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Full Name: Henry Crowne
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Freddie P. Peters
Time Span: 2018 - 2022


Henry Crowne is an agent with MI6.

He will be. After a while, at least.

Before then he will go through a major upheaval in his life and be put through tremendous troubles, most caused by his own actions. He will start out as an up-and-coming player in the financial world in London, responsible for billions in trades and manipulating the futures of companies big and small. He will undergo a substantial (read, total) drop in fortunes, all told in the first recorded adventure.

After that he will be presented with opportunities to improve his lifestyle, not to mention actually get out from behind bars by providing assistance to the British authorities, that help leading to actual employment and becoming, as mentioned at the top, an operative for Her Majesty's Government.

There have been several other entries in this compendium in which the protagonist is a previous or ongoing malefactor before going to work for the government. I believe this is the first in which the individual is an expert in the ultra-high stakes financial world.

I admit that I would be lost in the tangled and befuddling technology used repeatedly by Crowne or those he deals with were it not for the fact that, luckily for those of us ignorant in such matters, there are a few other players in these adventures who have to have things 'dumbed down' for them (and me). It is fun to watch Crowne get testy at times with such ignorance; surprisingly this both makes Crowne at times seem more of a jerk and also makes me like him more.

It is not giving away anything more than already stated in the blurbs for these tales that Crowne has a history with the IRA. This will be a major cause for his downfall and for the reason that British Intelligence will be interested in his working for them later on. His understanding of and skill with money manipulation is very valuable to both those wanting to hurt the government and those wanting to protect it.

The old adage that 'it takes a thief to catch a thief' is very much in play here. Crowne is not a thief per se but in the context of having to unravel the often confusing financial transaction shenanigans shadowy organizations and demagogues get involved with, it helps to have someone experienced in such dealings.

Playing major roles in the first three adventures are two characters that I find even more interesting than Crowne. 

Nancy Wu is a renowned Queen's Counsel who gets pulled into Crowne's world because she has her own flat on the same penthouse level he does and has an interest in art like him. When Crowne's world heads swiftly to the drain, he calls upon her for help. I savor every moment she is 'on stage'.

Inspector Pole is a very experience and well respected detective with Scotland Yard who heads up a small team of investigators. It will be he and his people that go after Crowne and it will be he that will find using Crowne's help later as both necessary and unwanted.

A series' enjoyability is greatly helped by interesting characters and these two are well worth having more adventures told about them.

There is a subtitle for the series - Paying the Price - which is very important to understanding and appreciating these tales. Crowne's past will push him to make certain decisions so as to pay the price for that past. He will then be forced by law to pay the price for those decisions. And he will be offered a chance to pay the price for his re-entry into society.


Number of Books:7
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2022

1 Collapse Collapse
Written by Freddie P. Peters
Copyright: 2018

"Nancy Wu, former eminent Queen’s Counsel, now prominent patron of the arts, receives the most unexpected call for help. Henry Crowne is accused of murder in a case that seems decided from the very beginning. His Irish background, financial terrorist connections and investment banking success inexorably tilt the scales against him. Nancy’s own lingering darker past calls for her to mount Henry’s defense but her client is the biggest obstacle. Will she manage to unpick the devious manipulations of a most twisted mind?"
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2 Breaking Point Breaking Point
Written by Freddie P. Peters
Copyright: 2018

"One financial terrorist in prison,
Two City bankers dead,
And … a $350 trillion banking scandal called LIBOR.
The suspicious suicide of two high-profile City bankers brings former QC Nancy Wu and Inspector Jonathan Pole together again in an investigation that implicates the UK government, the Bank of England, and London’s top banking executives.
As the true motive of the deaths continues to elude them, Nancy persuades a reluctant Inspector Pole to involve Henry Crowne. Once a brilliant financier, Henry is now serving a 30-year sentence in the obscure High Security Unit of HMP Belmarsh for financial terrorism."
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3 No Turning Back No Turning Back
Written by Freddie P. Peters
Copyright: 2019

