Destroyer9999 Destroyer149 Destroyer137 Destroyer60 Destroyer139 Destroyer127 Destroyer98 Destroyer70 Destroyer128 Destroyer129 Destroyer48 Destroyer59 Destroyer63 Destroyer142 Destroyer19 Destroyer81 Destroyer87 Destroyer122 Destroyer8 Destroyer6 Destroyer108 Destroyer9 Destroyer67 Destroyer12 Destroyer112
Full Name: Remo Williams
Series Name: The Destroyer
Nationality: American
Organization: CURE
Occupation Agent

Creator: Warren Murphy, Richard Sapir
Time Span: 1971 - 2021


Remo Williams, the Destroyer, is an assassin for CURE.

A young president during the early 60's came to a sad but inescapable conclusion as he watched crime take more and more control over the country he loved so much. The Constitution, that wonderful document which was the basis for the government he lead, didn't work. There were too many rights given to the criminal and too many restrictions to law enforcement. It was just a matter of time before the government fell.

What was needed, he concluded, was an organization which worked outside the confines of the Constitution, collecting evidence in less than legal methods and passing that information surreptitiously onto the police or the FBI or any other organization empowered to handle whatever case it may be. Such an organization would be a CURE for situation and that was the perfect name for it.

The head of CURE was a man named Harold Smith, a former agent in the OSS and a founding member of the CIA. Smith was chosen for his total loyalty to the country and because of his lack of imagination, helping to guarantee that he would not envision himself ruling the nation.

Virtually unlimited funds were made available for bribing and buying information, establishing thousands of eyes around the country each reporting on little things that became patterns in the computer banks of CURE. Only one man saw the results. Only Smith had access.

After a few years had passed and crime continued to shrive, the computers spat out the recommendation that at last the organization must have an enforcement arm, a man who would eliminate those the law still couldn't touch. The one requirement was that the man couldn't exist, thus reducing the chance of his being traced back to CURE.

The man chosen was Remo Williams.

During the Vietnam War, a young marine made a name for himself with his total cool under fire as well as his uncanny marksmanship as a sniper. Later, returning from the combat and taking a role in the police department, he put behind him his violent past and looked forward to starting a family with the nice girl he had met. A family was something this orphan had always wanted and it was within his grasp.

Then came CURE and its need for someone who didn't exist, the best candidate being a dead man. Remo, then a patrolman, was found unconscious next to a dead pusher. Instead of getting a metal, he was arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. Instead of years of appeals, his case was rushed through and the wait was days instead of months. And then he was executed. Except it was rigged and Remo didn't die.

He was, however, legally deceased and now able to start training under the Master of Sinanju, the most effective assassin alive. Chiun, around the age of 80 when the series starts, is the ultimate in several regards: assassination, survival, and kvetching. The latest in a long line of assassins belonging to the Korean House of Sinanju, the sun-source of all martial arts, Chiun cannot believe that his ancestors would punish him so by making him train the 'pale piece of pig's ear' that is Remo. He is further stunned and proud that Remo learns so well.


Number of Books:152
First Appearance:1971
Last Appearance:2021

In the first book of the series, the role of Remo is surprisingly small and that of Chiun is even less. The hook that would make the series so popular and last for so many years had not been established. This book was actually written around 1963 and shopped to many publishers without success. An upstart publisher named Pinnacle, owned by the adult erotic name publisher Bee-Line, flush with the success of the Executioner, finally picked it up and gave it the chance to become a success.

1 Created, The Destroyer Created, The Destroyer
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1971

Remo is framed and killed and then starts his training with Chiun. When he is finally judged ready enough to take on a mission, it is to investigate and eliminate a gentleman known as Maxwell, a hit man who has the elimination of several government agents to his credit.

2 Death Check Death Check
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1972

The Brewster Forum is one of America's many think-tanks that has as its primary task coming up with ways other countries might try to take over the U.S. and how best to counter these attacks. Really, though, it is setting the scene for its own takeover of the nation.

3 Chinese Puzzle Chinese Puzzle
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1972

The death of a Chinese emissary just prior to a state visit by that leader makes the President concerned. Remo and Chiun are tasked with protecting the life of the Premier. To Chiun, it is a chance to reclaim the Sword of Sinanju, lost for decades behind the Bamboo Curtain.

4 Mafia Fix Mafia Fix
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1972

A shipment of heroin is enroute the U.S. and the quantity is staggering: fifty tons, enough to fill four trailer trucks. When it is learned that the Mafia has figured out new and innovative ways of distributing the horse at low costs, CURE is called in.

5 Dr. Quake Dr. Quake
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1972

Known to his colleagues as 'Dr. Quake', the genius Forben has created a device capable of minimizing, even eliminating, earthquakes. But Dr. Quake has other plans as this machine can also be used to start earthquakes, making it a terrific method of extortion!

6 Death Therapy Death Therapy
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1972

When the captain of a destroyer tries to ram his ship into the Statue Of Liberty and politicians try to commit mass murder, it becomes clear that someone has the ability to affect the minds of many influential leaders.

7 Union Bust Union Bust
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1973

Someone is organizing many different unions into one giant, all-powerful super union. When completed, absolutely no method of travel would be outside its total control, a situation that CURE deems completely against the nation's best interest.

8 Summit Chase Summit Chase
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1973

The President of Scambia is set to attend a summit. His VP would like to have him eliminated so he can take over and set Scambia to become the perfect refuge for criminals. Remo's job is to stop the conspiracy and keep the President safe.

9 Murder's Shield Murder's Shield
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1973

A nationwide network is being established of cops willing to take the law into their own hands. CURE cannot allow this organization to thrive. Remo and Chiun are sent in to stop it before it becomes known. Unfortunately, Remo, a former patrolman, feels they are right.

10 Terror Squad Terror Squad
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1973

Nuihc is back! The nephew of Chiun, angered that a white man should be taught the secrets of Sinanju and jealous of the Master, creates a scheme certain to result in the death of Remo and Chiun.

11 Kill Or Cure Kill Or Cure
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1973

While getting data on a corrupt Miami mayor, wires get crossed and one of the people unknowingly working for CURE learns of its existence and tries to capitalize on his information. When he comes up dead, the press gets involved and suddenly Smith finds himself in a bind.

12 Slave Safari Slave Safari
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1973

When several females of the wealthy Lippincott family have turned up missing or presumed dead, CURE determines that they have in fact been kidnapped and sold into white slavery by the President For Life of Busati, General Obode.

13 Acid Rock Acid Rock
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1973

The government of the U.S. is trying a very influential man with conspiring with the Soviet Union. The case is a good one but still hinges on the testimony of a young woman but different assassins have been dispatched to eliminate her and her testimony.

