1 |
The Spy Who Did Nothing
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1965
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 05/1965. Reprinted in the anthology Spies and More Spies (1967). [plot unknown]
2 |
The Spy Who Had Faith In Double-C
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1965
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1965 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
3 |
The Spy Who Came To The Brink
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1965
Published in 2 issues of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, (US - Dec. 1965 & UK - Dec. 1965), then in 3 printed versions of the anthology Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories To Stay Awake By (Random House - 1971, Dell - 1973 & Pan Books - 1974 in Book One). Also reprinted in the collection [plot unknown]
4 |
The Spy Who Took The Long Route
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1966
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1966 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
5 |
The Spy Who Came To The End Of The Road
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1966
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1966 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
6 |
The Spy Who Walked Through Walls
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1966
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1966 - [plot unknown]
7 |
The Spy Who Came Out Of The Night
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1967
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (US - Apr. 1967), then later in the Argosy - The Short Story Magazine (UK - Dec. 1973). [plot unknown]
8 |
The Spy Who Worked For Peace
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1967
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1967 - [plot unknown]
9 |
The Spy Who Didn't Exist
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1967
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1967 - [plot unknown]
10 |
The Spy Who Clutched A Playing Card
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1968
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 02/1968 - [plot unknown]
11 |
The Spy Who Read Latin
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1968
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1968 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
12 |
The Spy Who Purchased A Lavender
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1969
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1969 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
13 |
The Spy And The Shopping List Code
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1969
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1969 - [plot unknown]
14 |
The Spy And The Calendar Network
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1969
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1969 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
15 |
The Spy And The Bermuda Cipher
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1970
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1970 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
16 |
The Spy Who Traveled With A Coffin
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1970
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1970 - Reprinted in the collection and in the collection - [plot unknown]
17 |
The Spy And The Diplomat'S Daughter
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1971
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/1971 - [plot unknown]
18 |
The Spy And The Nile Mermaid
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1971
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1971 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
19 |
The Spy Who Knew Too Much
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1971
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (US - Aug. 1971), then later in the magazine Adam (AUS - Mar. 1973). [plot unknown]
20 |
The Spy Without A Country
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1972
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 02/1972 - [plot unknown]
21 |
The Spy Who Didn't Remember
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1972
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1972. Also printed in the magazine Ellery Queen's Anthology #36 (Fall/Winter 1978) and in the book Ellery Queen Masters of Mystery (1987). [plot unknown]
22 |
The Spy And The Reluctant Courier
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1972
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1972 - [plot unknown]
23 |
The Spy In The Pyramid
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1972
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, (US - Sep. 1972), then in Argosy (UK - Mar. 1973). Reprinted in the collection and in the collection - [plot unknown]
24 |
The Spy Who Was Expected
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1972
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1972 - [plot unknown]
25 |
The Spy With The Knockout Punch
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1973
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (US - Aug 1973), then in Ellery Queen's Anthology #40 (Fall/Winter 1980). [plot unknown]
26 |
The Spy And The Intercepted Letters
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1974
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/1974 - [plot unknown]
27 |
The Spy At The End Of The Rainbow
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1974
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (US - Apr. 1974), then in Ellery Queen's Anthology #38 (Fall/Winter 1979). Reprinted in the collection and in the collection - [plot unknown]
28 |
The Spy And The Talking House
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1974
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1974 - [plot unknown]
29 |
The Spy Who Took A Vacation
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1975
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1975 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
30 |
The Spy And The Mysterious Card
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1975
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1975 - [plot unknown]
31 |
The Spy Who Collected Lapel Pins
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1976
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1976 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
32 |
The Spy At The Crime Writers' Congress
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1976
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1976. Also printed in the magazine Ellery Queen's Anthology #41 (Spring/Summer 1981) and the book Ellery Queen Masters Of Mystery (1987) [plot unknown]
33 |
The Spy Who Died Twice
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1977
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1977 - [plot unknown]
34 |
The Spy In The Toy Business
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1978
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/1978 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
35 |
The Spy And The Cats Of Rome
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1978
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1978 - Reprinted in the collection and in the collection - [plot unknown]
36 |
The Spy In The Labyrinth
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1978
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1978 - Reprinted in the collection and in the collection - [plot unknown]
37 |
The Spy Who Had A List
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1979
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 05/1979 - [plot unknown]
38 |
The Spy Who Was Alone
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1979
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 09/1979 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
39 |
The Spy Who Wasn't Needed
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1979
