1 |
The European Diamond Gang
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1959
From Super Detective Picture Library #157, September 7, 1959. As WWII starts, John Steel is a police detective sergeant with C.I.D. He sees a gunfight on the street one evening and chases the perp down, a German who had a small cachet of diamonds on him. Now transferred to the War Office, Steel goes undercover in France to break up a Nazi gang that is stealing industrial diamonds for the war effort. Click here to read the story.
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Riddle of the Sands
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1959
From Super Detective Picture Library #160, October 5, 1959. It is December, 1940. John Steel is working on assignment in North Africa and is put on a mission to learn more about a German light armored car with a weapon firing a shell that went through the side of a British tank "like a knife through a hunk of cheese". Click here to read the story.
3 |
Unknown Traitor
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 11/02/1959
From Super Detective Picture Library #161, November 2, 1959. A Norwegian found on a small boat in the North Sea in 1941 tells of a narrow escape from a secret German factory in occupied Norway and of a dangerous gas being researched there. John Steel is sent to that country to learn what he can about the matter but a traitor back home alerts the enemy of his coming. Click here to read the story.
4 |
Operation Treachery
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #165, January 4, 1960. It is July, 1943. Parachuting into Sicily to meet up with Resistance forces opposed to the Axis, John Steel learns that a rebel leader in the mountains has gotten hold of German defense plans and will sell them if the price is right. The problem is then surviving Italian and German forces while not getting the money stolen. Click here to read the story.
5 |
War in the Jungle
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #167, February 1, 1960. The year is 1941. Japanese forces are "advancing like a horde of ants" and all of Malaya is soon to fall. John Steel is being sent to the island nation of Kerila in the Straits of Malacca to work with the Sultan in charge there to establish a radio hide-out for three men to report on troop movements. Steel will encounter many problems, including the Sultan's son, Prince Mohammed, who "has some ... er ... strange ideas". Click here to read the story.
6 |
Gateway To Glory
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #169, March 7, 1960. With the fall of il Duce, Mussolini, control of the government temporarily was in the hands of Allied-friendly Count Aldo Briancchi. The work of unifying the war-weary nation was progressing until suddenly Briancchi disappeared. A couple of days later, leaflets were dropped by German planes apparently from Briancchi entreating the populace to fight against the Allies. John Steel is in the country to find out what happened. Click here to read the story.
7 |
One-Way Journey
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #171, April 4, 1960. A Polish scientist named Jacobwicz had been held at a facility at Peenemunde working on a project he refuses to disclose. He even kills the head of the unit controlling him rather than reveal his invention. When bombers destroy the plant and he is freed, he still refuses to say anything to the Resistance who find him. John Steel is sent to learn what he can about whatever it was the Pole had invented. Click here to read the story.
8 |
The Fuhrer Plot
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #173, May 2, 1960. The year is 1944. The failed plot by German officers to kill Hitler has failed. One man who survived the purge afterwards is General Count von Falken but he is one the list to be arrested. It is vital for British Intelligence to get him to England so he can be used to rally German people against the Nazis. That task falls to John Steel. Click here to read the story.
9 |
Desert Spy
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #175, June 6, 1960 [Plot Unknown]
10 |
Operation 'Tina'
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #177, July 4, 1960 The year was 1944 and the days of constant raids on London by the Luftwaffe are in the past but the V1 rockets are still causing massive damage. To find the source of these launches, information held by a Dutch woman named Tina could be critical but she is being held by the Germans so it falls to John Steel to rescue her before the Gestapo has her killed. Click here to read the story.
11 |
Cargo X
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #179, August 1, 1960. The year is 1942. High-flying recon planes spot a very unusual site of several German ships in a big circle with diving operations underway off Crete. They are looking for a wrecked bomber which had been carrying a shipment of sophisticated submarine-detection devices known as "Selectron". A Greek agent for the Allies reports the real location for the downed plane is on land and John Steel is sent to find it. Whether the Greek can be trusted is another matter. Click here to read the story.
