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Full Name: Malko Linge
Series Name: SAS (Malko in US)
Codename: SAS
Nationality: Austrian
Organization: CIA
Occupation Agent

Creator: Gerard de Villiers
Time Span: 1968 - 2016


Malko Linge is an agent for the CIA.

Often referred to as "Son Altesse Serenissime", or His Serene Highness, due to his lineage, Malko is an Austrian Prince by birth. This title is also used as a codename for the agent.

Standing 6'1" with golden brown eyes and blond hair, Malko is a 38-year old man at the start of his activities who works on a contract basis for the CIA. Though he is eligible for American citizenship, he prefers to stay foreign. He graduated from Harvard in 1954 and worked as an arms salesman for several years before taking his first assignment for the CIA's Plans Division.

Malko, Austrian by birth, is truly a man of the world and his wide experience in virtually every corner is testiment to that. At one time he owned a house in Poughkeepsie, New York, but during the course of the series he elected to move to the castle he owns in Liezen, Austria and for which he devotes most of his earnings to restoring. Few of his acquaintances know of his work with the Agency and see him mainly as a jet-setting playboy, a fact he does nothing to change as it provides good cover no matter where he travels. Linge remains a bachelor though he has an ongoing relationship with a Baroness, later becoming engaged, in a nearby town. This does not stop him from enjoying the favors of numerous other women during his adventures, at least until his engagement.

Though he is an excellent marksman, or perhaps because of it, Malko does not go in for heavy armament but instead relies on a very small handgun which is easy to conceal, especially since he always has his suits tailored-made, adjusting for the weapon.

Being so cosmopolitan, Malko speaks many languages, several of them fluently. His memory, while not photographic, is nevertheless excellent and has helped keep him alive on more than a few occasions.


Number of Books:200
First Appearance:1968
Last Appearance:2016

The author, Gerard de Villiers, has told how in 1965, a friend in the French publishing business talked about the brewing success of James Bond, this just shortly after Ian Fleming had passed away. He thought about the possibility of creating his own series and soon came up with Prince Malko Linge.

Since that start of the series, de Villiers has produced on average 3 to 4 episodes each year. According to information on the Internet, each new adventure sells at least 100,000 copies, making a fairly decent living for the writer. These stories, written in French and translated to other languages in Europe, continue to this day. A complete list of the French titles is given below.

In the early 70’s, Pinnacle added to its growing list of adventure titles such as the Executioner and the Destroyer with translations of some of the chronicles of the Austrian agent-for-hire. They were, unfortunately, published in no particular order, which did add to some confusion to the readers.

The French editions of novels all start with “SAS” which is at times almost a subtitle for the series. This stands for Son Altesse Serenissime, or His Serene Highness, and refers to the fact that Malko is an Austrian Prince by birth. This title is also used as a codename for the agent.

