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Full Name: Alan Armstrong
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Freelance Agent

Creator: Bill Parker, C. C. Beck
Time Span: 1940 - 2006


Spy Smasher is a freelance agent.

By that I mean that he works for, and takes orders from, nobody but himself. He is totally on the side of the American government as it finds itself the target of a host of very bad enemy agents wanting to cripple the country before it can enter the wars overseas. He has chosen to seek these miscreants out and stop their nefarious schemes without the help of any organization and he seems to be more successful that way.

Spy Smasher is the name he gave himself. In real life, he is Alan Armstrong, described numerous times in the recorded adventures as a "wealthy Virginia sportsman". He on a couple of occasions refers to himself modestly as a "horse farmer". Looking at his house and reading the brief descriptions of his estate, though, he most definitely is quite well off. How he got his money, whether it was earning it himself or inheriting it, is never revealed. He is never seen doing any actual work and his lack of employment is never mentioned so the idea of "idle rich" comes to mind.

In his Spy Smasher persona, of course, he is anything but idle. Spy Smasher thinks nothing about leaping from tall places to tackle bad guys or race into buring buildings to snatch a kidnap victim or vital secret document or even pick up a bomb about to explode and throwing it out the window. And when the shouting dies down and the authorities show up, Spy Smasher routinely disappears without so much as a farewell. He is decidedly not out for the glory.

Armstrong/Spy Smasher is in superb physical shape and is extremely athletic and nimble as is shown in his many outrageously dangerous stunts. He also possesses a first-class mind and a sharp instinct for who is really a bad guy in disguise. Even more impressive is something he may well have invented and which he uses repeatedly during his long career - the gyrosub. Certainly he is wealthy enough to finance its creation and when, early on in his life, it is destroyed, he has or gets another one built.

This revolutionary vehicle deserves more than a passing mention. It is a two-person (three if real friendly) device that drives on land, can go deep underwater, and flies swiftly through the air. Though it has no propellers visible in the front or on top, it can reach impressive speeds and it can hover for long periods. Apparently he has some mechanism for controlling it remotely because he leaps from it one many occasions and it comes to pick him up or lands itself.


Number of Books:1
First Appearance:1941
Last Appearance:1941

1 Spy Smasher And The Red Death Spy Smasher And The Red Death
Written by Manly Wade Wellman
Copyright: 1941

The 4th book in the Dime Action Book series. The story is adapted from the comic book story titled The Red Death.


Number of Movies:2
First Appearance:1942
Last Appearance:1966

While the number of movies indicates 2, there is really just the one 12-part serial from Republic Pictures. The original came out in 1942. The second "movie" was a re-editing of the first to make it fit into a 2-hour made-for-television movie (100 minutes plus commercials).

I quite enjoyed the episodes and was quite impressed with the action sequences. Reading up a bit on them, I learned that the two men doing the stunts had to pull off some dangerous acts to get it on film and they pulled it off beautifully. One critic said the serial was one of the very best of a long litany of serials put out in that decade.

The writers or producers did something that confused me, though, and that was changing the basic history of the character quite a bit. At least I think it was a change because having read the comics, I saw nothing of the background that was told in the movie. Of course, changing the flic from the book is nothing new but this was a stunner. Alan Armstrong has, in the movie, a twin brother, Jack, and it is Jack who is engaged to Eve Corby and it is Joe who sometimes helps Alan who faked his own death overseas so he could freely operate as Spy Smasher. Things will not work out well for Jack, unfortunately.

One other big change is the gyrosub, such a wonder of technology, is replaced with a "Bat Plane". Odd.

1 Spy Smasher Spy Smasher
Director: William Witney
Writers: Joseph F. Poland, Joseph O, William Liveley, Norman S. Hall, Ronald Davidson
Actors: Kane Richmond as Spy Smasher / Alan Armstrong / Jack Armstrong, Marguerite Chapman as Eve Corby, Sam Flint as Admiral Corby, Hans Schumm as The Mask
Released: 1942

Told in 12 15-minute serial episodes, Spy Smasher, secretly Alan Armstrong, takes on the Nazi spymaster, the Mask, who is in charge of saboteurs all over America.
The dozen episodes were:
1. "America Beware"
2. "Human Target"
3. "Iron Coffin"
4. "Stratosphere Invaders"
5. "Descending Doom"
6. "The Invisible Witness"
7. "Secret Weapon"
8. "Sea Raiders"
9. "Highway Racketeers"
10. "'2700' Fahrenheit"
11. "Hero's Death"
12. "V ...-"

2 Spy Smasher Returns Spy Smasher Returns
Director: William Witney
Actor: Kane Richmond as Spy Smasher
Released: 1966

Taking the original 12-part serial and re-cutting it so it lasted 100 minutes, the producers created this tv-movie. Same plot, of course.


