caesars_spies_bk_theides caesars_spies_bk_afterides caesars_spies_bk_roadtowar caesars_spies_bk_cicerodies caesars_spies_bk_phillipi
Full Name: Iacomus Artemidorus
Series Name: Caesar's Spies
Codename: Septem
Nationality: Roman
Organization: Roman Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Peter Tonkin
Time Span: 2016 - 2020




Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2020

1 The Ides The Ides
Written by Peter Tonkin
Copyright: 2016

"44BC. Caesar is a dead man…Hundreds of others are aware of the plot, with thousands more hoping for its success. Only a handful of men and women stand against them, led by the infamous Iaconus Artemidorus. He and his associates are working undercover in the households of the main suspects, risking kidnap, torture and death in a desperate race against both time and fate. They are hopelessly outnumbered, battling against the most dangerous men in the city, their servants, slaves and soldiers."
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2 After The Ides After The Ides
Written by Peter Tonkin
Copyright: 2017

"44BC. Mark Antony is baying for blood, and for the heads of those of the scheming senators responsible for the murder, to display on spikes in the Forum of Rome. What of Divus Julius’ dying words which implied that one of the attackers was actually his own son and therefore guilty of the worst crime possible… patricide? Once again, Antony calls upon his contubernium of spies, his military intelligence unit, led by Centurion Iacomus Artemidorus, code-named ‘Septem’, to turn his vengeful intent into an unforgiving, carefully planned campaign."
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3 Cicero Dies! Cicero Dies!
Written by Peter Tonkin
Copyright: 2018

"43BC. Antony is trapped beyond the Alps with the tattered remains of his starving legions defeated at the battle of Mutina. Cicero has declared him enemy of the state and ordered his death. But no-one moves against him. The most powerful general nearby, Octavian, Caesar’s heir, is feigning sickness because he can see a way to take total political control: both Consuls were killed at Mutina and Octavian is waiting for the chance to replace them himself. Only Cicero stands in his way.
The desperate Antony gives secret orders to daring spy and tribune Artemidorus, the man who almost saved Caesar on The Ides. Who might just save Antony now."
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4 The Road To War The Road To War
Written by Peter Tonkin
Copyright: 2019

"42BC. Rome and its empire are in turmoil. Severed heads fill the Forum. Cicero’s remains among them, more than two months after his death. Power lies with Antony and Caesar’s adopted son and heir Octavianus. Brutus and Cassius still oppose them. Their fleets are blockading the Triumvirate's ports as they build their armies in the East. Antony turns to his most trusted secret agent, Artemidorus. He is tasked with delivering a message to the only person with a navy powerful enough to help – Cleopatra."
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5 Death at Philippi Death at Philippi
Written by Peter Tonkin
Copyright: 2020

"42BC. Mark Antony’s most dangerous and dedicated agent, Iacomus Artemidorus, is swept overboard from Cleopatra’s flagship during a terrible storm. But the near end to the Roman spy is just the beginning. Artemidorus must find a way to travel through enemy-held Thrace and Macedonia until he reaches Antony’s beleaguered generals Saxa and Norbanus in the besieged city of Amphipolis. The agent must then proceed to Philippi, carrying valuable intelligence which could change the fate of Rome and history."
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