Dominic Flandry is an agent with the Intelligence Corps.
This organization is part of the Navy and is responsible for gathering data that is vital for the successful completion of its mission and the mission is the protection of the vast Terran Empire.
The adventures that make up the history of this highly decorated and resourceful operative take place in the 31st century. Hundreds of years before, the people of Earth, now calling themselves by the Latin name of Terra, had acquired the ability of space travel and millions had left to find and colonize planets all over its galactic neck of the woods. Eventually they would encounter other intelligent life, many humanoid and some not so much. And eventually these would join in the confederation, many willingly and again some not so much.
In the time of Flandry's service, the Terran Empire had unfortunately seen far better days and its rule was waning. Entropy, that inevitabilty that comes to all people and all organizations, was rife. Flandry, for all his devotion and dedication to maintaining security for his government, knows the end is coming. What he refers to as the "Long Night" which is sure to follow will see the myriad worlds experience the same Dark Ages that the world saw with the fall of the Roman Empire. He just hopes that with his help it might not come during his lifetime.
In the many reports we have of Flandry's adventures, we follow him from a very eager but "wet behind the ears" Ensign graduating from the Academy and being assigned to the Intelligence Corps. Earnest and eager and quite smart and capable, he is still young and prone to rash decisions. Luckily he survives and learns and grows and gets far better. He will advance in rank and prestige and privilege as he successfully completes one mission after another until he achieves the position of Admiral and holds the title of Knight, friend to Emperor and other powerful leaders.
Along the way he will use brinkmanship and bravado and cunning and deviousness to meet the challenges of his tasks. He can be, as the situation demands, forceful and commanding or obsequious and fawning; his keen intellect and ability to read people of all races and species letting him know whether it is time to bow low or punch hard.
And also along the way, like any good agent, he will learn how to enjoy the many different pleasures that the thousands worlds in the Empire have to offer. He becomes a connoisseur of good drink, great food, beautiful women, and so on.
All the while fighting the good fight to stave off just a bit longer the "Long Night" that is coming.