rand_jeffrey_bk_tswrl rand_jeffrey_nv_camel rand_jeffrey_bk_tswtav rand_jeffrey_bk_tsittb rand_jeffrey_bk_tsatth rand_jeffrey_nv_nineoclock rand_jeffrey_nv_atsea rand_jeffrey_bk_nile rand_jeffrey_nv_tsatslc rand_jeffrey_nv_tsatnm rand_jeffrey_nv_tus rand_jeffrey_nv_ts_short rand_jeffrey_bk_tswdt rand_jeffrey_bk_tsatff rand_jeffrey_bk_tsats rand_jeffrey_bk_tsattotl rand_jeffrey_nv_tswctteotr rand_jeffrey_nv_tswtwac rand_jeffrey_nv_tswdn rand_jeffrey_bk_tswsbit rand_jeffrey_nv_minotaur rand_jeffrey_nv_tswac rand_jeffrey_nv_tswcttb rand_jeffrey_bk_tsateotr rand_jeffrey_nv_warnever
Full Name: C. Jeffery Rand
Nationality: British
Organization: Department of Concealed Communications
Occupation Agent

Creator: Edward Hoch
Time Span: 1965 - 2008


Jeffery Rand is an agent with British Intelligence.

Rand, whose first name is sometimes spelled Jeffrey, is a expert specializing in codes and cyphers, though he quickly becomes quite good at being a detective as well. Rand is the Director of the Department of Concealed Communications created in 1963. Long before the days of one-time pads and 64-, 128-, and 256-bit encryption, the men and women of this agency worked to crack the codes of the enemy and to create encryption methods for its own side.

Born in 1926, Rand is 39 years old when the first story appeared in 1965. Unmarried, he is said to have an eye for the ladies but lacks the drive to maintain a lasting relationship, at least for the first few years. As the series continues, he eventually meets a half-Scottish, half-Egyptian woman named Leila Gaad, falls in love after a time, and then marries her. After his retirement from the Department, the two take numerous trips to interesting places, giving him even more opportunity to get into trouble.

Rand loves a good puzzle and cannot resist when one shows itself. Nor can he sleep when one is still nibbling at him and he takes on an almost-childlike excitement when he begins to see the solution, a trait that is infectious to those around him and humorous to his wife.

No novel was ever written about Rand - all his adventures are told through short stories published in the pages of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. Three books were published containing some of the stories, with a fourth mentioned in one of the books but not verified by me as yet (though why would he lie?).

In total, approximately 81 stories were written about Rand from the first in 1965 to the last published the year of the author's death, 2008.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:1971
Last Appearance:2001

Despite the fact that Edward Hoch never wrote a novel about the spy named Rand, four books were released. Each of these contained a few Rand stories taken from the pages of the Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. A couple of the stories appeared in more than one collection.

1 The Spy And The Thief The Spy And The Thief
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1971

A compilation of 14 stories from the pages of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine.

The first are about Rand:
The Spy And The Bermuda Cipher
The Spy And The Calendar Network
The Spy Who Came To The End Of The Road
The Spy Who Had Faith In Double-C
The Spy Who Purchased A Lavender
The Spy Who Took The Long Route

The remaining 7 are about gentleman thief Nick Velvet:
The Theft Of The Blue Horse
The Theft Of The Brazen Letters
The Theft Of The Coco Loot
The Theft Of The Laughing Lions
The Theft Of The Wicked Tickets

2 Tales of Espionage Tales of Espionage
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1989

A compilation of 8 Rand stories. There were also a selection of Edward Hoch's Interpol stories and stories from other authors.

The Rand stories are:
The Spy In The Pyramid
The Spy Who Traveled With A Coffin
The Spy In The Toy Business
The Spy And The Cats Of Rome
The Spy In The Labyrinth
The Spy And The Snowman
The Spy At The End Of The Rainbow
The Spy Who Didn't Defect

3 The Spy Who Read Latin The Spy Who Read Latin
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1990

Another collection of intriguing stories and mysteries concern Rand. This volume contained 5 stories:
The Spy Who Came To The Brink
The Spy Who Read Latin
The Spy Who Traveled With A Coffin
The Spy Who Collected Lapel Pins
The Spy Who Came Back From The Dead

