanks seek to curb its phantom wings!

6 The Skeleton Patrol The Skeleton Patrol
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #6, 03/01/1934
"Ghosts! Ha-ha-ha-ha — there ain't no such thing!" From the wreck of a crashed D.H. came those strange words — words spoken with mad laughter by a dying Yank. What had he seen in German skies that had turned him insane with fright? Had a "ghost" wiped out the rest of his patrol? Grimly G-8 and his buddies seek the answer down a haunted cloud trail.

7 Squadron of Corpses Squadron of Corpses
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #7, 04/01/1934
"Tomorrow at dawn von Griel will fly again. All German aces who have been killed will be brought back to fight again in the air..." G-8 was puzzled by this strange message... Nippy scoffed... But the next day they saw — a corpse flying, a corpse that had been buried months ago. Their bullets hammered into his body but he flew on. Who was this ghastly pilot? How could the Yanks hope to fight a staffel recruited from the grave?

8 The Invisible Staffel The Invisible Staffel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #8, 05/01/1934
For two days that phantom Fokker had terrified the Front. A strange, weird ship of death, all men could see was its dim outline. The fuselage — the wings — the pilot — were invisible! How could men fight an invisible enemy? What good was Vickers lead against a plane that was as transparent as air?

9 The Dynamite Squadron The Dynamite Squadron
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #9, 06/01/1934
Officers at G.H.Q. stared at that map of the war Front in horror. Too late, they realized the 39th American division had walked into a trap — a trap that might snap shut any minute, hurl thousands of Yanks to hell! And only owe man could defy this devil snare — alone G-8, master ace-spy hurls battle wings straight into the worst terror scheme ever laid for man by man!

10 The Dragon Patrol The Dragon Patrol
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #10, 07/01/1934
All Paris trembled with terror as those mystery shells blasted the city. Planes searched the clouds for a lurking Zeppelin — but found nothing. Up at the Front, the sky was black — there was no fire to indicate a long-range gun. What was it that was smashing Paris — killing women and children — threatening to destroy the nerve center of the whole Allied forces? The Front waited in horror while G-8 and his two sky buddies set out to tackle this invisible menace on fighting death wings!

11 The Hurricane Patrol The Hurricane Patrol
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #11, 08/01/1934
Twice in one morning an American front-line company had been wiped out; every man killed — suffocated — without a chance to fight back. What was this awful new death? G-8 scoured Paris, flew over the Mediterranean and even penetrated the wild country of northern Africa to combat this ghastly sky menace on dead mans wings!

12 The Panther Squadron The Panther Squadron
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #12, 09/01/1934
For days all had been quiet on the enemy front. Then a dying American spy broke through the lines to gasp out a strange message — "Women being tortured... Black Forest... Hear screams every night... Stop them!" Puzzled, G-8 set out to follow this strange clue, never guessing he was hurtling into combat with Germany's most ghastly staffel — a sky squadron of man-beasts!

13 The Spider Staffel The Spider Staffel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #13, 10/01/1934
"Be Warned! Each night with the setting of the sun the giant Tarantula Spider will spin his web across the Front. If you send your ships out tonight — he will eat them!" H.Q. scoffed at this warning. But G-8 saw it carried out, saw four Yank planes devoured by the most ghastly creature that ever stalked the skies. What was this new horror? How could Yank bombers hope to get past its net of death?

14 The Mad Dog Squadron The Mad Dog Squadron
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #14, 11/01/1934
It hung in the night sky — the gigantic head of a mad dog whose open mouth dripped water. Men who saw it went mad, suddenly stricken with the strange plague that had already torn a death path through American ranks. Doctors struggled in vain to learn the plague's secret. But G-8 took up the trail grimly, followed it straight into a madman's sky trap!

15 The Blizzard Staffel The Blizzard Staffel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1934

Published in G-8 #15, 12/01/1934
Cut off from Allied lines, the 162nd American division was in a death spot. There was only one way of reaching them — and that was by air. But it was practically impossible to fly through the blizzard even then raging along the front. Yet G-8 and his buddies defied doom to try to work out a suicide plan to rescue thousands of Yanks!

16 The X-Ray Eye The X-Ray Eye
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #16, 01/01/1935
"Scientist murdered in Berlin!" It was that headline in a German newspaper that sent G-8 an the trail of one of the most ghastly war schemes that ever blasted fighting skies. Intelligence was not impressed by the news story; but G-8 suspected the motive behind the crime, knew that it promised a horror campaign that might destroy the world — and grimly he set out to combat it!

17 Squadron of the Scorpion Squadron of the Scorpion
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #17, 02/01/1935
Their insignia were signs of the Zodiac... they fought only when ordered by the Stars! Yet G-8 had a hunch that this apparently superstitious staffel was important, that somehow it was playing death stakes in one of the most deadly war schemes ever laid — and he followed his hunch on a lone daring patrol!

18 The Death Monsters The Death Monsters
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #18, 03/01/1935
Only a fiendishly brilliant scientist like Herr Doktor Krueger could create these monsters. Only men who laughed at death could dare defy their poison coils. The things marched along the Front, nightmare creatures whose tentacles crushed any planes that came within their reach. What were they? How could G-8 and his sky buddies fight them — destroy them before they threatened the entire world with destruction?

19 The Cave Man Patrol The Cave Man Patrol
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #19, 04/01/1935
They were strange creatures — these grayish skinned beings who could see in the darkness like wild cats and who fought steel bullets with ancient bows and arrows! Who were they? Why did they roam No-Man's Land in the dead of night... why did they ride war skies on dynamite death wings? G-8 took up their trail grimly, hurtled straight into the deadliest snare ever set in horror cloud lanes!

