austin_steve_cb1 smdm_cb_annual1978 Austin_Steve7 austin_steve_gm_cttt bionic_man_cb_tbm_tpb1 smdm_cb_mag1976_2 austin_steve_mv_bea austin_steve_cb4 smdm_cb_cp smdm_cb_mag1976_5 Austin_Steve10 austin_steve_gm_tsmdm_bally smdm_cb_mag1976_1 Austin_Steve8 bionic_man_cb_tbm_tpb2 austin_steve_cb7 austin_steve_mv_smdm smdm_nv_wof smdm_cb_mag1976_3 sixmilliondollarman_cb_season6 austin_steve_cb9 smdm_cb_mag1976_4 smdm_ann78_gm bionicman_gm_jp_am smdm_cb_mag1976_6
Full Name: Steve Austin
Series Name: The Six Million Dollar Man
Nationality: American
Organization: Office of Special Operations*
Occupation Agent

Creator: Martin Caidin
Time Span: 1972 - 2018


Steve Austin in an agent for the O.S.O.

In 1972, noted science fiction writer Martin Caidin published an outstanding novel detailing the use of cybernetics. It was in this book that most people got their first exposure to words like 'cyborg', 'cybernetics' and 'bionics'. In that novel, an astronaut named Steve Austin, test-piloting a revolutionary aircraft, was critically injured in an horrendous crash. The government, through the services of the Office of Special Operations, chose this opportunity to test its cybernetics program by rebuilding the man better than he had been before. As a service to his country to repay for the high cost for the repairs, Austin is pressed into action as a agent.

The next year Caidin followed up the first book with a sequel, Cyborg 2: Operation Nuke. That same year, three different pilots for a proposed television series was shown: "The Moon and the Desert" in March, "Wine, Women and War" in October, and "The Solid Gold Kidnapping" in November.

In January of the next year, the actual series began as a mid-season replacement. The show would last 101 episodes with the final one airing in March of 1978. It would also produce three made-to-TV movies, shown in 1987, 1989, and 1994.

The starring role of Steve Austin was admirably played by Lee Majors, a 33-year old actor who was already well known from his years as Heath Barkley in The Big Valley and who was co-starring as an assistant lawyer in Owen Marshall: Attorney at Law. In the show, the role of Oscar Goldman, operations head of OSO, was played by Richard Anderson.

Lt. Col Steve Austin was a highly skilled Air Force pilot who was assigned to NASA for most of his military career. As lead pilot on Apollo 17, Austin was the last American to walk on the moon. With the reduction in the space program, Austin took a position with the test pilot program he had worked with prior to his NASA stint. It was while working with this group that the near fatal crash occurred that changed his life so much.

While Austin's entire body was severely damaged in the accident, the major injuries that were corrected by the cybernetic wizardry of his friend, Dr. Rudy Wells, were two leg replacements, one new arm, and a new eye. While the entire matter of the change took considerable amount of time to accept, eventually Austin came around and began to use his new powers in the assistance of OSO and U.S. activities.

*Note on the Organization:

In the books, the organization that Austin worked for was the OSO. In the television show, however, the agency was the OSI, the Office of Strategic Intelligence, headed by Oscar Goldman.


Number of Books:10
First Appearance:1972
Last Appearance:1977

1 Cyborg Cyborg
Written by Martin Caidin
Copyright: 1972

No matter what you might feel of the television show, this is truly an awesome book to read. The whole issue of cybernetics is discussed at length. The trauma of a man suddenly becoming both less human and more powerful is fantastically presented. The writing is just superb. From an espionage aspect, the book doesn't even begin to branch into that area until well into the second half but when it does, it gives two complete missions. The first is to check out and disrupt the creation of a Soviet submarine base in Suriname. The second is to do the same for a Soviet air force base in the Red Sea area.

2 Cyborg II: Operation Nuke Cyborg II: Operation Nuke
Written by Martin Caidin
Copyright: 1973

After an extensive recovery period from the troubles of the first two missions, Steve Austin is again called into service when a nuclear explosion in Malagasy provides proof that there is an organization of black marketers selling nuclear bombs. It is Austin's job to infiltrate that group and destroy it.

3 Wine Women and Wars Wine Women and Wars
Written by Mike Jahn
Copyright: 1974

As the primary arms dealer to any terrorist or dictator, Findletter is about to pull off his greatest sale - a complete U.S. nuclear submarine. Steve Austin is sent to stop him. Novelization of the second pilot episode released on Oct 20, 1973.

4 Solid Gold Kidnapping Solid Gold Kidnapping
Written by Evan Richards
Copyright: 1974

After he rescues an ambassador kidnapped by members of a powerful crime syndicate, Steve Austin earns their animosity. When he sent on another rescue mission, they are ready for him. Novelization of the third pilot episode, aired November 17, 1973.

5 Cyborg III: High Crystal Cyborg III: High Crystal
Written by Martin Caidin
Copyright: 1974

Steve Austin leads an expedition high up into the Andes to investigate what seems like a highway built two miles above sea level.

6 Pilot Error Pilot Error
Written by Jay Barbree
Copyright: 1975

Steve Austin owes a huge favor to Senator Hill for having pushed through the appropriations for his augmentations. Now he hopes to repay some by finding if Hill was the cause of a plane he was piloting. Novelization of the 2nd season episode aired September 27, 1974.

7 The Rescue Of Athena One The Rescue Of Athena One
Written by Mike Jahn
Copyright: 1975

Investigating a UFO sighting, Steve Austin finds the lone survivor of an interterrestrial delegation. As he seeks to find a way to return her from where she came, he must also find a way to rescue the crew of a damaged space rocket. Novelization of the 1st season episode aired March 15, 1974.

8 Cyborg IV Cyborg IV
Written by Martin Caidin
Copyright: 1975

In a competition for supremacy in space, Steve Austin must literally plug himself into the controls of a spaceship. Besides survival, another question is whether he can be unhooked from it later.

9 The Secret Of Bigfoot The Secret Of Bigfoot
Written by Mike Jahn
Copyright: 1976

On Battle Mountain in the northern part of the US, Goldman's team is making seismological investigations but investigating them seems to be Sasquatch himself. Novelization of the two-part episode in the 3rd season aired February 1 and 4, 1976.

10 International Incidents International Incidents
Written by Mike Jahn
Copyright: 1977

Steve Austin must rescue a Russian gymnast who is being played as a pawn by the Kremlin. He must also stop an assassin who wants to kill an Arab prince, blaming it on the Israelis.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:1976
Last Appearance:1979

1 The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1977 The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1977
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1976

Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing.
A collection of 4 short stories, 3 comic stories, 2 non-fiction articles, 3 games and 1 featured biography as well as many illustrations. Contents are as follows.
The Short Stories are:
1. The Best Of Friends
2. No Oil Painting
3. Troubled Waters
4. Came The Revolution
The Comic Stories are:
1. A Broken Promise
2. Mistaken Loyalty
3. Boots Are Made for Skiing
The Non-Fiction Articles are:
1. Codes (About Cryptography)
2. Way To The Stars (About the Space Program)
The Games are:
1. Bionic Eye
2. Bionic Bound
3. Code Wheel
The Featured Biography is about Lee Majors.

2 The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1978 The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1978
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1977

Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing.
A collection of 4 short stories, 3 comic stories, 2 non-fiction articles, 3 games and 1 featured biography as well as many illustrations. Contents are as follows.
The Short Stories are:
1. Bodyguard
2. Kidnap
3. Explosive Situation
4. Assembly Line
The Comic Stories are:
1. Exhibition
1. Combination
1. Foiled Again
The Non-Fiction Articles are:
1. Hijackers (About hijacking prevention)
2. Moonshot (About going to the Moon)
The Games are:
1. Close Up
1. Bionic Feats Quiz
1. Six Million Dollar Quiz

3 The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1979 The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1979
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1978

Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing.
A collection of 3 short stories, 2 comic stories, 3 non-fiction articles, 1 game and 2 features with pictures. Contents are as Follows:
The Short Stories are:
1. The Long Sleep
2. The Vanishing Tribe
3. A Monstrous Tale
The Comic Stories are:
1. Seems Suspicious
2. Set To Kill
The Non-Fiction Articles are:
1. The Planets (About known Worlds)
2. Pioneers Of Flight (About those that wanted to fly.)
3. In Vision (About Seeing Eye Dogs & Steve's Bionic Eye)
The Game is:
1. Steve's Diary ( A Board Game)
The Features are:
1. Interview with Lee Majors. (Majors answer a few questions.)
2. Dinner For Steve (What Austin wants for the meal with Angie.)

4 The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1980 The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1980
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1979

Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing.


Number of Stories:17
First Appearance:1976
Last Appearance:1978

1 No Way Out No Way Out
short story
Written by Joe Gill
Copyright: 1976

Printed in the 1st issue of The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Book series by the Charlton Comics Group. - After testing an orbiter space craft, Austin wants a couple days off but Goldman say no. Austin does not like the answer.
Click here to read the story.

2 Win A Few Win A Few
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1976

Printed in the 2nd issue of The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Book series by the Charlton Comics Group. - A class reunion for Austin. Using his abilities around the people he grew up with was not in his plans.
Click here to read the story.

3 Forbidden Reef Forbidden Reef
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1976

Printed in the 3rd issue of The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Book series by the Charlton Comics Group. - Austin takes some leave and heads to Florida where scuba diving pits him against a very large shark.
Click here to read the story.

4 The Ransom The Ransom
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1976

Printed in the 4th issue of The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Book series by the Charlton Comics Group. - Austin learns of a very pricey kidnapping and decides to investigate.
Click here to read the story.

5 The Best Of Friends The Best Of Friends
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1976

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1977 - An old friend of Steve Austin wants him to write a biography about himself. Yet Oscar thinks Steve's friend Lou is a spy. Is Oscar right or wrong?
Click here to read the story.

6 No Oil Painting No Oil Painting
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1976

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1977
Steve Austin comes across an old friend named Jackie and they go to an auction, dinner and her art show together. At the show he meets a man he doesn't like. Are the paintings the man got at the auction junk or something else?
Click here to read the story.

7 Troubled Waters Troubled Waters
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1976

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1977 - plot unknown
Click here to read the story.

8 Came The Revolution Came The Revolution
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1976

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1977 - plot unknown
Click here to read the story.

9 Counter Punch Counter Punch
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1977

Printed in the 5th issue of The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Book series by the Charlton Comics Group. - Goldman presses Austin into an inter-service boxing match with something naughty up his sleeves.
Click here to read the story.

10 Bodyguard Bodyguard
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1977

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1978 - plot unknown
Click here to read the story.

11 Kidnap Kidnap
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1977

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1978 - plot unknown
Click here to read the story.

12 Explosive Situation Explosive Situation
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1977

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1978 - plot unknown
Click here to read the story.

13 Assembly Line Assembly Line
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1977

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1978 - plot unknown
Click here to read the story.

14 Wall Of Fire Wall Of Fire
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1978

Printed in the 6th issue of The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Book series by the Charlton Comics Group. - On a rainy foggy night drive, Austin come upon a multi-car pileup and a vehicle fire with a baby inside.
Click here to read the story.

15 The Escape The Escape
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1978

Printed in the 7th issue of The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Book series by the Charlton Comics Group. - Grabbing a bite to eat in an airport during a layover ends up with Austin in an island prison.
Click here to read the story.

16 Crash Dive Crash Dive
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1978

Printed in the 8th issue of The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Book series by the Charlton Comics Group. - An experimental aircraft that could also operate as a one-man sub is being test by Austin.
Click here to read the story.

17 Bait Bait
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1978

Printed in the 9th issue of The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Book series by the Charlton Comics Group. - Someone is attaching police officers near Austin's home and the latest victim is a good friend.
Click here to read the story.

18 The Long Sleep The Long Sleep
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1978

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1979
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

19 The Vanishing Tribe The Vanishing Tribe
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1978

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1979
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

20 A Monstrous Tale A Monstrous Tale
short story
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1978

Contained in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1979
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.


Number of Movies:6
First Appearance:1973
Last Appearance:1994

All six of the movies listed here were made-for-tv movies. The first three were done as pilots for the proposed series while the last three came years after the series ended its run.

Further, the last three combined the main characters from The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman.

1 The Six Million Dollar Man The Six Million Dollar Man
Director: Richard Irving
Writers: Terrence McDonnell, Howard Rodman, Martin Caidin
Actors: Lee Majors as Steve Austin, Barbara Anderson as Jean Manners, Martin Balsam as Dr. Rudy Wells, Darren McGavin as Oliver Spencer
Released: 1973

Test pilot Col. Steve Austin is terribly injured in a malfunction. The OSI steps in to use its revolutionary technology to rebuild him, making him a bionic man, in exchange for which they expect him to work as a covert agent for them.