Full List Of French Titles
Nr French Title (Translation) - Year Published In France
1 SAS à Istanbul (SAS In Istanbul) - 1965
2 SAS Contre Cia (SAS Against Cia) - 1965
3 Operation Apocalypse (Operation Apocalypse) - 1965
4 Samba Pour SAS (Samba For SAS) - 1966
5 Rendez-Vous à San Francisco (Go To San Francisco) - 1966
6 Le Dossier Kennedy (The Kennedy File) - 1967
7 Broie Du Noir (Broods) - 1967
8 SAS Aux CaraïBes (SAS In The Caribbean) - 1967
9 SAS à L'Ouest De Jeruzalem (SAS West Of Jeruzalem) - 1968
10 L'Or De La RivièRe Kwaï (Gold On The River Kwai) - 1968
11 Magie Noire à New York (Black Magic In New York) - 1968
12 Les Trois Veuves De Hong Kong (The Three Widows Of Hong Kong) - 1968
13 L'Abominable Sirene (The Ugly Mermaid) - 1969
14 Les Pendus De Bagdad (The Hanged In Baghdad) - 1969
15 La PanthèRe D' Hollywood (The Panther Of Hollywood) - 1969
16 Escale à Pago-Pago (Stopover In Pago Pago) - 1969
17 Amok à Bali (Amok In Bali) - 1970
18 Que Viva Guevara (Long Live Guevara) - 1970
19 Cyclone à Onu (Cyclone To Un) - 1970
20 Mission à Saigon (Mission In Saigon) - 1970
21 Le Bal De La Comtesse Adler (The Ball Of The Countess Adler) - 1971
22 Les Parias De Ceylon (The Pariahs Of Ceylon) - 1971
23 Massacre à Amman (Massacre In Amman) - 1971
24 Requiem Pour Tontons Macoutes (Requiem For Tonton Macoutes) - 1971
25 L'Homme De Kabul (The Man From Kabul) - 1972
26 Mort à Beyrouth (Death In Beirut) - 1972
27 Safari à La Paz (Safari In La Paz) - 1972
28 L'HéRoïNe De Vientiane (The Heroine Of Vientiane) - 1972
29 Berlin, Check-Point Charlie (Berlin, Check-Point Charlie) - 1973
30 Mourir Pour Zanzibar (Dying For Zanzibar) - 1973
31 L'Ange De Montevideo (The Angel Of Montevideo) - 1973
32 Murder Inc., Las Vegas (Murder Inc., Las Vegas) - 1973
33 Rendez-Vous à Boris Gleb (Visit Boris Gleb) - 1974
34 Kill Henry Kissinger (Kill Henry Kissinger) - 1974
35 Roulette Cambodgienne (Roulette Cambodian) - 1974
36 Furie à Belfast (Fury In Belfast) - 1974
37 GuêPier En Angola (Bee In Angola) - 1975
38 Les Otages De Tokio (The Hostages Of Tokio) - 1975
39 L'Order Regne A Santiago (The Order Reigns In Santiago) - 1975
40 Les Sorciers Du Tage (Wizards Of The Tagus) - 1975
41 Embargo (Embargo) - 1976
42 Le Disparu De Singapore (The Disappeared From Singapore) - 1976
43 Compte à Rebours En Rhodesie (Countdown In Rhodesia) - 1976
44 Meurtre à AthèNes (Murder In Athens) - 1976
45 Le TréSor Du NéGus (The Treasure Of The Negus) - 1977
46 Protection Pour Teddy Bear (Protection For Teddy Bear) - 1977
47 Mission Impossible En Somalie (Impossible Mission In Somalia) - 1977
48 Marathon à Spanish Harlem (Marathon in Spanish Harlem) - 1977
49 Nauffrage Aux Seychelles (Nauffrage In Seychelles) - 1978
50 La Printemps De Varsovie (The Spring Of Warsaw) - 1978
51 Le Gardien D'IsraëL (The Guardian Of Israel) - 1978
52 Panique Au ZaïRe (Panic In Zaire) - 1978
53 Croisade à Managua (Crusade In Managua) - 1979
54 Voir Malte Et Mourir (See Malta And Die) - 1979
55 Shanghai Express (Shanghai Express) - 1979
56 OpéRation Matador (Operation Matador) - 1979
57 Duel à Barranquilla (Duel In Barranquilla) - 1980
58 PièGe à Budapest (Trap Budapest) - 1980
59 Carnage à Abu Dhabi (Carnage In Abu Dhabi) - 1980
60 Terreur à San Salvador (Terror In San Salvador) - 1980
61 Le Complot Du Caire (The Plot Of Cairo) - 1981
62 Vengeance Romaine (Roman Revenge) - 1981
63 Des Armes Pour Khartoum (Weapons To Khartoum) - 1981
64 Tornade Sur Manille (Tornado In Manila) - 1981
65 Le Fugitif De Hambourg (The Fugitive From Hamburg) - 1982
66 Objectif Reagan (Objective Reagan) - 1982
