SPY 13

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Full Name: David Roland Willoughby Doughty
Codename: Spy 13
Nationality: British
Organization: Military Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Graham Coton
Time Span: 1958 - 1968


David Doughty is an agent with British Military Intelligence.

His activities, which are impressively many, take place during the Second World War. As the opening to one of his recorded adventures declare, while Britain "owed her continued existence to the selfless heroism of her sons in khaki, navy and air force blue ... there were other heroes, unknown and unsung, who gave themselves just a unsparingly to their beloved country. These were the secret agents who gambled with death behind the enemy lines. Men like David Doughty - Spy Thirteen."

For someone with so many exploits available, we really know very little about the man. His name, of course. And his codename. But not much else, as would befit a man who would, when a mission was complete, "slip back, unnoticed, into obscurity until his country had need of him again". His reputation is already quite solid at the beginning of the War and it is explained that Spy 13 has been an operative for some time before the hostilities commenced.

We are told that he is the younger son of the Duke of Seinchester which gives him a lot of experience dealing with the upper crusts of society. He is also seen more than once in the theater and entertainment districts where he is well known and liked among the actors and musicians.

We know his approximate age is 30 based only on his appearance when he is not in disguise. He is blond-haired and rather square-jawed with a handsome but rugged look. Athletic but not particularly large which allows him to move about without attracting attention. When not in character, he does assume a bit of a swagger but it seems to come more from just having a good time taking on impossible odds and coming out on top. He definitely has a wry sense of humor which he loves to share with his opponents.

The fact that he is able to assume so many roles in so many places in Europe and North Africa, we have to assume his command of languages is impressive, certainly German and Italian and likely Arabic as well. Japanese might also be one as he does spend time, though not that much, in the Far East.

He is a practiced paratrooper as well as an underwater expert. He is very good with his fists and is a lethal shot with hand guns, rifles, and machine guns, as his enemies see frequently.

Most impressive, though, is his exceptional skills with disguises. He has obviously had considerable training in applying makeup and other devices to be able to take the place of a wide range of people and mimicking their behavior to pull off the deception. He routinely travels with his disguise kit, making sure before many missions that his supplies in it are fully stocked for he never knows when he will find it important to be seen as someone else. That skill with languages comes in very handy here as well, especially his ability to handle dialects.

Good Lines:
- About to examine a suspicious container, Spy 13 says, "It doesn't look like a bomb ... so let's hope they're not famous last words!"


Number of Stories:58
First Appearance:1958
Last Appearance:1968

IPC, a part of Fleetway Publications, came out with a new line of comics in digest form with a color cover and black and white comics inside in November of 1951. The title of the comic was Thriller Comics. 64 pages in length, each issue depicted some amazing and thrilling adventure, sometimes taken from a novel and sometimes from a movie but all dealing with excitement and derring-do.

The Three Musketeers were a frequent visitor to these pages with different tales regaled in pretty impressive artwork. Dick Turpin, the notorious British highwayman had quite a few escapades recounted. This list of different stories and genres that would come forth was impressive.

Issue #41, in 1953, saw the name change to Thriller Comics Library but the nature of the digest did not change. A good number of Westerns vied for time with stories of Robin Hood and swashbucklers out of the pages of Rafael Sabatini as well as other tales stretching as far back in time as the Roman conquests.

Yet another name change would take place in 1957 when starting with #163, it became Thrilling Picture Library. Newer content began to appear, mixed with the old favorites of Robin Hood and the Three Musketeers. Battler Britton would be a very frequent visitor. And so would Spy 13.

The format of the stories for all the magazines were the same in that there were two large panels per page. Shading was king in these cels. The story did not linger long in any place or time. The adventures were always impressive in their breadth but that meant moving the plot along quickly.

Four issues were released each month. When Spy 13 first showed up in issue #242 in September 1958, he was immediately added to the rotation but only every other month so he would star in every 8th issue. That would change in the early months of 1960, #306, when the gap between adventures was reduced to once a month.

This would last for another three years and the end of the magazine, with the exception of #444 which should have been a Spy 13 story but was not. The last Spy 13 adventure would be in issue #448 and the digest itself would end with #450.