20 The Gorilla Staffel The Gorilla Staffel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #20, 05/01/1935
"You cannot kill me," the spy shouted. "Your execution squad has just shot me, yet here I stand, as much alive as ever. There are many more like me in Germany. Bullets cannot kill them!" And G-8, listening, knew this strange man spoke the truth — in part at least. He had already met a Boche staffel whom bullets could not injure! Who were these invincible pilots? How could G-8 and his aces dare hope to conquer an enemy that could not die?

21 The Sword Staffel The Sword Staffel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #21, 06/01/1935
"The brain is mightier than the sword," Herr Doktor Krueger cackled, "but not this sword. This is a sword with brains as well as sharp edges and strength. If I should so order it would jump forward from my bed and plunge itself into your heart"... It sounded like a madman's boasting — but the little Herr Doktor was far from mad. He was ready to launch against the Allies the most terrifying sky horror of the war — the staffel of death swords! Could G-8 battle this menace? Could he dare try to crush a phantom squadron with fighting wings?

22 Wings of the Juggernaut Wings of the Juggernaut
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #22, 07/01/1935
"There is something strange going on here in Germany. Watch for a new insignia on Fokkers. I will report more later. J-7." But half an hour later J-7 was dead. What had he suspected? Against what new danger had he tried to warn the Allies? There was just one way to find out — G-8 took it, baited a suicide trap with dynamite wings. And before that night was over he knew he and his battle aces were up against the most deadly menace they had ever faced in fighting skies!

23 The Headless Staffel The Headless Staffel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #23, 08/01/1935
G-8 stared in horror. The observer of that black plane had shoulders and arms — but no head. There was nothing but a neck that oozed blood. And on the neck a falcon perched! For an hour the Yank spy had hunted this black ship. And now that he had sighted it he knew that his assignment to "Find the Wizard — wipe him out!" was one of the most daring jobs he and his aces had ever tried to carry out in death skies!

24 Staffel of Beasts Staffel of Beasts
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #24, 09/01/1935
"I'm going blind... I can't see!" From all along the Yank front those reports came in — pitiful reports from troops sent up to stage a victory drive — troops that now fought on — grimly, hopelessly. And G-8, watching from the air, vowed grimly to avenge their slaughter, to track this horror scourge to its source and bust it wide open with crimson lead!

25 Claws of the Sky Monster Claws of the Sky Monster
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #25, 10/01/1935
"To the driver of the Geier who kills G-8, I will personally give one hundred thousand marks." Deep in Germany Herr Doktor Krueger made this offer... And now G-8 was taking off into war skies. He hadn't yet seen the giant Geiers — didn't know that he was soon to pit his wings against the most horrible menace that ever patrolled scarlet cloud lanes!

26 Staffel of Invisible Men Staffel of Invisible Men
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #26, 11/01/1935
"Have all Allied spies in Germany watch for menace of midgets connection aviation!" When G-8 read this cable from a fellow secret service agent in America, he was puzzled. Why should this information come from the United States? He and his battle aces had been patrolling war skies constantly — yet had seen no sign of midgets... But before several hours had passed, G-8 knew that he was embarked on the most daring sky mission he had ever tackled, knew he must pit fighting wings against an invisible staffel!

27 Staffel of the Floating Heads Staffel of the Floating Heads
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1935

Published in G-8 #27, 12/01/1935
G-8 saw the grim visitor from the grave; stood startled while the phantom spoke its words of doom... "Leutnant Macon," it said, "you have killed me. You have taken my life when I did you no harm. You saw me die and fall — like this. Look at me now, and be cursed for your murder. I will haunt you until the end of your days." — But somewhere the Master Spy knew there would be an answer to this; and ghosts or no ghosts, he was going to bring it back.

28 The Blood Bat Staffel The Blood Bat Staffel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #28, 01/01/1936
The little fiend doktor smiled as he spoke, "It is only a matter of time until the cursed Amerikaners and the Allies shall grovel at my feet." And as though to echo Herr Doktor Krueger's words, lightning death slashed through the midnight skies. Yankee birdmen folded their wings in the panic of fear. But to another, it was only a challenge, as G-8 saw the hand of his arch enemy and hit the sky on wings of blood and death.

29 Skeletons of the Black Cross Skeletons of the Black Cross
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #29, 02/01/1936
Sudden, hideous destruction loomed like some frightful monster in the skies, wrought by what fiendish hand, the Master Spy could not tell — could not tell because it struck swiftly and silently, without so much as a trace of its frightful source. Still G-8 hit the sky lanes of Death — with a purpose. He would bring back the answer or not return at all.

30 The Patrol of the Dead The Patrol of the Dead
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #30, 03/01/1936
Deep in the forests of Bocheland lurked a horror that was not Death — but a living doom that robbed the soul and turned men into bloodthirsty beasts! What ghastly genius of forgotten centuries had now returned to paint the sky and earth in blood? G-8 held half the secret within his whirling brain, and meant to learn the rest, knowing too well that his only reward would be Death or living madness!

31 Scourge of the Sky Beast Scourge of the Sky Beast
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #31, 04/01/1936
What were these strange Monsters of the Sky that winged their way through space, leaving blood and destruction as they flew? What fiendish mind had spawned these beasts that sent the Allies crashing to horrible Death! Only Herr Doktor Krueger could have produced these deadly bats, and G-8's duty was clear. Kill the little beast of science, or let his comrades die!

32 The Wings of Satan The Wings of Satan
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #32, 05/01/1936
Only the fires of Hell could produce these madmen of the battle lanes — fiendish pilots of the skies who cared not for the enemy's lives nor for their own. Souls tortured from the beginning of time, now vengeance mad! Seeking to take from the living what they themselves had been denied!