14 Judgment Day Judgment Day
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1974

The first problem came when the huge corporation providing the computers for CURE decided it should learn more. The second problem came when it succeeded. Having the secret of CURE at its control, it replaced Smith the first order was to eliminate Smith.

15 Murder Ward Murder Ward
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1974

The deaths of several agents of the IRS might not worry too many people but to Smith and CURE, the odds of them all happening at the same hospital is too much of a coincidence. Something nefarious was taking place.

16 Oil Slick Oil Slick
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1974

The king of the Arabic country of Lobynia has been deposed by his army colonel Baraka. One of the first acts of the new regime is to eliminate an American scientist who has found a way of getting oil from sources other than the Middle East.

17 Last War Dance Last War Dance
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1974

When rampaging Indians, wanting to bring the plight of Native Americans to the attention of the American people, take over the Midwestern town of Wounded Elk, they don't know that beneath the tranquil town lies the ultimate U.S. weapon.

18 Funny Money Funny Money
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1975

Mr. Gordons was created by a scientist who wanted to find a way to instill survivability in computers. She did too good a job of it for Mr. Gordons quickly moved beyond the laboratory and out into the world, determined to do whatever it takes to survive.

19 Holy Terror Holy Terror
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1975

Investigating the activities of Maharaji Gupta Mahesh Dor, the Blissful Master of the International Divine Bliss Mission, can apparently be difficult. Several government agents have died doing so.

20 Assassins Play-Off Assassins Play-Off
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1975

It is an old Sinanju custom that the way to eliminate an unworthy foe is to incapacitate him with blows to each limb and then let him die in agony. While Chiun is off to visit his home in Korea, four different opponents come after Remo, each able to destroy one limb.

21 Deadly Seeds Deadly Seeds
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1975

Multimillionaire James Fielding has offered to the world a genetic treatment to grains which allow them to mature in a month, increasing the number of crops possible each year. Remo and Chiun are sent to protect him and his discovery but they soon begin to have doubts about his motives.

22 Brain Drain Brain Drain
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1976

The dangerous Mr. Gordons has returned to try once more to ensure his survival. Still on the lookout for creativity, he heads to Hollywood to find it. First he must eliminate the two men who so nearly ended his existence and the best way to get to them is to get to Smith.

23 Child's Play Child's Play
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1976

Witnesses against the mob are dying in unbelievable numbers, all before they can testify and all in such unusual methods that the government is unable to get a handle on the situation. These witnesses were in seclusion, their identities carefully hidden.

24 King's Curse King's Curse
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1976

The remnants of the ancient Central American tribe, the Actatl, are in an uproar. Their sacred sacrificial stone has been stolen and taken to America to be displayed in a museum. This sacrilege must be avenged and that can only be done by eliminating the hearts of the offenders.

25 Sweet Dreams Sweet Dreams
Written by Warren Murphy, Ric Meyers
Copyright: 1976

The dream machine is the ultimate in personal entertainment. Put it on your head and your fantasies become transposed onto your television set in glorious color. The Mafia sees a new and highly addictive vice to exploit.

26 In Enemy Hands In Enemy Hands
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1976

Worried that the Intelligence agencies of the U.S. have gone too far in their actions for the country, the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee issues orders that the agents overseas go without guns. This creates a field day for Soviet agents.

27 The Last Temple The Last Temple
Written by Warren Murphy, Ric Meyers
Copyright: 1977

When several Israelis are killed and their bodies etched with swastikas, the leaders of the Israeli organization Zeher Lahurban fear the end of their country is at hand. For such a doomsday situation, they are ready to employ a doomsday device, several atomic weapons hidden around the Arab world.

28 Ship Of Death Ship Of Death
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1977

Diplomats away from home want more than serving their country's interests; they want a chance to enjoy themselves away from prying eyes. When a Greek shipping magnate presents the opportunity of moving the United Nations headquarters to a huge luxury liner, the delegates leap at the chance.

29 The Final Death The Final Death
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy, Ric Meyers
Copyright: 1977

'Death to the meat eaters of America.' That is the mantra of the last of a long line of Chinese vampires, anxious to leave this world in a blaze of destruction and wild enough to entice a gang of crazies to follow him in a mad plan to destroy the confidence in beef.

30 Mugger Blood Mugger Blood
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1977

When the old lady was mugged and died as a result of her vicious beating, no one really worried and no one really cared. Except Remo who, in a strange mood understood by Chiun as a stage of his training, decides that someone needs to avenge her.

31 The Head Men The Head Men
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1977

The President feels that he is safe. Considering the devices that monitor every inch of the White House as well as the many highly trained men and women dedicated to protecting his life, he knows he is secure inside his own residence. CURE has evidence to the contrary.

32 Killer Chromosomes Killer Chromosomes
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1978

A lady scientist, seeking to unlock the genetic coding of human chromosomes, finding a means of creating a new life form, creates a danger to humanity that CURE knows it must eliminate, especially as the number of dead males begin to really mount up.

33 Voodoo Die Voodoo Die
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1978

Everyone wants the Mung machine. This strange device, a product of a drug, shot full of radiation, and then shot out of a ray-like machine, has the ability to turn victims into gooey puddles. Mass-produced, it could be a terrific weapon for any government.

34 Chained Reaction Chained Reaction
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1978

A racist organization implement a plan to bring back slavery, giving them a huge source of cheap labor. They make the mistake when kidnapping black men, one of whom is the brother to Ruby Gonzalez, the CIA agent who has become quite familiar with Remo and CURE.

35 Last Call Last Call
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1978

The new Director of the CIA knows that he must lower the budget of his agency to get it approved. Looking for programs to cut, he finds the 20-year old Project Omega and, finding no reason for its existence, orders it disbanded. Closing the project in fact triggers the plot to kill Soviet officials.

36 Power Play Power Play
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1979

His magazine, Gross, was a major success and brought his untold riches. His clubs, Grossouts, were also tremendously successful and made him even richer. Then he decided to get into the solar power business which makes him the enemy of the oil business.

37 Bottom Line Bottom Line
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1979

The Lippincott family is one of the nation's richest and, more importantly to the current President, one of his biggest backers. When they seem to be dieing too quickly shortly after starting to help him increase trade with Red China, he asks the help of CURE.

38 Bay City Blast Bay City Blast
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1979

It would be logical to think that when a major Mafia leader finds the means to take over control of a large port city, enabling crooks from all over the nation a free zone to ply their trade, it would be a good reason for CURE to step in to remove him. Instead CURE wants him protected.

39 Missing Link Missing Link
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1980

The President's brother is an embarrassment to the White House. His beer-guzzling and wise-cracking have made wonderful fodder for news-hungry reporters and he is never at a loss for a one-liner. Then he disappears and CURE must bring him home.