Three years would then pass. Fleetway, in 1966, came out with a 4-pack of stories about the "top secret agent of World War II". I do not have any information on this publication other than that so it is possible these were reprints but it is also possible they were stories left unpublished.

The next year, it would do the same thing with a Secret Agent Picture Library Summer Special which again had 4 stories, 1 or 2 of which are likely Spy 13 tales.

1 Spy 13 and the Secret Enemy Spy 13 and the Secret Enemy
Published by Amalgamated Press
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1958

1st of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #242, September 1958 - 42 pages. 
Reprinted in Spy 13 Summer Special #1, June 1966.
The day that the UK declared war on Germany in 1939, the hunt started to round up all known German agents in Great Britain. Spy 13 was one of three key agents told to find out who the enemy's top spy in the country was. An anonymous phone tip offered that intel for a price but when Spy 13 arrived at the meeting, the informant was dead. That is when Spy 13 starts to show why he was so respected.
Click here to read the story.

2 Spy 13 and the Gestapo Trap Spy 13 and the Gestapo Trap
Published by Amalgamated Press
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1958

2nd of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #242, September 1958 - 20 pages.
A very wealthy German industrialist had a tremendous hatred for the Nazis and has fled to Switzerland hoping to get to England to help them in their newly declared war with Germany. Spy 13 is sent there to meet with him, not knowing that the man had been captured by the Gestapo and those operatives were waiting for him.
Click here to read the story.

3 Spy 13 and the Mission to Norway Spy 13 and the Mission to Norway
Published by Amalgamated Press
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1958

A graphic adventure told in 4 chapters from Thriller Picture Library #250, November 1958 - 64 pages. Reprinted in Spy 13 Summer Special #1, June 1966.
British Commandos had freed a noted Norwegian scientist forced to work for the Germans and were trying to fly him to England when a chance meeting with a U-boat ruined the mission. Now Spy 13 is being sent to Norway to see if the man was still alive and to try and get him free.
Click here to read the story.

4 Spy 13 and the Sand Spiders Spy 13 and the Sand Spiders
Published by Amalgamated Press
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1959

A graphic adventure told in 5 chapters from Thriller Picture Library #258, January 1959 - 64 pages.
Spy 13 tracks a well known German Baron as he sees to the transport of a very large amount of specialized munitions. His goal is to learn what new and dangerous weaponry is about to be unleashed against the Allies. It is large tank-like vehicles called Sand Spiders walking on stilts and raining down from higher up.
Click here to read the story.

5 Spy 13 and the Man of Power Spy 13 and the Man of Power
Published by Amalgamated Press
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1959

A graphic adventure told in 4 chapters from Thriller Picture Library #266, March 1959 - 64 pages.
Taking place a couple of years after the end of WWII, a new British bomber is about to be showcased to the military when it is stolen and flown to the South American nation of El Pesos. It is the work of an ex-Nazi named von Slinke. Agent 13 is sent to steal the plane back. Unfortunately, von Slinke's spies in England learn immediately of the mission and try to stop it.
Click here to read the story.

6 Spy 13 and the Phoney Invasion Spy 13 and the Phoney Invasion
Published by Amalgamated Press
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1959

1st of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #274, May 1959.
As the Allies prepare to continue their battle against the Axis by invading Sicily, Montgomery's staff has a stunning request for David Doughty, aka Spy 13. They want him to let himself be captured on that island by the enemy, carrying intel pointing to a different landing spot for the invasion.
Click here to read the story.

7 Spy 13 Behind Enemy Lines Spy 13 Behind Enemy Lines
Published by Amalgamated Press
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1959

2nd of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #274, May 1959.
The year is 1942. Spy 13 is parachuting into occupied Holland to head to Essen. He must learn what happened to a previous agent sent there to learn of the new anti-aircraft guns being manufactured there.
Click here to read the story.

8 Spy 13 and the Nazi Fire-Raisers Spy 13 and the Nazi Fire-Raisers
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1959

A graphic adventure told in 4 chapters from Thriller Picture Library #282, July 1959 - 64 pages.
The year is 1941. The Germans have been scoring great victories with their U-boats and their air force has wrecked havoc with their new night bomber drones. Spy 13 is given a dual mission: find where the German U-boat refueling ship was located and learn how those night bombers had such terrific marksmanship.
Click here to read the story.

