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Full Name: S.A.T.A.N.
Nationality: None
Organization: S.A.T.A.N.
Occupation Agency

Creator: Unknown
Time Span: 1966 - 1974


S.A.T.A.N. is an Intelligence Agency.

"Very few people have seen this sign. Those that have are dead! For it signifies determination, strength and purpose. The sign of the burning fork. The sign of S.A.T.A.N.! A world wide organization of ... Spies Anonymous to All Nations."

That is the opening line in the first recorded adventure about the agents of S.A.T.A.N., accompanied by a stylish fork, more like a small barbed trident. The picture also shows a Mercator projection of the planet with a large number of lines terminating in numerous points about the globe showing the many locations where branch offices of S.A.T.A.N. exist. "S.A.T.A.N. has eyes and ears in every capital city of the world."

Headquarters is a "respectable looking factory in the south of England", further described elsewhere as being a large facility which is located in Sussex. In yet another place we learn that aircraft components are made there. "Deep behind the executive suite there is a secret heart ... the nerve center of [a] vast intelligence network".

"No government knows their identities. No outsider can penetrate their ranks. And yet their organization encircles the globe in a vast network of secret cells ... for every capital city on Earth has its division of [their agents]."

The agents are not in the least worried about getting involved in altercations and if the opposition dies as a result, there is no concern. As one agent states after a fellow agent dispatched a man with a knife to the chest, "I prefer to garotte my victims. It is quieter ... and not nearly so messy".

With so many secret offices around the world and experienced operatives in each one, it is not surprising that each adventure would present one or two different agents. Only three adventures had repeating players (out of the 10 I have read). Agent Mike Kincaid is the man in all three, partnered in two with Adam LeBec.

Interesting lines:
- "To every agent of S.A.T.A.N. the mission was everything. Above all other loyalty."
- "In S.A.T.A.N. there is no room for sentiment. Death is too constant a companion for men with emotions."
- "[The organization has] a ruthless ability to use anyone or anything. Nothing mattered - except success."
- "Animal cunning and luck - the two things a guy in my business needs."


Number of Stories:17
First Appearance:1966
Last Appearance:1974

In 1966 at the height of the new 60s spy craze, publisher Famepress came out with a short (16-issue) series of espionage adventures told in graphic style (comicbooks). Each tale took 64 pages of 2 large panels each to present. The series was about an independent spy agency with the unusual name of S.A.T.A.N., or Spies Anonymous To All Nations.

Most of the adventures dealt with a solo operative who was shown taking on and then completing his mission and then going away. Some, though dealt with repeat operatives.

1 Cold, The Kiss of Fear Cold, The Kiss of Fear
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 01/1966

In Lisbon several outbreaks of typhoid in small villages, resulting in numerous deaths, have been accompanied by reports of someone digging up the graves afterwards. S.A.T.A.N. representative in Portugal, Sebastian Lopes, is certain this "smacks of political intrigue" and he asks for help from England who sends Mike Kincaid and Adan LeBec.
Click here to read the story.

2 Bang, You're Dead Bang, You're Dead
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 01/1966

A British scientist, the most brilliant mind in space research, is missing. A member of S.A.T.A.N., Peter Standen, is chosen to hunt for him even though Standen objects that he is a scientist and not an agent.
Click here to read the story.

3 Midnight Is For Murder Midnight Is For Murder
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 02/1966

The disappearance of a young socialite is suspected by S.A.T.A.N. of being connected to a plan by Albania to get back into the good graces of the Soviet Union. Mike Kincaid and Adam LeBec are sent to investigate because the young woman is the fiancee to one of Britain's top nuclear scientists.
Click here to read the story.

4 The Face of Destruction The Face of Destruction
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 02/1966

A number of catastrophes in Australia's space program have resulted in S.A.T.A.N. sending agent James Johnson to work with a brilliant mathematician named Anita Stevens to get to the bottom of the trouble which is a plan to attack Moscow to start a war.
Click here to read the story.