"A whistle-blower targeted by a car bomb,
A new terror cell in London,
A former IRA operative seeking redemption…
The gruesome execution of a notorious thief and an assassination attempt on a high-finance executive turned whistle-blower throw former QC Nancy Wu and Inspector Jonathan Pole into a race to defuse the threat of a new terror group. The stakes are considerable and they need help…
Can Henry Crowne, disgraced financier and past IRA operative find redemption in lending his expertise to the case or will he have to give much more…his life perhaps?"
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4 Spy Shadows Spy Shadows
Written by Freddie P. Peters
Copyright: 2020

"The most wanted INTERPOL fugitive,
The most destructive Terror Group in the world,
The most impossible British Intelligence Services’ mission… 
Henry Crowne, disgraced financier and former IRA operative has escaped London’s top high-security prison with the unexpected help of MI6.  His mission…infiltrate an emerging terror group that has already claimed many lives in the West and threatens to destabilise the Middle East further. Henry’s perilous journey leads him to the group’s centre of power in Syria and Iraq. His aim, to meet the elusive man who runs a merciless war against those who oppose him.
But Henry decides to help Mattie Colmore, a war reporter hostage. Can he still hide in plain sight, bring back the information the West desperately need to defeat Islamic State and save Mattie at the same time?"
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5 Imposter In Chief Imposter In Chief
Written by Freddie P. Peters
Copyright: 2022

"The most powerful office in the world.
The most inescapable Russian cyber plot.
The most daring British-American covert operation.
Henry Crowne, former rebel financier, now British Intelligence agent, is sent on a covert mission to infiltrate a network of ruthless international oligarchs seeking to control the White House. Their plan? To run a systematic manipulation campaign on social media and blackmail high-profile political figures.
The British-American intelligence operation to defeat them takes Henry from Washington to Moscow. There, he navigates the corridors of power, but is unaware he’s being watched by the beautiful, yet dangerous, Tatiana.
But when Tatiana chooses to defect to the West to save her young brother Anatolie, Henry faces an impossible choice. Can he get Tatiana and Anatolie to safety, as well as eliminate the brains behind this Russian cyber conspiracy?"

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6 Insurgent Insurgent
Written by Freddie P. Peters
Copyright: 2022

Henry Crowne makes his yearly trip to The Cayman Islands under the pretense of an annual review of the law firms his bank works with. The ultimate destination Henry keeps secret is Panama, where he meets his IRA contact and reviews the financial arrangements he has made to organize money laundering for the Irish terror group he has always supported.

After his day trip to Panama, Henry hopes for a relaxed evening in one of the best-known Cigar bars in Georgetown, but the night turns to disaster when a man is gunned down in front of his young son.

Henry is a witness, and the police wants to talk to him. What they do not yet know is that the murder propels Henry back to the darker days of The Troubles in Belfast, and to the day his own father died at the hands of men who were never caught.

7 Red Renegade Red Renegade
Written by Freddie P. Peters
Copyright: 2022

"Henry Crowne, former rebel financier, now British Intelligence agent, lands with a US SEAL team in one of the most challenging regions of China. His new mission… to free a kidnapped scientist whose ground-breaking tech innovation will change the face of war. With every country after the discovery, it's not just the scientist whose life is in danger."
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My initial comments placed as I was adding this series to the compendium but was only a ways into the first adventure was that I was enjoying it "so far". Now that I have read this series, I can say that my enjoyment just got better and better and better.

I knew by the blurbs going into the series (so no real spoiler) that Henry Crowne was going to do something very bad to get himself very hated by most people in the UK. As I was reading the first adventure and getting to like Crowne as much as I did, I found myself getting more and more nervous about what it was going to be that was so bad. And how would I feel about him in the subsequent books.

To give away the answer to what he did would be to spoil the series so I won't. I will say that at the end of the first book I was even more excited about the second and at the end of the second, I could not wait to move to the next. Each book had a terrific ending. And each opened the door to the next.

The characters, Henry Crowne, of course, but also Nancy Wu and Inspector Pole, became people that I actually cared about.

The job that the author, Freddie P. Peters, does has garnered for her an awesome grade from me. It is one she so very much deserves.


My Grade: A+


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