Number of Episodes:3
First Appearance:2000
Last Appearance:2003


1 Patriot Act
Episode 5-7, first aired 02/25/2006
Director: Joaquim Dos Santos
Writer: Matt Wayne
Guest Star: Nathan Fillion as Spy Smasher

General Eiling is mightily miffed at the Justice League and uses a super-serum to become powerful enough to destroy it. With all the meta-humans aware on missions, it is up to seven non-powered members of the group to stop him. The origin of the serum is told up front in a flashback scene to WWII and Spy Smasher stealing the formula from the Nazis.


Number of Stories:97
First Appearance:1940
Last Appearance:1997

When Fawcett Comics decided to come out with its own line of superhero comics, it created Captain Marvel. (DC later claimed the concept was stolen from its Superman hero, sued, won and cost Fawcett its existence.) Eventually Marvel would have a host of magazines going on about him and his "family" but the origin of the story was in Whiz Comics. As most comics those days were anthologies consisting of many different stories and heroes, Whiz presented an assortment of heroes in their own adventures. One of these was Spy Smasher.

For information sake, the first issue of Whiz Comics was #2. There never was a #1 put onto the stands. This was for legal reasons that still sort of hurts my brain.

Whiz Comics with Captain Marvel leading the way, lasted quite a few years. Some of the supporting story-lines came and went but most hung around.

Golden Arrow, infant son of a scientist who's lighter-than-air balloon carrying him, his wife, and the baby, is shot down over the western U.S. Mom and Dad die but the boy survives to be raised by an old prospector. The baby grows up learning incredible abilities from animals and decides to fight crime with his bow and arrow.

Ibis the Invincible, a 12th Dynasty Egyptian mummy that returns to life via the power of the Ibistick

Lance O'Casey, swashbuckling sailor of fortune who loves to travel the oceans of the world in search of adventure and always seems to find it, or it him.

Dan Dare, ace private detective who loves to solve mysteries and does so repeatedly with the help of his beautiful female assistant, Carol Clews. He lasted but a while. He should not be confused with the British comic character who came along a decade later and achieved far greater fame.

When first we meet Spy Smasher, he is given fairly even page-count with the others as no one knew who would make it and who would go away. Apparently Spy Smasher made it because after a time his page count grew and he even got to star in an adventure with the main man, Captain Marvel, something the other guys did not.

He even got his own magazine in the summer of 1941 for just over a year, producing 11 issues of its own with usually 3 adventures per, while still maintaining his regular spot in Whiz. Obviously sales were not good enough to continue this solo gig but when it shut down in February of 1943, things continued as normal in Whiz.

Sometimes the stories were a tad shorter than normal and sometimes they ran a bit long but they continued in Whiz Comics until a year after WWII ended. With the end of Nazi Germany and its unending supply of enemy agents, and likely because the interests of the readers was shifting, Alan Armstrong retired his Spy Smasher persona to take up a new profession: Crime Smasher.

The switch was not totally abrupt as in one day he is Spy Smasher and the next he is Crime Smasher but it does take place in one issue. Spy Smasher is retiring and as he reenters civilian life, he intends to donate the plans for his revolutionary Gyrosub to the Smithsonian. Criminals learn of this, though, and go after the plans. Armstrong gets upset at their antics and takes them on. Doing so gives him an idea for what to do next in his life. He publicly opens his business as Crime Smasher.

Seven month of single adventures in Whiz Comics follow. Then comes a single issue release of Crime Smasher but then the character faded away.

When Fawcett ceased operations and sold its litany of characters to D.C. most were put on the shelves never to be used again. Some, like Spy Smasher, would return now and then in small roles.

The first appearance I know about was a small gig in a three-part "Crisis" saga in 1976. It was not much and did not last long but it did end with his standing next to Superman and Wonder Woman (not bad).