5 White Heat White Heat
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 03/1966

On a ship in Marseilles carrying tons of bananas, first dead rats and then dead stowaways are found. One dying man mutters the expression "White Heat" before perishing. The cause of the deaths was determined to be massive overdoses of radiation. French S.A.T.A.N. agent Jacques Sartier is put on the case. The White Heat is a pretty scary weapon.
Click here to read the story.

6 The Fanatics The Fanatics
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 03/1966

At the christening of a new British aircraft carrier, a visiting foreign ambassador from the South American country of Guardia is given the privilege of pushing the button to release the champagne bottle. When he does so, an explosion occurs killing more than a score and causing great damage. Agent 246, named Robson, is sent to the diplomat's country to learn more. Nazis hiding there are behind the problem.
Click here to read the story.

7 Cremation By Candlelight Cremation By Candlelight
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 04/1966

In Algeria several villages have been the scene of gruesome executions of leaders not willing to follow the dictates of a band of interlopers. Two S.A.T.A.N. agents, Victor Sargos and Alberto Perrante, are very curious who these attackers are and what they are hoping to accomplish. The Mafia and a power-hungry Minister of State are behind it.
Click here to read the story.

8 An Easy Killing An Easy Killing
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 04/1966

Agent Larson of S.A.T.A.N. has been following a suspected shipment of goods across Europe for months. Now in Tangiers, he is able to inspect it and finds at least one of the crates of canned fruit is really filled with pure heroin. Spotted, he needs help which is provided by Wendy Leatherby, a very experienced operative.
Click here to read the story.

9 House of Death House of Death
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 05/1966

An old tramp is found wandering the countryside of Germany before dying. He was the victim of rabies but had no signs of being bitten but rather had needle marks on him. In Zurich, S.A.T.A.N. agents Georges Picard and Jules Riether are very curious who is experimenting with such a horrible virus and what their ultimate plans are. The name of Adolf Hitler plays a major part.
Click here to read the story.

10 Rule of Force Rule of Force
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 05/1966

A drive-by shooting in London kills a prominent individual. The vehicle used was a oldish roadster and the weapon was a tommy-gun. S.A.T.A.N. agent Steve Leyland is put on the case to learn why the man was killed and why such a strange way.
Click here to read the story.

11 Deadly Paradise Deadly Paradise
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 06/1966

"Cocaine! Heroin! Marijuana! All are drugs capable of sending men into an deadly paradise. A distorted bliss which can result only in ultimate insanity and death. S.A.T.A.N. agent Mike Kincaid know that certain peddlers were up to something big. The only question was ... how big?"

12 Point of Departure Point of Departure
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 06/1966

"A man was missing - one of the thousands who vanish without trace every year. But this case was different. This man would lead to the exposure of a fantastic plot which threatened the balance of world peace!"

13 Spooks Are For Killing Spooks Are For Killing
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 07/1966

[plot unknown]

14 Assassin Extraordinary Assassin Extraordinary
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 07/1966

[plot unknown]

15 Ten Deadly Dolls Ten Deadly Dolls
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 08/1966

[plot unknown]

16 The Eighth Deadly Sin The Eighth Deadly Sin
Published by Famepress
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 08/1966

[plot unknown]

17 Determined To Destroy Determined To Destroy
Published by Sabre
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 10/1974

Printed in Sabre Thriller Picture Library #79.
[plot unknown] - Deals with an agent named Frank Powell.
Click here to read the story.


The Man From U.N.C.L.E. television show, which first aired in September 1964, was only part way into its second season when in January of 1966 the first issue of the British comicbook series S.A.T.A.N. Picture Library hit the newstands. Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, this was indeed an homage to that show.

Offices all over the globe. Headquarters masquerading as an innocent place of business. Agents from all nationalities dedicated not to their individual countries but to the concept of global peace. Intrepid operatives, mostly men but some women, going up against international criminals, would-be dictators, drug smugglers using their proceeds for bigger grabs at power, hiding Nazis still grasping for lost glory. Definitely an homage although there was no equivalent to THRUSH.

These are pretty good stories and since there were a lot of pages allotted, albeit only two large panels per page, there was room for story development.

I actually enjoyed these tales and if I get my hand on the remaining six that did not find, I will be glad to read them as well.


My Grade: B


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