Reacher_Jack7 reacher_jack_oae_hfr Reacher_Jack9 Reacher_Jack8 Reacher_Jack6 reacher_jack19 dr_sin_bk_is reacher_jack_bk_nmn Reacher_Jack4 reacher_jack_bk_noplanb reacher_jack_oae_jrc reacher_jack_nv_mu Reacher_Jack5 Reacher_Jack13 reacher_jack_bk_ts reacher_jack_nv_ctg Reacher_Jack12 reacher_jack_nv_tcs reacher_jack22 reacher_jack_col_af reacher_jack_nv_dd reacher_jack17 reacher_jack_nv_hh reacher_jack20 reacher_jack_mv1
Full Name: Jack Reacher
Nationality: American
Organization: -
Occupation Adventurer

Creator: Lee Child
Time Span: 1997 - 2022


Jack Reacher is a wanderer.

He is definitely not a spy. I have entered this series as an homage to my favorite non-spy character. He is in this compendium ONLY because I have loved these adventures for years and ... well, it's my compendium.

He has never been one and would never consider being one. He is a wanderer - a nomad who has no permanent address and no desire to get one. He likes to roam the country going wherever he chooses even if it means walking. He has an ATM card and the clothes on his back. When he needs more money, he finds a temporary job. When his clothes get dirty, he washes them a time or two and then goes into a discount store for new ones.

Reacher is a simple man with simple needs, or so he truly feels. He is also one of the best trained warriors and hunters the U.S. Army has produced. For over a dozen years, Reacher was an officer in Military Police. A graduate of West Point, he rose to the rank of Major before being busted back to Captain and working his way back up.

Standing 6'5, weighing just under 250 lbs, Reacher is a big man in dimension and in guts and in brains. He was one of the best investigators they had and could spot clues most would miss with his eyes that seemed always on the move. And when his investigations took him into harm's way, people who faced him soon learned just how dangerous he could be. The concept was simple to Reacher. If your job could take you up against high ranking officers, you had to have your facts in place before making a move. And if your job brought you against the elite in killing machines like the Green Berets and Rangers and Delta Force and Seals, if you were not tougher than they, you lost. Reacher did not like losing.

When the military started to downsize and Reacher saw his future in the military coming to an end, he decided to learn more about the country his Army father and then he had served. There were many parts of the land he had never seen, living so many years overseas. On his discharge, he started walking. He has not tired of it yet.

Jack Reacher is not a spy. Some would say he does not belong in this group and for many years he was not included. Too many people, though, have asked why he was not and finally he has been welcomed into the fold.

Reacher is not a spy. But what a spy he would have made!


Number of Books:27
First Appearance:1997
Last Appearance:2022

1 Killing Floor Killing Floor
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 1997

Reacher only went to the town on a whim to look for the birthplace of a black jazzman when he is arrested for murder. Even though Reacher had an alibi, the sheriff claims to be a witness. When Reacher learns the deceased was his brother, he had two reasons to get mad.
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2 Die Trying Die Trying
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 1998

He was just helping a young woman on crutches when both were accosted and bundled into a van, traveling across the country. She says she is an FBI agent but Reacher thinks there is far more to her than even that.
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3 Tripwire Tripwire
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 1999

Reacher was content digging pools during the day and being a bouncer at night in southern Florida. He was not interested in the deal a visiting P.I. presented. He gets more curious when the detective turns up dead.
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4 Running Blind Running Blind
aka The Visitor
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2000

Two different women forced out of the Army, victims of sexual harassment, are found dead in their own homes, floating in bathtubs of camouflage paint. Reacher happens to match the profile worked up by an FBI agent. When a third victim is found, Reacher is moved from suspect to detective.
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5 Echo Burning Echo Burning
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2001

Reacher is given a lift on the steaming roads of Texas by a young woman who being followed and menaced by unknown forces, possibly working for her husband, a man in prison with an intense anger.
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6 Without Fail Without Fail
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2002

