Sebastian Cord is an agent for the Orion Foundation.
In the late 80's, TSR, a major paper-and-pencil role playing company which also owned a publishing business, added three spy series to complement one of their popular games, Top Secret. The first was a return to the pulp era with Agent 13. The second was an organization known as Agents of Fortune. The third was Sebastian Cord. All these were published by TSR in a series of double novel books in a Double Agent covername.
The Orion Foundation, employer of Sebastian Cord, exists only to fight the criminal organization known as Web. The basis of Web is that there is a gigantic, world-wide crime cartel with numerous branches involved in virtually every form of illegal activity imaginable. It is so extensive that many law enforcement agencies believe it to be actually several different groups but the truth remains that it is all one.
Because it is so expansive and far-reaching, no one law enforcement agency could adequately fight it and so it flourished. In almost desperation, survivors of battles with the Web have banded together in an extra-legal organization which operates solely to fight back. While the members of this group obey local laws whenever possible, they don't turn away from doing what they have to in completing their missions.
One of the mobile groups working for Orion is the M-Squad, headed by Sebastian Cord. He is described as a big teddy bear with sharp green eyes with slight epicanthic folds and a large hawk-like nose. He would have been considered handsome except for a large mole on his left cheek. His black hair, beard and mustache, are all neatly groomed. He has been an agent for Orion for almost two decades.