40 Dangerous Games Dangerous Games
Written by Warren Murphy, Robert J. Randisi
Copyright: 1980

The American athletes heading for the Moscow Olympics are in danger. Threats have been issued against them and both the Americans and the Soviets are concerned that the sporting events could become a bloodbath. It is vital that the would-be assailants be found.

41 Firing Line Firing Line
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1980

When Ruby Gonzalez, who has worked for some time with CURE, quits, Smith decides that she is too dangerous to allow to go free so he sends Remo to eliminate her. Remo chooses to quit himself rather than follow those orders. Ruby's death at the hand of arsonist with incredible power changes things immensely.

42 Timber Line Timber Line
Written by Warren Murphy, Joy William
Copyright: 1980

The scientist working for the timber company in the Northwest has two things going for keeping her alive. She has come up with a technique for creating an oil-producing tree. And she is the daughter of an old friend of Smith. A group called the High Sierra Society want her dead.

43 Midnight Man Midnight Man
Written by Warren Murphy, Robert J. Randisi
Copyright: 1981

Elmo Wimpler has two inventions that make him both dangerous and important to the government of the U.S. He has a device that can crush a person's head and another device that can turn anyone or anything invisible. Put the two together and you have a terrific assassin.

44 Balance Of Power Balance Of Power
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy, Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1981

When the CIA agent, recently returning from a mission abroad, begins to divulge secrets he had sworn to keep, the need to silence him become great and CURE dispatches Remo to get the job done but then attempts on the agent's life by enemy agents changes the picture.

45 Spoils of War Spoils of War
Written by Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1981

Whoever is behind the upcoming coup has a new approach to warfare. Instead of attacking a country from the outside with your soldiers, attack it from within with their soldiers. Someone is abducting dozens of soldiers and the only clues are the murdered bodies of army chaplains.

46 Next Of Kin Next Of Kin
Written by Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1981

There have been a number of dead bodies found off the coast of the Caribbean island of St. Maarten where Remo and Chiun are vacationing. The problem with the deceased is that each was killed in a still highly suggestive of Sinanju which makes Smith worry that Remo has gone unhinged.

47 Dying Space Dying Space
Written by Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1982

Russia wants the U.S. to stay off the moon and to keep them off, they have devised a bacteria that will pollute it for years. The U.S. creates a computer to counter their actions. Mr. Gordons, the artificial lifeform devoted to survival, steals it.

48 Profit Motive Profit Motive
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1982

The creation of a bacteria able to eat oil spills at sea seems like a great boon to the petroleum world constantly in fear of accidents and resultant law suits. When the bacteria is also found to turn all petroleum into wax, the need for action by CURE is apparent.

49 Skin Deep Skin Deep
Written by Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1982

The U.S.'s latest super weapon, a 'top-secret, atom-armed jet bomber that can escape radar detection', has been stolen and that makes it a sure mission for CURE. Smith is fearful that the weapon will be used to eliminate dozens of world leaders headed to America for a peace summit.

50 Killing Time Killing Time
Written by Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1984

Felix Foxx is the latest diet guru to take the nation by storm with the jet set crowd ready to follow his every word. Even high ranking members of the military heed his advice. It would not be anything to remotely interest CURE until these military leaders begin to drop dead.

51 Shock Value Shock Value
Written by Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1983

Terrorist leaders around the world are being killed. This is considered a good thing except their assailants seem to be normal Americans who suddenly take a homicidal attitude and this has world leaders up in arms. CURE knows it must stop this good/bad chain of events.

52 Fool's Gold Fool's Gold
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1983

It was just another standard archaeological find that would have hardly have sparked much interest outside the academic world. Then the text on the discovered plaque is translated and the whole world seems changed. The inscription appears to point to the location of an entire mountain of gold.

53 Time Trial Time Trial
Written by Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1983

When several American archaeologists, searching the jungles of Guatemala, disappear shortly after reporting having seen barely clad natives using what appear to be hi-tech weaponry, CURE knows there is something going on.

54 Last Drop Last Drop
Written by Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1983

Thousands of normal citizens are suddenly finding themselves high on a wild drug for free. The narcotics industry sees its profits plummeting while the government is in a frenzy to find out what is going on.

55 Master's Challenge Master's Challenge
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy, Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1984

In the tradition of Sinanju, each master must at some point in his training, undertake a Master's Challenge in which he competes against other assassins from other Houses. Always the House of Sinanju has been victorious but now it is Remo's turn and something seems different.

56 Encounter Group Encounter Group
Written by Warren Murphy, Will Murray
Copyright: 1984

When the stranger claimed to be from another planet, most people took him for another kook. When he gathered a large following and began preaching against the military's nuclear weapons, kook became a danger. Remo is to infiltrate and dismantle the group before they can do too much damage.

57 Date With Death Date With Death
Written by Warren Murphy, Molly Cochran, H. Edward Husenburger
Copyright: 1984

With an outbreak of corpses across the Sunbelt competing for attention with the disappearance of dozens of young, beautiful women, the chances there is more trouble ahead seems quite good to the computers at CURE. The cases must be investigated, which mean Remo and Chiun.

58 Total Recall Total Recall
Written by Warren Murphy, Robert J. Randisi
Copyright: 1984

The infamy of the crimes staggers even the aged Chiun. Children are being killed in large numbers with drugs being at the base of the crimes. To the old Master for whom children are a blessing, this is the worst of crimes and he and Remo are determined destroy the doer.

59 The Arms of Kali The Arms of Kali
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1984

Lovely young women are meeting, seducing, and later killing airline travelers across the country. They used silken scarves to strangle the lives out of the victims. With the fear of flying growing to extensive lengths, CURE has to step in to find out who is behind the attacks.

60 The End of the Game The End of the Game
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1985

Abner Buell is a genius. Not only can he play video games better than anyone, he can create them well enough to make billions and acquire a sizeable following. When he uses his game creations to turn men into killers and women in sultry wantons, CURE takes action.

61 Lords of the Earth Lords of the Earth
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1985

The deaths of several prominent entomologists leads CURE to believe a danger of the country exists. Someone is angry at those who were searching ways to control pests and make crops stronger, needed for feeding the people of the world, and that someone is taking the ultimate vengeance.

62 The Seventh Stone The Seventh Stone
Written by Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy, H. Edward Husenburger
Copyright: 1985

With Remo going through yet another strange period in his Sinanju training and wanting to be left alone, he takes off for a vacation and ends up in Hollywood. There he meets and falls deeply for the voluptuous Kim Kiley who is really the latest weapon in the arsenal of the ancient House of Wo.

