Drew MacLane is an assassin for the CIA.
When he was nine and witnessed his diplomat father murdered in Tokyo, MacLane trusted his uncle. Ray took him in and trained him to someday get his revenge. When he was old enough, Ray introduced him to Scalpel, a subgroup with the CIA meant to deal harshly with terrorists. The next few years saw MacLane becoming one of their top agents. Finally an assignment hit a bit too close to home and MacLane walked out.
At the age of 31, when much of his adult life still in front of him, MacLane withdrew from society. He applied for, and after a considerable vetting period, was finally accepted into one of the harshest orders in the Catholic faith, the Carthusians. These monastic brothers existed in what amounted to a community of hermits. Each man was given his own cell, a small living area in which to meditate. They were allowed to speak on only one day a week and even then for just a short time while on walks outside the enclave.
For the next six years, he lived this quiet, secluded, forsaking the outside world. Then the outside world came to him. His location had been found and those who came did so attacking, killing everyone there except MacLane who survived by a fluke. Now MacLane is back, angry and wanting revenge.
MacLane is a natural-born fighter and is extremely gifted at it. With the training he received from Scalpel, he was immensely good at it. Proof of this is the fact that, upon arrival in New York to begin his revenge, he is broke with just the clothes on his back. He knew the best way to make quick money was to walk the streets at night. Within an hour or two he had been accosted by four different muggers out to get whatever he had. The end result was four muggers with busted kneecaps and other ailments and MacLane had well over two hundred of their dollars.