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Full Name: Gabriel Wolfe
Nationality: British
Organization: MI5
Occupation Agent

Creator: Andy Maslen
Time Span: 2015 - 2024


Gabriel Wolfe is an agent with MI-5.

Well, sometimes. Sometimes not and from the sound of things, he would rather it be the latter but, as we will discover in the recorded adventures we have, he usually does not have the big of a say in the matter.

When we first meet him, it is in a brief glimpse back to his training to get into Britain's highly elite SAS, an act he is not only successful in but good enough to later become part of an even more elite sub-group in that organization known officially as 19 Group and unofficially as The Black Dogs. As the saying goes for most special forces, it was "the best of the best of the best" but in this instance, one more best could be added.

We also learn in those very early pages that though he was born in Surrey in 1980, making him around 35 when we get introduced, he was raised in Hong Kong with his parents, Wolfe being one quarter Chinese. Wolfe was not a model student growing up, getting into fights constantly and being kicked out of a half dozen schools for lack of discipline and considerable disrespect. That is when his parents, at the end of their rope, handed his education of a family friend who was also a master at the martial arts. For the next seven years he was tutored in "karate, meditation and hypnosis" and what Master Zhao called "the Way of Stealth". When he finished his training, most expected he would go on to college and then the diplomatic service like his father but he instead chose the military.

The adventures of Wolfe take place after ten years of being in the SAS and finally returning to civilian life. He will not go looking for them, thinking to himself he wanted peace and quiet and a 'normal' life. He doesn't get it.


Number of Books:14
First Appearance:2015
Last Appearance:2024

1 Trigger Point Trigger Point
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2015

Sir Toby was an ultra-nationalist running for MP. He needed a revolution to get him elected and he hires Gabriel as a spokesman/enforcer. Wolfe would not have been interested except he wanted to know what the man was really up to. So was MI-5.
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2 Blind Impact Blind Impact
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2016

A top secret experiment involving performance-enhancing drugs given to British fighter pilots to give them supremacy in the air is being sabotaged, as Wolfe learns. While he is looking into who is doing it, he is also interested in two British women kidnapped by Chechen separatists. The two events seem connected.
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3 Condor Condor
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2016

When a young girl turns into a suicide bomber on a London bus, Gabriel Wolfe wants a piece of the man who talked her into it. That man is a psychopathic cult leader who has a host of devoted followers. Going up against him will also put Wolfe up against a Colombian cartel leader and end up with Wolfe being brainwashed and given his own explosives belt.
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4 First Casualty First Casualty
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2016

Gabriel Wolfe went to Mozambique to find what happened to his former army buddy "Smudge" Smith. What he finds is a bloody war with the locals and with outsiders wanting a piece of the land up for grabs and the diamonds lying in it.
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5 Fury Fury
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2017

Having your best friend murdered is horrible for anyone. To find yourself the chief suspect is worse and made even more so by the fact that the woman behind it is rich, powerful, untouchable and seething with an intense hatred for Gabriel Wolfe. One other problem for Wolfe is he does not know her or why she wants him and all he cares about dead.
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6 Rattlesnake Rattlesnake
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2018

The five-word text message that Gabriel Wolfe receives bring him out of the shell he had crawled into. It also sends him to Texas to find out why his army sniper buddy was found dead in the desert there. And it puts him up against a CIA team testing a biological weapon on Cambodian orphans.
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7 No Further No Further
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2018

Gabriel Wolfe might have laughed at his latest adventure if it were not so unfunny. Kill an Iranian nuclear scientist inside Iran. Keep out of the way of a mercenary band out to kill him. Discover who the mole is inside British Intelligence. Wolfe was not laughing.
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8 Torpedo Torpedo
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2018

Looking for his long-lost sister will get Gabriel Wolfe in the middle of a very nasty war between a powerful drug cartel, a Chinese triad, and the Russian Mafiya. It will also get him teamed up with a "badass" former Mossad agent as deadly as she is lovely.
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9 Three Kingdoms Three Kingdoms
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2019