2 Wine, Women, and War Wine, Women, and War
Director: Russ Mayberry
Writer: Glen A. Larson
Actors: Lee Majors as Steve Austin, Richard Anderson as Oscar Goldman, Alan Oppenheimer as Dr. Rudy Wells, Britt Ekland as Katrina Volana
Released: 1973

Having failed to get the contents of the safe of an arms dealer, Steve Austin is given a vacation to the Bahamas by Goldman. There he just happens to run into two Soviet agents who are also after the arms dealer, letting Austin know he has been set up.

3 Solid Gold Kidnapping Solid Gold Kidnapping
Director: Russ Mayberry
Writers: Alan Caillou, Larry Alexander
Actors: Lee Majors as Steve Austin, Richard Anderson as Oscar Goldman, Alan Oppenheimer as Dr. Rudy Wells, Elizabeth Ashley as Dr. Erica Bergner
Released: 1973

A group calling itself the OSO is quite adept at kidnapping high profile people. They grab a man that the OSI was guarding and Steve Austin is directed to get him back.

4 The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman
Director: Ray Austin
Writers: Bruce Lansbury, Michael Sloan
Actors: Lee Majors as Steve Austin, Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Tom Schanley as Michael Austin, Richard Anderson as Oscar Goldman
Released: 1987

When Steve Austin and Jaime Sommers rejoin to stop a terrorist group, they must deal with their former relationship. Also, Austin has troubles with his grown son especially after the younger man is injured in a crash and Austin must decide whether to request bionics.

5 Bionic Showdown Bionic Showdown
Director: Alan J. Levi
Writers: Robert De Laurentis, Michael Sloan, Brock Choy
Actors: Lee Majors as Steve Austin, Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Richard Anderson as Oscar Goldman, Sandra Bullock as Kate Mason, Jeff Yagher as Jim Goldman, Martin Brooks as Dr. Rudy Wells
Released: 1989

Oscar Goldman is attacked in his office by someone who knew OSI protocols and passwords and who is bionic. Steve Austin, who is providing security at a Goodwill Games, is initially suspected and joins with Jaime to find out who is behind it. They ask for the help of a new bionic operative, Kate.

6 Bionic Ever After Bionic Ever After
Director: Steve Stafford
Writers: Michael Sloan, Norman Morrill
Actors: Lee Majors as Steve Austin, Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Richard Anderson as Oscar Goldman, Martin Brooks as Dr. Rudy Wells, Anne Lockhart as Carolyn MacNamara, Alan Sader as John MacNamara
Released: 1994

As Steve Austin and Jaime Sommers prepare to get married, Sommers' bionics start to act up and the question becomes who is behind it. Meanwhile terrorists are holding an old friend of Austin and he is determined to get him back.


Number of Episodes:100
First Appearance:1974
Last Appearance:1978

Lee MajorsSteve Austin [ 1-5 ]
Richard AndersonOscar Goldman [ 1-5 ]
Alan OppenheimerDr. Rudy Wells [ 1-2 ]
Martin E. BrooksDr. Rudy Wells [ 3-5 ]

1 Population: Zero
Episode 1-01, first aired 01/18/1974
Director: Jeannot Szwarc
Writer: Elroy Schwartz
Guest Stars: Penny Fuller as Dr. Chris Forbes, Don Porter as Dr. Stanley Bacon, Paul Carr as Paul Cord, Paul Fix as Joe Taylor, Walter Brooke as General Harland Tate

A scientist demands $10 million or everyone in a small town dies.

2 Survival of the Fittest
Episode 1-02, first aired 01/25/1974
Director: Hal Mooney
Writer: Mann Rubin
Guest Stars: Christine Belford as Lt. Colby, William Smith as Cmdr. Maxwell, Joanne Worley as Mona, Laurette Spang as Helen, Randall Carver as PFC Barris

Austin and Goldman are on a plane that crashes on a desert island and must fight assassins who are part of the survivors.

3 Operation Firefly
Episode 1-03, first aired 02/01/1974
Director: Reza Badiyi
Writer: Sy Salkowitz
Guest Stars: Pamela Franklin as Susan Abbott, Simon Scott as Dr. Samuel Abbott, Jack Hogan as John Belson, Joe Kapp as Frank, Vic Mohica as Eddie

Austin goes in search of a kidnapped scientist with the man's ESP-gifted daughter.

4 Day of the Robot
Episode 1-04, first aired 02/08/1974
Director: Leslie H. Martinson
Writers: Harold Livingston, Del Reisman
Guest Stars: John Saxon as Major Frederick Sloan, Henry Jones as Dr. Dolenz, Lloyd Bochner as Gavern Wilson, Charles W. Bateman as Master Sgt. Parnell, Noah Keen as General Tanhill

To infiltrate a research facility to steal the technology of an anti-missile system, a group uses a robot to impersonate the inventor.

5 Little Orphan Airplane
Episode 1-05, first aired 02/22/1974
Director: Reza Badiyi
Writer: Elroy Schwartz
Guest Stars: Scoey Mitchell as Major Chooka, Marge Redmond as Sister Annett, Lincoln Kilpatrick as Captain Braco, Greg Morris as Josh Perkins, Stack Pierce as Bajad

Austin heads to a small African country to recover film from a crashed spy plane.

6 Doomsday, and Counting
Episode 1-06, first aired 03/01/1974
Director: Jerry Jameson
Writers: Larry Brody, Jimmy Sangster
Guest Stars: Gary Collins as Colonel Vasily Zuchov, Jane Merrow as Irina Leonova, William Smithers as General Koslenko, Bruce Glover as Captain Voda, William Boyett as Air Force General

An atomic bomb is about to explode in an underground Soviet facility hurt by an earthquake.

7 Eyewitness to Murder
Episode 1-07, first aired 03/08/1974
Director: Alf Kjellin
Writer: William Driskill
Guest Stars: Gary Lockwood as John Hopper, William Schallert as Lorin Sandusky, Ivor Barry as Mr. Hanley, Regis J. Cordic as Host, Leonard Stone as Lt. Tanner

A Special Prosecutor is being hunted by a killer and Austin may have seen him but he may also be wrong.

8 The Rescue of Athena One
Episode 1-08, first aired 03/15/1974
Director: Lawrence Doheny
Writer: D. C. Fontana
Guest Stars: Farrah Fawcett-Majors as Major Kelly Wood, Paul Kent as Flight Surgeon Wolf, John S. Ragin as Flight Director, Quinn Redeker as Capcom, Dean Smith as Major Osterman

Austin is brought in to help train the first American female in space. Later when she is up there, an accident puts her in charge.

9 Dr. Wells is Missing
Episode 1-09, first aired 03/29/1974
Director: Virgil W. Vogel
Writers: Elroy Schwartz, Krishna Shah, William Keenan
Guest Stars: John Van Dreelen as Alfredo Tucelli, Jim Shane as Yamo, Michael Dante as Julio Tucelli, Curt Lowens as Anton Brandt, Norbert Schiller as Porter

While in Austria to receive an honorary degree, Dr. Wells is kidnapped.

10 The Last of the Fourth of Julys
Episode 1-10, first aired 04/05/1974
Director: Reza Badiyi
Writer: Richard Landau
Guest Stars: Steve Forrest as Quail, Kevin Tighe as Root, Tom Reese as Joe Alabam, Arlene Martel as Violette, Hank Stohl as Balsam

A crazed scientist is planning to use a powerful laser to kill everyone at a Paris summit.

11 Burning Bright
Episode 1-11, first aired 04/12/1974
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Del Reisman
Guest Stars: William Shatner as Josh Lang, Warren Kemmerling as Ted, Quinn Redeker as Calvin Billings, Rodolfo Hoyos as Ernesto Arruza, Anne Schedeen as Tina Larsen

Something in his last space trip has affected an astronaut friend of Austin and turned him into a supercomputer, or a raving lunatic.

12 The Coward
Episode 1-12, first aired 04/19/1974
Director: Reza Badiyi
Writer: Elroy Schwartz
Guest Stars: George Montgomery as Garth, Ron Soble as Queng-Dri, France Nuyen as Mamu, Martha Scott as Helen Elgin, George Takei as Chin-Ling

Wreckage from a '45 plane crash in the Himalayas leads Austin to believe it may have been his father's plane and he heads there to investigate even though it is high up a mountain.

13 Run, Steve, Run
Episode 1-13, first aired 04/26/1974
Director: Jerry Jameson
Writer: Lionel E. Siegel
Guest Stars: Henry Jones as Dr. Chester Dolenz, Noah Beery as Tom Molson, Melissa Greene as Suzie Lund, George Murdock as Rossi, Mike Henry as Cliff Platt

The Robot Maker has returned and he has some very nasty plans for Austin.

14 Nuclear Alert
Episode 2-01, first aired 09/13/1974
Director: Jerry London
Writer: William Driskill
Guest Stars: Carol Lawrence as Dr. Clea Broder, Felice Orlandi as Cal, George Gaynes as General Wiley, Stewart Moss as Air Force Major, Fred Beir as Ted Swenson

In an auction held onboard a plane, someone is selling an atomic bomb that they do not have. OSI is certain, though, that the individual has a plan to get one.

15 The Pioneers
Episode 2-02, first aired 09/20/1974
Director: Christian I. Nyby, II
Writers: Bill Svanoe, Katey Barrett
Guest Stars: Mike Farrell as David Tate, Joan Darling as Nicole Simmons, Robert F. Simon as The Sheriff, Vince Howard as Walker

A scientist injects himself with a regeneration serum but puts it too much and becomes super-strong and very much out of control.

16 Pilot Error
Episode 2-03, first aired 09/27/1974
Director: Jerry Jameson
Writer: Edward J. Lakso
Guest Stars: Pat Hingle as Senator Hill, Alfred Ryder as Joe Lannon, Suzanne Zenor as Airman Jill Denby, Stephen Nathan as Greg Hill, Chet Douglas as Reporter

An important Senator has crashed a plane and Austin is called in to investigate and give his findings. The politician is bringing considerable pressure for a favorable report.

17 The Pal-Mir Escort
Episode 2-04, first aired 10/04/1974
Director: Lawrence Dobkin
Writers: Margaret Schneider, Paul Schneider
Guest Stars: Anne Revere as Madame Salka Pal-Mir, Leo Fuchs as Dr. Avni, Nate Esformes as Chief of Security Shahvid, Denny Miller as Stellen, Virginia Gregg as Sarah

The Prime Minister of a friendly nation is in need of a bionic heart. Austin must accompany her to the facility but others want them stopped.

18 The Seven Million Dollar Man
Episode 2-05, first aired 11/01/1974
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Peter Allan Fields
Guest Stars: Monte Markham as Barney Miller, Marshall Reed as Gate Guard, Fred Lerner as O.S.I. Man, Maggie Sullivan as Carla Peterson

Another man has acquired the powers of bionics and he is not so friendly with the OSI or anyone else.

19 Straight on 'til Morning
Episode 2-06, first aired 11/08/1974
Director: Lawrence Doheny
Writer: D. C. Fontana
Guest Stars: Meg Foster as Minonee, Cliff Osmond as Sheriff Bob Kemp, Donald Billett as Deputy Lohrman, Kurt Grayson as Deputy Cockrell, Lucas White as Deputy Packer

Visitors from Mars crash onto Earth. Their touch is deadly to humans and they become pursued by law enforcement.

20 The Midas Touch
Episode 2-07, first aired 11/15/1974
Director: Bruce Bilson
Writers: Donald L. Gold, Lester William Berke, Peter Allan Fields
Guest Stars: Farley Granger as Bert Carrington, Noam Pitlik as MacGregor, Richard D. Hurst as Connors, Kate McKeown as Julie Farrell, Marcus Smith as Sentry

Goldman disappears while on a trip near Las Vegas and all evidence points to his being part of an illegal gold mining operation.

21 The Deadly Replay
Episode 2-08, first aired 11/22/1974
Director: Christian I. Nyby, II
Writer: Wilton Denmark
Guest Stars: Clifton James as Walter "Shadetree" Burns, Jack Ging as Ted Collins, Robert Symonds as Jay Rogers, Lara Parker as Andrea Collins, Jack Manning as Carl Amison

The experimentla aircraft Austin was in when he was nearly killed has been rebuilt and he is asked to test fly it again.