4 The Old Spies Club The Old Spies Club
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2001

Contains 15 stories about Rand and his wife, - Leila Gaad, most taking place after his retirement from the Service though still involved in intrigue. The stories are:
The Spy And The Nile Mermaid
The Spy In The Pyramid
The Spy At The End Of The Rainbow
The Spy Who Took A Vacation
The Spy And The Cats Of Rome
The Spy In The Labyrinth
The Spy Who Was Alone
The Spy Who Wasn’t Needed
The Spy And The Healing Waters
Egyptian Days
Waiting For Mrs. Ryder
The Old Spies Club
One Bag Of Coconuts
The Man From Nile K
The War That Never Was


Number of Stories:86
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:2008

The incredibly talented Edward Hoch created the character Jeffrey Rand as yet another interesting entry for the Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine and must have liked the man and the challenge of mixing espionage and mystery for he continued depicting cases/assignments for the next 35 years. In fact, only a handful of years did not contain at least two or three stories.

Except where noted, all stories were published in Ellery Queen.

1 The Spy Who Did Nothing The Spy Who Did Nothing
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1965

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 05/1965. Reprinted in the anthology Spies and More Spies (1967).
[plot unknown]

2 The Spy Who Had Faith In Double-C The Spy Who Had Faith In Double-C
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1965

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1965 - Reprinted in the collection The Spy and the Thief - [plot unknown]

3 The Spy Who Came To The Brink The Spy Who Came To The Brink
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1965

Published in 2 issues of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, (US - Dec. 1965 & UK - Dec. 1965), then in 3 printed versions of the anthology Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories To Stay Awake By (Random House - 1971, Dell - 1973 & Pan Books - 1974 in Book One). Also reprinted in the collection The Spy Who Read Latin
[plot unknown]

4 The Spy Who Took The Long Route The Spy Who Took The Long Route
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1966

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1966 - Reprinted in the collection The Spy and the Thief - [plot unknown]

5 The Spy Who Came To The End Of The Road The Spy Who Came To The End Of The Road
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1966

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1966 - Reprinted in the collection The Spy and the Thief - [plot unknown]

6 The Spy Who Walked Through Walls The Spy Who Walked Through Walls
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1966

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1966 - [plot unknown]

7 The Spy Who Came Out Of The Night The Spy Who Came Out Of The Night
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1967

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (US - Apr. 1967), then later in the Argosy - The Short Story Magazine (UK - Dec. 1973).
[plot unknown]

8 The Spy Who Worked For Peace The Spy Who Worked For Peace
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1967

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1967 - [plot unknown]

9 The Spy Who Didn't Exist The Spy Who Didn't Exist
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1967

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1967 - [plot unknown]

10 The Spy Who Clutched A Playing Card The Spy Who Clutched A Playing Card
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1968

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 02/1968 - [plot unknown]

11 The Spy Who Read Latin The Spy Who Read Latin
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1968

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1968 - Reprinted in the collection The Spy Who Read Latin - [plot unknown]

12 The Spy Who Purchased A Lavender The Spy Who Purchased A Lavender
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1969

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1969 - Reprinted in the collection The Spy and the Thief - [plot unknown]

13 The Spy And The Shopping List Code The Spy And The Shopping List Code
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1969

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1969 - [plot unknown]

14 The Spy And The Calendar Network The Spy And The Calendar Network
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1969

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1969 - Reprinted in the collection The Spy and the Thief - [plot unknown]

15 The Spy And The Bermuda Cipher The Spy And The Bermuda Cipher
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1970

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1970 - Reprinted in the collection The Spy and the Thief - [plot unknown]

16 The Spy Who Traveled With A Coffin The Spy Who Traveled With A Coffin
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1970

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1970 - Reprinted in the collection Tales of Espionage and in the collection The Spy Who Read Latin - [plot unknown]

17 The Spy And The Diplomat'S Daughter The Spy And The Diplomat'S Daughter
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1971

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/1971 - [plot unknown]

18 The Spy And The Nile Mermaid The Spy And The Nile Mermaid
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1971

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1971 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

19 The Spy Who Knew Too Much The Spy Who Knew Too Much
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1971

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (US - Aug. 1971), then later in the magazine Adam (AUS - Mar. 1973).
[plot unknown]

20 The Spy Without A Country The Spy Without A Country
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1972

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 02/1972 - [plot unknown]

21 The Spy Who Didn't Remember The Spy Who Didn't Remember
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1972

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1972. Also printed in the magazine Ellery Queen's Anthology #36 (Fall/Winter 1978) and in the book Ellery Queen Masters of Mystery (1987).
[plot unknown]