63 The Sky Is Falling The Sky Is Falling
Written by Richard Sapir, Will Murray
Copyright: 1985

Holes are appearing in the ozone and they appear to be man made. The Soviets begin to make claims that it is the U.S. that is at fault. Upon investigation, it turns out to be true. Chemical Concepts has found a way to tap the energy of the sun and 'damn the consequences'.

64 The Last Alchemist The Last Alchemist
Written by Richard Sapir, Will Murray
Copyright: 1986

Harrison Caldwell is the last alchemist left alive. While everyone else had long since realized the idea of the Philosopher's Stone, that which could turn lead into gold, was a myth, Caldwell was certain it was real. The trick, he discovered, was to use atomic energy to produce the transformation.

65 Lost Yesterday Lost Yesterday
Written by Richard Sapir, Will Murray
Copyright: 1986

POWERESSENCE is the newest craze sweeping across the country. Created by the former science fiction writer, Rubin Dolomo, this rapidly reaches a cult status. As the movement grows, however, so does the fear that the President would soon become a follower, under the control of the cult leader.

66 Sue Me Sue Me
Written by Richard Sapir
Copyright: 1986

When vehicles begin to go out of control, buildings start to collapse, and planes start to fall from the sky, the first ones on the scene are the lawyers. Especially the firm of Palmer, Rizuto and Schwartz, the leaders in accident litigation, which has an edge.

67 Look Into My Eyes Look Into My Eyes
Written by Richard Sapir
Copyright: 1987

The little Russian has a secret ability which makes him both a threat and a treasure to the Soviet Union and they want him back. The little man is a super-hypnotist and is able to make just about anyone do just about anything.

68 An Old-Fashioned War An Old-Fashioned War
Written by Richard Sapir
Copyright: 1987

Why have groups that have been fairly quiet for decades if not centuries, suddenly united and gone on the attack? Since the affliction, if that is what it is, is international in scope, CURE steps in.

69 Blood Ties Blood Ties
Written by Warren Murphy, Will Murray
Copyright: 1987

Lyle Lavellette is an automotive genius, although no one in Detroit wants much to do with him. He has created a car engine that will revolutionize the entire car business as it runs on garbage. Now the number of businesses and countries who want him dead is huge.

70 The Eleventh Hour The Eleventh Hour
Written by Will Murray, Warren Murphy, Molly Cochran
Copyright: 1987

Things have really gone bad for CURE. Remo seems to be possessed by the spirit of the god Shiva and has gone off the deep end. Chiun is insulted by the President of the United States, returns to Sinanju, and is promptly blackmailed into working for the Soviets.

71 Return Engagement Return Engagement
Written by Will Murray, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1988

Imagine a device that can melt titanium. Imagine if this device, called the nebulizer, is in the hands of a former Nazi war criminal suddenly back from the dead. Then imagine that this Nazi is filled with hatred for the man who ruined his life, Harold Smith.

72 Sole Survivor Sole Survivor
Written by Will Murray, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1988

The Soviets have created a weapon that can sterilize any man or woman within its beam. Seeing it as a tremendous weapon for extortion, they send it into outer space from where it could easily reach an entire country's population.

73 Line Of Succession Line Of Succession
Written by Will Murray, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1988

The two candidates for President somehow learn of the existence of CURE. When they both indicate a desire to eliminate the agency, they are nearly assassinated, doubling their determination. The questions were who told them, who tried to kill them, and who saved them.

74 Walking Wounded Walking Wounded
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1988

When he learns that an old friend from the Vietnam War, lost in battle, is found to be alive and still held captive by the Vietnamese Communists, nothing can keep Remo from going back to that Southeast Asia country to free him.

75 Rain of Terror Rain of Terror
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1988

When a super-secret spy agency which uses computers more than any other organization has ever used them runs up against a super-intelligence, and sentient, computer chip called Friend, the trouble for CURE and Smith becomes incredible.

76 The Final Crusade The Final Crusade
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1989

The evangelist, Eldon Sluggard, starts a crusade to obtain from the Middle East what he believes is one of the nail from the Cross and gains a great number of followers as well as the condemnation of the Ayatollah who puts a price on his head.

77 Coin of the Realm Coin of the Realm
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1989

When Chiun receives a message from the leader of the country of Moo, he and Remo leave immediately. Moo is the first major client that the House of Sinanju ever had and Chiun knows it is important to keep former clients happy.

78 Blue Smoke And Mirrors Blue Smoke And Mirrors
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1989

Military secrets are being stolen under the strictest of security. It seems that the thief, whoever he is, can turn invisible, walk through thick walls, and even transport himself over phone lines. Unless CURE can find out who he is and stop him, no secret the government has will ever be safe again.

79 Shooting Schedule Shooting Schedule
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1989

Nemuro Nishitsu has held hatred for Japan's defeat for over 40 years. During those years of infamy, he has prospered from a common soldier to his nation's leading industrialist. With the money that he possesses, he has the means to start the war again and try for a much better answer.

80 Death Sentence Death Sentence
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1990

Life has gotten very complicated for the people at CURE. Chiun returns to Sinanju for a visit. Remo wakes up in the prison he was 'killed' in, on death row with no memory of the last 20 years. Smith is out of a job and suffering a heart attack. And someone new is at the controls of CURE and his motives are not pure.

81 Hostile Takeover Hostile Takeover
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1990

The stock market is falling at an alarming rate and there seems to be no rational reason for it. It is just a matter of weeks before the economy of the U.S. is totally ruined. With Smith's attention largely distracted on a personal matter, it is up to Remo and Chiun to save Wall Street.

82 Survival Zero Survival Zero
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1990

The ultra dangerous Mr. Gordons returns to cause trouble for CURE and the world at large. In this adventure, the President of the U.S. is shot down while over the jungle of Mexico. At this point Gordons seems to rescue him, disguised as the VP.

83 Skull Duggery Skull Duggery
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1991

The Chinese dissident survived Tiananmen Square and escaped to America with a special box holding a precious secret. CURE needs this refugee to stay in America but Chiun finds that the contents of the box point to a great lost treasure and suddenly he and the Chinese student are on their way back to China.

84 Ground Zero Ground Zero
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1991

Sky Blue looks like a love child from the 60's but she plays with nuclear weapons and speaks in strange ways. Connors Swindell is a conman out for the biggest play of his illegal career. Together they cause the death of an entire town and that is just the start of their perfidy. CURE wants to make sure it is the last.

85 Blood Lust Blood Lust
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1991

The Iraiti ambassador to the United Nation has disappeared. It is unclear if it is a kidnapping, an accident, or something more voluntary. What is clear is the president of Irait, Maddas Hinsein, is raising a huge stink, demanding that his ambassador be found and returned.