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Wings Of Escape
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #181, September 5, 1960. In the early days of WWII as the Germans rapidly approached France, The British Expeditionary Force was racing to Dunkirk to flee back to England. A few brave men stayed behind to mount a delay and most died doing so. A couple were captured and held as POWs. One was actually a Czech who was the son of the main Resistance leader in that country and unfortunately knew the names of all the key players. It is John Steel's job to free the man before the Germans learn his real identity and knowledge. Click here to read the story.
13 |
The Hidden War
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #183, October 3, 1960. In the early summer of 1944 as plans for the Invasion have been worked out, the Gestapo and the SS in occupied France are hard at work rounding up Resistance operative who will be needed to confound the Germans when D-Day comes. A few traitors in the Maquis are at fault and John Steel is sent into occupied France to go on a traitor hunt. Click here to read the story.
14 |
House Of Bamboo
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #185, November 7, 1960. In early 1942 in Burma, the invading Japanese were conquering land quickly but the conquered people were not at all welcoming. In a still British held section of the country, the Subversive Operations Far East command was doing its best to organize sabotage and riots and rebellions. John Steel is sent to that region to help. One job is to free a captured influential Chinese merchant held in Rangoon. Click here to read the story.
15 |
The Reign Of Terror
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Super Detective Picture Library #187, December 5, 1960. When word reaches London that a General Kreuger, Gestapo counter-espionage expert called 'the Butcher of Frankfurt', is headed to Lyons, France, it is known his mission is to start of 'reign of terror' against the Resistance. John Steel is sent to try to capture Kreuger and if not, then eliminate him. Click here to read the story.
16 |
The Shadow - School For Spies
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961
From Super Detective Picture Library #188, January 2, 1961. Shortly after Dunkirk, a German attack on a coastal area of France results in John Steel being severely wounded. An older French farm couple find him and nurse him back to health; his identity remains a secret so they call him the Shadow. After he is able to leave to make his way to England, he is sickened to learn that the Germans have killed the couple. He slows his return long enough to do some serious damage and that will let him find a German training camp for would-be 'Englishmen'. Click here to read the story.
17 |
Mission To Maru
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1960
From Thriller Picture Library #343, December 1960. The year is 1943. The Japanese have conquered much of Southeast Asia and the British resistance is weakening, largely through disease. A noted expert on treating these tropical troubles is a man named Mortimer who is trapped in Switzerland. John Steel is sent to rescue the man before Japanese agents can snatch him themselves. Months later, it is learned he has been recaptured by the Japanese and is being held in the Maru prison camp in Burma. Click here to read the story.
18 |
Operation Freedom
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961
From Thriller Picture Library #347, January 1961. It is early 1945 and the Germans are near collapse. It is learned that a noted tank battalion commander, currently out of favor with Hitler, might be brought back into command which would lengthen the war. He is currently the commandant of a POW camp in Poland. The British have a plan to keep him from retaking control of the mechanized forces but it needs John Steel to let himself be taken prisoner in that region to get it started. Click here to read the story.
19 |
The Debt Of Honor
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961
From Thriller Picture Library #351, February 1961. In September of 1944, Germans were being pushed back out of Belgium and soon out of Holland. Helping on an air attack on hidden German forces, John Steel is shot down. He get needed assistance from a Dutch farm couple and makes it back to England. Then he learns the couple have been arrested by the Germans for their efforts and he knows he owes them a huge debt which he is determined to repay. Click here to read the story.
20 |
Meet Me In Lisbon
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961
From Thriller Picture Library #355, March 1961. Reprinted as Dateline For Danger in #1, July 1966. The year is 1945. The War in Europe is over. When word comes from Lisbon that four escaped German war criminals were seen in that Portuguese capital, John Steel is sent undercover to smoke them out. Click here to read the story.
21 |
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961
From Thriller Picture Library #359, April 1961. WWII is finally over. John Steel's job with Military Intelligence is over. He takes up the profession of private investigator and is soon asked to help recover a valuable book just stolen from a library. This in turn will lead to a case searching for a missing rich heir named John Pierce. Note: this is a bizarre matter where the hero is a dark haired man named Dick Martin. He is identified as such several times so there is no mistake. Then on the 9th page, he is called John Steel! He will stay Steel throughout the rest of the story, including meeting up again with a woman who knew him as Martin in the tale's beginning. Click here to read the story.