22 The Spy And The Reluctant Courier The Spy And The Reluctant Courier
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1972

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1972 - [plot unknown]

23 The Spy In The Pyramid The Spy In The Pyramid
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1972

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, (US - Sep. 1972), then in Argosy (UK - Mar. 1973). Reprinted in the collection Tales of Espionage and in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

24 The Spy Who Was Expected The Spy Who Was Expected
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1972

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1972 - [plot unknown]

25 The Spy With The Knockout Punch The Spy With The Knockout Punch
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1973

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (US - Aug 1973), then in Ellery Queen's Anthology #40 (Fall/Winter 1980).
[plot unknown]

26 The Spy And The Intercepted Letters The Spy And The Intercepted Letters
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1974

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/1974 - [plot unknown]

27 The Spy At The End Of The Rainbow The Spy At The End Of The Rainbow
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1974

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (US - Apr. 1974), then in Ellery Queen's Anthology #38 (Fall/Winter 1979). Reprinted in the collection Tales of Espionage and in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

28 The Spy And The Talking House The Spy And The Talking House
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1974

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1974 - [plot unknown]

29 The Spy Who Took A Vacation The Spy Who Took A Vacation
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1975

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1975 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

30 The Spy And The Mysterious Card The Spy And The Mysterious Card
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1975

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1975 - [plot unknown]

31 The Spy Who Collected Lapel Pins The Spy Who Collected Lapel Pins
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1976

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1976 - Reprinted in the collection The Spy Who Read Latin - [plot unknown]

32 The Spy At The Crime Writers' Congress The Spy At The Crime Writers' Congress
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1976

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1976. Also printed in the magazine Ellery Queen's Anthology #41 (Spring/Summer 1981) and the book Ellery Queen Masters Of Mystery (1987)
[plot unknown]

33 The Spy Who Died Twice The Spy Who Died Twice
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1977

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1977 - [plot unknown]

34 The Spy In The Toy Business The Spy In The Toy Business
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1978

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/1978 - Reprinted in the collection Tales of Espionage - [plot unknown]

35 The Spy And The Cats Of Rome The Spy And The Cats Of Rome
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1978

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1978 - Reprinted in the collection Tales of Espionage and in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

36 The Spy In The Labyrinth The Spy In The Labyrinth
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1978

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1978 - Reprinted in the collection Tales of Espionage and in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

37 The Spy Who Had A List The Spy Who Had A List
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1979

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 05/1979 - [plot unknown]

38 The Spy Who Was Alone The Spy Who Was Alone
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1979

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 09/1979 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

39 The Spy Who Wasn't Needed The Spy Who Wasn't Needed
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1979

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1979 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

40 The Spy Who Came Back From The Dead The Spy Who Came Back From The Dead
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1980

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1980 - Reprinted in the collection The Spy Who Read Latin - [plot unknown]

41 The Spy And The Snowman The Spy And The Snowman
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1980

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1980 - Reprinted in the collection Tales of Espionage - [plot unknown]

42 The Spy And The Walrus Cipher The Spy And The Walrus Cipher
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1981

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1981 - [plot unknown]

43 The Spy Who Didn't Defect The Spy Who Didn't Defect
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1981

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 09/1981 - Reprinted in the collection Tales of Espionage - [plot unknown]

44 The Spy Who Stayed Up All Night The Spy Who Stayed Up All Night
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1981

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1981 - [plot unknown]

45 The Spy At The Film Festival The Spy At The Film Festival
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1982

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1982 - [plot unknown]

46 The Spy And The Village Murder The Spy And The Village Murder
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1982

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1982 - [plot unknown]

47 The Spy Who Sat In Judgment The Spy Who Sat In Judgment
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1983

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1983 - [plot unknown]

48 The Spy Who Stepped Back In Time The Spy Who Stepped Back In Time
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1983

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1983 - [plot unknown]

49 The Spy Who Went To The Opera The Spy Who Went To The Opera
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1984

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1984 - [plot unknown]

50 The Spy At The Top Of The List The Spy At The Top Of The List
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1984

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1984 - [plot unknown]

51 The Spy And The Suicide Club The Spy And The Suicide Club
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1985

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/1985 - [plot unknown]

52 The Spy On The Seaway The Spy On The Seaway
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1985

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 02/1985. Also published in Espionage Magazine.
[plot unknown]

53 The Spy Who Looked Back The Spy Who Looked Back
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1985

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1985 - [plot unknown]