Then in 1997, a retconned world in the Captain Marvel universe sees a flashback story in which an Commie-fighting Spy Smasher co-opts an archaeologist to help keep a magical doodad from the bad guys' hands, said scientist being the future father of Billy Batson. Note that in the retconned universe, it was not Captain Marvel who helped him regain his sanity when the Mask messed with his mind and turned him anti-government, it was a fellow Fawcett City superhero named Bulletman.

Other than a mention in another Captain Marvel story, but no appearance, Alan Armstrong aka Spy Smasher has been retired.

AC Comics, a reprinter of old works, did release in the early 2000's some black-and-white versions of old Fawcett stories featuring a nice mixture of characters (no Captain Marvel). Spy Smasher saw a half-dozen or so of his tales resurrected.

Note 1: The identity of the writers and artists for the various Fawcett tales are taken from the excellent ComicsPlus website. If I get it wrong, though, it is my fault.

Note 2: If a title is in "" marks, it is my invention. If it is not, it is from the actual comic.

1 'The Disappearing Mine-Layer Plans' 'The Disappearing Mine-Layer Plans'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), C. C. Beck (artist)
Copyright: 02/1940

From Whiz Comics #2 - Secret plans for the Navy's mine-laying operations are in Admiral Corby's residence and the Mask sends henchmen to get it, also planning on killing him. Spy Smasher plans on stopping them.
Click here to read the story.

2 'The Abduction of Eve Corby' 'The Abduction of Eve Corby'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), C. C. Beck (artist)
Copyright: 03/1940

From Whiz Comics #3a - The Mask kidnaps Eve Corby for force her father to reveal naval secrets but Spy Smasher rescues her and reveals his identity to her.
Click here to read the story.

3 'Shooting Down Eve Corby' 'Shooting Down Eve Corby'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), C. C. Beck (artist)
Copyright: 04/1940

From Whiz Comics #3b - With a new weapon able to bring down aircraft, the Mask is going after new prototypes but one of his henchmen brings down the liner Eve Corby is on and she is again captured. Spy Smasher races to rescue her but even his gyrosub is a victim of the weapon.
Click here to read the story.

4 'Who Took The Sub Model?' 'Who Took The Sub Model?'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), C. C. Beck (artist)
Copyright: 05/1940

From Whiz Comics #4 - While entertaining a visiting professor, Admiral Corby's model of the Navy's new submarine is stolen during a blackout. Alan Armstrong is there to unbeard the fake professor but soon Corby and Eve are prisoners of the Mask.
Click here to read the story.

5 'No Tanks, I'm Good' 'No Tanks, I'm Good'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), C. C. Beck (artist)
Copyright: 06/1940

From Whiz Comics #5 - For some reason, Admiral Corby of Naval Intelligence is involved with a new army tank that shoots super-hot flames. When The Mask's men cannot steal the plans thanks to Spy Smasher, they steal the tank itself.
Click here to read the story.

6 'Amusement Parks Can Be The Death Of You' 'Amusement Parks Can Be The Death Of You'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), C. C. Beck (artist)
Copyright: 07/1940

From Whiz Comics #6 - After Spy Smasher prevents an exploding bottle of champagne from destroying a new battleship, Eve Corby takes her father to an amusement park to relax. The Mask tries to kill them both but manages to kill the wrong couple. Spy Smasher tries to catch him.
Click here to read the story.

7 'The Plans Or Your Daughter - You Pick' 'The Plans Or Your Daughter - You Pick'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), Pete Costanza (artist)
Copyright: 08/1940

From Whiz Comics #7 - The Mask has henchmen try to kidnap Eve Corby while she and Alan Armstrong are horseback riding. They fail but the Mask tries to convince Admiral Corby they have her and he must turn over secret plans or else.
Click here to read the story.

8 'It's All Mine!' 'It's All Mine!'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), Pete Costanza (artist)
Copyright: 09/1940

From Whiz Comics #8 - The military's latest experiment is with a mobile magnetic mine that can attach itself to a vehicle and blow it up. A spy for the Mask takes pictures of it with a mouth camera and they use it to go after Spy Smasher.
Click here to read the story.

9 'Who's The New Eve?' 'Who's The New Eve?'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), C. C. Beck (artist)
Copyright: 10/1940

From Whiz Comics #9 - The Navy has been working on a hypno-ray device and the Mask wants it. Since getting into Admiral Corby's hq is so difficult, he hires a movie star to impersonate Eve. She learns where the hypno-ray tests are being conducted.
Click here to read the story.