67 Rouge Grenade (Red Grenade) - 1982
68 Commando Sur Tunis (Commando In Tunis) - 1982
69 Le Tueur De Miami (The Killer In Miami) - 1983
70 La FilièRe Bulgare (The Bulgarian Industry) - 1983
71 Aventure Au Surinam (Adventure In Suriname) - 1983
72 Embuscade à La Khyber Pass (Ambush At The Khyber Pass) - 1983
73 Le Vol 007 Ne RéPond Plus (Flight 007 No Longer Meets) - 1984
74 Les Fous De Baalbek (Fools Of Baalbek) - 1984
75 Les EnragéS D'Amsterdam (The Rabid Amsterdam) - 1984
76 Putsch à Ouagadougou (Coup In Ouagadougou) - 1984
77 La Blonde De Pretoria (The Blonde Pretoria) - 1985
78 La Veuve De L'Ayatollah (The Widow Of Ayatollah) - 1985
79 Chasse à L'Homme Au PéRou (Manhunt In Peru) - 1985
80 L'Affaire Kirsanov (The Case Kirsanov) - 1985
81 Mort à Gandhi (Death To Gandhi) - 1986
82 Danse Macabre à Belgrade (Dance Of Death In Belgrade) - 1986
83 Coup D'Etat Au Yemen (Coup In Yemen) - 1986
84 Le Plan Nasser (The Plan Nasser) - 1986
85 Embrouilles à Panama (Entanglements In Panama) - 1987
86 La Madone De Stockholm (The Madonna Of Stockholm) - 1987
87 L'Otage D'Oman (The Hostage Of Oman) - 1987
88 Escale à Gibraltar (Stop In Gibraltar) - 1987
89 Aventure En Sierra Leone (Adventure In Sierra Leone) - 1988
90 La Taupe De Langley (Langley'S Mole) - 1988
91 Les Amazones De Pyongyang (The Amazons Of Pyongyang) - 1988
92 Les Tueurs De Bruxelles (The Killers Of Brussels) - 1988
93 Visa Pour Cuba (Visa For Cuba) - 1989
94 Arnaque à Brunei (Brunei Scam) - 1989
95 Loi Martiale à Kaboul (Martial Law In Kabul) - 1989
96 L' Inconnu De Leningrad (The Unknown Leningrad) - 1989
97 Cauchemar En Colombie (Nightmare In Colombia) - 1989
98 Croisade En Birmanie (Crusade In Burma) - 1990
99 Mission à Mouscou (Mission Mouscou) - 1990
100 Les Canons De Bagdad (The Guns Of Baghdad) - 1990
101 La Piste De Brazzaville (The Track Of Brazzaville) - 1991
102 La Solution Rouge (The Red Solution) - 1991
103 La Vengeance De Saddam Hussein (The Vengeance Of Saddam Hussein) - 1991
104 Manip à Zagreb (Manip In Zagreb) - 1992
105 Kgb Contre Kgb (Kgb Kgb Against) - 1992
106 Le Disparus De Canaries (The Missing Canary) - 1992
107 Alerte Plutonium (Alert Plutonium) - 1992
108 Coup D'éTat à Tripoli (Coup In Tripoli) - 1992
109 Mission Sarajevo (Mission Sarajevo) - 1993
110 Tuez Rigoberta Menchu (Kill Rigoberta Menchu) - 1993
111 Au Nom D'Allah (The Name Of Allah) - 1993
112 Vengeance à Beyrouth (Vengeance In Beirut) - 1993
113 Les Trompettes De JéRicho (The Trumpets Of Jericho) - 1994
114 L'Or De Moscou (Gold In Moscow) - 1994
115 Les CroiséS De L'Apartheid (The Crusaders Of Apartheid) - 1994
116 La Traque De Carlos (The Hunt For Carlos) - 1994
117 Tuerie à Marrakech (Killing In Marrakech) - 1994
118 L'Otage Du Triangle D'Or (The Hostage Of The Golden Triangle) - 1995
119 Le Cartel De SéBastopol (The Cartel Of Sevastopol) - 1995
120 Ramenez-Moi La TêTe D'El Coyote (Bring Me The Head Of El Coyote) - 1995
121 La RéSolution 687 (Resolution 687) - 1996
122 OpéRation Lucifer (Operation Lucifer) - 1996
123 Vengeance TchéTchèNe (Chechen Revenge) - 1996
124 Tu Tueras Ton Prochain (You Kill Your Neighbor) - 1996
125 Vengez Le Vol 800 (Avenge The Flight 800) - 1997
126 Une Lettre Pour La Maison-Blanche (A Letter To The White House) - 1997
127 Hong Kong Express (Hong Kong Express) - 1997
128 ZaïRe Adieu (Zaire Farewell) - 1997
129 La Manipulation Yggdrasil (Handling Yggdrasil) - 1998
130 Mortelle JamaïQue (Lethal Jamaica) - 1998
131 La Peste Noire De Bagdad (The Black Death In Baghdad) - 1998
132 L'Espion Du Vatican (The Spy In The Vatican) - 1998