A Secret Service agent has a bizarre request for Reacher - assassinate the Vice President. She is in charge of his protection detail and wants someone of Reacher's calibre finding the holes. Unfortunately for both, a team of assassins is already plotting their own killing.
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7 Persuader Persuader
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2003

Reacher's memory is very good and so is his determination to finish what he starts. When he chances upon one criminal who got away from him a decade before while in Boston, Reacher decides that the second chance will be enough.
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8 The Enemy The Enemy
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2004

In an adventure from 1990 during his Army career, Reacher is in North Carolina when the body of a two-star general is found. The man should have been in Europe, which is the first mystery. The second is death of the general's wife.
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9 One Shot One Shot
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2005

A gunman kills five random people in the streets of a small Indiana city. When arrested, the man will only say to his lawyer, "Get Jack Reacher for me." Reacher's arrival comes after the gunman has been beaten senseless and it is up to Reacher to find the truth behind everything.
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10 The Hard Way The Hard Way
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2006

Edward Lane, operator of a profitable soldier-for-hire business, is told to pay one million to get his family back. When that does not work, he turns to Reacher to get them free and Reacher is used to doing things the hard way.
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11 Bad Luck And Trouble Bad Luck And Trouble
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2007

It has been a decade since he left the military and in that time he has done a good job of having no ties. That makes it amazing when an old colleague finds him and tells him of someone killing their old team. Reacher takes the news hard.
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12 Nothing To Lose Nothing To Lose
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2008

The two towns in the flatland of Colorado are named Hope and Despair and are separated by twenty miles and a universe in attitude. Reacher just wanted a cup of coffee but meets trouble and an order to get out. Reacher is not good at following orders any more.
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13 Gone Tomorrow Gone Tomorrow
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2009

Reacher knew the woman on the subway was going to kill herself and others before she did it but even someone as fast as he could not stop it. Now he wants to know why and when Reacher decides to do something, he seldom changes his mind.
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14 61 Hours 61 Hours
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2010

On a bus during a blizzard in South Dakota, Reacher helps his fellow riders survive an accident even as he falls into a case of a group of killers determined to kill a lone witness. Reacher decides he does not want that to happen.
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15 Worth Dying For Worth Dying For
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2010

In Nebraska heading east to look up a woman he has never met, Reacher runs afoul of the Duncan family, starting with one who beats his wife and heading straight downhill from there. The Duncan's run the county and there is no law but theirs. Until Reacher shows up.
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16 The Affair The Affair
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2011

In another return to his Army days, this adventure details a case just at the end of Reacher's time in the service, Reacher is sent to help a sheriff find a killer but there are many on and around the base who don't want the truth known.
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17 A Wanted Man A Wanted Man
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2012

When Jack Reacher is picked up hitchhiking by two men and a woman, it did not take long to know they were trouble and he was now right in their midst.
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18 Never Go Back Never Go Back
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2013

He wanted to meet the fellow MP officer who has such a nice voice on the phone but when he arrives in the DC area to do just that, she is in jail and he is pulled back to active duty. Not what he was planning.
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19 Personal Personal
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2014

Both the State Department and the CIA want Jack Reacher's help investigating an assassination attempt on the French President in Paris, almost certainly by an American sniper trained by the US.
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20 Make Me Make Me
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2015

Jack Reacher was curious why the little town of nothing called Mother's Rest had that name but when on a whim he stops to find out, he finds some very nasty trouble and a female private eye looking for a missing friend.
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21 Night School Night School
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2016

A prequel adventure from 1996 while Jack Reacher was still in the army. He is ordered to attend a night school where he is joined by an FBI agent and an operative from the CIA to learn why a Jihadist sleeper cell has received a surprise covert visit by a Saudi courier.
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21.5 No Middle Name No Middle Name
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2017

Subtitled The Complete Collected Jack Reacher Short Stories. This contains an original short story:
Too Much Time
as well as previously released stories:
Second Son
Deep Down
High Heat
Small Wars
James Penney's New Identity
Everyone Talks
Not A Drill
Maybe They Have A Tradition
Guy Walks Into A Bar
No Room At The Motel
The Picture of the Lonely Diner
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22 The Midnight Line The Midnight Line
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2017