33 Patrol of the Cloud Crusher Patrol of the Cloud Crusher
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #33, 06/01/1936
Not even G-8 could fathom the ungodly powers of the cloud crusher! A hand that struck from nowhere — a haunting, terrible messenger of death! And yet the Master Spy's duty was clear — this menace must be destroyed, even though a very life be exchanged for the answer to this horrible curse of the skies!

34 Curse of the Sky Wolves Curse of the Sky Wolves
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #34, 07/01/1936
Blood streams flowing with the germs of madness, the Sky Wolves have descended on the Allies! There is no truce between man and beast, for reason cannot match the savage lust for gore! G-8 did not know the source of this blood-lust, but he did know the destruction it could bring; knew well that men were changing to hungry beasts and that the job was up to him!

35 Vultures of the Purple Death Vultures of the Purple Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #35, 08/01/1936
Men without faces, without hearts and without souls — ambassadors of murder — incapable of mercy! These were the opponents of the Master Spy — men driven to madness by the blood-lust of Krueger — the heartless, avenging Vultures of the Purple Death!

36 Wings of Invisible Doom Wings of Invisible Doom
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #36, 09/01/1936
Death! — companion of the skyways and champion of the War — has descended upon the Master Spy with all the grim fury of a monster's hate! What are three men against the forces of hell itself! What price will brave men pay for their honor? The action is fierce, fast and frightening as we hearken to the Wings of Invisible Doom!

37 Skies of Yellow Death Skies of Yellow Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #37, 10/01/1936
"At midnight you die!" The message passed before the eyes of the Master Spy like the swift hand of Death from which there was no reprieve. Four hours to live, with the work of a lifetime before him — four hours in which to repair a wrong that threatened the safety of the world!

38 Death Rides the Ceiling Death Rides the Ceiling
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #38, 11/01/1936
The breath of fire is scorching the heavens, tearing in its wake the dead and the mourned! G-8 is fighting this relentless scourge — fighting with his brains and his heart and his soul. But what is one man against a foe he cannot understand? — what is the good of courage without the guns to back it up!

39 Patrol of the Mad Patrol of the Mad
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1936

Published in G-8 #39, 12/01/1936
A mist of madness swept the skies, and G-8 knew that the answer must be found! Allied pilots lost, and then returned as gibbering idiots! Germany's forces swept the air, and the end was now in sight, if the Master Spy and his Aces could not combat this terrible menace! G-8 opposes himself to the genius of a madman!

40 Scourge of the Steel Mask Scourge of the Steel Mask
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #40, 01/01/1937
He came from the very fires of Hell to blight the Living, and he cared not for the cost of his Lust! G-8 has found himself at last, opposed to a fiend he cannot hope to fight — a fiend whom Aides have been taken from the Dregs of the Earth, and whose Hate is fiercer than the forces of the Sky!

41 Patrol of the Murder Masters Patrol of the Murder Masters
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #41, 02/01/1937
Hungry hands of Death, reaching with their blood-reddened claws for his life, have not killed the fighting spirit of the Master Spy! Two fiends united in Unholy Destruction have attached their Hate to the Stars in The Sky! And to the Battle Aces, closeted with Death — it is fight and fight and fight!

42 Fangs of the Sky Leopard Fangs of the Sky Leopard
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #42, 03/01/1937
An Invitation to Death that cannot be declined has been tendered the Master Spy! What strange strength had been given to these beasts that was denied to other men? What forces have made courage useless and the honor of men a travesty? Fly if you will through the Skies of War on the darkened Wings of Fear!

43 Vultures of the White Death Vultures of the White Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #43, 04/01/1937
When G-8 walks among the living dead, there it a reason for his madness. There is a purpose to his sacrifice that is greater than any man's life — a purpose that he hopes will solve the greatest mystery of the War!

44 Flight of the Dragon Flight of the Dragon
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #44, 05/01/1937
Death rode like the wind across the sky, in the guise of a monster such as no man had seen before. The flames of destruction are closing about the Master Spy; his men have lost courage in the face of the Dragon's fire. How long can one man fight on his courage alone; what price will he pay for his country's salvation?

45 Flight from the Grave Flight from the Grave
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #45, 06/01/1937
Deathless men from another world who move like machines against a helpless human race! — these are the enemies that G-8 must fight — this is the test of an airman's courage! What is the Fate that lies before the Master Spy? Where is the end of the trail of Death?

46 Patrol of the Purple Clan Patrol of the Purple Clan
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #46, 07/01/1937
The war shifts swiftly from Europe to the U.S.A. on the wings of the Purple Clan! Traitors to the flag who fight for gold against their country — vultures of civilization whose fangs reach out for the life of the Master Spy!

47 Vengeance of the Vikings Vengeance of the Vikings
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #47, 08/01/1937
Black night hung over Paris, concealing the Death in the sky, and concealing from all men but the Master Spy, the horrible fate that awaited them! Out of the dark ages of history, through a thousand tortured years, comes the Vengeance of the Vikings on the screaming wings of Doom!

48 Flight of the Green Assassin Flight of the Green Assassin
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #48, 09/01/1937
Yellow hands upon the triggers of destruction blaze their bloody path across the skies, and reach with their boney fingers for the life of the Master Spy! Fly with G-8 to this Altar of Doom, and sit by his side as his blazing guns talk back to the curse of the skies!

49 The Hand of Steel The Hand of Steel
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #49, 10/01/1937
There is blood on the hook of The Hand of Steel that cuts its red path across the skies, and casts the shadow of Death upon the wings of the Master Spy! Is the courage and skill of a single man enough to combat this scourge?