86 Arabian Nightmare Arabian Nightmare
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1991

Really Part II of a mission started in #85, the task of fighting the Iraiti leader, Maddas Hinsein, continues. Hinsein has invaded a neighboring country to control its superior oil reserves and the U.S. government must send in troops to repulse the enemy. CURE choice in handling the situation was to send in Remo and Chiun.

87 Mob Psychology Mob Psychology
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1992

The high tech computer company which once forced the ouster of Smith from CURE is having trouble. Many of its technicians have disappeared and there is no apparent reason. When evidence comes along that the Mob is involved Smith knows that CURE must step in.

88 The Ultimate Death The Ultimate Death
Written by Will Murray, Ric Meyers, James Mullaney
Copyright: 1992

With the new health craze calling for chicken instead of beef, the fortunes of Chicken King, Henry Poulette, are on the rapid rise. Then, suddenly, people eating this chicken start dieing and the whole fast food industry is in an uproar. CURE knows it has to step in.

89 Dark Horse Dark Horse
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1992

The sudden death of the governor and lieutenant governor of California in a plane crash opens the field for all would-be politicos. The crazies that step forward to run for the vacant offices would make entertaining reading except someone seems determined to kill rather than elect. CURE must step in.

90 Ghost In The Machine Ghost In The Machine
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1992

When the 80's most hyped billionaire, Randal Rumpp, finds his vast fortune crumbling and his real estate empire disappearing, he becomes determined to do whatever it takes to regain his superior position. That appears to mean making a deal with an old enemy of CURE.

91 Cold Warrior Cold Warrior
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1993

The Bay of Pigs in the early 60s was a fiasco and an embarrassment to the U.S. government. Now someone has the foolish idea of trying it again. When it fails, the aging Cuban leader, Castro, finds himself back on top in the public's eye and loving it. He may even have enough pull to turn the tables and attack Miami.

92 The Last Dragon The Last Dragon
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1993

Imagine if a dinosaur was found in the deep jungles of Africa. It would be normal for scientists to fight over the chance to study it and for governments to fight over the chance to call it its own. Would it be normal for an American fast-food king to go all out to sell dino-burgers?.

93 Terminal Transmission Terminal Transmission
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1993

Someone is jamming the television signals throughout the country, greatly disrupting day-to-day events and causing considerable panic among the population. It is Remo's job to find out who is doing it. He is on his own as Chiun is far more concerned with the disappearance of the newswoman Cheeta Change.

94 Feeding Frenzy Feeding Frenzy
Written by Will Murray, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 1993

The new disease known as HELP is killing off a strange cult dedicated to living off insects. Certain that it was man-made, Smith sends Remo and Chiun to find out who doesn't like these people and to make them stop. Stopping them will be difficult as they are connected to an ancient enemy of Sinanju called the Spider Divas.

95 High Priestess High Priestess
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1994

Squirrelly Chicane is a channeler. She made a fortune by being the go-between for the living to talk with the dead. Now she is ready to begin a new career as representatives from Tibet arrive declaring her to be the newest Bunji Lama.

96 Infernal Revenue Infernal Revenue
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1994

Friend returns and has a terrific plan for eliminating the danger of CURE and its two assassins. Crashing every major computer system across the country, starting with the ones at CURE, this artificial intelligence sees chaos quickly spreading and the IRS, led by a tip from Friend, at the doors of CURE.

97 Identity Crisis Identity Crisis
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1994

In what amounts to as a Part II from #96, CURE is still reeling from the trouble caused by Friend as agents from both the IRS and the DEA converge on Folcroft Sanitarium, the headquarters for CURE and wreck years of work by Smith.

98 Target of Opportunity Target of Opportunity
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1994

Remo is determined to be a free agent no longer answering to CURE so there is no one that Smith can send to investigate when the astonishing happens. A would-be assassin tries to kill the President and he bears an uncanny resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald.

99 The Color of Fear The Color of Fear
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1995

A dastardly villain that CURE has fought before returns with a scheme that is wild but has a very real chance of success. A weapon is in his hands that uses a super laser to generate hyper-color to control emotions. Depending on the shade and hue, it can make people happy or drive them to kill.

100 Last Rites Last Rites
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1995

In the one-hundredth adventure of Remo Williams, he is undergoing the Sinanju Rite of Attainment. There are 13 tasks that he must perform in order to become a fully recognized Master of Sinanju and they involve jumping from one part of the world to another and talks with past Masters long dead.

101 Bidding War Bidding War
Written by Will Murray, Richard Sapir
Copyright: 1995

Having staved off attacks to its funding from outside forces, CURE is not ready when the supply is terminated from inside. The President has accidentally stopped a program that surreptitiously provided much of CURE budget and once again it is unable to pay Sinanju.

102 Unite and Conquer Unite and Conquer
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1995

With our neighbor to the south on the verge of revolution, CURE feels it best for the interest of the U.S. to settle things down. Remo and Chiun find their mission to Mexico complicated, however, when a violent earthquake shakes the land and suddenly rumors of gods and demons walking the land start to spread.

103 Engines of Destruction Engines of Destruction
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1996

Someone is playing with trains and liking violent wrecks a little too much. Unfortunately, he is using real trains and the nation's commerce is being greatly hampered as well as passenger travel coming to a screeching (literally) halt.

104 Angry White Mailmen Angry White Mailmen
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1996

The title seems to say it all. The postal workers are up in arms and some of them are using those arms to strike out. Soon no one wants near a postal employee and the mail comes to a sudden halt. Remo and Chiun are sent by CURE to find out who has got the employees into such a lather.

105 Scorched Earth Scorched Earth
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1996

When the Bio-Dome project is destroyed by a beam of light from outer space, the blame is directed towards the Russians. With the loss of the Space Shuttle from the same source, it is time for war. Then, however, two different sites in Russia are destroyed and now the culprit is in doubt.

106 White Water White Water
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1996

Blame Canada! Long before South Park, the attention of the American government towards the Canadians come when the fishing off the coast of the U.S. comes up empty. Is someone killing the fish or just fishing far more than the law would allow? CURE must stop the threat or a major industry will disappear.

107 Feast or Famine Feast or Famine
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1996

When whole new strains of insect arrive on the scene in the farmlands of America, they are devastating. Immune to pesticides and filled with a ravenous appetite, they consume everything they come to and seem unstoppable.

108 Bamboo Dragon Bamboo Dragon
Written by Mike Newton
Copyright: 1997

The lone survivor of an excursion of scientists into the deep Malaysian jungle rants about his colleagues being eaten by a prehistoric monster. He soon dies of a strange cause and CURE is suddenly in the middle of a mystery and a potential catastrophe.

109 American Obsession American Obsession
Written by Alan Philipson
Copyright: 1997

When the drug was discovered, it seemed to be a dream come true for dieters. WHE, which stands for Wolverine Hormone Extract, can dissolve fat and build new muscle in hours with no effort on the patient. The drawback, however, is that it turns the users into homicidal maniacs.

