Ian Quayle is an agent with MI-6.
He is a playboy, a gentleman, a lover, and a genius at research. He is totally fluent in five foreign languages and quite comfortable in several others. He expertly handles his beloved Mini-Cooper 'S' at speeds well over 100 and can get a great table at any decent restaurant on the Continent. Everyone who is anyone knows him, apparently.
They would then know that he is also a remarkable jerk, IMHO. He is frequently petulant, at times even truculent, and always ready with a biting quip. His mercurial changes in mood can have him biting your arm off one second and patting you on the back the next. Furthermore, his internal conflict between being nervous about danger and his tremendous ego make him a confusing individual.
Of course, he is incredibly handsome, which is why women throw themselves at him constantly, despite the complaint by his sometime lady friend, Wendy, who maintain he hasn't a clue how to satisfy a partner. This natural attraction only helps his inflated ego stay full.
Quayle has worked for over 16 years as a researcher for a branch of MI6 known as the Continental Liaison Board under the direction of Robin Harris, whom he likes and respects, and the redoubtable Mrs. French, whom he despises. Also serving with him is Wendy who outranks him which rankles a lot, giving a good indication how he feels about women in general.
As a researcher, Quayle is without peer but as a Field Officer he leaves a lot to be desired. Unfortunately, in the two chronicled adventures, that is just what life forces him to be. True to form, Quayle is not above complaining about it. Often.