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Full Name: Tara Wolfe
Codename: Wei Mei
Nationality: British
Organization: None
Occupation Freelance Agent

Creator: Andy Maslen
Time Span: 2018 - 2022


Tara Wolfe is a freelance agent.

That is the best description I can come up with for what she does, at least what she is doing at the time we find a recorded adventure about her alone. We meet her first as a fascinating participant in the adventures of a part-time MI5 agent and for a time we have to wonder

just how bad of a person she is going to turn out to be because our introduction to her takes place as she dispatches a man swiftly and certainly with a sword. That sort of thing has a way of catching your attention.

But to be accurate, the person who took care of the Columbian drug kingpin was not named Wolfe at the time but Wei Mei. Mei is a Chinese woman, young, very attractive with a small slender figure, "almost boyish", but she confidently and efficiently approached the victim and ended his life without compunction or remorse and then called her boss in the triad for whom she worked to report completion of her task. Orderly, calm, efficient, deadly, those are very accurate words for Wei Mei.

It will be some time before we learn that this oriental instrument of death did not always go by the name she uses when we meet. She was born Tara Wolfe and it will be in the adventures of Gabriel Wolfe that we learn that as a tiny baby she was kidnapped from their home in Hong Kong. The British, including dad, refused to pay the ransom and the girl was never recovered. Exit tiny Tara and enter Mei.

She was raised in mainland China by 'Mummy Rita" until bandits attacked the village and she barely escaped, fleeing to the huge city of Shenzen and a life on the streets. An incident where she had to defend herself against three spoiled rich kids is witnessed by a 'recruiter' and she is whisked away by the Communist Party who saw great potential. 

It will be many years of working as an assassin for first the Communists and later a triad before she would learn that Wei Mei was originally Tara Wolfe and with the new knowledge, yet another life change.


Number of Books:6
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2022

1 Torpedo Torpedo
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2018

Book 8 in the Gabriel Wolfe series.
Looking for his long-lost sister will get Gabriel Wolfe in the middle of a very nasty war between a powerful drug cartel, a Chinese triad - and the very dangerous Wei Mei -  and the Russian mafiya. It will also get him teamed up with a "badass" former Mossad agent as deadly as she is lovely.
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2 Three Kingdoms Three Kingdoms
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2019

Book 9 in the Gabriel Wolfe series.
A renegade Chinese Colonel in the western part of China is committing genocide in his region, wiping out the natives there. The Communist Party wants him stopped but to do so itself would have too many political ramifications. One of the leaders turns to the leader of a triad for help and that man, an old acquaintance of Gabriel Wolfe, knows just the man to do the job.
Note: this contains the first mention of Tara Wolfe and how she became the assassin Wei Mei.
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3 Ivory Nation Ivory Nation
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2020

Book 10 in the Gabriel Wolfe series.
In was investigating shots fired at a royal wedding at Windsor that got Gabriel Wolfe and team on a trail that will take them to Botswana and a would-be new nation leading white supremacist who is using ivory poaching to finance his efforts to create his own country. The journey will not end there, though, as it also points to southeast Asia.
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4 Crooked Shadow Crooked Shadow
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2021

Book 11 in the Gabriel Wolfe series.
On suspension after a car crash nearly killed a man, Gabriel Wolfe is on his own when he takes on the corrupt cop who caused the deaths of his brother and his parents.
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5 Brass Vows Brass Vows
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2022

Book 12 in the Gabriel Wolfe series.

Gabriel and Eli try to enjoy their wedding blessing in the Judaean Hills overlooking the ancient holy city of Jersualem. But once more, an unseen assassin lurks in the shadows, this time armed with a rifle.
A shot rings out. Guests panic. Bodyguards and Mossad agents return fire, but it’s too late. Someone close to Gabriel lies wounded, leaking blood into the dust.
A race against time as Gabriel finds himself in the crosshairs of his most dangerous opponent yet 
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6 Purity Kills Purity Kills
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2022

Describes in great detail how Tara Wolfe was kidnapped as a baby in a botched operation and how she was raised in the Chinese mainland, learned to survive in the streets of Shenzhen, is recruited by the Communist Party to be an assassin, and eventually gets herself free.
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I really enjoyed the Gabriel Wolfe tales and especially liked the super-dangerous Wei Mei. When the author decided to 'convert' her into Tara Wolfe, I was skeptical but then decided what the heck and went with it. Good move on my part because Wei Mei is cool but Tara Wolfe, now knowing she is of two worlds, is way cool. 

I really hope the author will continue to give us Tara Wolfe adventures. I love the character and can think of lots of great ways to take her, with or without further input from her brother, Gabriel. They are fun together, I'll grant you, but she is even better on her own.


My Grade: A-


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