110 Never Say Die Never Say Die
Written by Mike Newton
Copyright: 1997

When the forensics come in on two assassinations, the investigators are surprised. Different assailants have identical fingerprints and matching DNA? Were they really twins? Then a third killing takes place by yet another murderer with the same fingerprints and genetic code.

111 Prophet of Doom Prophet of Doom
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 1998

The church is called the Esther Clear Seer's Church of the Absolute and Incontrovertible Truth. Its site is the location for an amazing yellow smoke that curls about the area and seems to give inhalers a glimpse of the future. Then young women start disappearing around the area. One is the daughter of a Senator.

112 Brain Storm Brain Storm
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 1998

A research facility has acquired the ability to tap into a person's mind and actually read information. It would be a boon to law enforcement as well as clinicians. Unfortunately, Smith accidentally gets tangled with the group and the secrets of CURE and Sinanju are tapped.

113 The Empire Dreams The Empire Dreams
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 1998

The Fourth Reich is back. Smith is in Europe celebrating his 50th anniversary when suddenly vintage bombers begin dropping explosives across Europe. Storm troopers appear marching across the countryside. Immediately the President of France surrenders.

114 Failing Marks Failing Marks
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 1999

Adolph Kluge is the leader of the secret organization known as IV, a part of the resurgent Fourth Reich. Living in the mountains of Argentina, he has yet another plan for taking over the world and, more importantly, he has the means of funding it.

115 Misfortune Teller Misfortune Teller
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 1999

Man Hyung Sun is the leader of the Loonies, a religious cult that has followers all over the country. Korean, Sun promotes his creed as the Sun Source. That is the same phrase used to describe the power of Sinanju and Chiun believes this is the answer to spreading the glory of his discipline.

116 The Final Reel The Final Reel
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 1999

The Sultan of Ebia, long a hater of America, is dying and wants to see the devastation of his enemy before he leaves this world. To accomplish this, he makes use of the fascination with movies, a tool of the Great Satan. His plan will see the destruction of Hollywood.

117 Deadly Genes Deadly Genes
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 1999

The motives of Dr. Judith White, genetic engineer at BostonBio, are open to suspect. She has led the team that created the new species of domestic animal, called the BBQ, which could help feed millions around the world. But her actions are strange and CURE is interested.

118 Killer Watts Killer Watts
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2000

Elizu Roote was a foot soldier who was selected for a strange experiment. The plan was to turn him into a more efficient soldier complete with optical targeting sensors and many other high-tech enhancements. Suddenly the test goes awry and he is transformed into an electrical killing machine.

119 Fade To Black Fade To Black
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2000

Normally any publicity before the opening of a new movie would be a good thing. Certainly the studio behind the movie, Cabbagehead Productions, is thrilled. Their newest slasher movie is gaining notoriety, however, because of real murders done in their style before the film opens.

120 The Last Monarch The Last Monarch
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2000

It has long been the strategy of CURE to use a little known technique of Sinanju to make former Presidents forget about this ultra secret organization. Now, suddenly, one has remembered and calls Smith to say hello. Remo and Chiun must have another go at making him forget.

121 A Pound Of Prevention A Pound Of Prevention
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2001

Why are many of the biggest crime lords in the world converging on the African nation of Luzuland? This country in Africa is suddenly the crime Mecca and CURE is worried that it portends ill for that nation. Remo and Chiun are sent there but then Chiun disappears with a Luzu native.

122 Syndication Rites Syndication Rites
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2001

The newest, hottest company on Wall Street is taking the nation by storm and it has CURE extremely concerned. Someone has found a new way of organizing crime and it is as a corporation named Raffair with average citizens able to invest in it, complete with a web site and online trading.

123 Disloyal Opposition Disloyal Opposition
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2001

Barkley is seceding from the US and they have even hired an ex-KGB general to lead their newly formed militia. The general feels confident in his chances since he also possesses a particle beam weapon capable of blowing up anything he wants.

124 By Eminent Domain By Eminent Domain
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2001

When the word goes out that the US should get out of Alaska, it is accompanied by dozens of bodies. From workers on the Alaskan pipeline to U.S. troops sent in to protect this vital oil source, the numbers show the perpetrators really mean it.

125 The Wrong Stuff The Wrong Stuff
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2001

Mr. Gordons is back. It has been several years since he last plagued CURE and the duo but he is back with a vengeance, literally. NASA has created a new machine for exploring alien worlds but it has been hijacked and is killing people in southern Florida.

126 Air Raid Air Raid
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2002

Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, right? Not these new, genetically engineered trees that the highly secretive Congress of Concerned Scientists have created. They breathe oxygen and can suck an area of vital air so quickly they are a major menace.

127 Market Force Market Force
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2002

As an old enemy disappears from captivity at Folcroft, another villain from the past returns. Friend is again around to cause trouble, this time seeking to break apart Remo and Chiun even as it tries to destroy Cure. Remo's attempts to stop the madness is compounded by Chiun's fear that Remo wants to kill him.

128 End Of The Beginning End Of The Beginning
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2002

In a spectacular retelling of the first adventure, Created, The Destroyer, many holes are filled in the storyline and new interpretations are given to events. For fans of the series, this is really a dynamite book, if not one of the best.

129 Father To Son Father To Son
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2002

As he readies to take over as the Reigning Master of Sinanju, Remo must survive a time-honored tradition of going against many of the nations' best enforcers who are seeking to stop his promotion. As this is going on, the village of Sinanju is under attack to lure both Masters home to their deaths.

130 Waste Not, Want Not Waste Not, Want Not
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2003

There is a wondrous new way of disposing of garbage and the nation of Mayana is using it to become rich. Someone, however, is unhappy about that and is sinking trash ships heading there. With several world leaders planning on visiting, Remo is sent to check things out.

131 Unnatural Selection Unnatural Selection
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2003

Another old enemy returns. The same Dr. White who tried to create a new species of tiger-people has come out with a special liquid she is secreting into a popular brand of bottled water, turning victims into carnivorous, ferocious animals. Remo and Chiun head to New York where she is wrecking the most damage.

132 Wolf's Bane Wolf's Bane
Written by Mike Newton
Copyright: 2003

Whether the murderor really is a werewolf as the locals are claiming doesn't interest Remo as just wants to remove a killer. The killer is also hunting Remo.

133 Troubled Waters Troubled Waters
Written by Mike Newton
Copyright: 2003

A self-described modern pirate, Captain Kidd is attacking pleasure vessels in the Caribbean. When he kidnaps the daughter of a Senator, CURE gets involved.

