
Writing as: Declan Finn

According to the bio on Amazon: "Declan Finn is the NYC based author of books ranging from thrillers to urban fantasy to SciFi, including the 2016 Dragon Award Nominated Novel for Best horror, Honor at Stake. He is known for his strong fight scenes and is romance novels are sexy without being dirty, providing enough sexual tension to curl toes. He hosts the Catholic Geek Radio show, and can be found wherever someone is starting trouble. He also writes thrillers, video game reviews, and works for several blogs.

His ramblings can be found over at The Catholic Geeks, while his rantings on writing can be found at For him to really rant and rave, check out his interview show at The Catholic Geek, over at Blog Talk Radio."

Series Books
Sean A. P. Ryan It Was Only On Stun! (2012)
  A Pius Man (2013)
  A Pius Legacy (2014)
  A Pius Stand (2014)
  O Little Town of Bethmayhem (2015)
  Deck The Maul (2015)
  God Hates ... Superman? (2015)
  Let Freedom Ring (2015)
  See Something ... (2015)
  Erin Go Boom (2015)
  The Boys of the Old Brigade: A Twitter Tale (2015)
  We Have A Pope! (2015)
  Coyote Christmas (2015)
  Mile High Murder (2015)
  One Way To Stay Out Of Jail (2015)
  Tinker, Tailor, Goyim, Spy (2015)
  Pius Tales (2015)
  Swiss Family Mafia (2015)
  Pius Prequels (2015)
  Set To Kill (2016)
Too Secret Service Too Secret Service Omnibus Edition (2019)
  Dances With Werewolves Omnibus Edition (2019)
  Too Secret Service (2019)
  Too Secret Service 2 (2019)
  Too Secret Service 3 (2019)
  Dances With Werewolves Part 1 (2019)
  Dances With Werewolves Part 2 (2019)
Other Codename: Winterborn [Last Survivors] (2013)
  Codename: Unsub [Last Survivors] (2016)
  Sad Puppies Bite Back (2016)
  Honor At Stake [Love At First Bite] (2018)
  Demons Are Forever [Love At First Bite] (2018)
  Live and Let Bite [Love At First Bite] (2018)
  Hell Spawn [Saint Tommy, NYPD] (2018)
  Death Cult [Saint Tommy, NYPD] (2018)
  Good to the Last Drop [Love At First Bite] (2019)
  Mad Dog Moon [Love At First Bite] (2019)
  Infernal Affairs [Saint Tommy, NYPD] (2019)
  Crusader [Saint Tommy, NYPD] (2019)
  City of Shadows [Saint Tommy, NYPD] (2019)
  Deus Vult [Saint Tommy, NYPD] (2019)
  Coven [Saint Tommy, NYPD] (2020)
  Hussar [Saint Tommy, NYPD] (2021)