22 Act of Piracy
Episode 2-09, first aired 11/29/1974
Director: Christian I. Nyby, II
Writers: Peter Allan Fields, David Ketchum, Bruce Shelly
Guest Stars: Stephen McNally as Dr. Louis Craig, Carlos Romero as Ferndo Ferraga, Lenore Kasdorf as Sharon Ellis, Hagan Beggs as Jed Hall

While helping put earthquake sensors on the ocean floor off a Latin American country, that nation decides to capture the boat and leave Austin at the bottom.

23 Stranger in Broken Fork
Episode 2-10, first aired 12/13/1974
Director: Christian Nyby
Writers: Bill Svanoe, Wilton Denmark
Guest Stars: Sharon Farrell as Angie Walker, Arthur Franz as Dr. Wayne Carlton, Robert Donner as Horace Milser, Eric Mason as Air Force Major, Troy Melton as Corley Weems

When his bionic arm malfunctions while flying a plane, Austin crashes and suffers amnesia.

24 The Peeping Blonde
Episode 2-11, first aired 12/20/1974
Director: Herschel Daugherty
Writers: W. T. Zacha, Wilton Denmark
Guest Stars: Farrah Fawcett as Victoria Webster, Roger Perry as Charles Colby, Harry Rhodes as Karl, W. T. Zacha as Victor, Christopher S. Nelson as Billy Jackson

Austin is observed using his bionics by a nosey reporter who is determined to report her findings.

25 The Cross-Country Kidnap
Episode 2-12, first aired 01/10/1975
Director: Christian Nyby
Writers: Ray Brenner, Stephen Kandel
Guest Stars: Donna Mills as Liza Leitman, Frank Aletter as Borden, Tab Hunter as Arnold Blake, John Gabriel as Dirk Shuster, Ben Wright as Benno Reichert

An OSI computer programmer is in danger of being kidnapped. Goldman asks Austin to watch over her after she refuses help.

26 Lost Love
Episode 2-13, first aired 01/17/1975
Director: Arnold Laven
Writers: Richard Carr, Melvin Levy, Thomas P. Levy
Guest Stars: Linda Marsh as Barbara Thatcher, Jeff Corey as Orin Thatcher, Joseph Ruskin as Markos, Than Wyenn as Prof. Kosoyin, Wesley Lau as Emil

Encountering an old love who was recently widowed, Austin is rekindling a flame when she gets word her husband is alinve and living in a foreign embassy.

27 The Last Kamikaze
Episode 2-14, first aired 01/19/1975
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Judy Burns
Guest Stars: John Fujioka as Kuroda, Robert Ito as Tomas Gabella, Ed Gilbert as Hayworth, Jimmy Joyce as Dr. Richmond, Paul Vaughn as Radio Operator

A plane crashed on an South Pacific island where a Japanese soldier lives alone, certain WWII is still going on. The plane contained a nuclear weapon that Austin must get back.

28 Return of the Robot Maker
Episode 2-15, first aired 01/26/1975
Director: Phil Bondelli
Writers: Mark Frost, Del Reisman
Guest Stars: Henry Jones as D. Chester Dolenz, Ben Hammer as General Stacey, Troy Melton as Barney Barnes, Judd Laurance as Aide, Iris Edwards as Amy

The Robot Maker replaces Goldman with a robot who then sends Austin on a suicide mission to break into a high tech research facility.

29 Taneha
Episode 2-16, first aired 02/02/1975
Director: Earl Bellamy
Writer: Margaret Armen
Guest Stars: Jess Walton as E.J. Haskell, James Griffith as Will Long, Paul Brinegar as Rafe Morris, Bill Fletcher as Bleeker, Jim B. Smith as Bob Elliott

A rare cougar named Taneha is being hunted by the folks of a small town. Austin promises the sheriff he would protect that animal but the woman he is working with has a particular grudge against it.

30 Look Alike
Episode 2-17, first aired 02/23/1975
Director: Jerry London
Writers: Richard Carr, Gustave Field
Guest Stars: Robert DoQui as Breezy, George Foreman as Marcus Grayson, Jack Colvin as Ed Jasper, Robert Salvio as LaSalle, Mary Rings as Molly

A boxer has plastic surgery to make him look like Austin so he can sneak into OSI headquarters. When Austin learns of it, he poses as the boxer to find out who put the man up to it.

31 The E.S.P. Spy
Episode 2-18, first aired 03/02/1975
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Lionel E. Siegel
Guest Stars: Philip Bruns as Dr. Randolph, Dick Van Patten as Harry Green, Alan Bergmann as Charles Lund, Bert Kramer as George Vant, Paul Cavonis as Pierce

A weapons designer is suspected of selling secrets but Austin is certain the man is having his mind read by ESP.

32 The Bionic Woman, Part 1 of 2
Episode 2-19, first aired 03/16/1975
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Kenneth Johnson
Guest Stars: Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Malachi Throne as Joseph Ronaugh, Alan Oppenheimer as r. Rudy Wells, Martha Scott as elen Elgin, Ford Rainey as im Elgin

Reunited with his first great love, Austin is stunned when she is terribly injured in an accident. He pushes to have her turned bionic.

33 The Bionic Woman, Part 2 of 2
Episode 2-20, first aired 03/23/1975
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Kenneth Johnson
Guest Stars: Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Malachi Throne as Joseph Ronaugh, Alan Oppenheimer as r. Rudy Wells, Martha Scott as elen Elgin, Ford Rainey as im Elgin

Now bionic, Jaime Sommers is about to get married to Austin when she is sent on her first mission despite a series of recurring headaches and bionic problems.

34 Outrage in Balinderry
Episode 2-21, first aired 04/20/1975
Director: Earl Bellamy
Writers: Paul Schneider, Margaret Schneider
Guest Stars: Martine Beswick as Julia Flood, Richard Erdman as Slayton, Gavan O'Herlihy as Dan, David Frankham as Captain Abbott, Alan Caillou as General Carmichael

The island nation of Balinderry has a small rebel group trying to take control. They kidnap the US Ambassador's wife and Austin go after her.

35 Steve Austin, Fugitive
Episode 2-22, first aired 04/27/1975
Director: Russ Mayberry
Writers: Mark Frost, Richard Carr, Wilton Denmark, William D. Gordon, James Doherty
Guest Stars: Gary Lockwood as Hopper, Bernie Hamilton as Lt. Dobbs, Andy Romano as Charlie Taylor, Jennifer Darling as eggy Callahan, Amzie Strickland as Little Old Lady

Framed for murder, Austin is hunted by the authorities and Goldman and Wells are out of town so cannot help. Austin must rely on Goldman's new secretary.

36 The Return of the Bionic Woman, Part 1 of 2
Episode 3-01, first aired 09/14/1975
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Kenneth Johnson
Guest Stars: Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Rick Lenz as Michael Marchetti, Tony Giorgio as Abe Collins, Al Ruscio as Chester Goddard

Austin discovers his former fiancee, Jaime Sommers, is still alive but has no memory of him. As he tries to help her, she begins to suffer severe headaches.

37 The Return of the Bionic Woman, Part 2 of 2
Episode 3-02, first aired 09/21/1975
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Kenneth Johnson
Guest Stars: Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Rick Lenz as Michael Marchetti, Tony Giorgio as Abe Collins, Al Ruscio as Chester Goddard

Suffering headaches, Sommers asks to be given a mission. Austin joins her on it but begins to believe he is the cause of her agony.

38 The Price of Liberty
Episode 3-03, first aired 09/28/1975
Director: Dick Moder
Writers: Kenneth Johnson, Justin Edgerton
Guest Stars: Chuck Connors as Niles Lingstrom, Henry Beckman as Robert Meyer, Bill Quinn as Tom, George Ranito Jordan as Bill, Sandy Ward as Doug Witherspoon

A bomb expert wires the Liberty Bell with explosives, demanding $5 million.

39 The Song and Dance Spy
Episode 3-04, first aired 10/05/1975
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Jerry Devine
Guest Stars: Sonny Bono as John Perry, Victor Mohica as Lee Michaels, Bruce Glover as Mr. Buckner, Robin Clarke as Damon, Fred Holliday as Crawford

Goldman believes a singer who is an old friend of Austin is really a courier for an enemy power.

40 The Wolf Boy
Episode 3-05, first aired 10/12/1975
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Judy Burns
Guest Stars: John Fujioka as Kuroda, Buddy Foster as Wolf Boy, Quinn Redeker as Bob Masters, Teru Shimada as Shige Ishikawa, Bill Saito as Toshio

A friend of Austin is sent to a Japanese island to locate a wolf boy. He asks Austin for help.

41 The Deadly Test
Episode 3-06, first aired 10/19/1975
Director: Christian I. Nyby II
Writer: James D. Parriott
Guest Stars: Tim O'Connor as Colonel Joe Gordon, Frank Marth as Dr. Winslow, Erik Estrada as Prince Sakari, Martin Speer as David Levy, Leigh Christian as Lt. Jan Simmons

A Middle East crown prince in at Edwards AFB learning to fly jets when an attempt on his life is made.

42 Target in the Sky
Episode 3-07, first aired 10/26/1975
Director: Jerry London
Writer: Larry Alexander
Guest Stars: Denny Miller as Jeremy Burke, Barbara Rhoades as Kelly Wixted, Rafer Johnson as Thaddeus Jones, Ivor Francis as Dr. Morton Craig, Hank Stohl as Ben Cosgrove

A missing government agent is the reason Austin is pretending to be a lumberjack at a large lumber company.

43 One of Our Running Backs is Missing
Episode 3-08, first aired 11/02/1975
Director: Lee Majors
Writers: Kenneth Johnson, Elroy Schwartz
Guest Stars: Larry Csonka as Larry Bronco, Pamela Csonka as Pam Bronco, Dick Butkus as Bobby Laport, Mike Henry as Tatashore, Carl Weathers as Stolar

A key player in a pro football game goes missing and his friend Austin is determined to get him to the game on time.

44 The Bionic Criminal
Episode 3-09, first aired 11/09/1975
Director: Leslie H. Martinson
Writers: Richard Carr, Peter Allan Fields
Guest Stars: Monte Markham as Barney Hiller, John Milford as Shatley, Alan Oppenheimer as Rudy Wells, Donald Moffat as Lester Burstyn, Maggie Sullivan as Carla Peterson

A bionic agent is in a car race when he loses control and crashes. A former OSI scientist tries to recruit him and his ability for crime.

45 The Blue Flash
Episode 3-10, first aired 11/16/1975
Director: Cliff Bole
Writers: Sheridan Gibney, Sidney Field
Guest Stars: Janet MacLachlan as Mrs. Cook, Michael Conrad as Jimbo, Rodney Allen Rippy as Ernest Cook, Eddie Fontaine as Tony Anderson, Jason Wingreen as Logan

A smuggling ring is dealing in very hush-hush detection devices. To stop them, Austin takes the role of a longshoreman.

46 The White Lightning War
Episode 3-11, first aired 11/23/1975
Director: Phil Bondelli
Writer: Wilton Denmark
Guest Stars: Ben Hammer as Bo Willis, Katherine Helmond as Middy, Robert Donner as Kermit, Hugh Gillin as Sheriff Weems, Randy Kirby as Johnny

Several government agents have fallen victim to snake bytes as they investigate a moonshine operation in Georgia. Austin is then called in.

47 Divided Loyalty
Episode 3-12, first aired 11/30/1975
Director: Alan Crosland
Writers: Jim Carlson, Terry McDonnell
Guest Stars: Michael McGuire as Leon Jackson, Radames Pera as Alex Jackson, Ned Romero as Boris, Curt Lowens as Captain, Johana DeWinter as Edna Jackson

A former defector to the Soviet Union wants to return but his son would rather stay in Russia.

48 Clark Templeton O'Flaherty
Episode 3-13, first aired 12/14/1975
Director: Ernest Pintoff
Writers: Frank Dandridge, Dennis Pryor
Guest Stars: Lou Gossett as O'Flaherty, Louise Latham as Ms. Hallaway, Ryan MacDonald as George Van Rensselaer, H.M. Wynant as McAdams, Lillian Randolph as Landlady

All evidence points to a janitor at OSI as the leak for top secret information but when confronted, he claims to be working for another organization, the OGA.

49 The Winning Smile
Episode 3-14, first aired 12/21/1975
Director: Arnold Laven
Writers: Gustave Field, Richard Carr
Guest Stars: Jennifer Darling as Peggy Callahan, Stewart Moss as Gene Finney, Milton Selzer as Dr. Losey, Ben Andrews as Agee, James Ingersoll as Ted Harter

Yet another leak at OSI seems to be coming from Goldman's main secretary, Peggy Callahan.