134 Bloody Tourists Bloody Tourists
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2004

Everywhere the would-be liberator of a small American island goes in the States trying to drum up support for his revolution, people go on a killing rampage. CURE is determined to stop both.

135 Political Pressure Political Pressure
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2004

A secret organization is killing off corrupt politicians and officials, leaving the field open for the truly honest. It just isn't CURE, which makes CURE very interested.

136 Unpopular Science Unpopular Science
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2004

The evidence shows that whoever is breaking into top security facilities and stealing the newest technologies is acutely aware of CURE, making them twice as dangerous and twice as marked by Remo.

137 Industrial Evolution Industrial Evolution
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2004

A genius inventor and his son turn a society of cave dwellers into hideous killing machines as they seek to expand their underworld empire.

138 No Contest No Contest
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2005

To answer America's call for crazier and bloodier excitement viewing, The Extreme Sports Network has created intense competitions. Oddly, Americans are winning far more than any other country and it is due to a dangerous breakfast cereal.

139 Dream Thing Dream Thing
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2005

Something seems to be shrinking the oceans even as sane people are turning violent in the South Pacific. Chiun thinks it is an Elder God unleashed which Smith believes it is science gone crazy.

140 Dark Ages Dark Ages
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2005

A few radical Knights from England have decided to take back the colonies, or at least part of them. New Jersey is their first stop which upsets Remo as he is from New Jersey.

141 Frightening Strikes Frightening Strikes
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2005

The egss from a now dead giant squid in a Chicago aquarium are killing humans with electricity, and those humans are returning to life as guards for the eggs.

142 Mindblower Mindblower
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2006

The inventor of a powerful portable air cannon is furious with a group of professors who have stolen his patent. Now he is killing them, and anyone who interferes, with a weapon that can even destroy the Destroyer.

143 Bad Dog Bad Dog
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2006

In a deadly and bizarre idea for health care, someone has trained dogs to sniff out and then kill people who have diseases which are causing insurance rates to go so high.

144 Holy Mother Holy Mother
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2006

A crazy young woman has started a cult in Haiti devoted to the goddess Kali. She calls the cult "Remo" which naturally attracks CURE.

145 Dragon Bones Dragon Bones
Written by Tim Somheil
Copyright: 2006

The scientists who found, or created, a real-life dinosaur are murdered by a drug company who sees a formula for immortality among the dragon bones.

146 Guardian Angel Guardian Angel
Written by James Mullaney, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 2007

Mexican General Santa Anna has decided to revisit the borders between his country and the U.S., killing border patrol volunteers who have stepped into what he now considers his territory.

147 Choke Hold Choke Hold
Written by James Mullaney, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 2007

A major tobacco company is facing financial ruin when one of its scientists comes up with an astounding new product, a cigarette with the additive quality of meth.

148 Dead Reckoning Dead Reckoning
Written by James Mullaney, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 2008

The infamous "twentieth hijacker" is holding a horrific toxin without even knowing it. An entity with vengeance on its mind is using the would-be killer to destroy millions.

149 Killer Ratings Killer Ratings
Written by James Mullaney, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 2008

The perennial last place in network news has undergone a startling upswing as their anchor, Kitty Coughlin, just happens to be at the site of several major disasters. CURE thinks that is too much of a coincidence.

150 The End Of The World The End Of The World
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 2012

Cizin the Stinking One is a Mayan god dead for 2500 years who has returned to invade the dreams of his victims, all to take over America's nuclear stockpile unless Remo can defeat a god.

151 Bully Pulpit Bully Pulpit
Written by R. J. Carter
Copyright: 2016

It would seem the terrorist group that is creating chaos all of the country is doing so more out of ineptness than planning but that does not make them any less dangerous. And Remo has his mind on something closer to home - Chiun.
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152 Continental Divide Continental Divide
Written by R. J. Carter
Copyright: 2018

The matter of "crumbling infrastructure" is a key issue in the current presidential debates and someone has taken it to a new level. Bridges all over the States are crumbling. CURE thinks someone is behind it and sends Remo and Chiun to stop them.
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153 Monumental Terror Monumental Terror
Written by R. J. Carter
Copyright: 2019

Protests are everywhere in America. Counter-protests as well. Someone is working very hard to inflame civil unrest all over the country. There is a plan to kill the President. There is a plan to force the overturning of the Constitution. There is a need for someone like Remo Williams to do what he does best.
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154 Blood Brotherhood Blood Brotherhood
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2021

A 'Lost' Destroyer adventure taking place between #20 and #21.
"Fiends from an ancient Chinese death cult bring forth a deadly virus that defies time and science. Their evil plan is to divide, conquer, and destroy the House of Sinanju once and for all…even if that means the death of every person on the planet. Talk about overkill!"
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155 Trial By Bire Trial By Bire
Written by James Mullaney
Copyright: 2021

A 'Lost' Destroyer adventure originally taking place some time after #21 but then rewritten to fit after #149.
"Global catastrophes make headlines, so a financially floundering New York newspaper publisher has a plan to make a bundle while old allies and militants unite. But is it political or personal? Neutralizing a toxic chemical that will pollute the planet, sell papers and hold the world hostage is all in a day’s work for Remo and Chiun. CURE faces one of its toughest challenges as an international crisis could cause World War III or the death of a planet."
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0 Remo: The Adventure Begins Remo: The Adventure Begins
Written by Christopher Wood
Copyright: 1985

An arms dealer has dreams far beyond just making lots of money. An army major investigating the issue becomes a target even as CURE is learning what she already found out. This is the novelization from the movie of the same name.


Number of Stories:4
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2014

1 Savage Song Savage Song
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 2012

The special phone from the White House, not used in years, rings with a request that CURE use all its resources to keep alive a great entertainer that is being hunted.

2 Number Two Number Two
Written by Donna Courtois, Warren Murphy
Copyright: 2012

Accidents are always taking place around the Vice President - he has grown to expect them. When they start killing people, though, CURE steps in to send Remo and Chiun to protect him.

3 The Day Remo Died The Day Remo Died
Written by Warren Murphy, Richard Sapir
Copyright: 2013

A retelling, with considerable more information, on the day that Remo Williams was killed and brought back to life.

4 The Way of the Assassin The Way of the Assassin

Copyright: 2014

Snippets of wisdom from Chiun, Master of Sinanju.


Number of Movies:2
First Appearance:1985
Last Appearance:1988

1 Remo Williams - The Adventure Begins Remo Williams - The Adventure Begins
Director: Guy Hamilton
Writers: Christoper Wood, Richard Sapir, Warren Murphy
Actors: Fred Ward as Remo Williams, Joel Grey as Chiun, Wilford Brimley as Harold Smith, J.A. Preston as Conn MacCleary, Kate Mulgrew as Maj Fleming
Released: 1985

A cop is framed for murder and his execution faked so he would cease to exist and could be placed into training with the most dangerous assassin in the world - all to become a weapon for the US government no one knows exists.