He saw the ring in a pawn shop and wondered. It was a West Point class ring, not something earned easily so not given up lightly. He wanted to know why the person no longer had it so he went on a search and that meant disturbing a few people. Some of them did not react well to being disturbed.
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23 Past Tense Past Tense
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2018

Hitchhiking around the country as he does, Jack Reacher sees a road sign to the town where his father was born. Having never been there before and having nothing better to do, he heads there. Also arriving in the same area is a couple from Canada heading to NYC to sell a treasure. Trouble awaits all of them.
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24 Blue Moon Blue Moon
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2019

On a bus with no destination in mind, Jack Reacher watches as an old man is also robbed while sleeping. When the theft is interrupted by the bus arriving in a small city, the old man gets off and so does the thief. So does Jack Reacher just because. None of them have any idea the trouble heading their way.
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25 The Sentinel The Sentinel
Written by Lee Child, Andrew Child
Copyright: 2020

Jack Reacher makes a stop in Pleasanton, Tennessee for, as usual, no reason in particular. When he sees four people about to attack an unsuspecting man, he steps in and gets subsequently involved in a gang holding the small city's municipal computer system hostage for ransom. When murder gets added, things turn nasty.
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26 Better Off Dead Better Off Dead
Written by Lee Child, Andrew Child
Copyright: 2021

"Reacher goes where he wants, when he wants. That morning he was heading west, walking under the merciless desert sun--until he comes upon a curious scene. A Jeep has crashed into the only tree for miles around. A woman is slumped over the wheel. Dead? No, nothing is what it seems. The woman is Michaela Fenton, an army veteran turned FBI agent trying to find her twin brother, who might be mixed up with some dangerous people. Most of them would rather die than betray their terrifying leader, who has burrowed his influence deep into the nearby border town, a backwater that has seen better days."
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27 No Plan B No Plan B
Written by Lee Child, Andrew Child
Copyright: 2022

"In Gerrardsville, Colorado, a woman dies under the wheels of a moving bus. The death is ruled a suicide. But Jack Reacher saw what really happened: A man in a gray hoodie and jeans, moving stealthily, pushed the victim to her demise—before swiftly grabbing the dead woman’s purse and strolling away.
When another homicide is ruled an accident, Reacher knows this is no coincidence. With a killer on the loose, Reacher has no time to waste to track down those responsible. "
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Number of Stories:17
First Appearance:1999
Last Appearance:2019

1 James Penney's New Identity James Penney's New Identity
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 1999

Originally printed in the anthology Thriller in 2006. Also contained in the collection No Middle Name
While writing the second Reacher novel, Die Trying, the author had a character in it that was eventually taken out but who still interested the author. This is that man.
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2 Guy Walks Into A Bar Guy Walks Into A Bar
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2009

Originally published in the New York Times, June 7, 2009. Also contained in the collection No Middle Name
Jack Reacher is in a bar in lower Manhattan having a beer late at night when he sees a rich young girl and her obvious bodyguard. He also notices two unsavory looking fellows watching her. He gets interested.
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3 Second Son Second Son
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2011

Ever wondered what early experiences shaped Jack Reacher's career as an explosive one man kick-butt battler for justice? Well look back on an incident in his heroic teenage years as the younger son of a career US Marine on a military base faraway in the Pacific somewhere. Also contained in the collection No Middle Name
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4 Deep Down Deep Down
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2012

Reacher is summoned by Military Intelligence to Washington D.C. and is given an undercover mission. He must infiltrate top-secret proceedings to smoke out the whose who are leaking vital details for a new state-of-the-art sniper rifle. His targets being a quartet of Army officers that happen to all be women. Also contained in the collection No Middle Name
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5 Everybody Talks Everybody Talks
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2012

