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Full Name: Justin Hall
Nationality: Canadian
Organization: Canadian Intelligence Service
Occupation Agent

Creator: Ethan Jones
Time Span: 2011 - 2020


Justin Hall is an agent with the CIS.

The Canadian Intelligence Service is responsible for the security of the largest country in the Americas but in the series starring Hall, its outlook goes beyond its shores. Hall is the lead agent for his department in the Middle East with all the lands from Morocco to Lebanon and Syria his stomping grounds. It has been so for several years and he is quite good at it.

Hall is helped in his work by the fact that, courtesy of his Italian mother, he possesses a Mediterranean complexion with dark olive skin, raven colored wavy hair, big dark eyes and a large thich nose. Coupled with his intimate knowledge of Arabic, several dialects, he can pass as being from virtually any part of North Africa and the Levant. His specialty is as an Egyptian.

A veteran of many years in the CIS, Hall has never really entertained the thought of doing anything else - the excitement and the challenges are particulary satisfying. Once when he was benched over a mission gone bad, he applied elsewhere for anything that would get him off a desk but at the CIS he eventually stayed, happily so.

His partner in the department is the equally energetic Carrie O'Connor, formerly of the Canadian Army Special Forces with two tours in Afghanistan behind her. She and Hall were partners for a time before they became romantically involved. Now as the series starts they are six months from having broken off their relationship (reasons unknown) but their affection and dedication for each other has not suffered. Either would willingly give their life for the other, though both work very hard to keep that from happening.


Number of Books:16
First Appearance:2011
Last Appearance:2020

The author, Ethan Jones, has kindly offered the Ethan Jones Starter Pack, the first book in each of his series for free download. Go to Ethan Jones Books to get them.

1 Arctic Wargame Arctic Wargame
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2011

Recently desked due to a mission gone wrong in Libya, Justin Hall is looking for anything to escape the office. He finds it when two foreign icebreakers are spotted in the Arctic Canadian waters and someone needs to lead a team to investigate. Hall trades the heat of North Africa for the frozen Arctic but the battles stay as deadly.
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2 Tripoli's Target Tripoli's Target
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2012

A G-20 summit is taking place in Libya's capital and the US President is scheduled to attend. He is the target of an assassination attempt and Justin Hall and Carrie O'Connor head there to save the man's life.
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3 Fog Of War Fog Of War
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2013

Justin Hall's mission to Iran to bring out a defecting nuclear scientist goes wrong because of a traitor in organization. To track down the rat, Hall must forsake the Service and join up with a Russian as he heads to the Horn of Africa for the truth.
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4 Double Agents Double Agents
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2013

A Chechen group assassinates Russia's Minister of Defense and then heads to the US for another plot. With the FSB and the CIA at loggerheads, Justin Hall and Carrie O'Conner are tasked with going to Moscow to investigate but there are some who want them stopped at any cost.
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5 Rogue Agents Rogue Agents
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2014

Two CIS agents have been captured and taken to North Korea to be tortured into revealing vital secrets. It is up to Justin Hall and Carrie O'Connor to work their way into that forbidden country and get them out.
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6 Shadow Agents Shadow Agents
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2014

When Justin Hall and Carrie O'Connor go up against a group of Palestinian fanatics planning an attack in Germany, one of the hunted gets away and leads the two throughout the Middle East as they try to stop him carrying out an even bigger disaster.
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7 Homeland Homeland
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2015

Justin Hall, working with Carrie O'Connor, discover a plot by ISIS to bring the war to North America by attacking a hockey arena filled with spectators.
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8 The Saudi Strategy The Saudi Strategy
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2015

Both Justin Hall and Carrie O'Connor are sent to Saudi Arabia though on different missions. They both become the targets of professional assassins.
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9 The Central Connection The Central Connection
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2016

Justin Hall is on the outs with the CIS but his former boss offers him a chance to get back into the group. He and Carrie O'Connor must go to Iran to take care of two assignments, either of which can get them killed.
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10 The Austrian Asset The Austrian Asset
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2017

Now with the Europe Clandestine Service, Justin Hall and Carrie O'Connor must find a man who disappeared in Vienna along with a cache of secrets the ECS wants back.
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11 The Belgian Bagman The Belgian Bagman
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2017

The word that terrorists are planning to attack a train station in Belgium gets Justin Hall and Carrie O'Connor on their trail.
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12 The Cyprus Coverup The Cyprus Coverup
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2017

Justin Hall must deal with one of the worst fears of a government assassin realized - killing the wrong person. To find the truth, he has to make a deal with Mossad and that is one group he wanted desperately to avoid.
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13 Covert Assassin Covert Assassin
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2018

Sent to locate a missing British operative who has gone rogue and possibly traitorous, Justin Hall and Carrie O'Connor learn of a plan to kill the Russian president. To stop it, they must link up with a Chinese agent who is likewise seeking a rogue agent.
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14 Target Acquired Target Acquired
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2018

Justin Hall and Carrie O'Connor are on a mission in Tunisia when Carrie is snatched by terrorists, suddenly making this assignment very, very personal to both.
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15 The Russian Defector The Russian Defector
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2020

A wounded Russian intelligence agent makes it into the doors of the Canadian embassy in Helsinki with news of a ICBM that has vanished in Russia and shown up in Ukraine. Justin Hall must learn if it is true and handle the situation.
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16 Resident Spy Resident Spy
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2020

A black site is attacked by a terrorist cell killing everyone there except two CIA operatives who are now missing. Were they in on it or victims themselves. As a liaison officer with the Agency, Justin Hall is brought in to find the truth but another truth that he is withholding from everyone is that he is no longer in the best of shape, in body or mind, and that tidbit can get people killed.
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Number of Stories:3
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2020

1 The Interrogation The Interrogation
aka Carved In Memory
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2012

A prequel taking place just before the first novel, Justin Hall is taken prisoner in Libya and undergoes torture. To survive, he must dig deep into himself.
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2 The Diplomat The Diplomat
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2014

This adventure takes place after Double Agents. In Nigeria to handle the exchange of a Canadian diplomat held by rebels, Justin Hall must turn to an old asset, a woman working in that country, when the deal turns pear-shaped.
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3 Subway Surprise Subway Surprise
short story
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2020

This adventure takes place after The Russian Defector. Tells what happened to Russian SVR Director Kotov after the events of the novel.
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4 Evil Santa Evil Santa
short story
Written by Ethan Jones
Copyright: 2020

"When Santa packs a punch ..."


The author most definitely enjoys a rich imagination and the ability to put that down on paper. The Justin Hall books are spy novels done right - lots of excitement, action, intrigue, and duplicity, the latter giving the readers tons of double-dealing, back-stabbing, don't-trust-anybody instances. You quickly learn that there are few people in the field you can rely on.

The love and affection and repoire Hall and O'Connor have makes a great balance to that. They know each other and depend on each other and come through for each other and that is vital because there are not many others out there that would not sell you out for pocket change.

The series is, to me, a bit of a throwback to the style of Donald Hamilton and Philip Atlee, which is, believe me, a very good thing. The agents are humans, able to make mistakes and pay for those mistakes but are still good enough to come through in the end.

I will continue to read Justin Hall as long as the author keeps writing.

Addendum - this series keeps getting better as Hall and his partner, O'Connor, grow more on me.


My Grade: B+


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