9 Spy 13 and Code ZX913 Spy 13 and Code ZX913
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1959

1st of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #290, October 1959 - 32 pages.
Three days after Dunkirk, a top secret German document, believed to be Hitler's invasion plans, fell into British hands. To decipher the document and obtain its secrets, British Intelligence needed the German Code ZX913. Spy 13 was ordered to fly to France and obtain the code from a German printing works housed in a heavily guarded French castle.
Click here to read the story.

10 Spy 13 and the Peril of the Panzers Spy 13 and the Peril of the Panzers
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1959

2nd of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #290, October 1959 - 32 pages.
The campaign in Italy was at a stalemate and the Allies were planning on a new offensive but it was vital to know the location of a crack Panzer regiment operating in the area. The task falls to Spy 13.
Click here to read the story.

11 Spy 13 and the Rocket Expert Spy 13 and the Rocket Expert
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1959

1st of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #298, December 1959 - 32 pages.
The year is 1944 and Hitler has launched his latest weapon on England; the dreaded V2 rocket. Wanting even more of a weapon, German Intelligence is paying close attention to the Vichy French scientist Professor Dubois. So is Spy 13 who drops in for a visit.
Click here to read the story.

12 Spy 13 and the Secret of the Lakes Spy 13 and the Secret of the Lakes
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1959

2nd of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #298, December 1959 - 32 pages.
One of the most important of Germany's war factories was cunningly situated amidst the lofty peaks and limped lakes of Central Europe where continual cloud blotted out all sight of the ground from Allied bombers. Spy 13 must find a way to destroy the facility.
Click here to read the story.

13 Spy 13 and the Nazi Invasion Code Spy 13 and the Nazi Invasion Code
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

1st of 3 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #306, February 1960 - 22 pages.
It is June 1944. After German officials capture a French Resistance cell and take possession of the code book used to receive messages from the British regarding the upcoming invasion, it falls to Spy 13 to head into occupied France to tell the different cells what new book to use with D-Day soon to happen.
Click here to read the story.

14 Spy 13 and the Dummy Gun Battery Spy 13 and the Dummy Gun Battery
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

2nd of 3 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #306, February 1960 - 20 pages.
It is June 4, 1944. Near the coast of France, Spy 13, in a disguise as a German motorcycle courier, sees a British drone plane crash in some woods. Lending assistance, he learns the commandos were trying to silence a battery overlooking the invasion beaches.
Click here to read the story.

15 Spy 13 and the Lake Of Eagles Spy 13 and the Lake Of Eagles
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

3rd of 3 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #306, February 1960 - 22 pages.
After just taken out the battery in the previous adventure, Spy 13 and the British commandoes come upon a French Resistance member whose team had been killed before accomplishing their D-Day mission. Spy 13 decides to finish the job for them.
Click here to read the story.

16 Spy 13 and the Night Sky Menace Spy 13 and the Night Sky Menace
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

A graphic adventures told in 5 parts from Thriller Picture Library #310, March 1960 - 64 pages.
The capture on an RAF base of a Pole worker there who had blown open a safe to steal secret documents brings Spy 13 to that facility where it is suspected that a German spy organization was at work in the area and forcing the Pole to work for them. Taking the man's place, David Doughty will find the thread leads to a much bigger menace.
Click here to read the story.

17 Spy 13 and the Nazi Boffin Spy 13 and the Nazi Boffin
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

A graphic adventure from Thriller Picture Library #314, April 1960 - 64 pages.
In the early days of the Africa Campaign, two British agents were hard at work behind enemy lines. One was Jim Jarvis and the other was David Doughty, Spy 13. When Jarvis goes missing, Spy 13 wants to learn what happened to his colleague. Even more important, though, is investigating rumors of a new and powerful German weapon about to be used in the area.
Click here to read the story.

18 Spy 13 and the Guns of Mount Eagle Spy 13 and the Guns of Mount Eagle
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

1st of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #316, May 1960 - 32 pages.
It is 1943.  In an Italian pass the Germans have set up powerful guns on Mount Eagle, a peak giving them a terrific advantage. It will be the job of Spy 13 to eliminate those weapons.
Click here to read the story.