50 The Flight of the Hell Hawks The Flight of the Hell Hawks
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #50, 11/01/1937
G-8 could see those Claws of Death, sharpened with hate and with the strength of steel, grasping Yank pilots from their pits and hurling them to horrible destruction. What was the ghastly secret that had given them life? How could brave men fight back at the Vultures who murdered them in the sky?

51 The Drome of the Damned The Drome of the Damned
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1937

Published in G-8 #51, 12/01/1937
Steel fists beat without mercy upon the hapless and tortured victims of the sky and the Drome of the Damned is the City of the Dead! Fly and fight side by side with the Master Spy in a glorious bid for freedom and supremacy in the skies!

52 Satan Paints the Sky Satan Paints the Sky
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #52, 01/01/1938
G-8 walked down the road that leads to Death, and in the sky he flew where the Falcons waited with their bloody claws bared! For that is the way of War and there is no mercy — only red courage against hatred as SATAN PAINTS THE SKY!

53 Wings for the Dead Wings for the Dead
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #53, 02/01/1938
"Watch for the Man in Armor!" were the dying words that G-8 heard, before he started on a hunt through the Skies of Hell where Death is the gruesome host! Fly with the Master Spy to the ends of the bleeding Air Trails!

54 Patrol of the Phantom Patrol of the Phantom
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #54, 03/01/1938
A battle with Hell and Destruction above the earth, and a thousand chances for a fighting man to die! Here is adventure that carries you high to the bloody thrills that have painted the skies!

55 The Black Aces of Doom The Black Aces of Doom
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #55, 04/01/1938
Born of the dank and lecherous swamp, with a thirst for the blood of their fellow men, the Black Aces of Doom flew the night skies of war! They flung their hideous challenge to G-8, and the Master Spy accepted, knowing that his life was the prize of the game, that failure would mean only — Death!

56 The Flames of Hell The Flames of Hell
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #56, 05/01/1938
In one brain, and in one mad will to destroy, lies the menace that would take the life of G-8, the Master Spy — and grind to powdered dust his countrymen! Who is this Master of Destruction — and what is the torch that has lighted the Flames of Hell?

57 Patrol of the Iron Hand Patrol of the Iron Hand
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #57, 06/01/1938
Death walks the world in an iron garb and sleeps in the dismal caves of Hell! Stahlmaske once more roams the Front — and the bodies of the damned lie strewn in his wake! The Master Spy calls on his courage and wits to battle the forces of Hate!

58 Fangs of the Serpent Fangs of the Serpent
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #58, 07/01/1938
The skies are red with the blood of men who have a right to live, and G-8 flies to his last appointment with Death! This is the will of the Serpent, and there is hell and misery locked in the magic of his eyes. You'll know about this when you've felt the bloody Fangs of the Serpent!

59 Aces of the Damned Aces of the Damned
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #59, 08/01/1938
[This time around the deadly Chinaman, betraying his country by working for the Central Powers, has created a customized Twin Zeppelin unit that soars the skies linked together by an array of special weaponry that shoots chemicals that induce blindness in Allied pilots and ground troops, leaving them helpless before the advancing Central Powers troops.]

60 Patrol of the Sky Vulture Patrol of the Sky Vulture
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #60, 09/01/1938
In the hills behind the guns of War lurks the menace that G-8 and his pals must fight! Who is Herr Geist and what is his bloody mission? Does the Master Spy live or must he die in skies made red with the blood of his companions?

61 The Condor Rides with Death The Condor Rides with Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #61, 10/01/1938
With the silence of a ghost but with the frightening forces of an avalanche, the curse of blindness descended upon Paris! And in the empty sky where fighting men tripped their guns at the War Gods, the dice of death were stacked against the dying Yanks. There is only one way for the Master Spy—and he takes this last chance of wings of flaming disaster!

62 Flying Coffins of the Damned Flying Coffins of the Damned
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #62, 11/01/1938
[Abdul Saad has perfected a liquid that transforms men into living mummies]

63 The Bloody Wings of the Vampire The Bloody Wings of the Vampire
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1938

Published in G-8 #63, 12/01/1938
The Red Scourge of the Western Front is fought to the death by G-8 and his Battle Aces and the ghosts of War still shudder as they recall the Bloody Wings of the Vampire!

64 Raiders of the Silent Death Raiders of the Silent Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #64, 01/01/1939
[Doktor Krueger is back! This time he has guns of various sizes that fire deadly artillery and which not only can be transported noiselessly through the skies but can be fired in complete silence.]

65 The Sky Serpent Flies Again The Sky Serpent Flies Again
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #65, 02/01/1939
The sharpened claws of a Yellow Ace are red with the blood of Americans, and only G-8 and his Battle Aces remain in the path of the Sky Serpent! You've not known a thrill or a haunting fear until you've stood with the Master Spy at this cross-road of his career, and fought shoulder to shoulder with him against a scourge that it seemed impossible to combat!

66 The Black Wings of the Raven The Black Wings of the Raven
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #66, 03/01/1939
[Originally Baron Kurt von Ravenfeld was just another deadly ace for the Germans. When G-8 happened to shoot down and kill Kurt's younger brother and fellow pilot his life changed forever. Von Ravenfeld challenged G-8 to an aerial duel and was shot down by the American ace. He survived his crash-landing but his skin had forever been burned a black color like the wings of a raven. (I guess his already convenient last name wasn't enough to inspire him to use the nom de guerre "The Raven", he needed Cajun blackened skin, too.) At any rate, now calling himself the Raven our villain established a laboratory and torture chamber in an abandoned mine underneath his ancestral castle. For this introductory tale the Raven designed special gas-bombs with raven wings that could be remotely controlled by him to fly with deadly precision at their targets.]

