Eve Drum is an agent for L.U.S.T.
Eve Drum works for the League of Undercover Spies and Terrorists. She fights against the Humanitarian Alliance of Total Espionage. Until you look at the acronyms, you'd have to be confused who were the good guys. On one side you have Terrorists against an Humanitarian Alliance. Then you look again to see it is Lust against Hate. Just shows something, I guess!
The origin of L.U.S.T. is said to have been a 'natural child of the State Department by way of the CIA'. The task of the organization, run by the ever horny David Anderjanian, is 'to do those things that must be done to preserve peace throughout the world'. About Anderjanian, it should be stated that while he is a demanding boss, he is friendly enough with Drum to be her sometime lover.
L.U.S.T.'s key agent is the delectable Drum, a woman determined to give her all again and again in the service of her country. For protection, she has a pair of 38's that will knock 'em dead every time. It is not revealed how many other agents L.U.S.T. has but perhaps with Drum other agents are not really necessary. She is a drop-dead gorgeous ash-blonde famale who has the codename of Oh Oh Sex (nickname was given her by her boss out of respect and recognition).
The biggest enemy of L.U.S.T. is the evil organization known as the Humanitarian Alliance of Total Espionage, aka H.A.T.E. As Drum puts in one adventure, that group is "my personal boogie man and I maintain a constant vendetta against them. We were natural enemies. When we met in the field or in the bed, it was always a battle to the death".