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1979 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
40 |
The Spy Who Came Back From The Dead
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1980
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1980 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
41 |
The Spy And The Snowman
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1980
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1980 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
42 |
The Spy And The Walrus Cipher
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1981
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1981 - [plot unknown]
43 |
The Spy Who Didn't Defect
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1981
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 09/1981 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
44 |
The Spy Who Stayed Up All Night
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1981
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1981 - [plot unknown]
45 |
The Spy At The Film Festival
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1982
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1982 - [plot unknown]
46 |
The Spy And The Village Murder
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1982
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1982 - [plot unknown]
47 |
The Spy Who Sat In Judgment
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1983
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1983 - [plot unknown]
48 |
The Spy Who Stepped Back In Time
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1983
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1983 - [plot unknown]
49 |
The Spy Who Went To The Opera
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1984
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1984 - [plot unknown]
50 |
The Spy At The Top Of The List
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1984
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1984 - [plot unknown]
51 |
The Spy And The Suicide Club
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1985
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/1985 - [plot unknown]
52 |
The Spy On The Seaway
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1985
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 02/1985. Also published in Espionage Magazine. [plot unknown]
53 |
The Spy Who Looked Back
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1985
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1985 - [plot unknown]
54 |
The Spy At The Spa
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1985
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1985 - [plot unknown]
55 |
The Spy Who Knew The Future
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1986
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1986 - [plot unknown]
56 |
The Spy's Story
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1986
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1986 - [plot unknown]
57 |
Spy For Sale
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1987
Published in The New Black Mask, #8, 03/1987 - [plot unknown]
58 |
The Spy And The Short-Order Cipher
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1987
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1987 - [plot unknown]
59 |
The Spy And The Embassy Murders
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1988
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/1988 - [plot unknown]
60 |
A Game For Spies
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1988
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 06/1988 - [plot unknown]
61 |
The Spy And The Guy Fawkes Bombing
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1988
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1988 - [plot unknown]
62 |
The Underground Spy
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1989
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1989 - [plot unknown]
63 |
The Spy And The Geomancers
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1989
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1989 - [plot unknown]
64 |
The Spy Who Went To Camelot
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1990
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1990 - [plot unknown]
65 |
The Spy And The Healing Waters
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1990
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1990 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
66 |
The Spy And The Christmas Cipher
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1990
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1990 - [plot unknown]
67 |
The Spy And The Gypsy
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1991
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1991 - [plot unknown]
68 |
The Spy And The Psychics
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1991
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1991 - [plot unknown]
69 |
The Spy And The Greek Enigma
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1992
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1992 - [plot unknown]
70 |
The Spy With The Icicle Eye
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1993
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1993 - [plot unknown]
71 |
Spy At Sea
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1993
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/1993 - [plot unknown]
72 |
Egyptian Days
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1994
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1994 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
73 |
Waiting For Mrs. Ryder
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1994
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1994 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
74 |
The Nine-O'Clock Gun
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1995
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 08/1995 - [plot unknown]
75 |
Train To Luxor
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1996
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 04/1996 - [plot unknown]
76 |
The Old Spies Club
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1997
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/1997 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
77 |
One Bag Of Coconuts
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1997
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 11/1997 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
78 |
The Liverpool Kiss
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1998
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1998 - [plot unknown]
79 |
The Man From Nile K
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1999
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/1999 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
80 |
The War That Never Was
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 1999
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/1999 - Reprinted in the collection - [plot unknown]
81 |
Season Of The Camel
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2000
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 10/2000 - [plot unknown]
82 |
Tower To Nowhere
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2002
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 03/2002 - [plot unknown]
83 |
The Spy And The Minotaur
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2002
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 07/2002 - [plot unknown]
84 |
The Face Of Ali Baba
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2003
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/2003 - [plot unknown]
85 |
Paris Masque
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2005
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 01/2005 - [plot unknown]
86 |
The Alexandrian Solution
short story
Written by Edward Hoch
Copyright: 2008
Published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 12/2008 - [plot unknown]