2 Remo Williams - The Prophecy Remo Williams - The Prophecy
Director: Christian I. Nyby II
Writers: Steven Hensley, J. Miyoko Hensley
Actors: Jeffrey Meek as Remo Williams, Roddy McDowall as Chiun, Stephen Elliott as Harold Smith
Released: 1988

A pilot for an American television series, the movie was a follow-up to the theater release and shows the life of Remo William and Chiun one year later. It is said to be loosely based on the novella The Day Remo Died.


Number of Stories:13
First Appearance:1989
Last Appearance:1992

In the late 80s and early 90s, Marvel Comics held the rights to the Destroyer for comic book purposes and tried twice, the first in a planned regular series that lasted 9 issues and a couple of years later in a 4-part mini-series.

For the foreign market, several illustrated stories were published in 7 Magnus Special issues. I do not know for sure but I believe these were translations of the English series.

1 Destroyer - Series 1 - 1 of 9 Destroyer - Series 1 - 1 of 9
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Joe Jusko (artist)
Copyright: 11/01/1989

The origin story of how Remo Williams became the Destroyer.

2 Destroyer - Series 1 - 2 of 9 Destroyer - Series 1 - 2 of 9
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Joe Jusko (artist)
Copyright: 12/01/1989

Remo and Chiun must save the world's gold supply - and while they're at it, the world!

3 Destroyer - Series 1 - 3 of 9 Destroyer - Series 1 - 3 of 9
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Earl Norem (artist)
Copyright: 01/01/1990

Ninjas attack Washington, D.C. and Chiun must show Remo the Sinanju way of dealing with them.

4 Destroyer - Series 1 - 4 of 9 Destroyer - Series 1 - 4 of 9
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Joe Jusko (artist)
Copyright: 02/01/1990

What's big, blue, and breaks bones? Remo Williams' latest opponent!

5 Destroyer - Series 1 - 5 of 9 Destroyer - Series 1 - 5 of 9
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Joe Jusko (artist)
Copyright: 02/01/1990

Remo and Chiun take the high road to head off a terrorist suicide mission with nuclear consequences.

6 Destroyer - Series 1 - 6 of 9 Destroyer - Series 1 - 6 of 9
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Paul Mounts (artist), Carmine Infantino (penciler), Tom Morgan (inker)
Copyright: 03/01/1990

Remo Williams is caught between Warring Mafia families and winds up on a cold slab - but will Chiun let him rest in peace?

7 Destroyer - Series 1 - 7 of 9 Destroyer - Series 1 - 7 of 9
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Earl Norem (artist)
Copyright: 04/01/1990


8 Destroyer - Series 1 - 8 of 9 Destroyer - Series 1 - 8 of 9
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Joe Chiodo (artist)
Copyright: 05/01/1990

When Conrad MacCleary is captured, it spells the end of CURE - unless Remo and Chiun can bring him back alive.

9 Destroyer - Series 1 -  9 of 9 Destroyer - Series 1 - 9 of 9
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Lee Weeks (artist)
Copyright: 06/01/1990

An earth-shaking invention threatens to sink California and only Remo and Chiun can save American from ... Dr. Quake.

10 Destroyer - Series 2 - 1 of 4 Destroyer - Series 2 - 1 of 4
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Walter Simonson (artist)
Copyright: 12/1/1991

Master of Sinanju - Remo must go up against Chiun's first disciple for the right to be called the next Master.

11 Destroyer - Series 2 - 2 of 4 Destroyer - Series 2 - 2 of 4
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Walter Simonsen (artist)
Copyright: 1/1/1992

Mayhem In The Morgue - Chiun steps in when Remo's life is at risk.

12 Destroyer - Series 2 - 3 of 4 Destroyer - Series 2 - 3 of 4
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Walter Simonson (artist)
Copyright: 2/1/1992

In The Place Of The Dead Animals - Remo continues his struggle with Nuihc.

13 Destroyer - Series 2 - 4 of 4 Destroyer - Series 2 - 4 of 4
Published by Marvel
Contributors: Walter Simonsen (artist)
Copyright: 3/1/1992

Destroyer For Dessert - Remo goes up against a rampaging dinosaur.


Number of Books:6
First Appearance:1982
Last Appearance:2014

1 Inside Sinanju Inside Sinanju
Written by Will Murray
Copyright: 1982

This book contains the short story Remo, the First Adventure as well as other interesting tidbits like the Sinanju Way to Sexual Fulfillment.

1 Destroyer World: The Assassin's Handbook Destroyer World: The Assassin's Handbook
aka aka The Assassin's Handbook
Written by Will Murray, Warren Murphy, Richard Sapir
Copyright: 1982

Interesting and amusing tidbits into the life and killing of the deadliest assassins on the planet.

2 Destroyer World: New Blood Destroyer World: New Blood
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 2010

"Tales of Sinanju by the Readers of the Fabled Destroyer Series"

4 Destroyer World: The Assassin's Handbook 2 Destroyer World: The Assassin's Handbook 2
Written by , Warren Murphy, Richard Sapir
Copyright: 2003

Updated version of the Reader's Guide to the Destroyer series.

5 Destroyer World: The Movie That Never Was Destroyer World: The Movie That Never Was
Written by Warren Murphy, Richard Sapir
Copyright: 2004

The screenplay for the movie that the creators was certain was coming - a movie that was never made. A great depiction of the authors' thoughts

6 More Blood More Blood
Written by Warren Murphy
Copyright: 2014

Eighteen more stories about the world of Sinanju by its biggest fans.
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As spy books detailing the intricate ins-and-outs of the shady world of espionage, this series is a flop.

As just damn fun reading, it is a whopping success.

This series is an action-packed that is also a satire. It's important to note, however, that the satire adds to the story and does not replace any of the action. You do not read the series expecting serious problems with serious responses. You read it for great characters responding to crazy situations while poking fun at just about everything.

Don't read this series for the writing since it is simple and easy flowing. Read it for the satire. Read it for the fun characters. Read it for the zany pokes in the ribs that it takes at today's headlines and, even more, today's headliners.

Obviously, I am a huge Destroyer fan and plan to stay that way as long as Remo keeps turning his wrist incorrectly and Chiun keeps carping. Well, you'd have to read them to understand.


My Grade: B

Your Average Grade:   A+


A+ 11/5/2012 1:23:56 PM

The early book were better! But I'm still a fan!

A+ 7/31/2015 4:50:05 AM

I grew up with the Destroyer Books (#1 to #62 were excellent)... They could make the Best Movie Franchise Ever, if done RIGHT!

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