10 'How To Hide An Army' 'How To Hide An Army'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Pete Costanza (artist), Bill Parker (writer)
Copyright: 11/1940

Capturing a spy for the Mask who is trying to destroy the latest battleship, Admiral Corby and Spy Smasher learn where the Mask is amassing an army of men in a hidden facility and they go after it.
Click here to read the story.

11 'How's Your Trip Going?' 'How's Your Trip Going?'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), Pete Costanza (artist)
Copyright: 12/1940

From Whiz Comics #11 - The Mask is determined to stop Admiral Corby's good-will visit to South America, first by trying to blow up his ship then by leaving bombs in the country visiting and laying the blame on Corby.
Click here to read the story.

12 'Stop Lion To Me' 'Stop Lion To Me'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: C. C. Beck (artist), Bill Parker (writer)
Copyright: 01/1941

From Whiz Comics #12 - The Mask is getting tired of Admiral Corby's interference and figures if his daughter were killed or injured, things might be better so he seeks to kill her at the zoo with a lion.
Click here to read the story.

13 'Bombing At The White House' 'Bombing At The White House'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), John Westlake (artist)
Copyright: 02/1941

From Whiz Comics #13 - The Mask drops a timed bomb on the White House grounds planning on destroying the building and the country's morale. Spy Smasher grabs a famous rodeo circus performer to lasso the bomb and fly it away.
Click here to read the story.

14 'Oh, That's Just Grosso!' 'Oh, That's Just Grosso!'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), Charles Sultan (artist)
Copyright: 03/1941

From Whiz Comics #14 - The Mask has a secret weapon in the giant simple-minded man called Grosso and he uses that poor soul to go after Eve and Spy Smasher.
Click here to read the story.

15 'Captain Marvel vs Spy Smasher' - Part 1 'Captain Marvel vs Spy Smasher' - Part 1
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), Pete Costanza (artist)
Copyright: 04/1941

From Whiz Comics #15 - When Eve is captured by Grosso under the direction of the Mask, Spy Smasher rushes to save her but is instead captured and put under the control of the Mask via his Brainograph. Now evil, Spy Smasher kills the Mask but Captain Marvel shows up to try to capture him.
Click here to read the story.

16 'Captain Marvel vs Spy Smasher' - Parts 2 and 3 'Captain Marvel vs Spy Smasher' - Parts 2 and 3
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Charles Sultan (artist), Bill Parker (writer), C. C. Beck (artist)
Copyright: 04/1941

From Whiz Comics #16 - Part 2 in the Captain Marvel segment: Mr. Morris shows Billy Batson headlines about how Spy Smasher is helping inmates escape prison. Captain Marvel goes to stop him but is instead captured and put under the Mask's Brainograph. Part 3 in the Spy Smasher segment: Eve Corby fears Alan Armstrong is in danger and goes to his estate to save him but instead is trapped in his house when Spy Smasher tries to burn it down. Captain Marvel barely arrives in time.
Click here to read the story.

17 'Captain Marvel vs Spy Smasher' - Parts 4 and 5 'Captain Marvel vs Spy Smasher' - Parts 4 and 5
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), C. C. Beck (artist), Charles Sultan (artist)
Copyright: 05/1941

From Whiz Comics #17 - Part 4 in the Captain Marvel segment: Mr. Morris is being targeted by Spy Smasher and Captain Marvel is asked to be bodyguard. Part 5 in the Spy Smasher segment: Spy Smasher pulls out his hypno-ray flashlight to put workers under his command and then directs them to cause trouble.
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18 'Captain Marvel vs Spy Smasher' - Parts 6 and 7 'Captain Marvel vs Spy Smasher' - Parts 6 and 7
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Bill Parker (writer), C. C. Beck (artist), Charles Sultan (artist)
Copyright: 06/1941

From Whiz Comics #18 - Part 6 in the Captain Marvel segment: Captain Marvel arrives to save Eve Corby from Spy Smasher and eventually brings him out of his hypnotic state. Then agents of a foreign war lord show up and manage to kidnap Spy Smasher. Part 7 in the Spy Smasher segment: Racing to find and save Spy Smasher, Captain Marvel is able to keep him from certain death and save the day. They shake hands and depart as great friends.
Click here to read the story.