Told from the perspective of a female detective investigating a shooting. Jack Reacher is in the hospital and relays the story of the shooting to her.. Originally published in the June/July 2012 issue of Esquire magazine. Reprinted in the UK edition of the book Never Go Back and in the blu-ray movie of the same name. Contained in the collection No Middle Name
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6 High Heat High Heat
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2013

A novella about Jack Reacher's teenage years set in July 1977. At the age of almost 17 Reacher stops in New York to visit his brother at West Point while coming from South Korea. Fires rage in the Bronx, the city is bankrupt, a mad gunman is at large, the lights go out, the city falls into lawless chaos and Jack agrees to help a woman with problems. What does he do? The answer is plenty! Also contained in the collection No Middle Name
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7 Not A Drill Not A Drill
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2014

"Even a pleasant hike on a beautiful summer day turns into a walk on the wild side . . . and perhaps something far more sinister." Also contained in the collection No Middle Name
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8 Good and Valuable Consideration Good and Valuable Consideration
Written by Lee Child, Joseph Finder
Copyright: 2014

"(Jack) Reacher and a new acquaintance—Sox fan Nick Heller—find themselves drawn into a much less friendly rivalry when the guy sitting between them at the bar turns out to be a marked man." Originally published in the anthology FaceOff, 2014.
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9 Knowing You're Alive Knowing You're Alive
Written by Lee Child, M. J. Rose
Copyright: 2014

Contained in the collection In Session: [A meeting with] Jack Reacher results in revelations for both the injured Dr. Snow, and her unexpected savior/patient.

10 No Room At The Motel No Room At The Motel
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2015

[plot unknown]. Originally published in the December 2014 issule of Stylist Magazine. Contained in the collection No Middle Name
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11 The Picture Of The Lonely Diner The Picture Of The Lonely Diner
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2015

[plot unknown]. Originally published in the anthology Manhattan Mayhem. Contained in the collection No Middle Name
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12 Small Wars Small Wars
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2015

Back in 1989, Jack Reacher is still in the Army and as an MP he is told to solve the murder of a young officer. Contained in the collection No Middle Name.
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13 Maybe They Have A Tradition Maybe They Have A Tradition
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2016

[plot unknown]. Originally published in the Christmas 2016 issue of Country Life. Contained in the collection No Middle Name
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14 Faking A Murderer Faking A Murderer
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2017

Contained in the anthology Matchup, tells the story of the time that Jack Reacher worked on a case with the pathologist Temperance Brennan by Kathy Reichs.
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15 Too Much Time Too Much Time
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2017

[plot unknown] Original story contained in the collection No Middle Name.
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16 The Christmas Scorpion The Christmas Scorpion
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2018

Wanting very much to get out of a snowstorm, Jack Reacher is pleased to find a no-name bar in the desert of California. Now he is stuck in a small facility with a bartender, an elderly couple, and two British Military Police who were escorting a VIP to a top-secret meeting but lost their protectee. And that VIP is being hunted by an assassin known as the Christmas Scorpion.
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17 Cleaning The Gold Cleaning The Gold
Written by Lee Child, Karin Slaughter
Copyright: 2019

Will Trent is in Fort Knox investigating a 20-year old murder with a suspect named Jack Reacher. Jack Reacher is in the same town wanting to put an end to a criminal ring inside the military. When a major wrinkle throws both investigations off, Reacher and Trent must join forces.
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Number of Movies:2
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2016

1 Jack Reacher Jack Reacher
Director: Christopher McQuarrie
Writers: Christopher McQuarrie, Lee Child
Actors: Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher, Rosamund Pike as Helen, Richard Jenkins as Rodin, David Oyelowo as Emerson, Robert Duvall as Cash
Released: 2012

A trained military sniper is being held for shooting five random victims. He asks for Jack Reacher, an old enemy, to help. Taken from the book One Shot.