22 |
Blues For Danger
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown
Copyright: 1961
From Thriller Picture Library #363, May 1961. Reprinted as Catch Me A Killer in #3, August 1966. Getting an office above a jazz club because he liked the music, John Steel wasn't looking for a client yet but a week after meeting the jazz combo playing below, he gets one as the lead musician is accused of murdering a wealthy industrialist while trying to rob him. The combo had been playing a gig at a party given by the deceased and someone is claiming to have seen everything. Steel has considerable doubts. Click here to read the story.
23 |
Violent Tempo
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 06/1961
From Thriller Picture Library #367, June 1961. Reprinted as Showdown in #5, September 1966. When Ted Hammond stumbled into Ted Beckett's coffee-house beneath John Steel's office, he was desperately trying to reach Steel before dying, shot twice in the back. His death moments later coincided with a call from Steels' former boss at the British Secret Service, a man for whom Hammond had also worked. Before his death, he had reported finding Paul Emmet, a once trusted comrade who had turned traitor and given up several fellow agents to the Nazis. Click here to read the story.
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Bullets In The Sun
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961
From Thriller Picture Library #371, July 1961. Reprinted as Terror Calls The Tune in #9, November 1966. In return for British financial aide and tanks and ammunition, rebel leader General Arrida was near toppling the dictatorship of the current government in the South American nation of Curacos. But Arrida also had other 'friends' showing his true colors. Proof of his double-dealing is in the hands of an MP back in London who is about to expose him but then learns the General's men have kidnapped the MP's teen son. In an oddly lucky way, the desperate MP finds his way into the coffee-shop beneath John Steel's office and soon Steel is involved. Click here to read the story.
25 |
A Picture Of Guilt
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961
From Thriller Picture Library #375, August 1961. Reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Summer Special 1967. [plot unknown]
26 |
Play It Cool
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961
From Thriller Picture Library #379, September 1961. Reprinted as Tomorrow You Die! in #11, December 1966. [plot unknown]
27 |
Dead Heat
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1961
From Thriller Picture Library #387, November 1961. Reprinted as Death Deals A Joker in #7, October 1966. Someone in the Ralph Martin Motor-racing team is not playing nice and that puts the main driver in grave danger. Martin sends an urgent telegram to John Steel asking him to help by flying to Santa Carona in Mexico where the next race is scheduled for the next week. As cover he hires Riff and his jazz band from the coffee-shop below his office to travel with him. Click here to read the story.
28 |
City Of Shadows
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #395, February 1962. [plot unknown]
29 |
Motif of Murder
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #399, March 1962. [plot unknown]
30 |
The Rising Tide
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #403, April 1962. John Steel has been asked by the head of Military Security in the British Government to fly to Hong Kong to get a better handle on the rapidly rising gang problem in that Far Eastern city, made much worse by huge influx of refugees. It soon becomes clear that something major was being planned but to find the truth, an incredibly dangerous and outlandish act would be needed on Steel's part. Click here to read the story.
31 |
The Town That Died
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #407, May 1962. [plot unknown]
32 |
The Devil's Lair
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #411, June 1962. [plot unknown]
33 |
The Demon Drums
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #415, July 1962. Reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Summer Special 1967. The death of Big Pierre Soutou, jazz trumpeter supreme known and respected around the world, is the opening to this bizarre case. Soutou had a great gig at a London nightclub before suddenly heading home to Haiti where he died of a heart attack. Back in London, the man's nervous-twitching manager cannot believe it because Soutou was in great health and there was no plans for the sudden flight to Haiti. He comes to John Steel to investigate. Click here to read the story.
34 |
One False Step
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #419, August 1962. Reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Summer Special 1967. [plot unknown]
35 |
The Big Take
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #423, September 1962.Reprinted as Who Is My Enemy in #21, May 1967. It is to Rome that John Steel has been asked to come, "to prevent murder, they'd said". The call had come from American Amalgamated Papers, the most powerful newspaper chain in the world. Someone is said to be out to kill Drew Vandal, king of gossip, "the highest paid retailer of scandal in the world". Considering "he dipped his pen in vitriol and the column he wrote spread poison" everywhere, it was not surprising. Click here to read the story.