19 Spy 13 and the Turkish Diplomat Spy 13 and the Turkish Diplomat
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

2nd of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #316, May 1960 - 32 pages.
As Germany tries to woo Turkey into the Axis a high ranking German officer, Von Grucher, is in controlled Athens to meet with a Turkish emissary named Ahmet Kastani. Spy 13 is on hand to make sure the meeting does not go well. More interesting are the wonderous secrets the German are willing to share of their forces in Greece, all to woo the delegate.
Click here to read the story.

20 The Hidden Enemy The Hidden Enemy
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

1st of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #320, June 1969 - 42 pages.
The year is 1942 and the battle for Alamein is about to start. Someone is a traitor in the Allied ranks helping enemy agents escape and revealing defensive positions. It is Spy 13 who is sent to find the mole.
Click here to read the story.

21 The Nuisance Raiders The Nuisance Raiders
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

2nd of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #320, June 1969 - 21 pages.
The year is 1944. The invasion of Normandy has started the second front and the RAF has made great strides in damaging the Luftwaffe. One German air squadron has remained active pulling nightly nuisance raids. Spy 13 is ordered to find where their base is so it can be eliminated.
Click here to read the story.

22 Spy 13 and the Missile Menace Spy 13 and the Missile Menace
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

A graphic adventures in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #324, July 1960 - 64 pages.
Elderly French scientist Professor Legrand was not only quite noted in his field but also a member of the Maquis resistance. When he is captured by the Germans and scheduled to be sent to Germany to be forced to work for them, Spy 13 is sent to Paris to rescue him. One handicap to the plan is the old man has a broken leg.
Click here to read the story.

23 Spy 13 and the Secret Weapon Spy 13 and the Secret Weapon
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 08/1960

1st of 3 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #328, August 1960 - 21 pages.
British Intelligence is anxious to learn about a new German torpedo being outfitted at a naval base along the French coast so David Doughty, Spy 13, is sent to get the details.
Click here to read the story.

24 Spy 13 and the Cargo of Doom Spy 13 and the Cargo of Doom
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 08/1960

2nd of 3 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #328, August 1960 - 21 pages.
The attack on a ship convoy by a pack of U-boats reveals to British Intelligence that the route had to have disclosed as the Germans were lying in wait. It is believed someone aboard a Dutch ship which was part of the convoy is the enemy agent. Spy 13 goes undercover to find him.
Click here to read the story.

25 Spy 13 - To Die at Dawn Spy 13 - To Die at Dawn
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 08/1960

3rd of 3 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #328, August 1960 - 21 pages.
Spy 13 is sent into occupied France to free a captured British officer working with the Maquis and scheduled to be shot at dawn but he and a squad of commandos have to get past a fortified German compound.
Click here to read the story.

26 Spy 13 and the Swimming Pig Spy 13 and the Swimming Pig
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 09/1960

1st of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #332, September 1960 - 32 pages.
In the harbor of Alexandria, Egypt, three warships have been severely damaged or destroyed in attack recently but the defenses are so solid no German boat could get in or out undetected. Spy 13 is sent to learn how the attacks took place.
Click here to read the story.

27 Spy 13 and the Secret Patriot Spy 13 and the Secret Patriot
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

{s~2nd of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #332, September Spy 13 has known many brave men and women in his missions but the Frenchman Henry Mallard remains strongest in his mind. At a time when everyone was certain he was a corroborator with the Germans, he came to the aid of Spy 13 with that operative was being hunted  and all but exhausted.
Click here to read the story.

28 Spy 13 and the Secret Fleet Spy 13 and the Secret Fleet
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

1st of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #336, October 1960 - 32 pages.
The year is 1940 and already Spy 13 has been on many dangerous and tough assignments. His boss feels he needs a short rest before the next big case so David Doughty heads to the east coast of England for a breather. Doing some night swimming turns eventful when he is literally bumped into by a U-boat! Things get very interesting after that!
Click here to read the story.

29 Spy 13 and the Mountains of Terror Spy 13 and the Mountains of Terror
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

2nd of 2 graphic adventures from Thriller Picture Library #336, October 1960 - 32 pages.
It is early in 1943. In a hard-to-reach valley in Norway the Germans have a factory working on a new and very deadly weapon. At the facility a captured British scientist is being forced to work on the device. Spy 13 is sent in to free the man and learn what he can about the weapon.
Click here to read the story.

