S.A.T.A.N. is an Intelligence Agency.
"Very few people have seen this sign. Those that have are dead! For it signifies determination, strength and purpose. The sign of the burning fork. The sign of S.A.T.A.N.! A world wide organization of ... Spies Anonymous to All Nations."
That is the opening line in the first recorded adventure about the agents of S.A.T.A.N., accompanied by a stylish fork, more like a small barbed trident. The picture also shows a Mercator projection of the planet with a large number of lines terminating in numerous points about the globe showing the many locations where branch offices of S.A.T.A.N. exist. "S.A.T.A.N. has eyes and ears in every capital city of the world."
Headquarters is a "respectable looking factory in the south of England", further described elsewhere as being a large facility which is located in Sussex. In yet another place we learn that aircraft components are made there. "Deep behind the executive suite there is a secret heart ... the nerve center of [a] vast intelligence network".
"No government knows their identities. No outsider can penetrate their ranks. And yet their organization encircles the globe in a vast network of secret cells ... for every capital city on Earth has its division of [their agents]."
The agents are not in the least worried about getting involved in altercations and if the opposition dies as a result, there is no concern. As one agent states after a fellow agent dispatched a man with a knife to the chest, "I prefer to garotte my victims. It is quieter ... and not nearly so messy".
With so many secret offices around the world and experienced operatives in each one, it is not surprising that each adventure would present one or two different agents. Only three adventures had repeating players (out of the 10 I have read). Agent is the man in all three, partnered in two with .
Interesting lines:
- "To every agent of S.A.T.A.N. the mission was everything. Above all other loyalty."
- "In S.A.T.A.N. there is no room for sentiment. Death is too constant a companion for men with emotions."
- "[The organization has] a ruthless ability to use anyone or anything. Nothing mattered - except success."
- "Animal cunning and luck - the two things a guy in my business needs."