50 Welcome Home, Jaime, Part 1 of 2
Episode 3-15, first aired 01/11/1976
Director: Alan Crosland
Writer: Kenneth Johnson
Guest Stars: Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Dennis Patrick as Carlton Harris, Martha Scott as Helen Elgin, Richard Lenz as Michael Marchetti, Roger Davis as Lt. Col. Tom Hollaway

Slowly regaining her memory, Jaime Sommers is ready to resume a normal life as a teacher but also wants to do an occasional mission.

51 Hocus-Pocus
Episode 3-16, first aired 01/18/1976
Director: Barry Crane
Writers: Richard Carr, James Schmerer
Guest Stars: Pernell Roberts as Mark Wharton, Jack Colvin as Will Collins, Robbie Lee as Audrey Moss, Christopher Stafford. Nelson as Jack, W. T. Zacha as Geor

To get close to a crook who owns a night club and is possibly smuggling secrets, Austin goes undercover as a magician.

52 The Secret of Bigfoot, Part 1 of 2
Episode 3-17, first aired 02/01/1976
Director: Alan Crosland
Writer: Kenneth Johnson
Guest Stars: Stefanie Powers as Shalon, Severn Darden as Apploy, Hank Brandt as Ivan Beckey, Penelope Windust as Marlene Bekey, Andre the Giant as Bigfoot

The disappearance of two geologists in California is made more mysterious by the finding nearby of a giant footprint.

53 The Secret of Bigfoot, Part 2 of 2
Episode 3-18, first aired 02/04/1976
Director: Alan Crosland
Writer: Kenneth Johnson
Guest Stars: Stefanie Powers as Shalon, Severn Darden as Apploy, Hank Brandt as Ivan Beckey, Penelope Windust as Marlene Bekey, Andre the Giant as Bigfoot

Looking for proof of Sasquatch in California, Austin comes across a group of space aliens.

54 The Golden Pharaoh
Episode 3-19, first aired 02/08/1976
Director: Cliff Bole
Writers: Margaret Schneider, Paul Schneider
Guest Stars: Farrah Fawcett as Trish Hollander, Joe Maross as Gustav Tokar, Michael Lane as Skorvic, Gordon Connell as Wheel Jackson, Rudy Challenger as Senior Officer Martino

When Goldman asks Austin to help guard a statue called the Golden Pharaoh, they are surprised to find it is a fake.

55 Love Song for Tanya
Episode 3-20, first aired 02/15/1976
Director: Phil Bondelli
Writers: David H. Balkan, Alan Lynn Folsom
Guest Stars: Cathy Rigby as Tanya, Terry Kiser as Alexsei, Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Alan Manson as Andre, Walker Edmiston as Ivan

Austin is put on bodyguard duty for a Russian female gymnast who promptly falls for him.

56 The Bionic Badge
Episode 3-21, first aired 02/22/1976
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: Wilton Denmark
Guest Stars: Noah Beery as Officer Banner, Alan Bergmann as Mister Burman, Thomas Bellin as Gerry Martin, Stack Pierce as Officer Randolph, Susan G. Powell as Cindy Walker

To find out if a veteran cop is behind the theft of nuclear bomb parts, Austin goes undercover as a rookie.

57 Big Brother
Episode 3-22, first aired 03/07/1976
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: Kenneth Johnson
Guest Stars: Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers, Michael Salcido as Carlos Delgado, Maria-Elena Cordero as Margarita Delgado, John Hesley as Social Worker, Ralph Wilcox as Director

Austin volunteers at a friend's Big Brother group and meets a young man he decides to mentor.

58 The Return of Bigfoot, Part 1 of 2
Episode 4-01, first aired 09/19/1976
Director: Barry Crane
Writer: Kenneth Johnson
Guest Stars: John Saxon as Nedlick, Stephen Young as Dallet, Severn Darden as Apploy, Ted Cassidy as Bigfoot, Sandy Duncan as Gillian

Austin is the prime suspect in a series of breakins that seem like they used bionic powers. A space traveler he had met before tells him it is Sasquatch at work again.

59 Nightmare in the Sky
Episode 4-02, first aired 09/26/1976
Director: Alan Crosland
Writers: Jim Carlson, Terrence McDonnell
Guest Stars: Dana Elcar as Larry Stover, Farrah Fawcett-Majors as Major Kelly Wood, Lee Miller as Clayton, Donald Moffat as Dr. Martin Davis

Test Pilot Kelly Wood is shot down by a Japanese Zero from WWII but there is no proof of it and all evidence points elsewhere.

60 Double Trouble
Episode 4-03, first aired 10/03/1976
Director: Phil Bondelli
Writer: Jerry Devine
Guest Stars: Sandy Champion as Escort, Mary Ann Kasica as Nurse, Rick Podell as Niko, Gil Serna as Dr. Highland, Mira Waters as Susan

A comedian has had an implant put into him by a foreign power and is controlling him. Austin is asked to bodyguard.

61 The Most Dangerous Enemy
Episode 4-04, first aired 10/17/1976
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Judy Burns
Guest Star: Ina Balin as Cheryl Osborne

Someone is messing with chimps on an island research facility and when Goldman and Wells go to investigate, Wells is infected.

62 H+2+O = Death
Episode 4-05, first aired 10/24/1976
Director: John Meredyth Lucas
Writer: John Meredyth Lucas
Guest Stars: Linden Chiles as Omega, Robert Hogan as Walker, Todd Martin as Kirov, Frank Parker as Ed, Elke Sommer as Dr. Ilse Martin

A spy called Omega is stealing OSI secrets. Austin pretends to be a man selling them to trap the spy.

63 Kill Oscar, Part 2 of 3
Episode 4-06, first aired 10/31/1976
Director: Barry Crane
Writers: W. T. Zacha, Arthur Rowe, Oliver Crawford
Guest Stars: John Houseman as Doctor Franklin, Jennifer Darling as Peggy Callahan, Corinne Michaels as Lynda Wilson, Jack L. Ging as Chief Inspector Hanson, Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Sommers

Jaime Sommers is injured trying to rescue Goldman from kidnappers and Austin goes it alone. (Part 1 and 3 are in The Bionic Woman.

64 The Bionic Boy
Episode 4-07, first aired 11/07/1976
Director: Phil Bondelli
Writer: Tom Greene
Guest Stars: Jack Bannon as Dr. Melville, Woody Chambliss as Mr. Savannah, Nick David as Charlie, Richard Erdman as Vernon, Greg Evigan as Joe Hamilton

A young man is injured in a landslide that took his father. Once OSI provides him with bionics, he tries to clear his father's name and Austin must help.

65 Vulture of the Andes
Episode 4-08, first aired 11/21/1976
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: Benjamin Masselink
Guest Stars: Henry Darrow as Byron Falco, Zitto Kazann as Raul, Dallas Mitchell as Major Reynolds, Bernie Kopell as Pete Martin, Barbara Luna as Leslie Morales

To get his hands on jets to improve his revolution, rebel leader Falco threatens to blow up US installations.

66 The Thunderbird Conection
Episode 4-09, first aired 11/28/1976
Director: Christian I. Nyby II
Writers: Jim Carlson, Terrence McDonnell
Guest Stars: Ren? Assa as Hakim, Dominic Barto as Amahl, Charles Bateman as Joe Streeter, Martine Beswick as Shali Giba, Robert Loggia as Mahmud Majd

Austin joins the Thunderbirds flying team as a cover to protect an Arab prince marked for assassination.

67 A Bionic Christmas Carol
Episode 4-10, first aired 12/12/1976
Director: Gerald Mayer
Writer: Wilton Schiller
Guest Stars: Antoinette Bower as Nora Crandall, Barry Cahill as Joe, Quinn Cummings as Elise, Noah Keen as Dr. Hendrick, Peter Leeds as Webley

Austin uses his powers to turn an NASA contractor CEO into a nicer person.

68 Task Force
Episode 4-11, first aired 12/19/1976
Director: Barry Crane
Writer: Robert C. Dennis

Austin fakes his way into a gang that is planning to steal a $30 million rocket.

69 The Ultimate Imposter
Episode 4-12, first aired 01/02/1977
Director: Paul Stanley
Writer: Larry Forrester
Guest Stars: Kim Basinger as Lorraine Stenger, Margaret Fairchild as Lily Stenger, Pamela Hensley as Jenny, Stephen Macht as Joe, David Sheiner as Stenger

A new OSI technology can infuse computer data straight into a human brain. They use it to create a super-smart agent.

70 Death Probe, Part 1 of 2
Episode 4-13, first aired 01/09/1977
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Steven E. deSouza
Guest Stars: Bill Fletcher as Mechanic, Beverly Garland as Secretary, Jane Merrow as Irina Leonova, David Mooney as Radar Operator, Austin Stoker as Captain

A Russian Mars probe crashed in the US and starts to go berserk. Austin joins with a beautiful Soviet agent to stop it.

71 Death Probe, Part 2 of 2
Episode 4-14, first aired 01/16/1977
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Steven E. deSouza
Guest Stars: Beverly Garland as Secretary, Jane Merrow as Irina Leonova, John de Lancie as Medic, Nehemiah Persoff as Major Popov, Austin Stoker as Captain

A Russian Mars probe crashed in the US and starts to go berserk. Austin joins with a beautiful Soviet agent to stop it.

72 Danny's Inferno
Episode 4-15, first aired 01/23/1977
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: Tom Greene
Guest Stars: Joe Brooks as Janitor, David Buchanan as Policeman, Larry French as Fireman, Lanny Horn as Danny Lasswell, Frank Marth as Bill Brunner

A teenage boy accidentally comes up with a very powerful fuel. OSI is interested in it but so is an unscrupulous contracter.

73 Fires of Hell
Episode 4-16, first aired 01/30/1977
Director: Edward M. Abroms
Writer: Orville H. Hampton
Guest Stars: Charles Aidman as Bertram Lomax, Don 'Red' Barry as Howie, Natt Christian as Worker, Bruce Glover as Sheriff Burgess, Heather Menzies as Alison Harker

A plan to resurrect what is thought to be finished oil wells is being sabotaged.

74 The Infiltrators
Episode 4-17, first aired 02/06/1977
Director: Phil Bondelli
Writers: Sam Ross, Wilton Schiller
Guest Stars: Helena Carroll as Jessica Williams, Yvonne Craig as Lena Bannister

Foreign boxers are suspected in a plot to kill a Chinese official so Austin goes undercover as a boxer to get close to them.

75 Carnival of Spies
Episode 4-18, first aired 02/13/1977
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: Robert C. Dennis
Guest Stars: Gloria Manon as Madame Shera, Cheryl Miller as Kim, Bob Minor as Hercules, Michael Strong as Herman Lower

It is suspected that an East German scientist who has created an antiaircraft system is out to mess up B1 bomber tests in the US.

76 U-509
Episode 4-19, first aired 02/20/1977
Director: Phil Bondelli
Writer: Michael I. Wagner
Guest Stars: Ian Abercrombie as Shoemacher, Peter Cannon as Lewis, Tom Dever as Talker, Guy Doleman as Henry Bulman, Steve Sandor as Covell

When a former British naval officer gets his hands on an old u-boat, he also gets control of nerve gas he uses to extort money from the US.

77 The Privacy of the Mind
Episode 4-20, first aired 02/27/1977
Director: Jimmy Lydon
Writers: Larry Forrester, Wilton Schiller
Guest Stars: Suzanne Charn as Dr. Batalova, Curt Lowen as Sergei Kulikov, Paul Mante as Terry, Leslie Moonve as Bob Kemps, Bob Neil as Carlson

The Soviets offer an American scientists a lot of money to switch sides. Austin takes his place to find out what they are working on.

78 To Catch the Eagle
Episode 4-21, first aired 03/06/1977
Director: Phil Bondelli
Writers: Peter R. Brooke, Judy Burns
Guest Stars: George American Horse as 2nd Councilman, Kathleen Beller as Little Deer, Dehl Berti as Iron Fist, Peter Breck as Silver Cloud, George Loros as Lone Bear

Two scientists are trapped by a cave-in in Indian territory. Austin asks an old friend for help getting them out but a medicine man has other plans.

79 The Ghostly Teletype
Episode 4-22, first aired 05/15/1977
Director: Tom Connors
Writer: Wilton Schiller
Guest Stars: Larry Anderson as Murdoch, Christina Hart as Margaret, Les Lannom as Davey, Robert H. Harris as Brenner, Zitto Kazann as Jack

Austin is the suspect with a top secret formula goes missing and he decides to find the inventor to get to the truth.

