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Full Name: John Sand
Nationality: British
Organization: MI6
Occupation Agent

Creator: Max Allan Collins, Matthew V. Clemens
Time Span: 2020 - 2021


John Sand is an agent with MI-6.

Recently retired agent is more accurate.

It is the early 1960s and veteran operative Sand has only now, after many action-filled years of service, decided to put it all behind him as he begins a new life with a new bride and a promise to himself that his danger-ridden days were behind him. He would find that less than accurate quite quickly.

Just married to the incredibly lovely Stacey Boldt only 24 hours before the first recorded adventure has them arriving at their honeymoon hotel in Jamaica, Sand, a "tall tan dark-haired [man] Life magazine had once described as 'cruelly handsome'", is neither surprised nor amused that he is so readily recognized upon checking into the hotel.

"Such encounters with strangers ... had become common occurrences in the life of John Sand, and represented one of the primary reasons for his early retirement from MI6, the United Kingdom's Secret Intelligence Service."

"Ever since a longtime friend and former colleague of his had begun writing those thinly veiled and somewhat ridiculously exaggerated novels based on Sand's assignments, the undercover intelligence operative had been unable to perform his duties with any sort of anonymity. A secret agent, after all, must remain, well-secret. And Sand's secret was out. First it had been Sunday supplement fluff pieces. And then that Life magazine article and photo spread labeled Sand the "real" hero of JFK's favorite espionage novels, leading to more such unwanted publicity, until his effectiveness as a cloak-and-dagger man was now nil. Particularly since the books had started hitting the bestseller lists, and Hollywood ... had come knocking."

Through the course of the small number of adventures we have of Sand after his 'retirement' we can see first of all why he is considered by those in the know to be the best at what he does, and second, why though he has left the adventure game behind him, it has never left him in the least.

Say hello to "Sand. John Sand".


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2020
Last Appearance:2021

1 Come Spy With Me Come Spy With Me
Written by Max Allan Collins, Matthew V. Clemens
Copyright: 2020

It is the early 1960s. John Sand's actions back when he was an MI-6 agent are the source of a series of very famous best-selling action novels. He has recently gotten married and does not plan to return to his old work but JFK himself asks Sand to take on a dangerous assignment in Cuba
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2 Live Fast, Spy Hard Live Fast, Spy Hard
Written by Max Allan Collins, Matthew V. Clemens
Copyright: 2021

When the wife of John Sand, Stacey, disappears, Sand goes into action. Unfortunately, the person behind the vanishing could be her oil baron father's supposedly dead partner or a Las Vegas Mafia boss or someone involved in the deaths of agents at an organization that is trying to recruit Sand.
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3 To Live And Spy In Berlin To Live And Spy In Berlin
Written by Max Allan Collins, Matthew V. Clemens
Copyright: 2021

Now employed at an international agency started by his old MI6 boss, John Sand has as his partner is bride, Stacey. Their mission is to recover a shipment of stolen uranium and to figure out what the Nazis living in South America want to do with it.
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I think a very safe rule of fiction reading is "anything with a Max Allan Collins name on it is worth grabbing". I have snared a while lot over the years I've been reading and so far have not found a bad one.

Those that I have seen with Matthew Clemens' name have also had Collins' on it so who is doing the heavy lifting in any of these is hard to say.

What isn't hard to say is that these John Sand books are hoots to read. They are fantastic throwbacks to the 60s with a dash or two of modern humor. I was pleased with every page.

Here's hoping there will be a couple more in the years ahead.


My Grade: A-


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