queens_intelligencer_bk_shadowoftreason queens_intelligencer_bk_shadowoftheaxe queens_intelligencer_bk_shadowofthetower
Full Name: Robert Poley
Nationality: British
Organization: British Intelligence
Occupation Spymaster

Creator: Peter Tonkin
Time Span: 2021 - 2023




Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2021
Last Appearance:2023

1 Shadow of the Axe Shadow of the Axe
Written by Peter Tonkin
Copyright: 2021

"1599. After years of arrogance, disobedience and failure, the Earl of Essex bursts into Queen Elizabeth’s private chambers at Nonsuch Palace, confronting her before she has even had time to dress. This is something the Queen can never forgive. Essex’s enemies, led by Secretary of State Robert Cecil, begin to plan his final downfall. Cecil turns to his Chief Intelligencer Robert Poley, the man whose undercover work exposed the Babbington plot and led to the beheading of Mary Queen of Scots. Poley is a man used to working in the shadows and his stock in trade is betrayal – something that is beginning to trouble his Catholic conscience. Even so, the spy must go under cover once more - into the powder keg that is Essex House. Poley's mission is to provide the spark which will destroy the Earl and all his followers in one great treasonous explosion."
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2 Shadow of the Tower Shadow of the Tower
Written by Peter Tonkin
Copyright: 2022

"1603. Queen Elizabeth lies dying, surrounded by her Privy Council led by Robert Cecil. Even on her death-bed, she refuses to name a successor. But Cecil has already commissioned Queen’s Intelligencer Robert Poley and his spies to ensure a smooth succession for James VI of Scotland and the removal of anyone who might stand between Cecil and the new king. Soon a ring is being carried north to King James. The ring is a message in itself: the queen is dead. James places his trust in Cecil and begins to progress southward towards London surrounded by allies and possible enemies. As Poley unmasks one traitor after another and sends them to the Tower of London for interrogation, the intelligencer realises that the fate of James - and the kingdom - rests in his hands."
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3 Shadow of Treason Shadow of Treason
Written by Peter Tonkin
Copyright: 2023

"1603. A gunpowder mill explodes, causing death and destruction. A passer-by becomes involved in helping victims but is recognised and arrested – for he is a wanted man. The arresting officer is Spymaster Robert Poley, Queen Elizabeth’s Chief Intelligencer under Francis Walsingham and now King James’s under Robert Cecil. The fugitive is the Catholic Robert Catesby. Catesby is imprisoned. On his release, he secretly begins to recruit a group of desperate associates. Some form of a plot - and an act of violence - is afoot. Poley turns his attention towards the conspirators. His intelligencers target an expert in gunpowder and explosives. His name? Guy Fawkes."
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