The Hunt For Jack Reacher
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The Hunt For Jack Reacher

A (so far) 8-adventure series by Diane Capri concerning two FBI agents, Kim Otto and Carlos Gaspar, who have a reason for finding the elusive Jack Reacher and who retrace his steps. Doing so invariably get them involved in the aftermath of many of Reacher's visits. Reacher is not in any of these stories but they would not exist if he had not gone before.
The stories are:
1. Don't Know Jack (2012)
2. Jack In A Box (2012) (ss)
3. Jack And Kill (2013) (ss)
4. Get Back Jack (2013)
5. Jack in the Green (2014)
6. Jack And Joe (2015)
7. Deep Cover Jack (2016)
8. Jack the Reaper (2017)