
Writing as: Andy Maslen

According to the bio on Amazon: "I'm Andy Maslen, creator of Gabriel Wolfe and Stella Cole. I've always loved reading thrillers, so when I took the plunge and began work on my first novel - Trigger Point - it seemed natural to me to follow my heroes.

A lot of my readers ask me if I have ever served in the military. I haven't, but I have some close friends who have. They've been incredibly generous with their time (and patience!), explaining how things work, from weaponry and materiel, to the everyday language and behaviour of soldiers.

There are tons of people out there doing varied and interesting (and sometimes dangerous) jobs. As an author it's fantastic to be able to contact them and find they're only too happy to discuss their work. I've interviewed murder detectives, pharmacology professors, military planners, movie fight arrangers, Special Branch officers ... and they've all shared invaluable details to bring my stories to life. I hope their contributions increase your enjoyment of my books.

In my time, I've worked in a record shop, as a barman, as a door-to-door DIY products salesman and a cook in an Italian restaurant. I eventually landed a job in marketing. I always try to take away something positive from any experience, and often find a memory will surface of a situation I've been in, or a person I've met."

Series Books
Gabriel Wolfe Trigger Point (2015)
  Reversal of Fortune (2015)
  Blind Impact (2016)
  Condor (2016)
  First Casualty (2016)
  Fury (2017)
  Rattlesnake (2018)
  No Further (2018)
  Torpedo (2018)
  Minefield (2018)
  Three Kingdoms (2019)
  Ivory Nation (2020)
  Crooked Shadow (2021)
  Brass Vows (2022)
  Seven Seconds (2023)
  Peacemaker (2024)
Tara Wolfe Torpedo (2018)
  Three Kingdoms (2019)
  Ivory Nation (2020)
  Crooked Shadow (2021)
  Brass Vows (2022)
  Purity Kills (2022)