54 The Spy At The Spa The Spy At The Spa
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1985

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1985 - [plot unknown]

55 The Spy Who Knew The Future The Spy Who Knew The Future
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1986

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1986 - [plot unknown]

56 The Spy's Story The Spy's Story
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1986

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1986 - [plot unknown]

57 Spy For Sale Spy For Sale
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1987

Published in The New Black Mask, #8, 03/1987 - [plot unknown]

58 The Spy And The Short-Order Cipher The Spy And The Short-Order Cipher
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1987

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1987 - [plot unknown]

59 The Spy And The Embassy Murders The Spy And The Embassy Murders
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1988

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/1988 - [plot unknown]

60 A Game For Spies A Game For Spies
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1988

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1988 - [plot unknown]

61 The Spy And The Guy Fawkes Bombing The Spy And The Guy Fawkes Bombing
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1988

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1988 - [plot unknown]

62 The Underground Spy The Underground Spy
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1989

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1989 - [plot unknown]

63 The Spy And The Geomancers The Spy And The Geomancers
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1989

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1989 - [plot unknown]

64 The Spy Who Went To Camelot The Spy Who Went To Camelot
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1990

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1990 - [plot unknown]

65 The Spy And The Healing Waters The Spy And The Healing Waters
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1990

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1990 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

66 The Spy And The Christmas Cipher The Spy And The Christmas Cipher
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1990

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1990 - [plot unknown]

67 The Spy And The Gypsy The Spy And The Gypsy
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1991

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1991 - [plot unknown]

68 The Spy And The Psychics The Spy And The Psychics
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1991

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1991 - [plot unknown]

69 The Spy And The Greek Enigma The Spy And The Greek Enigma
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1992

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1992 - [plot unknown]

70 The Spy With The Icicle Eye The Spy With The Icicle Eye
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1993

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1993 - [plot unknown]

71 Spy At Sea Spy At Sea
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1993

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1993 - [plot unknown]

72 Egyptian Days Egyptian Days
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1994

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1994 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

73 Waiting For Mrs. Ryder Waiting For Mrs. Ryder
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1994

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1994 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

74 The Nine-O'Clock Gun The Nine-O'Clock Gun
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1995

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1995 - [plot unknown]

75 Train To Luxor Train To Luxor
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1996

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1996 - [plot unknown]

76 The Old Spies Club The Old Spies Club
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1997

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1997 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

77 One Bag Of Coconuts One Bag Of Coconuts
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1997

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1997 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

78 The Liverpool Kiss The Liverpool Kiss
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1998

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1998 - [plot unknown]

79 The Man From Nile K The Man From Nile K
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1999

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1999 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

80 The War That Never Was The War That Never Was
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1999

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1999 - Reprinted in the collection The Old Spies Club - [plot unknown]

81 Season Of The Camel Season Of The Camel
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2000

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/2000 - [plot unknown]

82 Tower To Nowhere Tower To Nowhere
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2002

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/2002 - [plot unknown]

83 The Spy And The Minotaur The Spy And The Minotaur
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2002

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/2002 - [plot unknown]

84 The Face Of Ali Baba The Face Of Ali Baba
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2003

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/2003 - [plot unknown]

85 Paris Masque Paris Masque
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2005

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/2005 - [plot unknown]

86 The Alexandrian Solution The Alexandrian Solution
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2008

Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/2008 - [plot unknown]


Number of Entries:1
First Appearance:1972
Last Appearance:1972

1 The Theft of the Spy Who The Theft of the Spy Who
Published by Dell Magazines
Contributors: Josh Pachter
Copyright: 1972

A parody/pastiche of Edward Hoch characters Jeffery Rand as Bland, Nick Velvet as Vic Nelvet and Captain Leopold as Leo Pold published in the September 1972 issue of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. [Plot Unknown]


Mr. Hoch's specialty was mysteries so that is the main emphasis for the Rand stories. He dealt more in breaking codes and later in solving murders than in espionage work but no list of spies would be complete without including the terrific tales that Mr. Hoch gave us over the years.

I once worked in the field of code breaking but I never was in the league with Jeffery Rand. Too bad, too, because I think I'd have fallen for his eventual wife, Leila.

What is interesting about Rand is the truth he shows about code breaking and how man-made codes can be broken by another man if enough of the puzzle is visible. It just takes time and patience and often a matter of understanding the man who wrote the cypher.


My Grade: B


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