Max Roth is a spymaster for the ISB.
That acronym stands for the Israeli Security Branch. Inside that country's governmental offices, of course, the 'I' was often omitted as redundant; the vital work done by this organization on behalf of the small nation was never taken as such. While other departments in the intelligence community were responsible for gathering info on a wide range of matters, the ISB is dedicated to fighting terrorist in general and the notorious Black September in specifics.
Roth is described as "short and stout, with pudgy fingers and legs that seemed to begin at the knees. Those who observed his ungainly gait, a sort of tortuous running, had long ago coined the phrase: 'Max can't walk, he dances'. Roth's face was "suffused with a permanent flush, which extended from his shining bald pate over a piggish nose, near feminine mouth, and almost hairless chin, down to his wide sagging neck". Toss in deep blue eyes which seem even larger when looking through round, metal-framed glasses with thick bifocal lenses, making his friends sometimes wonder how someone with such apparent bad eyesight could see so well as there was little that Roth did not observe; "he seemed to see, to notice everything".
Working closely with Roth and playing just as important a role in the activities of the department they both served is Colonel David Boran, a veteran of thirty years of military service, the first five of which was in the British Army before Israel got its independence. Boran was still officially part of the Army but there was no doubt he was firmly and comfortably at home with the ISB.
While there are a fair number of agents employed by and working for Roth in the ISB, two in particular appear in most of the recorded adventures: Izhak and Heidi [last named not known to me], a husband and wife team who work quite well together but who are extremely deadly and efficient when on their own, especially Heidi who is fearless as she routinely uses her German background as a guise to infiltrate groups in both Europe and the Middle East.