Ender_Jason1 Ender_Jason3 Ender_Jason2
Full Name: Jason Ender
Nationality: American
Organization: State Department
Occupation Agent

Creator: David Chacko
Time Span: 2004 - 2008


Jason Ender is a "field reconnaisance" operative for the State Department.

A spy by any other name, he is one of their best. As such, he has acquired the right to pick and chose his assignments. His criteria is known only to himself but usually centers on the interesting or challenging.

Ender is a man at home in Europe and the Middle East. He is an expert in several languages and speaks several more quite well. This includes numerous dialects of Turkic from several years stationed in the 'Stans such as Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and such.

Jason Ender had been in the Intelligence business from quite a few years, starting with the Defense Intelligence Agency. It was in that capacity that he became in essense a student of another Chacko character, Stephen Warfield, an NSA operative who had taken him under his wing during the First Gulf War.

While working for the DIA, Ender had been sent to Turkey to take down an embellizer who was living there. He fell in love with the country and the people and the language. Returning to America he made it a point to learn to speak it. This in turn made him very popular to several government agencies who needed a presence there. He picked the State Department which combined his various talents to create the position of field reconnaisance, a combination of investigator and covert operative.

The position carried with it some unique benefits, not least of all was a much higher pay grade and the diplomatic power and immunity of being an attache. Additionally, he was given freedom to choose the assignments, answerable only to the Inspector General. His area of operation was Asia Minor and the Middle East.

Note: In addition to the books about Warfield, David Chacko is the author of another series of mysteries about a police inspector in Istanbul named Levent, a character who plays a major role in the first Ender adventure.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2004
Last Appearance:2008

1 Less Than A Shadow Less Than A Shadow
Written by David Chacko
Copyright: 2004

The murder of a noted journalist while in Istanbul causes his wealthy family to demand answers. When the pressure extends to the State Department, they respond by sending Jason Ender in to investigate.

2 The Peacock Angel The Peacock Angel
Written by David Chacko
Copyright: 2005

Jason Ender is asked by a fellow agent, though less than a friend, to act as a backup agent in a mission to find where Saddam Hussein had hidden billions in stolen funds. Ender worked better on his own and knew this would not go well. He was right.

3 Echo Five Echo Five
Written by David Chacko
Copyright: 2008

Jason Ender learns more than he really would like about the secret sites where terrorists are kept outside the US, and what is done to learn their secrets. He also learns that corruption knows no borders and is as bad in the field as it is in Washington.


Mr. Chacko is a very good writer who never fails to entertain while also giving the reader something to think about. He doesn't preach. He presents different sides and does it well enough to get the reader to understand. That is a good writer.

I liked Ender. He is very competent, personable, and with a decent moral code that keeps him straight. He is no cowboy or fast-fun artist. He, in fact, doesn't particularly likes guns. He would rather use his brain, and he has a considerable brain to use.

I look forward to more books.


My Grade: B+


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