36 |
The Eye Of The Hunter
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #427, October 1962. The latest case for John Steel started when he was out on a rough-shoot. An old friend from his days in the Subversive Operations Executive during WWII was worried that his aim had suffered after three years in recovery but both he and Steel are confident he is ready. The matter is an invitation from the Nizam of Bahlore, India to take part in a shooting competition. Arriving in India, though, both men find there are many who want them dead first. Click here to read the story.
37 |
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #431, November 1962. [plot unknown]
38 |
The Silent Enemy
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962
From Thriller Picture Library #435, December 1962. Reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Summer Special 1967. [plot unknown]
39 |
The Fatal Blow
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1963
From Thriller Picture Library #439, January 1963. The lone Frenchman in the Foreign Legion in Algeria had written a letter asking for help from John Steel but before he could mail it, he was snatched from a cafe by member of the Grey Commandos and hauled away to answer to 'the Colonel'. His letter was picked up by a young woman and mailed anyways. The unfortunate man had been an old friend of Steel and the letter talks of his having joined the Legion to find a traitor, former SS Colonel Spadl, the Butcher of Bordeaux, reported dead years before. Click here to read the story.
40 |
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1963
From Thriller Picture Library #443, February 1963. Reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Holiday Special, 1969. [plot unknown]
41 |
Dateline For Danger
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966
From Buster Adventure Library #1, July 1966 - a reprint of Meet Me In Lisbon in #355, March 1961. See link for plot. Click here to read the story.
42 |
Catch Me A Killer
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966
From Buster Adventure Library #3, August 1966 - a reprint of Blues for Danger in #363, May 1961. See link for plot. Click here to read the story.
43 |
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966
From Buster Adventure Library #5, September 1966 - a reprint of Violent Tempo in #367, June 1961. See link for plot. Click here to read the story.
44 |
Death Deals A Joker
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966
From Buster Adventure Library #7, October 1966 - a reprint of Dead Heat in #387, November 1961. See link for plot. Click here to read the story.
45 |
Terror Calls The Tune
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966
From Buster Adventure Library #9, November 1966 - a reprint of Bullets In The Sun in #371, July 1961. See link for plot. Click here to read the story.
46 |
Tomorrow You Die!
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966
From Buster Adventure Library #11, December 1966 - a reprint of Play It Cool in , September 1961. See link for plot. Click here to read the story.
47 |
Death Shadows The Hunter
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 01/1967
From Buster Adventure Library #13, January 1967 - a reprint of a story in Thriller Picture Library (which one is unknown). [plot unknown]
48 |
Savage Waterfront
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967
From Buster Adventure Library #15, February 1967 - a reprint of The Rising Tide in #403, April 1962. See link for plot. Click here to read the story.
49 |
Dead Man's Tale
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967
From Buster Adventure Library #17, March 1967 - a reprint of a story in Thriller Picture Library (which one is unknown). [plot unknown]
50 |
The Big Fix
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967
From Buster Adventure Library #19, April 1967 - a reprint of a story in Thriller Picture Library (which one is unknown). [plot unknown]
51 |
Who Is My Enemy
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967
From Buster Adventure Library #21, May 1967 - a reprint of The Big Take in #423, September 1962. See link for plot. Click here to read the story.
52 |
Invitation To Death
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967
From Buster Adventure Library #23, June 1967 - a reprint of a story in Thriller Picture Library (which one is unknown).~s} [plot unknown]
53 |
The Devil Of Antiga
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1967
From Buster Adventure Library #25, July 1967 - a reprint of a story in Thriller Picture Library (which one is unknown).~s} John Steel returns to the island of Sicily, visiting the village of Antiga near the Tawny Mountain, to pay a debt owed since "one battle-torn night" during WWII. He is stunned to find the village destroyed and the man he owed is hated by everyone in the region. Steel is determined to learn what happened. Click here to read the story.