80 Sharks, Part 1 of 2
Episode 5-01, first aired 09/11/1977
Director: Alan J. Levi

Austin is sent to find out what happened to a nuclear submarine. He has to combat ferocious sharks under the control of the sub's rogue commander.

81 Sharks, Part 2 of 2
Episode 5-02, first aired 09/18/1977
Director: Alan J. Levi

Austin is sent to find out what happened to a nuclear submarine. He has to combat ferocious sharks under the control of the sub's rogue commander.

82 Deadly Countdown, Part 1 of 2
Episode 5-03, first aired 09/25/1977
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: Gregory S. Dinallo
Guest Stars: Philip Abbott as Dave McGrath, Jenny Agutter as Dr. Leah Russell, Lloyd Bochner as Gordon Shanks, Martin Caidin as G.H. Beck, Crofton Hardester as Julian Richman

Assigned to help with the linking of two satellites, Austin unknowingly steps in the way of a man planning to steal missile defense technology so he is marked for elimination.

83 Deadly Countdown, Part 2 of 2
Episode 5-04, first aired 10/02/1977
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: Gregory S. Dinallo
Guest Stars: Philip Abbott as Dave McGrath, Jenny Agutter as Dr. Leah Russell, Lloyd Bochner as Gordon Shanks, Martin Caidin as G.H. Beck, Crofton Hardester as Julian Richman

Assigned to help with the linking of two satellites, Austin unknowingly steps in the way of a man planning to steal missile defense technology so he is marked for elimination.

84 Bigfoot V
Episode 5-05, first aired 10/09/1977
Director: Rod Holcomb
Writer: Gregory S. Dinallo
Guest Stars: Geoffrey Lewis as Charlie Wynn, Tony Young as Jason O'Neal, Ted Cassidy as igfoot, Katherine De Hetre as Hope Langston, Regis Cordic as Space Explorer

Left behind by the space aliens who created him, Bigfoot was supposed to be asleep for some time but a scientist accidentally awakened him and he is grumpy.

85 Killer Wind
Episode 5-06, first aired 10/16/1977
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: Dick Moder
Guest Stars: Madelyn Cain as Jane, Glen Demlinger as Tony, Fred J. Gordon as Falco, Troy Goudlock as Gary, Connie Ann Hearn as Anna Lee

A cyclone is headed towards a mountain resort where a group of students are stuck on a malfunctioning tram.

86 Rollback
Episode 5-07, first aired 10/30/1977
Director: Don McDougall
Writer: Steven E. deSouza
Guest Stars: Robert Loggia as Hendricks, Suzanne Charney as Maureen Wright, Paul D'Amato as Phil Brady, Trent Dolan as Jacobs, Russ Grieve as Comets Coach

To stop a spy from selling OSI info, Austin takes the job of a roller derby participant.

87 Dark Side of the Moon, Part 1 of 2
Episode 5-08, first aired 11/06/1977
Director: Cliff Bole
Writers: Richard H. Landau, John Meredyth Lucas
Guest Stars: Walter Brooke as Dr. Tellman, Jack Colvin as Dr. Charles Leith, Simone Griffeth as Bess, James Ingersoll as Hal, Quinn K. Redeker as Frank

A scientist in space has snuck away from studying an asteroid and gone to the moon to change its trajectory.

88 Dark Side of the Moon, Part 2 of 2
Episode 5-09, first aired 11/13/1977
Director: Cliff Bole
Writers: Richard H. Landau, John Meredyth Lucas
Guest Stars: Walter Brooke as Dr. Tellman, Jack Colvin as Dr. Charles Leith, Simone Griffeth as Bess, James Ingersoll as Hal, Quinn K. Redeker as Frank

A scientist in space has snuck away from studying an asteroid and gone to the moon to change its trajectory.

89 Target: Steve Austin
Episode 5-10, first aired 11/27/1977
Director: Edward M. Abroms
Writers: Lester William Berke, Donald L. Gold
Guest Stars: Lynette Mettey as Joan, Ian Abercrombie as 2nd Man in Van, Tony Epper as Rabbit, Walter Robles as Cristo

Austin and a female agent are acting as bait to pull in stealers of OSI technology but the bad guys replace the female with their own lookalike.

90 The Cheshire Project
Episode 5-11, first aired 12/18/1977
Director: Dick Moder
Writer: John Meredyth Lucas

A female test pilot that Austin is seeing socially has disappeared with a plane having the latest stealth technoloty.

91 Walk a Deadly Wing
Episode 5-12, first aired 01/01/1978
Director: Herb Wallerstein
Writer: Philip Chapin
Guest Stars: Eric Braeden as Scientist, Louie Elias as Thug, Eddie Fontaine as Man, Lanna Saunders as Vera Cheraskin

Austin must win over a very skitish former Soviet scientist who is hiding out with an air show.

92 Just a Matter of Time
Episode 5-13, first aired 01/08/1978
Director: Don McDougall
Writer: Gregory S. Dinallo
Guest Stars: Paul Carr as Reverend Essex, Leigh Christian as Donna, Charles Cioffi as Edward Barris, John deLancie as Sergeant Chapman, John Milford as General Winston Hayden

After crashing a new type of space craft on a deserted island, Austin contacts OSI only to be told six years have elapsed and someone new is in charge.

93 Return of the Deathprobe, Part 1 of 2
Episode 5-14, first aired 01/22/1978
Director: Tom Connors
Writer: Howard Dimsdale
Guest Stars: Ken Chandler as Rudy's Assistant, Marlena Giovi as Sgt Warren, Robert Lussier as Bates, David Sheiner as Arnold Blake, Ken Swofford as Dan Kelly

Someone has resurrected the Russian Venus probe that was so deadly a year before and is extorting the government to hand over nuclear warheads.

94 Return of the Deathprobe, Part 2 of 2
Episode 5-15, first aired 01/29/1978
Director: Tom Connors
Writer: Howard Dimsdale
Guest Stars: Ken Chandler as Rudy's Assistant, Marlena Giovi as Sgt Warren, Robert Lussier as Bates, David Sheiner as Arnold Blake, Ken Swofford as Dan Kelly

Someone has resurrected the Russian Venus probe that was so deadly a year before and is extorting the government to hand over nuclear warheads.

95 The Lost Island
Episode 5-16, first aired 01/30/1978
Director: Cliff Bole
Writers: Lou Shaw, Mel Goldberg
Guest Stars: Anthony Geary as Arta, Terry Burke as Zandor, Stephen Burleigh as Satallite Engineer, Vince Deadrick Sr. as Ed, Tommy Fujiwara as Navigator

The island on which a satellite landed is inhabited by descendants from alien visitors, people that are susceptible to Earth microorganisms.

96 The Madonna Caper
Episode 5-17, first aired 02/06/1978
Director: Herb Wallerstein
Writer: Gregory S. Dinallo
Guest Stars: Dominic Barto as Boyle, Bibi Besch as Countess Lysandra, Len Birman as Chilton Kane, Rudy Challenger as Richard Tynan, Bruce Glover as Viktor Bellushyn

Austin works with a Countess to retrive a microdot hidden on a valuable painting, then she turns on him.

97 Dead Ringer
Episode 5-18, first aired 02/13/1978
Director: Arnold Laven
Writers: Robert I. Holt, Charles Mitchell
Guest Star: Linda Dano as Margaret Winslow

When Austin spots someone who looks like him, Wells is convinced he is losing his mind but a psychic claims it is the spirt of Austin wandering about.

98 Date With Danger, Part 1 of 2
Episode 5-19, first aired 02/20/1978
Director: Rod Holcomb
Writers: Wilton Schiller, John Meredyth Lucas
Guest Stars: Hank Brandt as Fowler, Nat Christian as 1st Courier, Raymond David as Pete, Robert Hackman as Forman, Bonnie Toman as Gloria

A computer that has acquired intelligence is determined to make sure no one messes with it, willing to kill to stay safe.

99 Date With Danger, Part 2 of 2
Episode 5-20, first aired 02/27/1978
Director: Rod Holcomb
Writers: Wilton Schiller, John Meredyth Lucas
Guest Stars: Hank Brandt as Fowler, Nat Christian as 1st Courier, Raymond David as Pete, Robert Hackman as Forman, Bonnie Toman as Gloria

A computer that has acquired intelligence is determined to make sure no one messes with it, willing to kill to stay safe.

100 The Moving Mountain
Episode 5-21, first aired 03/06/1978
Director: Don McDougall
Writer: Stephen Kandel
Guest Stars: Philip Chapin as Quint, George Clifton as Santos, John Colicos as General Norbukov, Paul Coufos as Walter, Michael Ebert as Erhardt

A terrorist has stolen US missiles and a USSR missile launcher. Austin is told to get back the former. A Soviet agent is told to get back both.


Number of Stories:48
First Appearance:1976
Last Appearance:2018

The first Six Million Dollar Man adventure in comic book form was a very short satiric appearance in Scholastic's Bananas magazine in 1976. Since it is not canon, you can find it in the Parodies, Satires, and Pastiches section.

That same year, Charlton Comics, which was surviving at the time by publishing tie-ins to television and movie hits, released TWO different series about the SMDM, one a 9-issue series of The Six Million Dollar Man comics between 1976 and 1978 and the other a 7-issue series of The Six Million Dollar Man "comic magazine" from 1976-1977. The former had one comic story in each publication while the latter had several comic stories and a couple text articles..

Three and a half decades later, Dynamite Comics, in conjunction with noted film director and writer Kevin Smith, brought back the world of Steve Austin in a new re-telling of his origin and the first few missions. 26 issues were written. These were augmented by 5 issues in a storyline showing Steve Austin going up against Jaime Sommers.

This series was concluded and followed by a short 6-issue series based more on the original television show, presenting what might have been its sixth season.

1 The Beginning of the Six Million Dollar Man The Beginning of the Six Million Dollar Man
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Joe Staton (artist)
Copyright: 06/01/1976

1st of 2 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic #1 - Detailing of origin of the character and based on the first television movie and the Cyborg book.

2 The Secret Web The Secret Web
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Joe Staton (artist)
Copyright: 06/01/1976

2nd of 2 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic #1 - The Chinese are developing a multiple warhead delivery system and Austin is sent to stop them. He also learns that they are creating a killer robot.

3 The Cyborg Is Born The Cyborg Is Born
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Neal Adams (artist), Nicola Cuti (writer), Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer)
Copyright: 07/01/1976

1st of 4 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #1 - Adapts the original story of Austin's crash and transformation into the Bionic Man.
Click here to read the story.

4 An Eye For Detail An Eye For Detail
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Neal Adams (artist), Nicola Cuti (writer), Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer)
Copyright: 07/01/1976

2nd of 4 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #1 - The job for Steve Austin is to get as much intel on the new Soviet submarine as he can and he only has a split second to do it.
Click here to read the story.

5 The Deadly Raven The Deadly Raven
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Neal Adams (artist), Nicola Cuti (writer), Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer)
Copyright: 07/01/1976

3rd of 4 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #1 - With his job being to rescue an old friend from a dictator, Steve Austin is pleased to do it especially since his guide is the man's pretty daughter.
Click here to read the story.

6 Escape From Shark Island Escape From Shark Island
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Neal Adams (artist), Nicola Cuti (writer), Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer)
Copyright: 07/01/1976

4th of 4 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #1 - Simple mission. Break into a fortress on an island surrounded by hungry sharks. Rescue a scientist there. Get off the island safely.
Click here to read the story.

7 The Effigy The Effigy
Published by Charlton

Copyright: 08/01/1976

Found in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic #2 - Someone has a small replica of Steve Austin and doing things to it causes the same things to happen to Austin.

8 Witch Hunt for an Alien Witch Hunt for an Alien
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer), Neal Adams (artist)
Copyright: 09/01/1976

1st of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #2 - When Steve Austin crash-lands in the swamp, the locals think he is an invader from outer space and go after him.
Click here to read the story.

9 The Rubber Ball Project The Rubber Ball Project
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer), Neal Adams (artist)
Copyright: 09/01/1976

2nd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #2 - Something in the frozen wastes of Alaska is really heating things up for Steve Austin and a beautiful Eskimo woman he meets while investigating a string of murders.
Click here to read the story.

10 The Destroyers The Destroyers
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer), Neal Adams (artist)
Copyright: 09/01/1976

3rd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #2 - On a joint US/USSR space mission, cooperation is vital but one American astronaut seems determined to scuttle things even at the risk of his own life.
Click here to read the story.