67 Death Rides the Last Patrol Death Rides the Last Patrol
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #67, 04/01/1939
[The Raven returns for another clash with G-8 and his Battle Aces! The man with coal-black skin is still out for revenge on our hero, the flying ace who shot down and killed the Raven's brother. Helping the Central Powers win the war would just be a fringe benefit. Von Ravenfeld's experiments on the POW human guinea pigs in his castle's dungeon laboratory have yielded a paralyzing gas.]

68 Three Fly with Satan Three Fly with Satan
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #68, 05/01/1939
[And what a three they are! Our hero, Bull and Nippy face the terrible Teutonic trio of Doktor Krueger, the Raven and Steel Mask, the villain who hid his disfigured face behind a metal mask decades before Doctor Doom and Darth Vader came along. The deadly trio have hatched an intricate plan that plays to each of their individual strengths. The object of their sinister plotting: the death of G-8 and his Battle Aces plus the end of the war in a Central Powers victory!]

69 Flight of the Death Battalion Flight of the Death Battalion
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #69, 06/01/1939
They had no way of telling what lay before them; there was no sign of murder in the day or in the night as these Battle Aces sat talking in their Hangar. And then it came! — strange and ghastly, as though from another earth, and G-8 had no weapon other than his courage with which to fight!

70 Wings of the Black Terror Wings of the Black Terror
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #70, 07/01/1939
[The Chinese genius Chu Lung is back for another go-round with G-8! This time around the Chinese menace has created a lethal black gas that he releases in the form of enormous dark clouds to kill as many Allied pilots and soldiers as possible. The gas is produced and released by way of a convoluted Rube Goldberg device just begging to be sabotaged.]

71 Patrol of the Iron Scourge Patrol of the Iron Scourge
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #71, 08/01/1939
[Our heroes go up against an entire army of robots with skull-heads – the Iron Men or Iron Scourge, as they're referred to interchangeably. Such a memorable threat deserved to be associated with one of G-8's greatest foes like Doktor Krueger or Steel Mask or the two teamed together but, unfortunately that was not the case. At any rate the Iron Men pose a potent enough danger to change the entire course of the war. Can G-8, Bull and Nippy hope to defeat a bullet-proof army which knows no fear and no pain?]

72 Wings of the White Death Wings of the White Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #72, 09/01/1939
[Introducing another recurring foe in G-8's Rogue's Gallery! He's another mad genius and his name is Mr Matsu! Just as our heroes had battled American, British and French traitors this time they clash with a Japanese traitor in the form of Mr Matsu. This Japanese scientist sold out his homeland because the Central Powers offered him more money.]

73 The Black Buzzard Flies to Hell The Black Buzzard Flies to Hell
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #73, 10/01/1939
[Introducing a new member of G-8's Rogue's Gallery of foes – Nordlich the Inventor! Herr Nordlich has put his genius to work and has come up with stealth planes coated in a special coal-black paint and capable of carrying over twice the bomb payload of other planes. In addition he's invented special helmets that permit the planes' pilots to see each other AND see in the dark of night.]

74 Red Fangs of the Sky Emperor Red Fangs of the Sky Emperor
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #74, 11/01/1939
"You can't escape the Death that awaits you —!" And in the still of the night, in the hangar at Le Bourget, Death creeps slowly, steadily along — then strikes! Read if you dare, the Master Spy's answer to the Red Fangs Of The Sky Emperor!

75 The Falcon Flies with the Damned The Falcon Flies with the Damned
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1939

Published in G-8 #75, 12/01/1939
[G-8's archenemy Doktor Krueger has once again joined forces with Steel Mask, the German villain who hid his disfigured face behind a metal mask decades before Doctor Doom and Darth Vader came along. This deadly duo has enacted a plan involving a dual threat. The first part: a device that shoots unbreakable nets that snare Allied planes and bring them down in flames. The second part: heat pellets that cause everything they strike to burst into flames!]

76 Sky-Guns for the Murder Master Sky-Guns for the Murder Master
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #76, 01/01/1940
[Introducing an all-new foe for G-8 – Count Maulwurf! The Count is fondly regarded by World War One geeks like me because he was clearly based on the real life Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, "the Rommel of World War One". Lettow- Vorbeck was sort of a "Jungle Fox" to Rommel's Desert Fox. He was the most effective German General in Africa during the First World War and was still on the loose when the surrender was signed on November 11th, 1918. In this story his fictional counterpart Count Maulwurf is summoned back to Europe by the Kaiser to see if his African successes can be duplicated against G-8 and the Battle Aces. Maulwurf is outfitted with a super-scientific tunnel-digging machine that can be used for laying massive mines and for tunneling beneath – and ultimately behind – the Allied forces. The machine automatically sealed the tunnels with concrete as it moved along. ]

77 White Wings for the Dead White Wings for the Dead
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #77, 02/01/1940
[That threat is The Order of White, at first blush an exclusive order composed of the creme de la creme of Germany's greatest warriors. On deeper examination they might be a super-secret organization of white-skinned and white-eyed humans who are pulling the strings of all the Central Powers behind the scenes. What is the secret agenda of this pre-Bilderberg group of conspirators? And are their manipulations limited to the Central Powers or are they secretly controlling the Allied Powers as well?]