30 Spy 13 and the Sign of the Zodiac Spy 13 and the Sign of the Zodiac
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1960

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #340, November 1960 - 64 pages. Reprinted in Spy 13 Summer Special #1, June 1966.
British Intelligence has decided that getting Hitler's astrologer to recommend dispatching his fleet from Bremerhaven out to sea is a good idea. They also believe that Spy 13 with his mimicry skills could impersonate the man long enough to pull it off.
Click here to read the story.

31 Spy 13 and the Double Trap Spy 13 and the Double Trap
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 12/1960

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #344, December 1960 - 64 pages.
After Spy 13 has caused considerable trouble for the Germans along the coast of France, the Nazis have come up with a plan to trap the famous British operative - using a resurrected German Field Marshal as bait!
Click here to read the story.

32 Gamble With Danger Gamble With Danger
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Alberto Breccia (artist)
Copyright: 1961

A graphic adventure from Thriller Picture Library #348, January 1961 - 64 pages. Reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Holiday Special, 1969.
[plot unknown]
Click here to read the story.

33 Spy 13 in Operation South Pacific Spy 13 in Operation South Pacific
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1961

A graphic adventure from Thriller Picture Library #352, February 1961 - 64 pages.
At the same time the Japanese were attack Pearl Harbor in December of 1941, Spy 13 was on an important mission in the South Pacific to ferret out the Japanese spy ring operating in and around the Solomon Islands.
Click here to read the story.

34 Spy 13 - Danger Before D-Day Spy 13 - Danger Before D-Day
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 03/1961

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #356 - 64 pages.
A sailor off a ship just arriving in London is killed in an air raid. On his body is a coat button which had a hidden compartment. British Intelligence was notified and Spy 13 put on the case which will connect him with a noted violinist with regular broadcasts on the radio.
Click here to read the story.

35 Spy 13 and the Atom Bomb Peril Spy 13 and the Atom Bomb Peril
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1961

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #360, May 1961 - 64 pages. It was reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Holiday Special 1969.
The end of WWII was approaching but the Germans were finally making progress on their atomic bomb research. It is revealed that at the very beginning of the War, a German nuclear scientist working in the UK named Krause was substituted by a very smart British agent who has over the years been stymying Germany war efforts. Now he has been captured and Spy 13 is sent to get him out and to stop the progress.
Click here to read the story.

36 Spy 13 and the Phantom Afrika Korps Spy 13 and the Phantom Afrika Korps
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Graham Coton (artist)
Copyright: 1961

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #364, June 1961 - 64 pages.
The year is 1942. Rommel was poised to make a powerful advance across Egypt to take the Suez Canal and yet he waited. Soon Montgomery was able to gather enough strength to challenge him. Why did Rommel wait so long? History does not tell the truth. Spy 13 is that truth.
Click here to read the story.

37 Spy 13 - Crisis in Casablanca Spy 13 - Crisis in Casablanca
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Alberto Breccia (artist)
Copyright: 1961

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #368, July 1961 - 64 pages.
A vital conference of Allied leaders is planned for Casablanca but British Intelligence knows the Germans would do anything to get their hands on the plans being discussed. Spy 13 is sent to help with security and he will have his hands full.
Click here to read the story.

38 Spy 13 and the Invasion of Ireland Spy 13 and the Invasion of Ireland
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Alberto Breccia (artist)
Copyright: 1961

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #372, August 1961 - 64 pages. Reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Holiday Special 1968.
German U-boats are hiding in Irish waters in violation of that nation's neutrality. They then are able to attack convoys heading to the UK and worse yet, they know in advance which are the more precious cargos. Spy 13 is sent to learn how they know.
Click here to read the story.

39 Spy 13 and the Sea Scourge Spy 13 and the Sea Scourge
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Alberto Breccia (artist)
Copyright: 09/1961

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #376, September 1961 - 64 pages.
German U-boats were proving increasingly successful at finding convoys and evading detection themselves as the middle years of the War came about. Spy 13 is order to find out how they are doing this and he feels the best way would be from the inside of one of the U-boats.
Click here to read the story.

