Gabriel Wolfe is an agent with MI-5.
Well, sometimes. Sometimes not and from the sound of things, he would rather it be the latter but, as we will discover in the recorded adventures we have, he usually does not have the big of a say in the matter.
When we first meet him, it is in a brief glimpse back to his training to get into Britain's highly elite SAS, an act he is not only successful in but good enough to later become part of an even more elite sub-group in that organization known officially as 19 Group and unofficially as The Black Dogs. As the saying goes for most special forces, it was "the best of the best of the best" but in this instance, one more best could be added.
We also learn in those very early pages that though he was born in Surrey in 1980, making him around 35 when we get introduced, he was raised in Hong Kong with his parents, Wolfe being one quarter Chinese. Wolfe was not a model student growing up, getting into fights constantly and being kicked out of a half dozen schools for lack of discipline and considerable disrespect. That is when his parents, at the end of their rope, handed his education of a family friend who was also a master at the martial arts. For the next seven years he was tutored in "karate, meditation and hypnosis" and what Master Zhao called "the Way of Stealth". When he finished his training, most expected he would go on to college and then the diplomatic service like his father but he instead chose the military.
The adventures of Wolfe take place after ten years of being in the SAS and finally returning to civilian life. He will not go looking for them, thinking to himself he wanted peace and quiet and a 'normal' life. He doesn't get it.