11 Second Chance Second Chance
Published by Charlton

Copyright: 10/01/1976

The Six Million Dollar Man Comic #3 - Test-piloting a new aircraft, Steve Austin cracks the time barrier and ends up back just before he accident. He attempts to keep it from occurring.
Includes text short story Forbidden Reef - Austin takes some leave and heads to Florida where scuba diving pits him against a very large shark.

12 The Oldest Man Alive! The Oldest Man Alive!
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer), Neal Adams (artist)
Copyright: 11/01/1976

1st of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #3 - An outlaw gang in the Southwest is using armed aircraft to steal $2 million in gold and to stop them, Steve Austin must rely on the oldest man alive.
Click here to read the story.

13 Don't Bug Me Don't Bug Me
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer), Neal Adams (artist)
Copyright: 11/01/1976

2nd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #3 - [Plot Unknown]
Click here to read the story.

14 Dead Heat! Dead Heat!
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer), Neal Adams (artist)
Copyright: 11/01/1976

3rd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #3 - The radical group Violence for an Orderly World (VOW) plan to murder athletes from different countries to start a new world war. Steve Austin joins the US team to protect it from the inside.
Click here to read the story.

15 A Lonely Assignment A Lonely Assignment
Published by Charlton

Copyright: 12/01/1976

The Six Million Dollar Man Comic #4 - At the end of a mission, Steve Austin has a day-long layover and decides to go scuba diving. He uncovers a plot to kill a Middle Eastern leader.
Includes text short story The Ransom - Austin learns of a very pricey kidnapping and decides to investigate.

16 A Broken Promise A Broken Promise
Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing

Copyright: 1976

1st of 3 graphic stories in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1977 - A broken promise from WWII puts an aging man behind Steve Austin with a gun and a death wish.
Click here to read the story.

17 Mistaken Identity Mistaken Identity
Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing

Copyright: 1976

2nd of 3 graphic stories in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1977 - A general is being used as a dupe by foreign agents to use the military to eliminate their enemies.
Click here to read the story.

18 Boots Are Made For Skiing Boots Are Made For Skiing
Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing

Copyright: 1976

3rd of 3 graphic stories in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1977 - Steve Austin is sent to the Alps to track down counterfeiters but they are onto him from the beginning.
Click here to read the story.

19 The Last Flight The Last Flight
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer)
Copyright: 01/01/1977

1st of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #4 - Steve Austin offers to fly a "milk-run" flight with an old pilot friend but soon found out that the dummy bomb his plane was supposed to be carrying was a real one and they were not supposed to be coming back from it.
Click here to read the story.

20 School For Assassins School For Assassins
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer)
Copyright: 01/01/1977

2nd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #4 - Just graduating from a school for assassins, Steve Austin's first job is to take out one of the highest people in the government.
Click here to read the story.

21 Ordeal In The Desert Ordeal In The Desert
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer), Joe Gill (writer), Mike Pellowski (writer)
Copyright: 01/01/1977

3rd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #4 - The top brass wanted to know how well Steve Austin, the Six Million Dollar Man, would do under stress when his nuclear batteries were low and the struggle was high. They all found out, the hard way for Steve and a new friend.
Click here to read the story.

22 High Stakes In The Himalayas High Stakes In The Himalayas
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer)
Copyright: 05/01/1977

1st of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #5 - A US top secret aircraft flying a recon mission over the Himalayas when it crashed and Steve Austin is sent to find the wreckage and learn what caused the crash.

Click here to read the story.

23 Come Back Alive Come Back Alive
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer)
Copyright: 05/01/1977

2nd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #5 - Steve Austin heads to the Amazon rainforest to rescue a capture female scientist. Image his surprise when after find her, she tries to kill him.
Click here to read the story.

24 Vanished Vanished
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer)
Copyright: 05/01/1977

3rd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #5 - The criminal organization C.O.I.N. is capturing scientists for an unknown reason. To learn more, Steve Austin allows himself to be caught.
Click here to read the story.

25 The Kidnapping Of Oscar Goldman The Kidnapping Of Oscar Goldman
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer)
Copyright: 07/01/1977

1st of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #6 - When Oscar is kidnapped, Steve has to deal with internal security.
Click here to read the story.

26 The Changing Man The Changing Man
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer)
Copyright: 07/01/1977

2nd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #6 - A test flight into outer space transforms a fellow pilot because of radiation and Steve must fight him.
Click here to read the story.

27 A Model Prisoner A Model Prisoner
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer)
Copyright: 07/01/1977

3rd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #6 - Agents of an enemy power try to dissect Austin to find out about his bionics.
Click here to read the story.

28 The Man Who Isn't There The Man Who Isn't There
Published by Charlton

Copyright: 10/01/1977

The Six Million Dollar Man Comic #5 - a meteor landing near a farmhouse begins an adventure that includes Steve Austin seeing a man who wasn't there.
Includes text short story Counter Punch - Goldman presses Austin into an inter-service boxing match with something naughty up his sleeves.

29 Deadlier Than The Male! Deadlier Than The Male!
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer)
Copyright: 11/01/1977

1st of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #7 - Steve Austin is assigned to protect a Middle-Eastern Prince from assassins.
Click here to read the story.

30 The 10-Minute Time Limit! The 10-Minute Time Limit!
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer)
Copyright: 11/01/1977

2nd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #7 - The man called himself Osiris, the Egyptian God of the Dead. He also claimed to have planted a bomb that would bring thousands into his realm unless Steve Austin can stop him.
Click here to read the story.

31 An Alien Charm An Alien Charm
Published by Charlton
Contributors: Mike Pellowski (writer), Nicola Cuti (writer)
Copyright: 11/01/1977

3rd of 3 graphic adventures in The Six Million Dollar Man Comic Magazine #7 - Austin encounter some aliens that can shape shift.
Click here to read the story.

32 Exhibition Exhibition
Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing

Copyright: 1977

1st of 3 graphic stories in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1978 - [plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

33 Combination Combination
Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing

Copyright: 1977

2nd of 3 graphic stories in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1978 - [plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

34 Foiled Again Foiled Again
Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing

Copyright: 1977

3rd of 3 graphic stories in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1978 - [plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

35 Spy In The Sky Spy In The Sky
Published by Charlton

Copyright: 02/01/1978

The Six Million Dollar Man Comic #6 - Someone is commandeering an OSI satellite and Steve Austin is sent to get it back.
Include text short story Wall Of Fire - on a rainy foggy night drive, Austin comes upon a multi-car pileup and a vehicle fire with a baby inside.

36 Hostage! Hostage!
Published by Charlton

Copyright: 03/01/1978

The Six Million Dollar Man Comic #7 - Steve Austin is ordered to be the main bodyguard for a Middle East leader intent on jacking oil prices to hurt the U.S.
Includes text short story The Escape - grabbing a bite to eat in an airport during a layover ends up with Austin in an island prison.

37 The Final Test! The Final Test!
Published by Charlton

Copyright: 05/01/1978

The Six Million Dollar Man Comic #8 - Agreeing to test two jet fighters from competing companies has Steve Austin in danger from different directions.
Includes text short story Crash Dive - an experimental aircraft that could also operate as a one-man sub is being tested by Austin.

38 Match-Up Match-Up
Published by Charlton

Copyright: 06/01/1978

The Six Million Dollar Man Comic #9 - Steve Austin is finding his systems are getting progressively more sluggish and when he asks to see Dr. Rudy Wells he learns Wells has been missing for two months.
Includes text short story Bait - someone is attacking police officers near Austin's home and the latest victim is a good friend.

39 Seams Suspicious Seams Suspicious
Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing

Copyright: 1978

1st of 2 graphic stories in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1979
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

40 Set To Kill Set To Kill
Published by Stafford Pemberton Publishing

Copyright: 1978

2nd of 2 graphic stories in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1979
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

41 The Bionic Man Volume One: Some Assembly Required The Bionic Man Volume One: Some Assembly Required
Published by Dynamite
Contributors: Simon Bowland (letters), Kevin Smith (writer), Jonathan Lau (artist), Ivan Nunes (colors), Phil Hester (writer), Paul Renaud (covers)
Copyright: 2012

A Trade Paperback that collects issues #1-#10 of The Bionic Man comic series. Steve Austin is back and Kevin Smith unleashes a new high-octane version of the Bionic Man for the 21st century as only he can. It's an innovative take on a classic character that gives Austin a whole new set of powers and abilities. A maniacal enemy built from deadly technology will collapse entire nations if not stopped by Austin. Also reunites him with Jaime Sommers.
Each of the 10 issues was a Chapter in the story as follows;
Chapter One: Flight Of The Daedalus (Issue #1)
Chapter Two: A Man, Barely Alive (Issue #2)
Chapter Three: We Can Rebuild Him (Issue #3)
Chapter Four: Transformation (Issue #4)
Chapter Five: Masquerade Ball (Issue #5)
Chapter Six: Fight Night (Issue #6)
Chapter Seven: Body & Soul (Issue #7)
Chapter Eight: War Machines (Issue #8)
Chapter Nine: Ground Zero (Issue #9)
Chapter Ten: Heavy Metal (Issue #10)

42 The Bionic Man Volume Two: Bigfoot! The Bionic Man Volume Two: Bigfoot!
Published by Dynamite
Contributors: Aaron Gillespie (writer), Phil Hester (writer), Ed Tadeo (artist)
Copyright: 2012

A Trade Paperback that collects issues #11-#16 of The Bionic Man comic book series with 2 Comic Stories inside. They are as follows;
1. The Back Forty (Issues #11-#15) - The hero Steve Austin (The Six Million Dollar Man) ends up tracking the legendary Bigfoot who happens to be his strangest adversary yet. It's a primal instinctive creature with mechanical parts. In a foreign territory he must unravel the deadly conspiracy of the creature and find out if there are more.
2. Collaterally Damaged (Issue #16) - Austin reunites with Sommers only to discover that he may be responsible for her transformation that turned her into The Bionic Woman.

43 The Bionic Man Volume Three: End of Everything The Bionic Man Volume Three: End of Everything
Published by Dynamite
Contributors: Rey Villegas (artist), Aaron Gillespie (writer)
Copyright: 2013

A Trade Paperback that collects issues #17-#26 of The Bionic Man comic book series with 2 Comic Stories inside.
1. Desert Deathtrap (Issues #17-#20)
Steve Austin (an iconic character and hero from television) is back in action. He goes up against a mad dictator hell bent on squashing rebels even if he has to destroy his own country and kill millions of innocent people. Austin (The Bionic Man) must stop this nuclear possibility.
2. Dangerous Minds (Issues #21-#26)
Steve and Jaime (The Bionic Duo) together again go up against rogue OSI agents. Just who are the ones that want an end to the OSI, Austin and others?

44 The Bionic Man Annual #1 The Bionic Man Annual #1
Published by Dynamite
Contributors: Scott Beatty (writer), Dietrich Smith (artist), Mike Mayhew (cover artist)
Copyright: 2013

Comic also known as issues #27 in the series with 1 graphic adventure as follows;
1. Venus Death Probe - The Chinese spacecraft meant for the planet Venus crashes somewhere north of Alaska. The US and China want the high tech secret it holds. Steve Austin (The Bionic Man) is sent to track it down. But can he beat a machine determined to complete its mission no matter where it has landed.

45 The Bionic Man vs. The Bionic Woman The Bionic Man vs. The Bionic Woman
Published by Dynamite
Contributors: Keith Champagne (writer), Jose Luis (artist)
Copyright: 2013

Trade Paperback containing the 5-issue release: Steve Austin and Jaime Sommers are together again and at each others throats. Because of their own tactics in solving a case and a tragic past they end up against one another in a fight of bionic strength.

