bennett_harvey_bk_tcc bennette_harvey_bk_embsiwa bennett_harvey_bk_tpk bennett_harvey_bk_tmm bennett_harvey_bk_taa red_gareth_bk_chasing bennette_harvey_bk_cerberus red_gareth_bk_seeing bennette_harvey_bk_epseven bennett_harvey_bk_tjl bennett_harvey_bk_tic bennette_harvey_bk_betrayal
Full Name: Gareth Red
Nationality: American
Organization: CSO
Occupation Agent

Creator: Nick Thacker
Time Span: 2016 - 2023


Gareth Red is an agent with the CSO.

That sort of private, kind of governmental organization, led by a man known as Mr. E., is described by him as, "I was recently approached by a contingent of representatives from each branch of the United States Armed Forces to discuss the possibility of leading a project they're calling CSO, or 'Civilian Special Operations'." The idea was to put together a team of civilian experts "who possess the knowledge and training to accompany select members of special force units to accomplish missions that are considered taboo by the U.S. government". Further, "these missions are not expected to be militaristic in nature, which is specifically why it was decided men and women from the civilian sector should make up the majority of its membership".

My calling him an agent is also a bit misleading. I put it that way even though Red does not work specifically for anyone on a steady basis. He is definitely closely tied to the CSO but by and large he goes his own way. And that way always heads into trouble. He does not go looking for it but he definitely does not hide.

We first meet Red when he is more commonly called 'Reggie'. That nickname dates from his time in the Army Special Forces with a specialty as a sniper. In the military, it was common to stencil on duffle bags and foot lockers and print on name tags and above breast pockets the soldier's last name and first initial. "Red, G." was easily translated into Reggie and as nicknames go it was innocuous enough to be unoffensive so he kept it. In the adventures that we have of him, we will see 'Reggie' used primarily with Red coming in a distant second; Gareth was rare.

Red is described as being a large well-conditioned man with a "characteristic huge grin". He is in his "mid-forties by the looks of it, but he hadn't lost an ounce of his Army-days physique. Chiseled jawline, hardened brow, and the ability to smile with his mouth, yet keep his eyes cold and calculating."

There are numerous adventures in which Red takes a part as support for Harvey Bennett, former park ranger turned agent with the CSO. Of that organization we are told the idea was to put together a team of civilian experts "who possess the knowledge and training to accompany select members of special force units to accomplish missions that are considered taboo by the U.S. government". Further, "these missions are not expected to be militaristic in nature, which is specifically why it was decided men and women from the civilian sector should make up the majority of its membership".


Number of Books:13
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2023

Note: at the end of the first solo adventure for Gareth Red, Seeing Red, the promoters pose: Want to get to know Gareth Red? And then they point to the first book in the Harvey Bennett series: The Enigma Strain. I have looked several times and can find no reference to him there. I could, of course, be missing it.

1 The Ice Chasm The Ice Chasm
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2016

Book 3 in the Harvey Bennett series.
Now in charge of a team out to take down Draconis Industries, Harvey Bennett must deal with that organization, a frozen wasteland, and an army of Chinese soldiers out to get their hands on the new technology.
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2 The Jefferson Legacy The Jefferson Legacy
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2017

Book 4 in the Harvey Bennett series.
The Civilian Special Operations building is just about done when Harvey Bennett and team are asked to check into a murder and the theft of an artifact. The stolen item did not seem that important but the American Philosophical Society which called them in seems very upset. They also seem to be hiding something.
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3 The Paradise Key The Paradise Key
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2017

Book 5 in the Harvey Bennett series.
OceanTech Paradisum is a top of the line theme park and its opening is a grand event. The CEO is excited and wants to be sure everything goes perfectly, including security. He hires Harvey Bennett's CSO to check things out. Bennett and team find something going on beneath the surface, literally and figuratively.
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4 The Aryan Agenda The Aryan Agenda
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2018

Book 6 in the Harvey Bennett series.
An old friend, Sarah Lindgren, contacts Harvey Bennett and the CSO to ask for help. Her father has been kidnapped and she needs their assistance. Giving it will pit them against neo-Nazis and a revived Aryan call for control.
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5 Seeing Red Seeing Red
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2018

"For Army sniper Gareth Red, hunting is all part of the game...
It's being hunted that's new to him. Red is a top-notch sniper with a haunting past, looking to trade his skills for a hefty payday. It doesn't take long for an offer to find him. But he soon begins to realize: this is no game. Is the paycheck worth the trouble?"
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6 Chasing Red Chasing Red
Written by Nick Thacker, Kevin Ikenberry
Copyright: 2018

"Gareth Red is in hiding... ...But he's been found. His new life in San Juan has been a laid-back, relaxing experience, full of surfing and sunlight. But someone wants him to answer for what he did in the past."
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7 The Cain Conspiracy The Cain Conspiracy
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2019

Book 8 in the Harvey Bennett series.
"Harvey Bennett and the CSO have a powerful enemy in Vincente Garza and his Ravenshadow. It is not a good thing Garza is still loose. Now in Peru whole villages are disappearing and Bennett is certain Garza is involved."
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8 The Minoan Conspiracy The Minoan Conspiracy
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2020

Book 10 in the Harvey Bennett series.
"Something puzzling is happening on the continent of Antarctica and Dr. Sarah Lindgren is the person leading the US investigation. She asks for the help of her boy friend, Gareth Red and soon they and Harvey Bennett are in the deep south frozen waste."
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9 The Embers of Siwa The Embers of Siwa
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2021

Book 12 in the Harvey Bennett series.
"The discovery of the Tomb of Alexander the Great was not what was expected; there was no body inside but there was something a whole lot more frightening - and deadly."
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10 The Epsilon Event The Epsilon Event
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2022

Book 13 in the Harvey Bennett series.
"Harvey Bennett was reeling for the loss in his life but life was about to throw him yet another problem. A plane crashes on his farm carrying with a secret from Russia, something some in that nation would kill to keep quiet. And complicating things even more is the arrival of his brother, someone he has not spoken with in years and someone who needs his help."
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11 The Cerberus Protocol The Cerberus Protocol
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2023

Book 14 in the Harvey Bennett series.
"When Harvey Bennett and his elite CSO team are sent to Russia to investigate a top-secret research facility, they have no idea what they're about to encounter. What they find is a chilling discovery that could change the world...
As Harvey and his team race to uncover the truth behind The Cerberus Protocol, they soon realize that they are not the only ones interested finding out what's inside the station."
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12 The Russian Betrayal The Russian Betrayal
Written by Nick Thacker
Copyright: 2023

Book 15 in the Harvey Bennett series.
"Deep in the icy terrains of the Russian Arctic, a new mystery unfolds. A research facility barely a speck on the map hides secrets that could tip the balance of global power. When a distress call reaches Harvey Bennett's team, they are plunged headfirst into a world of intrigue, betrayal, and life-threatening danger. Zachary Bennett draws Harvey and his team into the seedy backstreets of Moscow, hoping to find answers as to who has stolen his research."
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I enjoyed reading the author's earlier series about Harvey Bennett and I appreciated the way that he molded Bennett through that character's life experiences. I was certain I would like this newer series as well and I was correct. Gareth Red is quite a bit different from Bennett and he has a whole lot different set of nasty things heading his way but author Nick Thacker allows Red to handle them in intelligent and very enjoyable (to us readers) ways.

It has been a while since the last book dedicated to Red was released so perhaps the author had his say and has moved on. Or perhaps Red will again pop in Bennett's stories.


My Grade: B


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