78 Sky Coffins for Satan Sky Coffins for Satan
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #78, 03/01/1940
[Firehammer was a hunch-backed inventor who created a globular machine capable of producing lightning. The mad inventor claimed to have been eloctrocuted to death by his own invention. A second strike of his device's lightning brought him back to life, giving Firehammer an eerie, sinister supernatural air that was very effective.]

79 Wings of the Dragon Lord Wings of the Dragon Lord
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #79, 04/01/1940
[The Chinese genius Chu Lung strikes again! The aristocratic scientist has discovered literal dragon creatures living in China's Gobi Desert and seeks to harness them for the nation's war effort. He's not just going to waste them in frontal assaults on the Allied armies, though – his plans are much more sinister and far-reaching. The saliva of these dragon creatures is a deadly poison, a poison so unfathomably fatal that a mere pint of it dumped in a city's water supply would kill a million people. Chu Lung plans to unleash total warfare by using this poison to contaminate the water supply of all the major cities in each of the Allied Powers nations!]

80 The Green Scourge of the Sky Raiders The Green Scourge of the Sky Raiders
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #80, 05/01/1940
[This story introduced the American traitor called Herr Grun ("Mr Green"), interchangeably referred to as Grun ("Groon") the Primeval. In this debut adventure the super-villain took to the skies in a Zepellin that carried his team and his invention – a wireless ray that would cause all the ammunition on Allied planes to explode before they could even fire at enemy aircraft.]

81 Red Wings for the Death Patrol Red Wings for the Death Patrol
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #81, 06/01/1940
[To the surprise of nobody Grun survived his apparent death in an explosion at the end of the previous story. While recovering from his wounds he tapped into his previously unknown psychic powers, which gave him hypnotic abilities as well as a telepathic link with each of his fellow mutants. Because his mother had spirited him away to Haiti to raise him away from prying eyes ever since he was two months old Grun had grown up well-versed in the practices of Haitian Death Cults and now ran his outfit along similar lines. Grun's main goal now was the obliteration of all "normal" people in the world so that he and his kind could literally inherit the Earth.]

82 The Damned Will Fly Again The Damned Will Fly Again
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #82, 07/01/1940
[Grun steals the invention of Germany's Dr Geinor – a Gatling gun-sized machine that shoots electric bolts which kill dozens of men with each shot. The green-skinned villain also made off with the accompanying handguns Geinor created – handguns that shoot the same deadly bolts.]

83 Death Rides the Midnight Patrol Death Rides the Midnight Patrol
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #83, 08/01/1940
Deep in the earth, away from the light of day, the murder of millions is planned by a fiend who lives for his love of murder! Herr Doktor Krueger is his name and Death is his partner in this historic crime. Above, in the red skies of the battle front, G-8 and his Battle Aces fly to thwart this scheme. The answer awaits you — in the pages to be read!

84 Bloody Wings for a Sky Hawk Bloody Wings for a Sky Hawk
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #84, 09/01/1940
[The Raven is still pursuing two main goals – get revenge on G-8 for shooting down his pilot brother and help the Central Powers win the war. Unfortunately his plan this time involves a tired retread of various other flame-based weapons used by G-8's foes like Herr Feuer ("Mr Fire") and Steel Mask. And used in better stories, at that. Von Ravenfeld plots to use a massive incendiary bomb with smaller fire-bombs built in that will fly like flaming shrapnel when the bomb explodes. It's an excellent villain but a sub-par plan in this story which suffers from the well-known weakness of Pulp repetition.]

85 Red Skies for the Squadron of Satan Red Skies for the Squadron of Satan
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #85, 10/01/1940
[G-8's foe Firehammer is back! This time Firehammer has combined his lightning weapon with the engine of a massive aircraft in such a way that the device powers the plane while simultaneously generating additional electricity. That additional electricity can be discharged as lightning against Allied planes or the helpless ground troops below.]

86 Here Flies the Hawk of Hell Here Flies the Hawk of Hell
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #86, 11/01/1940
[Doktor Krueger returns! The little fiend has bred a new species of creatures called Drache – bird/ lizard/ dragon beasts who are pretty deadly on their own terms but which also come with a fringe benefit. That fringe benefit is the poison gas their mouths secrete and which Krueger is bottling for use as a powerful biological warfare agent.]

87 Squadron of the Damned Squadron of the Damned
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1940

Published in G-8 #87, 12/01/1940
[Introducing a brand-new foe for G-8 and the Battle Aces – Dr Todini! in exchange for 100 million German marks Dr Todini is outfitting the Central Powers with specialized troops. Those troops are employing the not-so- good doctor's wireless madness ray via specially-equipped tanks or via high-tech red-helmeted paratroopers who carry portable versions of the ray in metal backpacks. The backpacks have a wire connecting them to souped-up hand-guns that fire the wireless "T-Rays". Those rays render the victims unable to control their bodies, leaving them a mob of spasmodic, twitching husks and therefore easy pickings for the advancing Central Powers.]

88 Death To the Hawks of War Death To the Hawks of War
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1941

Published in G-8 #88, 01/01/1941
[Herr Teufel ("Mr Devil"), the latest member of G-8's Rogue's Gallery of foes. Herr Teufel is tall, thin, pale and boney-faced. Like so many of our hero's adversaries he's a mad scientist and in his particular case his headquarters is a hidden lair in the Bavarian Alps. Herr Teufel's plan to help the Central Powers win the war involves his latest invention – a drug that, when injected in German pilots, transforms them into maniacal, blood-thirsty sky warriors. These "Hawks of War" have supernatually-fast reflexes, enhanced vision, unerring aim, machine-like stamina and lack any need for sleep.]