19 'Death At The Hands Of A Woman' 'Death At The Hands Of A Woman'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 07/1941

From Spy Smasher Comics #01 - Four adventures:
Death At The Hands Of A Woman - The new leader of the bad guys is the Dark Angel and she is very determined to destroy Spy Smasher.
Victim of the Death-Ray - Spy Smasher tries to stop enemy agents from stealing a very nasty new weapon which they of course try to use on him.
Sabotage in the Training Camps - An army marches on its stomach, the saying goes, and one nasty enemy agent is planning on poisoning the food supply to take out a lot at one time.
Here Comes The Indians - Enemy agents are stirring up Native Americans to cause trouble for the Feds and Spy Smasher heads west to stop them.
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20 'The Sea Air Will Do You Good' 'The Sea Air Will Do You Good'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: charles sultan (artist)
Copyright: 07/1941

From Whiz Comics #19 - Doctors recommend rest for Spy Smasher after his mind was taken over. He and Eve and Eve's aunt go on a pleasure cruise but agents from someone called the War-Lord sneak aboard to kill Eve Corby.
Click here to read the story.

21 'Let Me Borrow Your Car - and Motorcyle - and Truck' 'Let Me Borrow Your Car - and Motorcyle - and Truck'
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Charles Sultan (artist)
Copyright: 08/1941

From Whiz Comics #20 - Blitzys is a new anti-democracy society devoted to bringing down the American government. Also known as the Yellow Shirts, they start their campaign by trying to turn poor against rich. They pick Alan Armstrong and Eve Corby as their first target.
Click here to read the story.

22 The Red Death The Red Death
Published by Fawcett
Contributors: Manly Wade Wellman (writer), Charles Sulton (artist)
Copyright: 09/1941

From Spy Smasher Comics #02 - Four adventures:
The Red Death - At a meeting of intelligence officers to discuss the arrival of the terrorist called the Red Death but he shows up to kill one of them. Spy Smasher leaps in.
The Tigress - The gang leader known as the Tigress has one of her men kill a Senator and then disguises another man to take the pol's place.
America Smasher's Air Raid - A deadly saboteur known as America Smasher is determined to destroy America and starts with trying to destroy Spy Smasher.
The Mystery of The Eye - The latest would-be America destroyer is the man known as The Eye who threatens Admiral Corby prompting his daughter to call in Spy Smasher.
Click here to read the story.

23 'The Yellow Shirts' 'The Yellow Shirts'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 09/1941

From Whiz Comics #21 - Fifth Columnists are using stolen munitions to attack American bases at home.
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24 'Blown Up At Midnite' 'Blown Up At Midnite'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 10/1941

From Whiz Comics #22 - A note of warning of upcoming sabotage comes from an unusual source - head of the fifth columnists doing the attacking. Spy Smasher has his work cut out on this.
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25 'City Folks Has Peculiar Customs' 'City Folks Has Peculiar Customs'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 10/1941

From Whiz Comics #23 - A Secret Service agent walks in his sleep high up in a hotel and climbs out a window to fall to his death. Spy Smasher is determined to learn why.
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26 'Hugo ... You Go!' 'Hugo ... You Go!'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 11/1941

From Whiz Comics #24 - A messenger carrying important papers for Admiral Colby is killed by a strange beam and his pouch nearly stolen by an ape.
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27 'Killed By A 'Dead' Man' 'Killed By A 'Dead' Man'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 12/1941

From Whiz Comics #25 - The American Smasher is not quite as dead as everyone thought he was but he is still as determined to destroy Spy Smasher.
Click here to read the story.

28 'Keel My Frand A Leetle Bit' 'Keel My Frand A Leetle Bit'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 01/1942

From Whiz Comics #26 - A circus knife thrower is determined to get revenge on America after they tried to throw him in prison for 'killing his friend a little bit'. He is hired to use his skills to take out Spy Smasher. And he succeeds!
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29 'Strange Things' 'Strange Things'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 02/1942

From Spy Smasher Comics #03 - Four adventures:
"Strange Things" - The disappearance of several people all connected with the American government piques Spy Smasher's curiosity.
For Fear Of Little Men - Doctor Potz is a foreign power scientist who has discovered how to shrink people to just inches high.
"Can The Devil Return To Earth" - A foreign spy the double of an American naval officer except for his horns hypnotizes the man and plans to use him for no good.
"The Fate of the Dix" - A US freighter is hijacked and its load of vital goods stolen.
Click here to read the story.