133 Albanie Mission Impossible (Albania Mission Impossible) - 1999
134 La Source Yahalom (The Source Yahalom) - 1999
135 SAS Contre P.K.K. (Against SAS P.K.K.) - 1999
136 Bombes Sur Belgrade (Bombs On Belgrade) - 1999
137 La Piste Du Kremlin (The Track Of The Kremlin) - 2000
138 L'Amour Fou Du Colonel Chang (L'Amour Fou Colonel Chang) - 2000
139 Djihad (Jihad) - 2001
140 EnquêTe Sur Un GéNocide (Investigation Of Genocide) - 2001
141 L'Otage De Jolo (The Jolo Hostage) - 2001
142 Tuez Le Pape (Kill The Pope) - 2001
143 Armageddon (Armageddon) - 2002
144 Li Sha-Tin Doit Mourir (Li-Sha Tin To Die) - 2002
145 Le Roi Fou Du NéPal (The Mad King Of Nepal) - 2002
146 Le Sabre De Bin Laden (Sword Of Bin Laden) - 2002
147 La Manip Du Karin A (The Manipulation Of The Karin A) - 2002
148 Bin Laden: La Traque (Bin Laden: The Hunt) - 2002
149 Le Parrain Du “17 Novembre” (The Sponsor Of The 'November 17') - 2003
150 Bagdad-Express (Baghdad Express) - 2003
151 L'Or D'Al-Qaida (L'Or Al-Qaeda) - 2003
152 Pacte Avec Le Diable (Pact With The Devil) - 2003
153 Ramenez-Les Vivants (Bring Them Back Alive) - 2004
154 Le RéSeau Istanbul (Network Istanbul) - 2004
155 Le Jour De La Tcheka (The Day Of The Cheka) - 2004
156 La Connexion Saoudienne (The Saudi Connection) - 2004
157 Otages En Irak (Hostages In Iraq) - 2005
158 Tuez Iouchtchenko! (Yushchenko Kill!) - 2005
159 Mission: Cuba (Mission: Cuba) - 2005
160 Aurore Noire (Dawn Black) - 2005
161 Le Programme 111 (The Program 111) - 2006
162 Que La BêTe Meure (The Animal Dies) - 2006
163 Le TréSor De Saddam : 1 (Saddam'S Treasure: A) - 2006
164 Le TréSor De Saddam : 2 (The Treasure Of Saddam: 2) - 2006
165 Le Dossier K. (The Dossier K.) - 2006
166 Rouge Liban (Red Lebanon) - 2006
167 Polonium 210 (Polonium 210) - 2007
168 Le Defecteur De Pyongyang (The Defectors From North Korea) - 2007
169 Le DéFecteur De Pyongyang, Tome 2 (The Defector From Pyongyang, Volume 2) - 2007
170 Otage Des Taliban (Taliban Hostage) - 2007
171 L'Agenda Kosovo (Agenda Kosovo) - 2008
172 Retour A Shangri-La (Back In Shangri-La) - 2008
173 Al-Qaida Attaque T.1 (Al-Qaida Attack, part 1) - 2008
174 Al-Qaida Attaque T.2 (Al-Qaida Attack, part 2) - 2008
175 Tuez Le Dalai Lama (Kill The Dalai Lama) - 2008
176 Le Printemps De Tbilissi (Spring In Tbilisi) - 2009
177 Pirates (Pirates) - 2009
178 La Bataille Des S-300 T.01 (The Battle Of The S-300, part 1) - 2009
179 La Bataille Des S-300 T.02 (The Battle Of The S-300, part 2) - 2009
180 Le piège de Bangkok (The Siege Of Bangkok) - 2009
181 La liste Hariri (Hariri's List) - 2010
182 La filiere Suisse (The Swiss Chains) - 2010
183 Renegade, T.1 (Renegade, part 1) - 2010
184 Renegade, T.2 (Renegade, part 2) - 2010
185 Féroce Guinée (Wild Guinea) - 2010
186 Le maître des Hirondelles (The Master Of The Swallows) - 2011
187 Bienvenue à Nouakchott (Welcome To Nouakchott) - 2011
188 Rouge Dragon, T.1 (Red Dragon, part 1) - 2011
189 Rouge Dragon, T.2 (Red Dragon, part 2) - 2011
190 Ciudad Juarez (Juarez City) - 2011
191 Les Fous Benghazi (The Madmen of Benghazi) - 2012
192 Igla S (Igla S) - 2012
193 Le Chemin de Damas, T.1 (The Road to Damascus, part 1) - 2012
194 Le Chemin de Damas, T.2 (The Road to Damascus, part 2) - 2012
195 Panique à Bamako (Panic in Bamako) - 2012
196 Le Danube Rouge (The Red Danube) - 2013
197 Les fantômes de Lockerbie (The Ghosts of Lockerbie) - 2013
198 Sauve qui peut Kabul, T.1 (?Saving Kabul, part 1?) - 2013
199 Sauve qui peut Kabul, T.2 (?Saving Kabul, part 2?) - 2013
200 La Vengeance Du Kremlin (The Revenge of the Kremlin) - 2013