40 Spy 13 and the Reign of Terror Spy 13 and the Reign of Terror
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Alberto Breccia (artist)
Copyright: 10/1961

A graphic adventure from Thriller Picture Library #380, October 1961 - 64 pages. Reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Holiday Special, 1969.
In the immediate days after Dunkirk, German forces taking over France begin a reign of terror on that country. Staying behind to help the resistance is Spy 13 and he decides to start his own reign by taking the place of a motorbike messenger.
Click here to read the story.

41 Spy 13 and the Jungle Menace Spy 13 and the Jungle Menace
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Alberto Breccia (artist)
Copyright: 1961

A graphic adventure in 5 parts from Thriller Picture Library #384, November 1961 - 64 pages.
During WWII even neutral nations can feel the effects. Case in point is the South American nation of San Romano where the government is pro-British but a rebel force is being aided by the Germans. Spy 13 is sent to make sure the current President stays in power by stopping the rebels.
Click here to read the story.

42 Spy 13 and the Paper Enemy Spy 13 and the Paper Enemy
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Alberto Breccia (artist)
Copyright: 1961

A graphic adventure in 5 parts from Thriller Picture Library #388, December 1961 - 64 pages.
To finance Burmese chiefs to fight the invading Japanese, Britain has sent agent Tim Williams to that country with a large amount of cash. Then he went silent. Was he captured, killed, or was he a turn-coat? That is the question Spy 13 is sent to Burma to find out.
Click here to read the story.

43 Spy 13 - Rendezvous In Berlin Spy 13 - Rendezvous In Berlin
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #392, January 1962 - 64 pages. Reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Holiday Special 1968.
The capture of a German agent in England result in David Doughty, Spy 13, being sent to Berlin to find out why a statue moved! Spy 13 will look into a possible secret laboratory.
Click here to read the story.

44 Spy 13 and the Sons Of Nippon Spy 13 and the Sons Of Nippon
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure from Thriller Picture Library #396, February 1962 - 64 pages.
It is likely 1940. David Doughty, Spy 13, was getting some R&R when he is pulled back to work to head to the Far East where it was vital to learn where Japan was expected to strike next - India or Australia. Calling on an old Chinese friend to help, Spy 13 heads to Hong Kong to start the investigation
Click here to read the story.

45 Spy 13 and the Man From Lisbon Spy 13 and the Man From Lisbon
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure from Thriller Picture Library #400, March 1962 - 64 pages.
David Doughty is in Lisbon where the neutrality of its country make it an excellent safe harbor for spies from many nations. Spy 13 has just fooled the Germans enough to buy fake intel and is flying back to London when the plane is brought down over water by a German fighter. One of his fellow survivors makes Spy 13 very curious but keeping track of the man will prove challenging and dangerous.
Click here to read the story.

46 Spy 13 and the Danger from the Depths Spy 13 and the Danger from the Depths
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 04/1962

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #404, April 1962 - 64 pages.
The year is 1944. An invasion of the Continent by the Allies is soon to happen. Then why is the German Commander-in-Chief leaving his post to go on vacation? And what is behind strange troop movements near a small inland town? That are two questions that Spy 13 is asked to get answers for.
Click here to read the story.

47 Spy 13 and the Phantom Legion Spy 13 and the Phantom Legion
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #408, May 1962 - 64 pages.
An urgent request for his assistance bring Spy 13 to North Africa where the Allied forces are being plagued by a series of daring land raids on their bases a good ways behind their lines. The German marauders appear out of nowhere, strike fiercely, and then disappear again. They do not seem to be going back to their side so where are they hiding?
Click here to read the story.

48 Spy 13 and the Sands of Doom Spy 13 and the Sands of Doom
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #412, June 1962 - 64 pages.
It is May 1942 and the fighting in North Africa is going badly for the Allies, especially when a series of attacks on land convoys and patrols result in catastrophe. It becomes apparent that someone in Cairo is leaking movements to the enemies. David Doughty, Spy 13, is sent there to find out who it was.
Click here to read the story.

49 Spy 13 and the Pawn of Fate Spy 13 and the Pawn of Fate
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #416, July 1962 - 64 pages.
It is May 1940.  A French scientist is being forced by the Germans to develop a radio-controlled artillery shell; if he did not cooperate, his daughter would suffer greatly. Spy 13 is sent to get them both free and working with him is an army sergeant with a particular hatred of Nazis.
Click here to read the story.