A renegade Chinese Colonel in the western part of China is committing genocide in his region, wiping out the natives there. The Communist Party wants him stopped but to do so itself would have too many political ramifications. One of the leaders turns to the leader of a triad for help and that man, an old acquaintance of Gabriel Wolfe, knows just the man to do the job.
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10 Ivory Nation Ivory Nation
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2020

In was investigating shots fired at a royal wedding at Windsor that got Gabriel Wolfe and team on a trail that will take them to Botswana and a would-be new nation leading white supremacist who is using ivory poaching to finance his efforts to create his own country. The journey will not end there, though, as it also points to southeast Asia.
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11 Crooked Shadow Crooked Shadow
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2021

On suspension after a car crash nearly killed a man, Gabriel Wolfe is on his own when he takes on the corrupt cop who caused the deaths of his brother and his parents.
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12 Brass Vows Brass Vows
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2022

Gabriel and Eli try to enjoy their wedding blessing in the Judaean Hills overlooking the ancient holy city of Jersualem. But once more, an unseen assassin lurks in the shadows, this time armed with a rifle.
A shot rings out. Guests panic. Bodyguards and Mossad agents return fire, but it’s too late. Someone close to Gabriel lies wounded, leaking blood into the dust.
A race against time as Gabriel finds himself in the crosshairs of his most dangerous opponent yet 
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13 Seven Seconds Seven Seconds
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2023

"A ferocious, bloody firefight on a remote Scottish island scorched Gabriel Wolfe’s soul to cinders. It left him a broken man, consumed by rage against his unseen enemies. Now he holds two lives in his hands. His own. And that of the woman who betrayed everything he ever held dear. Everything he ever believed in. Everything he ever loved.
Vengeance used to mean something to him. But now he sees it is a hollow trophy. He wants Margot McDonnell to pay the ultimate price for her crimes. But deep down, in the dark, screaming places he struggles to avoid in his nightmares, he knows it will do no good. What’s done is done. What’s past is past. And what is lost. Is lost."
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14 Peacemaker Peacemaker
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2024

"Far from his old life as an off-books government assassin, Gabriel Wolfe tends his farm. Until one night, armed men arrive in SUVs and attack without mercy. They have reckoned without Wolfe’s unique mix of skills, honed in his years in British Special Forces and as a member of The Department. Wolfe knows the attack can’t be an isolated incident. A lawyer has been offering his neighbours immense sums of money to sell up and move inland, away from the coast. He follows the only survivor of the death squad to his employer. A shady fixer in San Pedro Sula, Honduras’ second, and most violent, city."
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Number of Stories:2
First Appearance:2015
Last Appearance:2018

1 Reversal of Fortune Reversal of Fortune
short story
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2015

Gabriel Wolfe was walking a friend's dog when he comes upon a woman crying in her car. A very successful bond trader has been harrassing her in a very dangerous manner involving his SUV. Wolfe decides he does not like that.
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2 Minefield Minefield
Written by Andy Maslen
Copyright: 2018

Gabriel Wolfe and his friend, Eli, are in Cambodia where Eli is to take out a former Khmer Rouge warlord. When they run into trouble, she is captured and is soon to be executed unless Wolfe can locate her very quickly.
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This is a fun, interesting series about a quite capable 35-years old former SAS operative turned turned corporate negotiator turned, well, several different things often involving MI-5 though not usually willingly on that part. Wolfe gets around a lot and gets a lot of different people quite upset with him but not those of us reading about him. We are the lucky one because the sort of trouble he always finds himself in are filled with knives and bullets and bombs and he must contend with all that while we get to stay safe and just enjoy the excellent writing the author gives us.


My Grade: A-

Your Average Grade:   C-


C- 2021-01-01

I would''ve ranked this higher, but this reads too much like Anglo-liberal propaganda. The villains are always the usual suspects (right-wingers, nationalists, Russians, Muslims), and the good guys are always good liberals (and Mossad agents). Much like the Gabriel Allon novels, it’s part slick spy fiction, part propaganda.

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