1 Versus The CIA Versus The CIA
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), Adrian Shire (translator)
Copyright: 1969

Originally published in French as SAS Contre CIA [SAS Against The CIA], #2.
A renegade group in the CIA is planning to kill the Shah of Iran and put in their own puppet government. It is Malko’s job to keep them from succeeding.

2 West Of Jerusalem West Of Jerusalem
Written by Gerard de Villiers
Copyright: 1973

Originally published in French as SAS à l'Ouest de Jeruzalem [SAS West of Jerusalem], #9.
Malko is given seven days to find out why a fellow CIA agent leapt to his death from a Washington building. His only clue is a single finger from a little girl.

3 Operation New York Operation New York
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), Nicholas Leonard (translator)
Copyright: 1968

Originally published in French as Magie Noire à New York [Black Magic in New York], #11.
The CIA and the KGB are both curious as to what brings Malko to New York but it likely has to do with the scrumptious Sabrina, who promised him a Rolls for his birthday. And the black magic someone is trying to use against him.

4 Operation Apocalyse Operation Apocalyse
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), Adrian Shire (translator)
Copyright: 1968

Originally published in French as Opération Apocalypse [Operation Apocalyse], #3.
A CIA is accosted and the vial of deadly toxin he was carrying is stolen. Now a crazed Japanese scientist has gotten his hands on it and wants to stage a horrific attack on the U.S. Malko is leading the team to get it back.