2 Jack Reacher: Never Go Back Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Director: Ed Zwick
Writers: Richard Wenk, Marshall Herskovitz, Ed Zwick
Actors: Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher, Cobie Smulders as Turner, Aldis Hodge as Espin
Released: 2016

Something that happened in his past has returned to cause a bit of trouble for Jack Reacher and now he is on the run from the law and must try to clear his own name.


Number of Episodes:8
First Appearance:2022
Last Appearance:2022
Network:Amazon Prime

Alan RitchsonJack Reacher [ 1 ]
Willa FitzgeraldRoscoe Conklin [ 1 ]
Malcolm GoodwinOscar Finlay [ 1 ]
Burce McGillMayor Teale [ 1 ]

1 Welcome to Margrave
Episode S1-1, first aired 02/04/2022
Director: Thomas Vincent
Writer: Nick Santora

Jack Reacher, recently discharged from the Army, travels to Margrave, GA where he discovers that the idyllic town is a cesspool of corruption. After it becomes personal, he vows to burn it down.

2 First Dance
Episode S1-2, first aired 02/04/2022
Director: Sam Hill
Writer: Scott Sullivan

When more victims are discovered, Reacher attempts to get answers but is set up. Roscoe discovers a threatening message.

3 Spoonful
Episode S1-3, first aired 02/04/2022
Director: Stephen Surjik
Writer: Aadrita Mukerji

Reacher and Finlay's investigation leads them into a confrontation with Kliner. Roscoe learns unsettling news about Reacher.

4 In a Tree
Episode S1-4, first aired 02/04/2022
Director: Christine Moore
Writer: Cait Duffy

As the danger increases, Reacher and Roscoe grow closer and make plans to meet their contact at Homeland Security.

5 No Apologies
Episode S1-5, first aired 02/04/2022
Director: Norberto Barba
Writer: Scott Sullivan

As the mystery deepens, Reacher teams up with an old colleague and Finlay makes a shocking discovery.

6 Papier
Episode S1-6, first aired 02/04/2022
Director: Omar Madha
Writer: Aadrita Mukerji

While the town is rocked by another murder, Reacher heads to New York and learns the truth about the illegal business in Margrave. Roscoe faces danger in the woods.

7 Reacher Said Nothing
Episode S1-7, first aired 02/04/2022
Director: Lin Oeding
Writer: Scott Sullivan

Reacher springs a trap and then gets trapped himself.

8 Pie
Episode S1-8, first aired 02/04/2022
Director: MJ Bassett
Writer: Nick Santora

Reacher leads a rescue mission at the warehouse that ends in a showdown.


Number of Games:1
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2012

1 Jack Reacher 1970 Chevelle SS Jack Reacher 1970 Chevelle SS
Game Type: Model Kit
Published by: AMT
Copyright: 2012

A 1/25 scale model of the car driven by Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher in the 1st movie of the series. Also includes two types of Engines and an Authentic Decal Sheet. With a skill level of 2 it is for ages 10 and up


Number of Collectibles:3
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2017

1 Jack Reacher Action Figure Jack Reacher Action Figure
Item Type: Action Figure
Created by: One Night Customs
Copyright: 2013

A custom made action figure of Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher that includes a pistol and an automatic rifle. Made with parts from other figures by a guy named Mike Beckett. Done the beginning of the next year after the first movie came out.

2 Jack Reacher 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS Jack Reacher 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS
Item Type: Car Model
Created by: Auto World
Copyright: 2016

In the scale of 1:18 this is a replica made of die-cast metal and was limited to 1250 worldwide. A fine collectible for any Jack Reacher fan. With historically accurate detailed interior and exterior. It also comes with a detailed engine, steerable wheels and rubber tires. The doors, hood and trunk even open. Fact is that there were really 8 of these cars used in the 1st movie for the case scene filmed in Pittsburgh.

3 Jack Reacher 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS Jack Reacher 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS
Item Type: Johnny Lightning
Created by: Round 2, LLC
Copyright: 2017

The 3rd car in the 2017 Muscle Cars USA Series 3. It is a 1:64 scale die-cast metal authentic replica of the car used in the 1st movie that was driven by Tom Cruise who played Jack Reacher.


