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Full Name: Max Thorne
Nationality: Russian
Organization: FSB
Occupation Agent

Creator: Ethan Jones
Time Span: 2019 - 2019


Max Thorne is an agent with the Russian FSB.

He was born Maximillian Thornichinovich. His friends call him Maxim.

When we first encounter him, Thorne has been working for the FSB for three years as a "transporter", a transport and escort agent for high-risk operations. Criminals and enemy agents are caught all over the country and the world and since that means they are never where the authorities want them to be for interrogation, trial, and incarceration, they have to be moved. And since these transportees are often hardened men and women capable of inflicting serious or fatal wounds with little or no weapons, having someone able to handle them during transit is vital. Unfortunately for Thorne's self-esteem, "it was true that FSB operatives, especially covert agents - the ones who liked to call themselves 'true spies' - despised transporters, considering them not really agents".

Thorne knows first hand how dangerous the work was. He has a scar from a bullet wound in his left arm and another scar on his face to show the peril. He is also suffering the pains of demotion for a mission that went from nothing to horrible in a matter of minutes [told in the first novella]. Growing tired of catching the blame for things not his fault and having to deal with a supervisor who had once been a fine field agent but was proving that management required a new set of skills, Thorne wants a change. He will get it.

In his personal life, Thorne has little to brag about. He is not unattractive having a pleasant enough face, short, clean-cut brown hair, and "a nose that belonged to a Rembrandt painting", long and narrow. But he has no social life worth mentioning. "He hadn't been very successful in attracting women's attention. He had dated when he was in high school and university while pursuing his degree in business management, but those relationships were shallow and had ended in disappointment. Once he had started to work for the FSB, his attention had shifted. He was immersed in the never-ending workload, and his assignments made for an unpredictable lifestyle. The FSB had given him not only the badge of status, the symbol of authority and power that it represented, but also a sense of purpose, belonging, and direction, which he deeply needed at that point in his life. Despite the constant repetition from his adoptive mother that he was a 'star ready to shine and brighten someone's world', Maxim doubted that would ever come true. What he had gained in work prowess and confidence, he had lost in the matters of the heart. While he didn't think twice about walking into any prison and escorting the worst terrorist for his day in court, he just couldn't find the words to talk to a member of the opposite sex."

As indicated above, Thorne is unhappy with his current situation and wants a change but not all change is for the better. Ask Thorne and he would more than agree with that.

Good Line:
- Regarding a transferee assignment handed to him, Maxim thinks, "No picture of the detainee. Unknown opposition. Rushed preps and just a two-man crew. What else can go wrong?"


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2019
Last Appearance:2019

1 Agent Rising Agent Rising
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2019

Max Thorne is in trouble with the FSB and is given a chance to partially redeem himself. He must travel to the US and bring back to Russia a traitor. Thorne has never lost a transportee yet but this time he is operating in very unfriendly territory. Plus there is that thing in his past that ties him to the CIA.
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2 Agent Recruit Agent Recruit
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2019

His mission to the US has brought to light things in his past that connect him to the CIA which are secret and very strongly guarded and the more he looks into it, the more people try to stop him.
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3 Agent Assassin Agent Assassin
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2019

Barely out of the FSB, Max Thorne is invited to join the Special Operations Team, a wetworks group so secret even the FSB does not know about it. Though Thorne can kill, his conscience tells him it is wrong and that puts him in a strange position.
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Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:2019
Last Appearance:2019

1 18 Minutes 18 Minutes
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2019

A prequel taking place before any of the novels. Max Thorne does not have a lot of confidence in himself but one thing he knows is that he has never lost a detainee he was transporting. Up to now. This mission he must work with another to bring a big-shot banker to Moscow but there are a lot of people who want a lot for that man to not make it alive. Or Thorne
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Having been a big, big fan of several other series crafted by this author, folks like Justin Hall and Javin Pierce and, most definitely Carrie O'Connor, I was confident when I started this one that I was going to have a lot of good characterization, plotting, and action. I was not disappointed in the least. Check - Check - Check.

Making the main character an agent with the FSB, well that was an interesting and enjoyable twist that I did not expect but which I really enjoyed.

Considering how much I enjoy his other series, I know that asking for more in this series means less from those others. So, which way do I go? I will let the author surprise me.


My Grade: B+


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