Mann_Tiger3 Mann_Tiger1 Mann_Tiger2 Mann_Tiger4
Full Name: Tiger Mann
Nationality: American
Organization: Private Organization
Occupation Agent

Creator: Mickey Spillane
Time Span: 1964 - 1966


Tiger Mann is an agent for a secret organization.

As simply put as I can, take the private investigator Mike Hammer and give him a job working for a multimillionaire right winger and you'd have Tiger Mann. The epitome of hard drinking, hard fighting, hard loving action hero writers took a break from his detailing the adventures of the aforementioned Hammer to quickly pen four missions of Tiger Mann in two years.

In 1964, the Western world was quickly becoming spy-happy. Two Bond movies had been released and the third, Goldfinger, was coming out that year. On television, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. was starting its first season. And in the publishing world, the golden area of spy-fi was just starting (more new series were started in 1964-1966 and any other 3-year period). Apparently answering his agent's suggestion, Mr. Spillane joined the throng.

Mann was a survivor of WWII, having worked in the OSS during the final years. After the war, he was recruited by his boss to help in a private organization to keep liberty alive in the wake of newly perceived danger from Communism. While that group was not given a name, its presence was felt by many nations as it stepped in frequently when it seemed governments were reluctant to act decisively enough.

According to comments made by Mann throughout the chronicles, he and his small band of associates had helped several small governments remain in power while assisting several others in leaving the scene, all for the furtherance of the American way. As he goes about the tasks assigned him, he often runs up against legitimate intelligence agencies but the influence that his boss has with the powers-that-be usually clears the way.

FYI, the first name of Tiger was not a nickname. By his own words, it was his real name given him by his father.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:1964
Last Appearance:1966

1 Days Of The Guns Days Of The Guns
Written by Mickey Spillane
Copyright: 1964

When he spotted the beautiful woman in the restaurant, he knew immediately she was Rondine, the woman who had loved him and tried to kill him twenty years before. Now she was back and deeply involved in a severe security leak at the U.N. While everyone wanted Mann's help to plug the leak, he was just determined to plug (with lead) his old love.
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2 Bloody Sunrise Bloody Sunrise
Written by Mickey Spillane
Copyright: 1965

The desirable Sonia is an enemy agent that Mann meets and fights and loves as he heads deep behind the Iron Curtain on a mission. He knows that she holds his life in her hands but he can't really say what her ultimate plan is.

3 The Death Dealers The Death Dealers
Written by Mickey Spillane
Copyright: 1965

A friend and fellow agent sends word he is in trouble in a Middle Eastern country prompting Mann to head there where he finds he has to take on a master Soviet spy to save the life of the pro-Western leader of the country.

4 The By-Pass Control The By-Pass Control
Written by Mickey Spillane
Copyright: 1966

A scientist specializing in electronic miniaturization has vanished along with the technology to override the nuclear controls the President has near him at all times. As the Soviets try mightily to also find him, it is up to Mann to reach him first or see him dead fast.


As I was a fair Mike Hammer fan, I am also a fair Tiger Mann fan. There is never any subtlety in a Spillane novel but the action is always fast and heavy and the women are always beautiful, lusty, and available.

Certainly Mann is Hammer as a spy but who cares? Hammer would have made a great spy, ready with the fist or the quip, able to kick butt and take a kicking himself. He would have been awesome. Need proof? Look at Mann!

I started reading Spillane before I really understood some of the things that were going on. I probably should not have but I did. Twenty years later, I revisited those books and went, "wow, so that is what was happening." Spillane is better when read as an adult.


My Grade: C+

Your Average Grade:   A+


A+ 11/17/2012 5:09:04 AM

It is such a joy to read about a hard-boiled spy who openly hates Commies like Tiger Mann!! Yes, Hammer=Tiger Mann!! What could be better!!?

A+ 4/19/2014 10:52:56 PM

I love Spillane, love his Hammer and non Hammer books, and hate this stupid series with its paranoid psychotic hero who never ventures further than New Jersey for his espionage activities. Aside from the utter absurdity of insisting that a twenty year old woman is a forty year old woman from WWII Mann wouldn't last five minutes in any real world situation. At the point in the first book where the KGB drives by a Manhattan locale and tries to machine gun Mann from a low slung car like B movie gangsters I just gave up. The KGB was infinitely more frightening than these clowns. At least in the Hammer books the Reds were scary. These read like a bad imitation of Mickey Spillane and for a while I thought maybe he farmed them out for someone else to write (actually I was hoping he did). It is painfully clear Spillane wrote these for money alone, did not believe in Mann the least, and took the money and ran. Readers would do well to take their money and run too. He did much better than this. I'll take Hammer, Morgan, or Hood any day over this poor self pastiche. Spillane was clearly not comfortable with these and it reads like it.

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