Number of Items:2
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2016

1 The Hunt For Jack Reacher The Hunt For Jack Reacher
Item Type: Book Series
Copyright: 2012

A (so far) 8-adventure series by Diane Capri concerning two FBI agents, Kim Otto and Carlos Gaspar, who have a reason for finding the elusive Jack Reacher and who retrace his steps. Doing so invariably get them involved in the aftermath of many of Reacher's visits. Reacher is not in any of these stories but they would not exist if he had not gone before.
The stories are:
1. Don't Know Jack (2012)
2. Jack In A Box (2012) (ss)
3. Jack And Kill (2013) (ss)
4. Get Back Jack (2013)
5. Jack in the Green (2014)
6. Jack And Joe (2015)
7. Deep Cover Jack (2016)
8. Jack the Reaper (2017)

2 The Jack Reacher Files The Jack Reacher Files
Item Type: Book Series
Copyright: 2014

A (so far) 5-adventure series by Jude Hardin concerning PI Nicholas Colt who, some time into his career, becomes involved with an organization needing him to follow-up on the actions of Jack Reacher. Reacher is not in any of these tales but his actions provide the framework.
The stories are:
1. The Jack Reacher Files: Fugitive (2014)
2. The Jack Reacher Files: Choke (2015)
3. The Jack Reacher Files: Hostage (2015)
4. The Jack Reacher Files: Velocity (2015)
5. The Jack Reacher Files: The Girl From the Wrong Side of Cordial (2016)

3 The Jack Reacher Cases The Jack Reacher Cases
Item Type: Book Series
Copyright: 2017

A (so far) 2-adventure series by Dan Ames. This series concerns former FBI agent Lauren Pauling from the 10th Reacher novel. She has now become a private investigator and finds that though Reacher is not in her life, he is not completely out of it, either. Reacher is not in any of these tales but his actions provide the framework.
The stories are:
1. The Jack Reacher Cases: A Hard Man To Forget (2017)
2. The Jack Reacher Cases: The Right Man For Revenge (2017)


Number of Books:1
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2012

1 Jack Reacher's Rules Jack Reacher's Rules
Written by Lee Child
Copyright: 2012

"Jack Reacher’s Rules is the ultimate fan’s guide to the World of Reacher! Featuring selections from all seventeen electrifying Jack Reacher novels and an introduction from Lee Child himself, this one-of-a-kind book compiles timeless advice from maverick former army cop Jack Reacher, the hero of Lee Child’s blockbuster thrillers and now the star of a major motion picture."
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As I mentioned above, I went several years without putting Reacher in this collection. It is for spies and he is no spy. It is for adventurers who get mixed up in international intrigue or governmental affairs and he does neither.

So in truth he really does not belong.

But he is, without any doubt in my mind, the greatest fictional series character I have had the pleasure of reading. I have read many, many hundreds of series over the years and there has never been anyone to beat the enjoyment that this series has provided me. That does not mean there are not many fantastic series - just that Jack Reacher is, IMHO, the absolute best I have ever found.

I first noticed him when there were four books out but did not pick up one until there were six. I don't know why the delay but there it is. I got the first couple at a used bookstore. When I read them, it was more like devouring than just reading. Then I went out and got the rest, used again. When the seventh came out, in hardback, I was at the bookstore the day it was released. A committed paperback collector, I paid full price for the hardback because it was REACHER! The next year, the eighth came out and I was there on the first day again, putting down full price. And then I did the, for me, remarkable and bought the paperback versions of the first six again, new. Mr. Child deserved my dollars and I made sure he got something from me for the incredible enjoyment he gave me.

Since then, on the first day of its release, I have been at a bookstore getting the hardback. I plan to continue that until Mr. Child decides to not write anymore. I hope that is not for a very long time.

Reacher is not a spy. He is Reacher. He doesn't need to be anything else.