5 Man From Kabul Man From Kabul
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), Lowell Bair (translator)
Copyright: 1973

Originally published in French as L'homme de Kabul [The Man From Kabul], #25.
Malko’s job is to find out what the Soviets and the Chinese are fighting over in Afghanistan and get it or him before they do.

6 Angel Of Vengeance Angel Of Vengeance
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), Lowell Bair (translator)
Copyright: 1974

Originally published in French as L'ange de Montevideo [The Angel of Montevideo], #31.
The head of the CIA’s office in Montevideo has been kidnapped by a guerrilla leader wanting the knowledge the agent has. Malko joins with other CIA agents to conduct a rescue.

7 Kill Kissinger Kill Kissinger
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), Lowell Bair (translator)
Copyright: 1974

Originally published in French as Kill Henry Kissinger [Kill Henry Kissinger], #34.
With the renowned Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, heading to Kuwait, it was not unexpected that a terrorist band would plan an assassination attempt. Malko’s task was to find out which group and stop them.

8 The Countess And The Spy The Countess And The Spy
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), Lowell Bair (translator)
Copyright: 1974

Originally published in French as Le Bal de la Comtesse Adler [The Ball Of The Countess Adler], #21.
A birthday dinner party for the beautiful Alexandra, given by Malko, becomes an international event when a KGB defector joins the guest list, a man that both the CIA and KGB would give anything to have.

9 Death On The River Kwai Death On The River Kwai
Written by Gerard de Villiers
Copyright: 1975

Originally published in French as L'or de la rivière Kwai [Gold On The River Kwai], #10.
An old friend of Malko’s, himself a CIA agent stationed in Thailand, has gone missing and his disappearance is somehow connected with an arms shipment near the site of the legendary bridge over the river Kwai.

10 Checkpoint Charlie Checkpoint Charlie
Written by Lowell Bair, Gerard de Villiers (author), Lowell Bair (translator)
Copyright: 1975

Originally published in French as Berlin: Checkpoint Charlie [Berlin: Check-Point Charlie], #29.
A Nobel prize winning physicist, possessing the latest Soviet missile technology, is on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall and Malko is given the impossible mission of getting him across alive.

11 Que Viva Guevara Que Viva Guevara
Written by Gerard de Villiers
Copyright: 1975

Originally published in French as Que Viva Guevara [Long Live Guevara], #18.
Castro is up to no good in Venezuela and Malko is sent to that Latin American nation to find out what the rebels are planning during an upcoming visit by the U.S. Vice President.

12 Hostage In Tokyo Hostage In Tokyo
Written by Gerard de Villiers
Copyright: 1976

Originally published in French as Les Otages De Tokio [The Hostages Of Tokyo], #38.
The group United Red Army of Japan has broken into the American embassy there and taken the ambassador hostage demanding the release of their leader. Malko must find a way to free the diplomat.

13 The Belfast Connection The Belfast Connection
Written by Gerard de Villiers
Copyright: 1976

Originally published in French as Furie à Belfast [Fury In Belfast], #36.
Malko is sent to Northern Ireland to infiltrate the IRA to find out how they are connected with Irish sympathizers in New York and how they all are working with the KGB.

14 Death In Santiago Death In Santiago
Written by Gerard de Villiers
Copyright: 1976

Originally published in French as L'order Regne a Santiago [The Order Reigns in Santiago], #39.
It seems everyone wants to beat up Malko before killing him as the contract agent is sent into the revolt-ravaged capital of Chile to learn the true status of the government there.

15 The Portuguese Defection The Portuguese Defection
Written by Gerard de Villiers
Copyright: 1977

Originally published in French as Les Sorciers du Tage [Wizards Of The Tagus], #40.
The mission should have been a simple one for Malko but, of course, it doesn’t turn out that way as he heads to Portugal to help the wife of a major KGB official wants to defect.

