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Full Name: Robert McCall
Series Name: The Equalizer
Nationality: American
Organization: DIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Richard Wenk, Michael Sloan, Richard Lindheim
Time Span: 2014 - 2023


Robert McCall is a former agent with the DIA.

Former, obviously, because he has retired from that organization having, from the scant information available about him, having been with that Pentagon-based agency for a considerable number of years. What he did while employed with them is never explicitly stated but is obviously classified and dangerous.

That last part is determined by the fact that McCall, when we start following him in that first recorded adventure, is faced with some considerably deadly situations and opponents and his response is always calm, deliberate, and planned. His ability to hold in check any anxiety he might be facing is phenomenal and can only be done by having dealt with such things before and likely more than a few times.

The 'planned' is an interesting aspect to McCall's answer to a problem situation. He quickly but discretely scans his environment for all people, obstacles, and potential weaponry. He then softly mutters to himself his predicted time to resolve the situation. He resets a stopwatch feature on his wristwatch. He then executes his plan of action. Finally he compares the actual time to his prediction. It is usually off just a couple of seconds one way or the other. Of interest is the 'hmmm' that invariably escapes him but it cannot be said whether he is disappointed his guesstimate was off or pleasure it was so close.

This former Marine (he might have actually retired from that service before heading to the DIA) is African-American. He is in impressive shape for someone in his late 50's. He has no family we know about.

When we first encounter him he is employed at a large home-improvement box store during the day and spends his late-night hours, when his dreams do not let him sleep, reading in solitude at a small near-by diner.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2014
Last Appearance:2020

The original version of The Equalizer had several books released connected to that character. The first three, released in 1987, were novelizations of adventures from the television show and thus belong to that version and are not mentioned here.

In 2014 as the theatrical release of the second version of The Equalizer was imminent, a full-length novel by one of the creators of the original show, Michael Sloan, was published.

This book was, IMHO, very much about the first version, not the second. It has important parts in it concerning the original McCall's old boss, Control, as well as the original McCall's estranged adult son, Scott.

However, because the book came out right around the time the movie came out, the connection was obvious and so I have mentioned it below, as I do the sequel to that book.

1 The Equalizer The Equalizer
Written by Michael Sloan
Copyright: 2014

Wanting quiet and solitude after his years of doing things for his country he wants to forget, Robert McCall works in a warehouse store and minds his own business. But then seeing bad people hurt good people is something he cannot ignore.
[Note: As mentioned above, IMHO the hero of this book is the television version of The Equalizer, not this cinematic version.]
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2 Killed In Action Killed In Action
Written by Michael Sloan
Copyright: 2018

This book tells of the very beginning of Robert McCall's life as The Equalizer; a woman trying to free her daughter from white slavers and another mother who wants to find out if her son, fighting in Syria, is alive or dead.
[Note: As mentioned above, IMHO the hero of this book is the television version of The Equalizer, not this cinematic version.]
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3 Equalizer: Requiem Equalizer: Requiem
Written by Michael Sloan
Copyright: 2020

"Robert McCall's friend, Granny, a one-time covert agent for a shadowy spy organization called The Company, sends McCall a cryptic message telling him that he is being imprisoned in a North Korean prison camp. He and the other western prisoners are being tortured. The prisoners are surrounded by dense forest from which there is no escape. McCall embarks on a perilous course to rescue his friend and the other prisoners, aided by two charismatic North Korean mercenaries. It is a suicidal mission for McCall but he has no choice to attempt it. At the same time, an old enemy of McCall has been setting up a trap for him with some handpicked mercenaries. She is the lover of a spy McCall once had to kill and her revenge on him is callous and impassioned."
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Number of Movies:3
First Appearance:2014
Last Appearance:2023

A reboot of the terrific television series came about in 2014 when the fantastic Denzel Washington brought back the character with a style uniquely his own but still containing the same essence of justice that Edward Woodward gave so well three decades before.

1 The Equalizer The Equalizer
Director: Antoine Fuqua
Writer: Richard Wenk
Actor: Denzel Washington as Robert McCall
Released: 2014

Robert McCall works in a warehouse store and tries to forget the life he once lived as an agent. Sleep does not come easy. Neither does rest when, try as he might to live a peaceful life, he finds he cannot watch bad people hurt good people.

2 The Equalizer 2 The Equalizer 2
Director: Antoine Fuqua
Writer: Richard Wenk
Actor: Denzel Washington as Robert McCall
Released: 2018

Robert McCall is after the rogue agents that have gotten his friend and former colleague murdered.

3 The Equalizer 3 The Equalizer 3
Director: Antoine Fuqua
Writers: Richard Wenk, Richard Lindheim
Actors: Denzel Washington as Robert McCall, Dakota Fanning as Emma Collins
Released: 2023

"Robert McCall finds himself at home in Southern Italy but he discovers his friends are under the control of local crime bosses. As events turn deadly, McCall knows what he has to do: become his friends' protector by taking on the mafia."


Life has taught me to be suspicious of any remake. They are seldom worth the effort. The Wild Wild West and The Avengers are two perfect examples of why leaving the original alone is preferable to horrendous distortions like these were. I also did not like the movie remake of I Spy though I did get a kick out of Eddie Murphy and Owen Wilson's versions.

When I heard that the great Denzel Washington was about to put on the big screen his take on The Equalizer, my eyebrows raised in surprise and so did my apprehension.

I should not have worried. Granted, this version was different enough from the original that I felt it deserved its own entry to keep it distinct from the original. However, this movie was AWESOME. I loved it.

I loved it enough that when the DVD came out, I snatched it (and its sequel) immediately and have rewatched it a couple more times.

Is this Equalizer the same as Edward Woodward's Equalizer? No. But it is just as good!


My Grade: A-


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