1926 - 2001

Writing as: Poul Anderson

According to Wikipedia: "Poul William Anderson (November 25, 1926 – July 31, 2001) was an American science fiction author who began his career in the 1940s and continued to write into the 21st century. Anderson authored several works of fantasy, historical novels, and short stories. His awards include seven Hugo Awards and three Nebula Awards

Poul Anderson was born on November 25, 1926, in Bristol, Pennsylvania, of Scandinavian parents. Shortly after his birth, his father, Anton Anderson, an engineer, moved the family to Texas, where they lived for over ten years. Following Anton Anderson's death, his widow took her children to Denmark. The family returned to the United States after the outbreak of World War II, settling eventually on a Minnesota farm.

Series Books
Dominic Flandry Honorable Enemies (1951)
  Tiger By The Tail (1951)
  The Warriors From Nowhere (1954)
  The Game of Glory (1958)
  A Message in Secret (1959)
  A Handful of Stars (1959)
  We Claim These Stars! (1959)
  Earthman, Go Home! (1960)
  Agent of the Terran Empire (1965)
  Flandry of Terra (1965)
  Ensign Flandry (1966)
  The White King's War (1969)
  The Rebel Worlds (1969)
  A Circus of Hells (1970)
  A Knight Of Ghosts and Shadows (1974)
  A Stone In Heaven (1979)
  The Game of Empire (1985)
  Young Flandry (2009)
  Captain Flandry: Defender of the Terran Empire (2010)
  Sir Dominic Flandry: The Last Knight of Terra (2010)
  Flandry's Legacy (2011)