16 A Game Of Eyes Only A Game Of Eyes Only
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), Patricia Bishop (translator)
Copyright: 1986

Originally published in French as Terreur à San Salvador [Terror In San Salvador], #60.
All evidence points to a former CIA operative as the culprit behind several political assassinations in El Salvador. With diplomatic dynamite about to explode, Malko is sent to take out the errant agent immediately.

17 The Madmen of Benghazi The Madmen of Benghazi
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), William Rodarmor (translator)
Copyright: 2014

Originally published in French as Les Fous Benghazi [The Madmen Of Benghazi], #191.
With Qaddafi dead and chaos reigning in Libya, the CIA wants to use Libyan prince al-Senussi as a unifying force towards democracy but a band of extremists want him dead. When Malko is brought in to keep him alive, the extremists decide Malko must also die.
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18 Chaos In Kabul Chaos In Kabul
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), William Rodarmor (translator)
Copyright: 2014

Originally published in French as Sauve qui peut Kabul [Saving Kabul], #198-199.
As the American government plans to leave Afghanistan, the CIA asks Malko Linge to head there to help stabilize a teetering administration.
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19 Revenge of the Kremlin Revenge of the Kremlin
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), William Rodarmor (translator)
Copyright: 2015

Originally published in French as La Vengeance du Kremlin [The Revenge of the Kremlin], #200.
A powerful Russian enemy of Putin is found dead in London. MI-5 soft-plays it but the CIA wants answers and sends Malko Linge there to learn the truth.
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20 Lord of the Swallows Lord of the Swallows
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), William Rodarmor (translator)
Copyright: 2016

Originally published in French as Le maître des Hirondelles [The Master Of The Swallows], #186.
The wife of a major Russian businessman and spymaster tells Malko Linge she will reveal all of her husband's dealings if Malko kills the husband's mistress.
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21 Surface To Air Surface To Air
Written by Gerard de Villiers (author), William Rodarmor (translator)
Copyright: 2016

Originally published in French as Igla S [Igla S], #192.
A man whose family was killed in a bombing raid by U.S. forces in Pakistan wants revenge and plans to get it by blowing up Air Force One.
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Number of Movies:2
First Appearance:1982
Last Appearance:1988

1 S.A.S. San Salvador S.A.S. San Salvador
Director: Raoul Coutard
Writer: Gérard de Villiers
Actors: Miles O'Keeffe as Malko Linge, Raimund Harmstorf as Enrique Chacon, Dagmar Lassander as Maria Luisa Delgado, Sybil Danning as Countess Alexandra Vogel
Released: 1982

The assassination of a prominent Catholic archbishop in El Salvador prompts the CIA to pull in Malko Linge to get revenge.

2 Eye Of The Widow Eye Of The Widow
Director: Andrew V. McLaglen
Writers: Joshua Sauli, Gérard de Villiers
Actors: Richard Young as Malko Linge, F. Murray Abraham as Kharoun , Ben Cross as Nassiri , Mel Ferrer as Frankenheimer
Released: 1988

An amalgam of two Malko novels (not sure which two).


Translations are always a gamble as it is next to impossible to reproduce the feelings the author intended in the original. Nevertheless, the job done by the various translators, largely one Lowell Bair, is a quite good one.

As will all things French, the lead character is better than everyone else and quite full of himself (even though he is an Austrian, he is written by a Frenchman). He loves better, shoots better, fights better (hah!) than everyone else.

But once you put aside that natural bias (ok, ok, I admit it!) these are quite enjoyable action/adventure tales. So good, in fact, that I regret not being able to read the 100+ other adventures that lay just outside my language skills.


My Grade: B+

Your Average Grade:   A+


A+ 1/20/2012 7:50:17 AM

Controversial series, Gerard de Villiers tells as nobody the violent, erotic pulsion of the world of spies.

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