50 Spy 13 - Deadly Delusion Spy 13 - Deadly Delusion
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #420, August 1962 - 64 pages.
The murders of four student spies working at the War Office and then the deaths of two experienced agents in the field get Spy 13 called in to find out who is responsible. He makes his start by investigating the secret training school for spies.
Click here to read the story.

51 Spy 13 and the Jaws of Death Spy 13 and the Jaws of Death
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #424, September 1962 - 64 pages.
After several weeks of investigation, Spy 13 has finally tracked down the source of leaks of intelligence to German spies. The accidental death of the mole offers a chance for Spy 13 to disguise himself as the man and become a mole himself by 'fleeing' back to Germany.
Click here to read the story.

52 Spy 13 and the Grotto of Death Spy 13 and the Grotto of Death
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #428, October 1962 - 64 pages.
The German supplies of war material had been cut to a small fraction of what they needed and now repairs and replacement parts were desperately low and defeat looked inevitable. Suddenly, though, an answer was found and soon parts and new equipment were again reaching the forces. This is largely thanks to a new factory hidden away. It is Spy 13's job to find its location and to do that, he decides to let himself be captured and made part of the slave labor forced to work there.
Click here to read the story.

53 Spy 13 and the Atlantic Raiders Spy 13 and the Atlantic Raiders
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #432, November 1962 - 64 pages.
While investigating a man at a Swedish port, Spy 13 mistakenly follows the wrong person and ends up nabbed by that man, a ship captain, and his crew. After interrogation where David Doughty revealed nothing, he was chained and thrown overboard. He barely survived but now he is very interested in what those men had to hide worth killing him.
Click here to read the story.

54 Spy 13 - Chateau of Vengeance Spy 13 - Chateau of Vengeance
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1962

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #436, December 1962 - 64 pages. Reprinted in Secret Agent Picture Library Holiday Special 1968.
Parachuting into occupied France to join up with a resistance band, David Doughty, Spy 13, has unfortunate news for them: there is a traitor among their ranks and he has "proof of the treachery ... if not the actual traitor". This will complicate the overall plan to break into the well protected St. Pierre Prison to free patriots held there.
Click here to read the story.

55 Spy 13 and the Deadly Decision Spy 13 and the Deadly Decision
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 01/1963

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #440, January 1963 - 64 pages.
In another tale of early in the War in the blood-soaked scorching sands of North Africa, Rommel was making tremendous progress. Word then is received that the Germans were "planning something big" but still unknown was what, where, and when. That was the job of Spy 13 to find out. His first step was to work with a half dozen commandos to overtake a German observation post and then go from there.
Click here to read the story.

56 Spy 13 and the Peril From Asia Spy 13 and the Peril From Asia
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1963

A graphic adventure in 4 parts from Thriller Picture Library #448, March 1963 - 64 pages.
The year is 1940. As England watches German forces take one land after another heading towards its shores, Hitler dispatches his best secret agent, Ludwig Schwartz, to the Far East. Learning this, British Intelligence sends its ace, Spy 13, to learn what that operative is up to.
Click here to read the story.

57 The Devil's Lair The Devil's Lair
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1966

4th of 4 graphic adventures (the others were reprints from stories in Thriller Picture Library) from Spy 13 Summer Special, June 1966 - 55 pages.
[plot unknown]

58 Spy 13 - Mission Impossible Spy 13 - Mission Impossible
Published by Fleetway Publications Ltd.
Contributors: Unknown (writer and artist)
Copyright: 1968

4th of 4 graphic adventures (the others were reprints from stories in Thriller Picture Library) in Secret Agent Picture Library Holiday Special, 1968 - 55 pages.
[plot unknown]


These are interesting and most very enjoyable short adventures. There might be a lot of pages to most of the adventures (64) but since there are only two panels per page, that does not give anywhere as much room as might be thought by the page count.

The black and white artwork is good but at times looks hurried (this from a man who cannot draw a stick figure). Still, no panel is ever wasted and nothing important is hard to recognize or understand. 

Action is by far the important part of these stories and the writers and artists definitely excel at those. And there is an impressive amount of variety as well, not to mention landscapes and regions.


My Grade: B


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