My Grade: A+

Your Average Grade:   A


A+ 5/10/2012 5:02:59 AM

Sorry but I can't share your enthusiasm for Reacher. Maybe it's because I'm 5' 8" and buy my clothes at Zegna but I just can't relate to this guy. His enormous popularity has persuaded me to try 3 in the series but honestly, I find them trite and deeply formulaic. The fact that Reacher sells in the millions whilst the Rain novels remain the preserve of the happy few beggars belief. His Eno

A+ 8/1/2012 1:13:17 PM


JudithB A+ 8/3/2012 2:55:58 PM

I must admit to sharing Sir Gerald's assessment, but with a bit more disdain. That said, this is my 1st review but I am incredibly grateful for this incredible site. Thank you so much for your efforts in setting it up!

troy A+ 8/8/2012 3:43:59 PM

The summer of 2012 is now my "Summer of Reacher". I am just completing the series in a few weeks with the last couple of books and have enjoyed it a TON! Reacher is that side of me that I wish I could be. No strings, no address, no responsibilites to anyone but myself. I don't see any formula to Mr. Child's writing and am trying very hard to figure things out before Reacher does (and I am failing miserably). I put Reacher right up there with Gabriel Allon.

A+ 11/2/2012 9:04:13 PM

Reacher or Rain has always been the question for me as to my favorite character. I give the edge not to the character but to Lee Child! I agree with others that it is crazy that one dominates in the sales category.

A+ 1/28/2014 11:34:21 AM

Reacher is amazig and i share the creator of this sites feelings towards the series. except, i would put vince flynn's mitch Rapp ahead of anything and anyone, if you have never read Reacher i suggest it without any doubt you will love it. BUT if you are looking for a total bad ass who will keep u up at nights reading and constantly learning the inner workings of the CIA then i will point u towards Rapp. besides, Rapp would kick the hell out of Reacher and not break a sweat!

rover58 A+ 4/19/2014 11:06:51 PM

A the point the government hires Reacher, a psychotic alienated drifter to pretend to assassinate the Vice President I threw the book across the room and swore to never read another inauthentic word by Child again. He makes moronic mistakes about just about everything from guns to locations (someone should have told him a .38 caliber slug is bigger than a 9mm and Dallas never had a military base), the plots are absurd, and half of them and their villains are lifted from John D MacDonald's Travis McGee novels --- some so blatantly as to border in plagiarism. Child is a British television writer and his grasp of this country and it's idioms are hilarious, such as his penchant for beating the reader to death with the word guy (I counted twenty two times on one page). Peter Cheyney's Lemme Caution was more realistic --- certainly more fun. I realize his fans are loyal and more power to them, but I cannot abide this flat inauthentic series or Child's inept prose. Didn't like it much either.

onlybizet A+ 6/1/2015 12:30:56 PM

THE best... period. The only travesty is having short, scrawny Tom Cruise play big, brawny rough Jack Reacher in the movie! Otherwise movie was VG - an "A".

A+ 8/6/2015 1:36:41 PM

Don't like the character, don't like his morals. Can't be a family man that says a lot about him

A+ 12/20/2015 3:56:55 PM

I hit this site looking for references on series other than Reacher... And I agree this are the best series ever. It is hard for me to board other series!

ccorax C 2016-08-23

Sorry, but this is, at best, a mediocre series. Do not understand the appeal here. Extremely overrated. The incredible coincidence concerning his brother in the very first book says it all. I can appreciate the wish fulfillment inherent in these books, but the mechanics just don't hold up. When I want to read about a sociopath, I'll stick with Bond.

- 2020-11-27

Since he is not a spy in any way, shape, or form, I shall not grade Reacher. At best he is a nomadic private eye who manages to find an attractive woman soon after the first chapter. If you wasnt a spy, or at least an international assassin with similar characteristics, try Victor. I have read 7 books in this series and have yet to discover one bullet or knife scar on Reacher. That is a major accomplishment in itself. In the end, if you like a tough guy who takes it out on the bad guys, Reacher is your man.

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