30 'Must I Do Everything Myself?' 'Must I Do Everything Myself?'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 02/1942

From Whiz Comics #27 - A very respected judge surprisingly rules a known saboteur not guilty after seeing a skull he was holding. Spy Smasher is not so forgiving.
Click here to read the story.

31 'Killed By A Foul' 'Killed By A Foul'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 03/1942

From Whiz Comics #28 - When a wrestling match watched by Alan Armstrong and Eve Colby turns violent with a sudden death, Spy Smasher is certain something is afoul.
Click here to read the story.

32 The Crime of Pearl Harbor The Crime of Pearl Harbor
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 04/1942

From Spy Smasher Comics #04 - Four adventures:
The Crime of Pearl Harbor - The reason why Spy Smasher was not able to stop the attack on Pearl Harbor.
The Old Soldiers' Ghosts - Was the old man really seeing the ghosts of Civil War soldiers or was Spy Smasher right that it was a sham.
The Man in the Iron Mask - The ace spy of the Nazis is sent to America to bring back the head of Spy Smasher.
The Stolen Battleship - Pretending to be returning sailors, the enemy infiltrators plan to help themselves to a battleship.

33 The Stolen Lighthouse The Stolen Lighthouse
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 04/1942

From Whiz Comics #29 - Ships along the American coastline are being destroyed by enemy submarines. Spy Smasher is out to find how their movements are being tracked.
Click here to read the story.

34 'Sunk Off Jersey Coast' 'Sunk Off Jersey Coast'
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 05/1942

From Whiz Comics #30 - The vow by the enemy spy master, Herr Zero, is to sink every American ship, leaving them with zero. Spy Smasher has a lot higher count.
Click here to read the story.

35 Death Over Washington Death Over Washington
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 06/1942

From Spy Smasher Comics #05 - Four adventures:
Death Over Washington - A planning session in Washington for the battle of the Atlantic is visited by an apparition claiming to be Death and touching one of the members, kills him. Spy Smasher learns of this and goes hunting for Death and lands up in Hell. Sorta.
The Two-Faced Killer - Two naval investigators have been murdered recently and Alan Armstrong, aka Spy Smasher, gets interested in what they had learned that got them killed.
Versus America Smasher - Though America Smasher has been captured, no one thought it a good idea to take off his powerful mailed fist and he uses it to break free. A month later, he is back with a strange propaganda movie shown in the sky.
The Victory Battalion Young boys pretending to be Spy Smasher overhear a gang of Axis spies planning to destroy a ship convoy.

Click here to read the story.

36 The Mailed Fist Strikes The Mailed Fist Strikes
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 06/1942

From Whiz Comics #31 - A small peaceful island not far from the Panama Canal is invaded by a horde of Nazis including America Smasher. Spy Smasher just happens to be in the area suspecting possible trouble and finds it.
Click here to read the story.

37 Spy Smasher Goes To Chinatown Spy Smasher Goes To Chinatown
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 07/1942

From Whiz Comics #32 - Far Eastern saboteurs use a Chinese laundry to pass messages. Alan Armstrong, aka Spy Smasher, gets handed the wrong package of shirts and learns of something afoot with a ship in the harbor planning to take medical supplies to China.
Click here to read the story.

38 Doom To The Panama Canal Doom To The Panama Canal
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 08/1942

From Spy Smasher Comics #06 - Four adventures:
Doom To The Panama Canal
Hideous Hideo
The Flight of the Ghost Squadron
Grandpappy Swire and the 5th Column Fury

Click here to read the story.

39 To Crush America's Phantom Foe! To Crush America's Phantom Foe!
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 08/1942

From Whiz Comics #33 - A radio Morse code message warning of a saboteur aboard America's most powerful warship gets Billy Batson to become Captain Marvel to investigate. Alan Armstrong hears the same message and goes also as Spy Smasher. They meet and join forces.
Click here to read the story.

40 Whanno Island Whanno Island
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 09/1942

From Whiz Comics #34 - Plans for the invasion by American forces of a small Pacific island are taken by Japanese agents from an American agent. Spy Smasher must get them back or hundreds of US soldiers will die.
Click here to read the story.

41 Jap Devil Dragon Jap Devil Dragon
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 10/1942

From Spy Smasher Comics #07 - Four adventures:
Jap Devil Dragon
Terror in Exile
The Golden Wasp
Komitaji, Yugoslav Guerillas

Click here to read the story.