46 The Six Million Dollar Man - Season Six The Six Million Dollar Man - Season Six
Published by Dynamite
Contributors: Jim Kuhoric (writer), Juan Antonio Ramirez (artist), Fran Gamboa (colors), Joshua Cozine (letters), Alex Ross (cover), Ken Haeser (variant cover)
Copyright: 2014

This trade paperback comprising the 6-issue mini-series takes the approach it is the 6th season of the television program, one which will include the Bionic Woman as a costar.
Part 1: NASA had sent a probe to map the surface of Venus but as it approached our sister planet, it was engulfed in a radiation cloud that had oddly veered to intercept it. All communication was lost. Now it has somehow returned to Earth without warning or explanation and splashed down off the coast of Florida. Steve Austin and a team of scientists head there to investigate.
At the same time, a rival of Oscar Goldman has an android project underway that he feels should replace the bionics one and has convinced SecDef to shut off funding for all other programs but his. His new android looks exactly like Steve Austin.
Part 2: As the conspiracy to close the bionics program at the OSI continues, NASA scientists examine closely the returned Venus probe and one discovers to her detriment an alien creature contained therein. Steve Austin is sent to the Soviet Union to break into a research facility to learn about a new robotic tank being built there. And Oliver Spencer sends his Maskatron android out to bring in former bionics recipient Barney Hiller, the $7 million dollar man.
Part 3: Steve Austin learns that a traitor in the OSI has tipped the Soviets to his mission so they are ready and capture him, making him fight the new tank to test it out. The alien virus from the Venus probe is growing and endangering all of NASA. The Maskatron android has gone all the rails and is interpreting its programmed mission its own way as its artificial intelligence grows. Jaime Sommers, the Bionic Woman, drops in to lend her bionic abilities.
Part 4: Oliver Spencer discovers the hard way he has no control over the AI of his Maskatron android and that faceless construct is ready and wanting to take on both Steve Austin and Jaime Sommers. The alien virus is growing much faster and killing as it goes, not to mention taking a humanoid female form to better travel.
Part 5: As Maskatron proves successful in taking on both the bionic agents of the OSI, Oliver Spencer orders the activation of several other androids in various stages of readiness but Maskatron escapes. The alien humanoid form has a small cadre of alien helpers now as Jaime Sommers takes on the mission to bring an end to the problem.
Part 6: Together Sommers and Austin take on the alien queen inhabiting the human scientist's body. Spencer tries to connect cybernetically with Maskatron and it works and then doesn't work. The Soviet general in charge of the tank project ruined by Austin has a radical idea for getting revenge. All storylines end but with some interesting epilogs showing what next season may hold.

47 The Six Million Dollar Man: Fall of Man The Six Million Dollar Man: Fall of Man
Published by Dynamite
Contributors: Van Jensen (writer), Ron Salas (artist), Mike Atiyeh (colors), Taylor Esposito (letters), Ron Salas (cover), David Ryan Robinson (cover)
Copyright: 2016

A Trade Paperback combining the 5-issue adventure
"The year is 1979. Iran has seized American hostages. Columbian drug cartels run rampant. And Le Chic’s “Freak Out” dominates the charts. Amid this deeply troubled world, Steve Austin — everyone’s favorite Six Million Dollar Man — is America’s best hope in its fight against innumerable enemies. When Steve discovers disturbing secrets in OSI’s past, he uses his cybernetic upgrades to rebel against the agency… but he’ll face plenty of threats, like an enemy cyborg, and lasers, and ninjas!"

48 G.I. Joe vs The Six Million Dollar Man G.I. Joe vs The Six Million Dollar Man
Published by Dynamite
Contributors: Ryan Ferrier (writer), SL Gallant (artist), Brian Shearer (inks), James Brown (colors), Robbie Robbins (letters)
Copyright: 2018

A Trade Paperback combining the 4-issue adventure
"The greatest American heroes go face-to-face with the most dangerous living weapon... Steve Austin! Hacked by COBRA, the Six Million Dollar Man has the G.I. JOEs in his bionic targets as the fate of world peace hangs by a thread and Cobra Commander holds the world's infrastructure in his venomous clutches!"


Number of Entries:10
First Appearance:1974
Last Appearance:1978

1 The Six Billion Dollar Man The Six Billion Dollar Man
Published by Major Publications

Copyright: 1974

From Cracked Magazine #120, October 1974, with 6 black & white pages.
A hilarious mission with TV's Bucket of Bolts! Stebe Awkward was an astronaut that had to have an operation that cost the U.S. Government a huge bill. So, Stebe became an agent and his first mission was to get a submarine back that is in the Andes Mountains and Oskie a vanilla cone. Yet when he returns with the sub he discovers that he's been recalled.
Click here to read the story.

2 The Six Million Dollars, Man! The Six Million Dollars, Man!
Published by EC
Contributors: Lou Silverstone (writer), Angelo Torres (artist)
Copyright: 1975

Printed in MAD Magazine #172, January 1975, and from "The Sum of the Parts Dept." Reprinted in the summer of 1979 in the Mad Super Special #27. Also reprinted in MAD Super Special #27 (Summer 1979) and MAD Super Special #34 (Spring 1981).
A parody of the TV series with a bionic man. Starring Lee Majors as Steel Awesome, Richard Anderson as Roscoe Brassman and Martin Balsam as Doctor Balsawood. Astronaut Steel Awesome is injured and given bionic parts, then must rescue the doctor who saved his life from the Soviets. He also meets "The Ten Million Ruble Woman" who falls in love with a Pepsi Magazine. After he returns with the doctor he is then put into a Government Surplus Sale for only $6.98 (as is).
Click here to read the story.

3 The Far-Out Four The Far-Out Four
Published by Major Publications

Copyright: 1975

From Cracked Magazine #123, March 1975, with 5 black & white pages.
President Ford needs help so he uses four guys that he calls Super Heroes. They are Lee Majors as The Six Billion Dollar Man, Henry Kissinger as Super K, Tom Laughlin as Silly Jack and David Carradine as Kung Phooey. So is born Ford's new group of heroes called 'The Far-Out Four' and their mission is to help the U.S. economy. Eggs at 9 cent a dozen and a gallon of gas as well. That would be great, for sure. But it looks like Hubert Humphrey has his own Super Heroes. They are Bobby Fischer as Super Chessman, Dean Martin as Super Guzzler, Hank Aaron as Super Slugger, Mark Spitz as Super Swimmer and Billy Joe King as Super Net Star.
Click here to read the story.

4 The Real Origin Of The Six Million Dollar Man The Real Origin Of The Six Million Dollar Man
Published by Scholastic
Contributors: Bob Taylor (writer), Bob Stine (artist)
Copyright: 1976

Printed in Bananas Magazine #4
A parody of The Six Million Dollar Man. The story is of the creation of a Bionic Man, but he is named Steve Houston. Issue also includes an article called Lee Majors: The Best Superhero Money Can Buy!
Click here to read the story.

5 The Bionic Lady Blows A Fuse!! The Bionic Lady Blows A Fuse!!
Published by Major Publications

Copyright: 1976

From Cracked Magazine #135, September, 1976, with 6 black & white pages.
Gamie Summers (The Bionic Woman) loved Stebe Auston (Bionic Man) but she had some accidents and became The Bionic Lady. Will she need Stebe to help her save Mr. Pringle?
Note: Also includes the poster of the Bionic Duo with Sylvester.
Click here to read the story.

6 Six Million Dollar Man Meets Bionic Woman Six Million Dollar Man Meets Bionic Woman
Published by IPC Magazines

Copyright: 1976

From Krazy Comic #1, October 16, 1976, with 1 black & white page.
A KRAZY look at TV No. 1 - Steve Austin and Jaime Sommers greet each other by saying "hi" and shaking hands, bionically. They then fall apart to the ground.
Click here to read the story.

7 The Billion Dollar Bionic, Invisible Stewpot The Billion Dollar Bionic, Invisible Stewpot
Published by IPC Magazines

Copyright: 1976

From Look-In Book's Stewpot Fun Book, 1977.
Cashing in on popular British DJ Ed 'Stewpot' Stewart's popularity, this is a send-off of him being somehow connected with The Six Million Dollar Man.
Click here to read the story.

8 Bionic Man Or Superhero Bionic Man Or Superhero
Published by IPC Magazines

Copyright: 1977

From Krazy Comic #27, April 16,1977, and the series Micky Mimic - He Can Impersonate Anybody! with 1.5 black & white pages.
Micky wants to be a part of the Tug O'War Team but the other boys don't want him. So he poses as Steve Austin (Lee Majors) and also an American comic book Superhero.
Click here to read the story.

9 The Fort Knox No! No! The Fort Knox No! No!
Published by Charlton Comics

Copyright: 1977

From Sick #117, October 1977, - 7 pages
Steve Offten was a good many things, but a pilot wasn't one of them. So, after his crash Oscar Goldboy and the O.S.I. made him better they thought. He failed at saving Washington from a bomb, yet was repaired and give the mission to save Fort Knot from a gold heist, but he ends up wrecking the place while do it and costing everyone almost hundred eighteen million. Then of course there is also Washington gone. Talk about bad odds and luck!
Click here to read the story.

10 If Frankenstein's Monster Did Guest Appearances On T.V. If Frankenstein's Monster Did Guest Appearances On T.V.
Published by Major Publications
Contributors: Howard Nostrand (artist)
Copyright: 1978

From Cracked Magazine #151, July 1978, with 6 black & white pages.
Only listed because of the 2nd parody story. Let's take a look at what 5 TV Series would be like if the Frankenstein Monster were a guest star on them. They are listed with the Parody Titles followed by the Real Series Titles in Parentheses ( ), then the plots of each as follows;
1. The Walled-Ins (The Waltons) - Franken Boy is thought weird & strange by John and Lully, plus Grandpa is ticked at him for eating the chickens. So he become the family scarecrow.
2. The Six Billion Dollar Man (The Six Million Dollar Man) - Oskie introduces Stebe Austin to Mr. Stein (aka The Original Six Hundred Dollar Man). He happens to be Stebe's father.
3. Laverne And Shirley (Laverne & Shirley) - Shirley has a new boyfriend and it's the Frankenstein Monster, but she wont get mugged now.
4. Good Tymes (Good Times) - Mykel is saved by his new friend Frank from bullies. J.J. thinks it "Dynomite! Then Frank ends up staying because he likes Delma's cooking.
5. Happy Daze (Happy Days) - The Monster join the frat of Richie and Potsie. The Fonz says he's a wimp, nerd and clod. Then Fonzie meets him and makes him Cool.
Click here to read the story.


Number of Games:14
First Appearance:1974
Last Appearance:2013

1 The Six Million Dollar Man: Chained To The Tracks The Six Million Dollar Man: Chained To The Tracks
Game Type: Jigsaw Puzzle
Published by: Casse-Tete
Copyright: 1974

A 200 piece jigsaw puzzle that measures 11 x 17 inches when complete. Persons unseen have chained Steve Austin to the tracks in a subway or railway tunnel not knowing of his true bionic strength and power. After they leave he starts to brake these very chains. The likeness of Lee Majors as Steve Austin is clearly used for the puzzle.

2 The Six Million Dollar Man The Six Million Dollar Man
Game Type: Board Game
Published by: Parker Brothers
Copyright: 1975

A game for up to 4 players based on the popular TV series. Each player has to prove being the real Six Million Dollar Man. The Spinner (Computer) read out a player's moves giving them the power to take the assigned mission. Power Cards can be used to make moves as well. Each assignment makes one stronger. The stronger that player becomes, the faster they move around the board. The player that is the strongest that makes it back to the Bionic Research Lab is the winner. Game includes board, spinner, power cards and playing pieces.

3 Prison Cell Break Prison Cell Break
Game Type: Jigsaw Puzzle
Published by: American Publishing Corp.
Copyright: 1975

1st in a series of 3 puzzles that came in it's own cylinder cardboard canister with a photo of Lee Major on it. It has 200 pieces and most likely measure 11 x 17 inches when completed. Depicts Steve Austin breaking out of a prison cell by going through the brick wall and knocking over the guards standing near by.

4 Radioactive Barrel Attack Radioactive Barrel Attack
Game Type: Jigsaw Puzzle
Published by: American Publishing Corp.
Copyright: 1975

2nd in a series of 3 puzzles with a photo of Lee Majors that came in it's own cardboard cylinder canister. Most likely it measured 11 x 17 inches like the 1st and has 200 pieces. Depicts are hero Steve Austin lifting a barrel of dangers chemicals in what appears to be a plant of some kind and hitting some men with it.

5 Salvation By Bionic Salvation By Bionic
Game Type: Jigsaw Puzzle
Published by: American Publishing Corp.
Copyright: 1975

3rd in a series of 3 puzzles to feature a picture of Lee Majors that came in it's own cardboard canister of cylinder shape. Measuring 11 x 17 inches most likely when put together and has 200 pieces like the other two. Depicts woman in possible danger of being crushed by a car and Steve Austin lifting it to save her using both of his arms bionically.

6 The Six Million Dollar Man: Bionic Crisis The Six Million Dollar Man: Bionic Crisis
Game Type: Board Game
Published by: Parker Brothers
Copyright: 1975

A game for ages 8 to 14 and up to 4 players. It is a game kind of like Battleship and based on the TV show that was popular at the time. Players raced to complete Steve Austins's bionic circuits. First player to complete a circuit is the winner. Includes 4 Circuit Boards (boxes), 4 Console Cards, 24 Bionic Circuit Cards, 48 Number Cards, plus Red Pegs for correct sand Yellow Pegs for incorrect guesses.