89 Hordes of the Wingless Death Hordes of the Wingless Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1941

Published in G-8 #89, 02/01/1941
[Herr Teufel returns immediately for a rematch with our heroes in this story. Following the skull damage Teufel suffered in his hand-to-hand battle with G-8 in the climax of their previous encounter the Kaiser's scientists (Including Doktor Krueger one wonders?) outfitted him with a metal hood to keep his brain and his skull fragments together in an elongated cranium like the ones on the aliens in the old movie This Island Earth. An odd side-effect of this brain injury was that Herr Teufel's skin has all turned blue in color, furnishing him with his new moniker the Blue Devil (insert your own joke about Duke University's sports teams here). This new and improved (or "blue and improved") menace has already designed a deadly new airborne threat to use against the Allied Powers. That new threat: propellor-driven and steel-coated Zepellins that are part conventional aircraft and part smart missile. ]

90 Raiders of the Red Death Raiders of the Red Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1941

Published in G-8 #90, 03/01/1941
From the tombs of the Pharaohs to No Man's Land, Death had placed his dreadful token — secret, invisible doom, sweeping cities from the face of the earth! While the very hand of War was stilled, a trapped army realized that only G-8, the Master Spy, remained to cope with this death blow to the Allies and the World!

91 Wings of the Doomed Wings of the Doomed
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1941

Published in G-8 #91, 04/01/1941
[Introducing an all-new villain for G-8 and his Battle Aces to take on. That villain – Baron Von Tollheit. Ask not for whom Von Tollheit tolls, he tolls for THEE, dude. The Baron has invented a device which generates waves that at first painfully induce deafness and, as the victim continues to be saturated in exposure to them, cause total madness. Baron Von Tollheit has designed these devices so they can be fitted to aircraft and he sends them into the skies to drive all Allied planes from the air. Total air supremacy for the Central Powers will be just the start, however, as Von Tollheit's invention will next be used to reduce all Allied ground troops to drooling idiots with mush for brains. ]

92 Fangs of the Winged Cobra Fangs of the Winged Cobra
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1941

Published in G-8 #92, 06/01/1941
[This story pitted our heroes against another mad scientist – Dr Kommer, who had been performing macabre experiments on human guinea pigs in the German Empire's colonies in Africa. The Kaiser summoned him home to use his master creation to eliminate the hated Americans G-8, Bull Martin and Nippy Weston. Basically Dr Kommer's schtick was the same as G-8's Austrian foe Dr Mollfuss – he combined animal and human features to create bizarre hybrids. Kommer has managed to give a human man the equivalent of a cobra's eyes … making him the perfect flying ace.]

93 Death is My Destiny Death is My Destiny
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1941

Published in G-8 #93, 08/01/1941
The battle guns are silent in the grim, gray dawn of war — and the legions of horror march unopposed over the fallen bodies of their foe... While terror prowls the night skies, and death lurks in ambush behind every cloud, G-8 and his Battle Aces face the wildest adventure of their careers, as they combat the fiendish force that is wiping the Allied forces from the face of the earth — without a shot being fired!

94 Squadron of the Flying Dead Squadron of the Flying Dead
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1941

Published in G-8 #94, 10/01/1941
[G-8 and his Battle Aces find themselves in India and Afghanistan this time around, where another native-born menace has joined forces with the Central Powers to try to drive the hated British Empire out for good. His name is Akhan, High Priest of the fictional Khush sect, a Thugee-type cult who also dabble in raising the dead. An army of walking skeletons is conjured up and unleashed on British Empire forces with our heroes being the only chance of thwarting Akhan's plans. ]

95 Horde of the Black Eagle Horde of the Black Eagle
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1941

Published in G-8 #95, 12/01/1941
Stunned, lost, the remnants of a once proud army charge unchallenged against an unseen foe — to die without being fired upon! And roaring across death-filled skies, G-8 and his Battle Aces gamble against fearful odds to come to grips with War's most sinister phantom of doom — who has sworn to turn a mighty fortress into the funeral pyre of an Empire!

96 The Death Divers The Death Divers
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1942

Published in G-8 #96, 02/01/1942
[The debut of a new supervillain! His name: Baron Von Bitzer … His motto: A new villain doesn't mean a new storyline! The long run of the G-8 series as well as the built-in repetitive nature of Pulp storytelling are making this home stretch to the 110th and final story a bit of a slog. Baron Von Bitzer's secret weapon is a fleet of aerial smart bombs called Death Divers … seemingly the 10th or so smart bomb threat our heroes have faced.]

97 Raiders of the Death Patrol Raiders of the Death Patrol
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1942

Published in G-8 #97, 04/01/1942
With thunderous tread march a dreadful legion, led by a strange new weapon against which neither man nor machine can stand... And from the Allied Supreme Command goes up the cry — "Find G-8! He'll know what to do!"... But the Master Flying Spy crouches deep in the darkness of Hunland, pondering his fateful decision. For in his hands is the power to destroy civilizations most deadly menace — but to do so, he must be its last victim!

98 The Mark of the Vulture The Mark of the Vulture
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1942

Published in G-8 #98, 06/01/1942
[G-8's archenemy Doktor Krueger strikes again! And this time he's wielding his most unstoppable weapon yet … TATTOOS! Well, okay, the tattoos are just a by-product of his plan. Krueger has created an irresistable form of mass-hypnosis that can turn everyone – even civilians – into obedient and deadly soldiers for the Central Powers. The hypnotic device leaves an odd-shaped tattoo on the heads of its victims … a tattoo that resembles the claw-mark of a vulture. Doktor Krueger's massive legion of hypnotized and relentless human killing machines go forth to crush the Allied Powers and slay his enemies – with G-8 and his Battle Aces in the top spot on the list! ]

99 The Death Master's Last Patrol The Death Master's Last Patrol
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1942

Published in G-8 #99, 08/01/1942
Deep in Hunland they gather, the Death Masters of the German air command, pledged to bring doom to the armies of Freedom — while, deep in a crumbling dungeon, G-8, the Master American Flying Spy, fights the greatest battle of his career, to destroy War's most savage weapon — a machine that can annihilate the Yankee forces, make them victims of a living death!