42 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 10/1942

From Whiz Comics #35 -
Click here to read the story.

43 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 10/1942

From Whiz Comics #36 -
Click here to read the story.

44 The Deserter The Deserter
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 11/1942

From Spy Smasher Comics #08 - Four adventures:
The Deserter
Krishnu - Prophet of Evil
The Secret Weapon
On Convoy Duty

45 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 11/1942

From Whiz Comics #37 -
Click here to read the story.

46 The Blizzard Blitzkrieg The Blizzard Blitzkrieg
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 12/1942

From Spy Smasher Comics #09 - Four adventures:
The Blizzard Blitzkrieg
The Amateur Dictator
Tokyo Adventure
Thirteen Steps To Doom

Click here to read the story.

47 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 12/1942

From Whiz Comics #38 -
Click here to read the story.

48 Why I Did Not Kill Hitler Why I Did Not Kill Hitler
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 01/1943

From Spy Smasher Comics #10 - Four adventures:
Why I Did Not Kill Hitler
The Japanese Beetle Menace
Champion of a Kingdom
The Faker

Click here to read the story.

49 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 01/1943

From Whiz Comics #39 -
Click here to read the story.

50 The Phantom Machines The Phantom Machines
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 02/1943

From Spy Smasher Comics #11 - Four adventures:
The Phantom Machines
Menace Over South America
The Man Without A Flag
The Battle Scarred Cloak

Click here to read the story.

51 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 02/1943

From Whiz Comics #40 -
Click here to read the story.

52 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 04/1943

From Whiz Comics #41 -
Click here to read the story.

53 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 05/1943

From Whiz Comics #42 -
Click here to read the story.

54 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 06/1943

From Whiz Comics #43 -
Click here to read the story.

55 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 07/1943

From Whiz Comics #44 -
Click here to read the story.

56 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 08/1943

From Whiz Comics #45 -
Click here to read the story.

57 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 09/1943

From Whiz Comics #46 -
Click here to read the story.

58 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 10/1943

From Whiz Comics #47 -
Click here to read the story.

59 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 11/1943

From Whiz Comics #48 -
Click here to read the story.

60 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 12/1943

From Whiz Comics #49 -
Click here to read the story.

61 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 01/1944

From Whiz Comics #50 -
Click here to read the story.

62 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 02/1944

From Whiz Comics #51 -
Click here to read the story.

63 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 03/1944

From Whiz Comics #52 -
Click here to read the story.

64 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 04/1944

From Whiz Comics #53 -
Click here to read the story.

65 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 05/1944

From Whiz Comics #54 -
Click here to read the story.

66 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 06/1944

From Whiz Comics #55 -
Click here to read the story.

67 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 07/1944

From Whiz Comics #56 -
Click here to read the story.

68 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 08/1944

From Whiz Comics #57 -
Click here to read the story.

69 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 09/1944

From Whiz Comics #58 -
Click here to read the story.

70 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 10/1944

From Whiz Comics #59 -
Click here to read the story.

71 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 11/1944

From Whiz Comics #60 -
Click here to read the story.

72 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 01/1945

From Whiz Comics #61 -
Click here to read the story.

73 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 02/1945

From Whiz Comics #62 -
Click here to read the story.

74 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 03/1945

From Whiz Comics #63 -
Click here to read the story.

75 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 04/1945

From Whiz Comics #64 -
Click here to read the story.

76 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 05/1945

From Whiz Comics #65 -
Click here to read the story.

77 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 07/1945

From Whiz Comics #66 -
Click here to read the story.

78 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 09/1945

From Whiz Comics #67 -
Click here to read the story.

79 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 11/1945

From Whiz Comics #68 -
Click here to read the story.

80 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 12/1945

From Whiz Comics #69 -
Click here to read the story.

81 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 01/1946

From Whiz Comics #70 -
Click here to read the story.

82 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 02/1946

From Whiz Comics #71 -
Click here to read the story.

83 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 03/1946

From Whiz Comics #72 -
Click here to read the story.

84 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 04/1946

From Whiz Comics #73 -
Click here to read the story.

85 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 05/1946

From Whiz Comics #74 -
Click here to read the story.

86 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 06/1946

From Whiz Comics #75 -
Click here to read the story.