7 Six Million Dollar Man - Large Piece Puzzles Six Million Dollar Man - Large Piece Puzzles
Game Type: Jigsaw Puzzle
Published by: Whitman Publishing
Copyright: 1976

A series of 4 large jigsaw puzzles that each have 224 pieces and measure 18.5 X 13 inches (47cm X 33cm) after completed. All images are in animated form. They are as follows:
1. Austin Destroys Car - Depicts Steve Austin (Lee Majors) kicking a car that ruins its front passenger side causing it to wreck.
2. Bionics vs. Helicopter - Depicts Steve Austin in a battle with a helicopter.
3. Escaping The Enemy - Depicts Steve Austin leaping over a fence to escape the military police of the enemy.
4. Fighting A Great White - Depicts Steve Austin confronting a Great White Shark to help save drivers, but some are already hurt.

8 Steve Austin Bionic Fun Steve Austin Bionic Fun
Game Type: Series of Games
Published by: Stafford Pemberton Publishing
Copyright: 1976

A 3 Games Series found in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1977 as follows:
1. Bionic Eye - Guess The Pictures
2. Bionic Bound - Board Game
3. Code Wheel - Code Maker & Decoder

9 The Six Million Dollar Man: Adventure Montage The Six Million Dollar Man: Adventure Montage
Game Type: Jigsaw Puzzle
Published by: Whitman Publishing
Copyright: 1976

A large 300 piece jigsaw puzzle that when completed measures 55.5cm x 42cm (about 21.75 x 16.5 inches) and depicts many adventure scenes in an animated form. All of them are of Lee Majors as Steve Austin. He is shown running, jumping, flying a jet, getting out of a jet, fighting another man, going into space aboard a rocket, space walking in front of the Moon, possibly landing on the Moon in a lunar lander, in a helicopter moving away from an explosion, holding a rifle and there is also a portrait type image. Looks like he was quite the Adventurer.

10 Bionic Fun Bionic Fun
Game Type: Series of Games
Published by: Stafford Pemberton Publishing
Copyright: 1977

A 3 Games Series found in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1978 as follows:
1. Close Up - Guess The Pictures
2. Bionic Feats Quiz - Board Game
3. Six Million Quiz - Code Maker & Decoder

11 Man Vs. Monster: Battle of Bionics Man Vs. Monster: Battle of Bionics
Game Type: Jigsaw Puzzle
Published by: American Publishing Co.
Copyright: 1977

An Illustrated depiction of Steve Austin (Lee Majors) fighting with Bigfoot (Andre The Giant) that is based on an episode from the TV series.

12 The Six Million Dollar Man (Pinball) The Six Million Dollar Man (Pinball)
Game Type: Pinball Machine
Published by: Bally
Copyright: 1978

Classified as a 6 players Flipper Pinball game with a famous free ball gate, Bionic power scoring that operated on recall ability, 100% electronic circuitry and a built-in testing switch. The winner is the player with the highest score. Depicts the likenesses of Lee Majors as Steve Austin and Richard Anderson as Oscar Goldman in animated form.

13 Steve's Diary Steve's Diary
Game Type: Boardgame
Published by: Stafford Pemberton Publishing
Copyright: 1978

Single game found in The Six Million Dollar Man Annual 1979
A board game.

14 The Six Million Dollar Man: Bionic Spin The Six Million Dollar Man: Bionic Spin
Game Type: Video Slot Machine
Published by: Playtech
Copyright: 2013

A Video Slots Machine that can be played on a number of online Casinos. It's classified as Bionic Free Games with Collective Features! Can a Person win Six Million? It is highly unlikely, but anyone that wishes to try might give it a spin!


Number of Collectibles:9
First Appearance:1974
Last Appearance:2014

1 Six Million Dollar Man Lunchbox Six Million Dollar Man Lunchbox
Item Type: Food Container
Created by: Aladdin
Copyright: 1974

A metal food container (lunchbox) for the popular TV series with illustrated pictures of Steve Austin (Lee Majors), Oscar Goldman (Richard Anderson) and others on it.
The illustrated pictures on all sides are as follows;
Front (Lid Side) - Depicts Steve Austin is an action montage of bending a railroad track, racing a horse, jumping a car and pulling up a tree.
Back - Depicts two guys being knocked down with a log by Steve Austin to save Oscar Goldman from them.
Top (Handle Side) - Depicts Steve Austin being operated on and getting his bionic parts.
Left Side - Depicts Steve and Oscar in his office talking.
Bottom - Depicts Steve Austin as an astronaut on a mission out in space.
Right Side - Depicts Steve lifting up a car with his bionic legs.

2 Six Million Dollar Man Thermos Six Million Dollar Man Thermos
Item Type: Drink Container
Created by: Aladdin
Copyright: 1974

An insulated drinking container (thermos) for all your "Bionic Drinks" that will hold about a quart. It was sold with the lunchbox listed above or by itself in the USA only.
The lid (thermos topper) is black and can be used for a cup. It features illustrated pictures of Steve Austin (Lee Majors) and Oscar Goldman (Richard Anderson) on it.
The illustrations on this drink container (thermos) are as follows;
Front - Is of Steve Austin and Oscar Goldman in a double portrait type picture.
Back - Steve Austin in an action montage of running with a horse, running with a log to jump something and head view of his bionic eye.

3 Bionyx Bionyx
Item Type: Poster
Created by: Mike Hinge
Copyright: 1974

A Poster that measures 23 x 15 inches that was originally published as the center spread (2 pages) of the 10th issue of a magazine called Moviescene. The artist has clearly given his own take on the iconic character. Poster of Lee Majors as the Six Million Dollar Man known as Steve Austin (part man and part machine) who becomes a cyborg after the crash that might have killed him otherwise.

4 Six Million Dollar Man Lunch Set Six Million Dollar Man Lunch Set
Item Type: Food & Drink Containers
Created by: Aladdin
Copyright: 1974

A set of a food container (lunchbox) with a decal and a drink container (thermos) for the "First Bionic Spy" that was sold only in Canada. The details about these 3 objects for this Canadian Version are as follows:
Lunchbox - A blue plastic box to store food in with no images. When first gotten the decal must be put on.
Decal - Same as the metal lunchbox front above but with a small image of the Canadian Flag
Thermos - Same as the thermos listed above but with a blue lid (thermos topper).

5 Six Million Dollar Man Models Six Million Dollar Man Models
Item Type: Model Kit Series
Created by: Fundimensions & Deny Fisher
Copyright: 1975

A series of 4 model kits that snap together without glue that had to be painted. Each has a 2 Strip comic story on the side of its box. Released by Fundimensions in the US and Denny Fisher in the UK.
They are as follows:
1. Bionic Bustout - Depicts Steve Austin in an NASA uniform diving against a prison cell door. In the strip, Austin is a prisoner at a castle and breaks free.
2. Fight For Survival - Depicts Steve Austin about throwing a large gorilla over his head. In the strip, Austin and others crash land in an African jungle. It is up to him to help all survive.
3. Evil Rider - Depicts Steve Austin stopping a renegade motorcyclist bionically. In the strip, Austin must save a little girl from getting killed by a man on a motorcycle.
4. Jaws Of Death - Depicts Steve Austin battling with a large crocodile. In the strip, Austin is sent to Louisiana to catch Mr. Big and must battle a crocodile.

6 Bionic Disco Bionic Disco
Item Type: Poster
Created by: Jack Thurston
Copyright: 1977

An artwork with Steve Austin (Lee Majors) and Jaime Sommers (Lindsay Wagner) in a disco dancing. Also Oscar Goldman (Richard Anderson) is pictured behind them. Remember the days when disco was king and bionics were cool.

7 Six Million Dollar Man - Tin Tote Six Million Dollar Man - Tin Tote
Item Type: Food Container
Created by: Bif Bang Pow!
Copyright: 2012

A food container (lunchbox) to hold a truly "Bionic Lunch" in. Eat like you are Steve Austin (Lee Major), The Six Million Dollar Man! The illustrations on this television-inspired container are as follows;
Front (Lid Side) - Depicts Col. Steve Austin running in his red jogging outfit after his bionic operation and a portrait like image.
Back - Unknown, but believed to be the same as the front.
Sides (Left, Top, Right) - Depicts the images from a heart monitor.
Bottom - Just has the name of the TV series printed on it.

8 Steve Austin - Better. Stronger. Faster. Steve Austin - Better. Stronger. Faster.
Item Type: Animated Poster
Created by: Des Taylor
Copyright: 2012

The artist interpretation of Steve Austin (Lee Major) as a possible animated character. Yes, an animated TV show would have been very cool.

9 Better Stronger Faster Better Stronger Faster
Item Type: Poster
Created by: Unknown
Copyright: 2014

Steve Austin (The Six Million Dollar Man), Jaime Sommers (The Bionic Woman) and Max (The Bionic Dog) were known as the Bionic Trio. Herein they battle with the Death Probe, Fembots, Maskatron, Bigfoot and others.


Number of Items:5
First Appearance:1976
Last Appearance:1976

1 The Bionic Joke Book The Bionic Joke Book
Item Type: Joke Book
Copyright: 1976

A short paperback filled with kid jokes (or Dad jokes) all based around the idea of bionics such as used by the Bionic Man and Bionic Woman (Steve Austin and Jaime Summers).

2 The Six Million Dollar Man Album The Six Million Dollar Man Album
Item Type: Record Album
Copyright: 1976

A long playing vinyl album containing "4 exciting new stories". The stories are:
Birth of the Bionic Man - This is loosely a retelling of the original 1st TV movie when Steve Austin becomes bionic.
The Iron Heart - Steve Austin is sent to the country of Valmaria in Eastern Europe and meets the king who lived after going through an atomic blast.
The Man From The Future - Steve Austin meets his double from the year 2976 who has been sent back to 1976 to save him.
The Future Bionic Berserker - Austin must stop radioactive fallout from endangering an entire city.

3 The Six Million Dollar Man Christmas Adventures Album The Six Million Dollar Man Christmas Adventures Album
Item Type: Record Album
Copyright: 1976

A long playing vinyl album containing "4 exciting Christmas adventures". The stories are:
The 10-cent Maker
The Kris Kringle Caper
Elves Revolt
Christmas Lights

4 The Six Million Dollar Man Volume 2 Album The Six Million Dollar Man Volume 2 Album
Item Type: Record Album
Copyright: 1976

A long playing vinyl album containing an additional 4 "New! Never before heard stories". The stories are:
The Haiti Connection
Operation Deep Freeze
To Win An Oscar
The Loch Ness Syndrome

5 The Six Million Dollar Man Wallet The Six Million Dollar Man Wallet
Item Type: Money Holder
Made by: Universal Studios
Copyright: 1976

Pretend that you are Steve Austin with this special made spy wallet of leather that features the logo design to the popular TV series that shows Lee Majors as the title character. It also closes with a zipper and has a snapped pouch for coins.


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:1976
Last Appearance:2015

1 The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman
Written by Joel H. Cohen
Copyright: 1976

"Here's the inside info on your favorite bionic stats. Loads of super pix too."

2 The Bionic Book The Bionic Book
Written by Herbie J. Pilato
Copyright: 2015

The book is subtitled "The Six Million Dollar Man & The Bionic Woman Reconstructed" with a Foreword by Richard Anderson.
"Before Hiro on Heroes, there was Steve Austin - The Six Million Dollar Man. Before Buffy Summers on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, there was Jaime Sommers - The Bionic Woman. Now, television's classic wonder people of the 1970s are back and stronger than ever in - THE BIONIC BOOK: THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN AND THE BIONIC WOMAN RECONSTRUCTED."


This is a rather interesting series, to say the least. It consists of nine books but four of the books were by the original author and were themselves originals while the other five were by different writers and were novelizations of teleplays from the TV show.

The first book was obviously a total original - a completely unique blending of science fiction and espionage in a way that worked incredibly well.

From there on, the series went downhill.

I was a big fan of the television series but novelizations are never satisfying as they give the body without the soul, so to speak. They'll do only if nothing else is available. Thankfully, the original works of Mr. Caidin were wisely interspersed among the teleplays.

Regarding the grade, had it been rated on the books by Mr. Caidin alone, it would have been a B+ or even an A-. Adding in the novelizations, however, dragged it down.


My Grade: B-


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