100 Wings of the Gray Phantom Wings of the Gray Phantom
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1942

Published in G-8 #100, 10/01/1942
[n old foe – Mr Matsu – returns for the occassion. As a quick reminder to people unfamiliar with World War One during THAT war Japan was on the side of the Allied Powers, not the Central Powers. The Japanese Mr Matsu is a traitor who took his scientific inventions to the Central Powers because they offered him more money than his native Japan did. This time around Matsu's come up with a way of making fighter planes virtually invisible.]

101 The Squadron of Death Flies High The Squadron of Death Flies High
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1942

Published in G-8 #101, 12/01/1942
[The return of the super-villain called Steel Mask, the mad German who hid his disfigured face behind a metal mask decades before Doctor Doom and Darth Vader came along. Steel Mask is not alone and has assembled a legion of reanimated corpses … making it the umpteenth zombie army our heroes have battled.]

102 The Patrol to the End of the World The Patrol to the End of the World
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1943

Published in G-8 #102, 02/01/1943
[Introducing an all-new foe for G-8! His name is Dr Wormer! Dr Wormer dresses sharply, in a dark cloak with a Maltese cross insignia. He's easily the most over-the-top maniac G-8 and company have faced since the Serpent or maybe even Grun the Primeval. Wormer's invention is a real yawner, however, just another variation on threats from previous stories. In this case a form of super-explosive in powder form. If it can be mass-produced it will change the course of the war, yadda yadda yadda … been there, done that.]

103 Wings of the Hawks of Death Wings of the Hawks of Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1943

Published in G-8 #103, 04/01/1943
[G-8 and Nippy Weston get court-martialed in this tale! The two are framed for stealing and gambling away a small fortune in Allied war funds. Found guilty, the two make a dramatic escape from the courtroom and add assaulting a General Officer to the list of charges while doing so.]

104 Scourge of the Sky Monster Scourge of the Sky Monster
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1943

Published in G-8 #104, 06/01/1943
Terror prowls the skies over No Man's Land, a deadly creature of cloud that threatens to destroy half a planet. And from a frantic army at bay comes the secret call for G-8 — asking him to fight a duel to the death, sight unseen, against a scourge no bullet can slay!

105 Winged Beasts of Death Winged Beasts of Death
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1943

Published in G-8 #105, 08/01/1943
Flaming red in the East is the dread omen of a new and more terrible adventure for G-8 — a trail that will take him into the jungles of darkest Africa, where the Master of Evil is arming his terrible legions — men with the strength of twenty wild beasts, whom no bullet can kill!

106 Bombs from the Murder Wolves Bombs from the Murder Wolves
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1943

Published in G-8 #106, 10/01/1943
And trapped in the vaults of Europe's most feared Murder Master, the Ace American Flying Spy makes his last desperate gamble to track down the secret of the deadliest weapon any war has ever known — bombs which are piloted by living men, who have sworn to destroy a nation!

107 Wings of the Iron Claw Wings of the Iron Claw
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1943

Published in G-8 #107, 12/01/1943
Out of the caverns of the lost came the deathless beast-men of Herr Goulon, Hunland's Master-mind of Murder and to save the world he was fighting for, the Ace American Flying Spy had to undertake a solo flight beyond the grave!

108 The Devil's Sky Trap The Devil's Sky Trap
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1944

Published in G-8 #108, 02/01/1944
[Introducing Baron Von Salm, the latest Central Powers supervillain to go up against our heroes. The Baron's many-layered plot involves very aggressive rat-beasts, a new plane with six engines plus hydrogen devices that can give Central Powers aircraft VERTICAL takeoff and landing capability.]

109 Wings of the Death Monster Wings of the Death Monster
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1944

Published in G-8 #109, 04/01/1944
Under the earth and over the skies it came, a nightmare killer spawned from the brain of Hunland's most dreaded Murder Master. And into a valley of flaming horror flew G-8, in a last desperate quest to fight Germany's secret weapon — the Wings of the Death Monster!

110 Wings of the Death Tigers Wings of the Death Tigers
Written by Robert J. Hogan
Copyright: 1944

Published in G-8 #110, 06/01/1944
Locked in the heart of mysterious Burma is a menace that spells doom to Allied Wings, as G-8 flies into the darkness on the most dangerous mission of his career — wrest the dread secret of the doomed legion who were men by day — and ravenous tigers by night!


For quite a few years I held off adding G8 to the compendium because his adventures were, in my misguided belief, war stories and not spy stories. And even after finally admitting him to the collection, I freely acknowledge that they are first and foremost air combat tales. Exciting enough if you are into WWI-style aero-plane dog-fights.

I am not a fan of such things because they confuse me and because I have no love of heights at all and the thought of doing what G8 routinely does is ... ah, nope! not me!

But G8 is also both a spy and a spy-hunter. He thinks nothing of going into enemy territory to learn things his side needs to know and the other side wants kept secret or to plant a bomb or two in some factory. He also is constantly ready to go up against any and all foreign operatives who want to do the same.

The stories were, to me, mildly interesting (keeping in mind my predisposition against flying), if taken a little bit at a time. Would I have pursued them each and every month? Nope! But obviously a whole lot of other people felt differently.


My Grade: B


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