Capra_Sam1 capra_sam_nv1 capra_sam_bk_td capra_sam3 capra_sam4 Capra_Sam2
Full Name: Sam Capra
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Jeff Abbott
Time Span: 2011 - 2022


Sam Capra is an agent with the CIA.

At least he is for the first few pages of the first novel and after that he is a prisoner of the Agency and then a fugitive from the Agency and finally someone the Agency might forgive but never fully trust. Most of that is explained in the beginning and does not count as a spoiler.

Described by a couple of characters in the books as in his mid-20's, Capra probably fits better as being late 20-ish considering that he has been an agent with the CIA for several years before marrying Lucy and they were married for three years before the start of the series. He is definitely a man whose career is on the rise, confident though not cocky, and excited about what he has done and is likely to continue to do with his work.

For relaxation, Capra is an avid participant in parkour, the relatively new form of exercise training that involves gymnastic leaps and bounds against objects and over obstacles, much as a monkey might be seen doing in the jungle. Little wonder one of the major characters in Capra's life would start to call him that affectionately. When the series opens, he did it as a way to stay in shape for his next assignment. After his life falls apart, he does so as a coping mechanism.

Fall apart is an understatement. Moving up the chain in the Agency with a beautiful wife who was eight months pregnant with their first child, Capra was enjoying an almost perfect life. Then a frantic phone call from his wife draws him out of his office building only to see her abducted. He gives chase to no avail. Then the building he was just in explodes, killing all his workmates. With his wife gone, he the only survivor with no proof as to why he was not killed, Capra is the chief suspect and the CIA is not known for gentle interrogations. From perfect to disastorous in a second.

As the series progresses, Capra is faced with more questions then answers. Who is in the group Novem Soles? Is the CIA after them or helping them? Who is the beautiful and enigmatic Mila who saves his life several times. Who are the people in the group The Round Table and are they his benefactors or just as bad as the others. Important questions but nothing like the ones plaguing him the most: where is his wife? where is his son?


Number of Books:6
First Appearance:2011
Last Appearance:2022

1 Adrenaline Adrenaline
Written by Jeff Abbott
Copyright: 2011

Called out of a briefing in the London office of the CIA, Sam Capra is outside in time to see his very pregnant wife abducted and his building exploded. Now hunted by the Agency for treason, he is desperate to find what happened and get her back or justice done.
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2 The Last Minute The Last Minute
Written by Jeff Abbott
Copyright: 2012

Knowing that his infant son is out there, sold as a commodity, Sam Capra is determined to find him and make those who took him pay but the people who are holding the child are using him to get Capra to do their bidding. All he has to do is kill someone important for them.
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3 Downfall Downfall
Written by Jeff Abbott
Copyright: 2013

The woman who walked into Sam's bar in San Francisco whispered a plea, "Help me" into his ear and started his fight with a group of very powerful people who control vast resources which are now trained against Capra.
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4 Inside Man Inside Man
Written by Jeff Abbott
Copyright: 2014

When a good friend is killed outside his workspace trying to help someone, Sam Capra wants to even the score which means he has to go up against a powerful Miami crime family. To do this, he goes undercover to work his way in.
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6 Traitor's Dance Traitor's Dance
Written by Jeff Abbott
Copyright: 2022

Several years have passed since the previous adventure. Sam's son, Daniel, is now 13 and lives with his father in a fairly peaceful area of Austin. Capra has had no missions in quite some time. Then he is asked to help find a traitor named Bolt who had years before betrayed the names of all his fellow agents before fleeing to Russia. Now Bolt is missing and Capra must help in finding him. This will change his home-life completely.
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6 Traitor's Dance Traitor's Dance
Written by Jeff Abbott
Copyright: 2022

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Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:2012
Last Appearance:2012

1 Sam Capra's Last Chance Sam Capra's Last Chance
Written by Jeff Abbott
Copyright: 2012

Needing to find his son who is being held by those wanting to pull his strings, Sam Capra has a very small clue - the picture of the woman who may be holding the infant.


There is no doubt that I was an idiot for waiting so long to read this series. I knew within two pages I would like it and within five I knew I was hooked. And yet I had waited for several months to pick the first book off my to-be-read pile because, well, the reason sounded good then but totally stupid now.

I am not kidding about being hooked. Luckily for my family I started the series right after Christmas because if it had been before, there might have been less under the tree. I devoured the first book. And then I reached immediately for the second. Not even halfway through that one, I looked to see if a third was coming and moaned when I saw it would be months away.

This highly acclaimed author is just starting in the spy thriller business but has made a big name for himself as a mystery writer, being nominated three times for the Edgar and winning other prizes as well. He obviously knows how to craft a story and even better, he knows how to leave out the boring pieces.

There is still a bit of a mystery in the background of Capra and a huge mystery in that of the woman helping him, Mila. The author does not make a big deal about it but rather tantalizingly flashes a brief glimpse and moves on. It is very well done, as is most of what he gives us in the Capra series.


My Grade: A+

Your Average Grade:   A


A+ 1/18/2013 11:50:27 AM

I really enjoyed this new author and have already ordered the next one. I hope he finds footing in the book world as I could follow this series for quite awhile.

buyung - 5/16/2013 9:04:16 PM

Outstanding new series. #3, "Downfall", comes June, 2013.

A+ 9/21/2014 6:26:11 AM

Sam's life is kind of a stretch in beleivability, but these books are really a lot of fun to read. I eagerly look forward to the next!

A- 2020-07-06

No question, Sam is an appealing character, whose body surely has more scar tissue than natural flesh. But I am going to penalize him for his treatment of Mila and Leonie. I wonder if this is why the author has not written about Sam for at least 4 years, because Abbott has no idea how to reconcile this triangle. To leave Mila is to abandon his best friend and lifesaver. To abandon Leonie it to be the ultimate cad. What a dilemma.

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