87 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 07/1946

From Whiz Comics #76 -
Click here to read the story.

88 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 08/1946

From Whiz Comics #77 -
Click here to read the story.

89 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 09/1946

From Whiz Comics #78 -
Click here to read the story.

90 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 10/1946

From Whiz Comics #79 -
Click here to read the story.

91 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 11/1946

From Whiz Comics #80 -
Click here to read the story.

92 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 12/1946

From Whiz Comics #81 -
Click here to read the story.

93 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 02/1947

From Whiz Comics #82 -
Click here to read the story.

94 - -
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 03/1947

From Whiz Comics #83 -
Click here to read the story.

95 The Trapping Of Public Enemy No. 1 The Trapping Of Public Enemy No. 1
Published by Fawcett

Copyright: 07/1948

From Crime Smasher #1 -
The Trapping Of Public Enemy No. 1 - While expected to go after the wanted Killer King, Crime Smasher instead goes looking for a missing rabbit.
The Last Request Set to be executed for murder, a former politician's last request is to talk to Crime Smasher.
The Unlucky Rabbit's Foot - A mysterious visitor to Crime Smasher's office leaves a $1000 bill and a package CS is to deliver unopened to the man's brother.

Click here to read the story.

96 Crisis In Eternity Crisis In Eternity
Published by DC Comics
Contributors: E. Nelson Bridwell (writer), Dick Dillin (artist), Frank McLaughlin (artist)
Copyright: 10/1976

From Justice League #135 - A very angry King Kull of the Sub-Men finds a way to attack Earth-One, Earth-Two, and Earth-S. To stop him, Mercury from Earth-S gathers heroes from all three universes. One of those is Spy Smasher who is teamed with Green Arrow and somewhat with Superman and Wonder Woman.

97 The Trail of the Scorpion The Trail of the Scorpion
Published by DC Comics
Contributors: Jerry Odway (writer), Pete Krause (artist)
Copyright: 03/1997

From The Power Of Shazam #24 - Now a part of the DC Universe, Spy Smasher, active in East Germany, gets an archaeologist and museum curator named Batson to help smuggle out the device known as the "scorpion". That was Billy Batson's father. The story is told to Billy and Mary in the present by Alan Armstrong.


Number of Collectibles:2
First Appearance:1942
Last Appearance:2009

1 Spy Smasher Serial Pressbook Spy Smasher Serial Pressbook
Item Type: Press book
Created by: Republic Pictures
Copyright: 1942

A book sent to theaters that played the movie serial. It was for promotional purposes with press information that the theaters could use about the cast, crew and story. Also mentioned are the comic books, a prose book and more.

2 Spy Smasher Figurine Spy Smasher Figurine
Item Type: Action Figure
Created by: Bruce Ross
Copyright: 2009

An action figure of the original Spy Smasher created by the artist listed.


I admit I enjoyed the Spy Smasher stories even though I never cared for the name at all. "Smasher"???

The stories play an important, IMHO, reminder of how things were in the two years leading up to our entry into WWII. We were not yet at war but because we were providing aid to England so we were a target and even more so, we knew we were and knew we had to be ever at the ready.

Spy Smasher's prime adversary for the first year and a half was the Mask, a man who lead an impressively large cadre of henchmen out to cause considerable trouble and to steal any secret Admiral Corby seemed to leave laying about. One thing that makes the Mask so fascinating is that he was not a jargon-spouting die-hard follower for any side. He was decidedly mercenary. He on more than one occassion and his men on others talked about how procuring this item or that would make them millions. While we never learned who the Mask really was before he was killed, we definitely knew his motivations.

Fanatics would come later, of course, especially when we were actually in the War and the writers could call the opposition Nazis instead of talking about the "dictator" or the "warlord". There was even an issue that dealt with Spy Smasher's desire to go after Hitler himself and explaing why he did not.

Once the War was ended, the enemies moved from the Nazis back to somewhat what they were before the War, namely "international spies" who would steal our technology either for their "side" or to make money. The huge advances in science and weaponry made the lure to steal them not only a great storyline but also a very realistic one.

With DC Comics owning the rights to Spy Smasher, they can, of course, do anything they want with him but so far they have used him sparingly and, except for some retcon with regards to Captain Marvel made necessary because CM is now in the present time and Spy Smasher was long before, they have not messed with the concept of the character and they are to be applauded for that.


My Grade: B


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