Garrett_Colin2 Garrett_Colin3 Garrett_Colin1
Full Name: Colin Garrett
Series Name: The Big Brain
Nationality: American
Organization: Agency Zero
Occupation Agent

Creator: Gary Brandner
Time Span: 1975 - 1976


Colin Garrett is a genius and an agent for Agency Zero.

When his parents, both with genius IQ's, decided to have a child, they also decided to create the smartest person in the world. From before he was born, Colin Garrett was exposed to the greatest minds available and he responded even faster than any one could have predicted.

Reading by two and analyzing complex problems by three, Colin showed that he had a photographic memory and a computer-like logical approach to everything. He also showed that his brain was capable of phenomenal feats. He also learned that when pressed to extremes, his eyes changed color and literally glowed with a green tint.

After his parents were killed when he was a young teenager, Colin grew tired of being the object of attention and fear and quickly learned how to 'dumb down' to fit in with normal people. He allowed his full potential to come out only when it was vital - to himself or to his country.

Content to operate as a one-man management consultancy, Garrett works when he needs the money and plays when he can. Virtually no one in his small world of acquaintances know the extent of his abilities. They simply know that he is incredibly smart and insightful.

On the other hand, Garrett is also mechanically inept. He hates cars, distrusts planes, and has little good to say about any electrical device, all because he is capable of ruining anything he makes the mistake of touching. As one close friend pointed out, Garret could easily draw the schematic of any television set but could blow it by just touching a knob.

And with all that, he is on call for the secret bureau called Agency Zero.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:1975
Last Appearance:1976

1 The Aardvark Affair The Aardvark Affair
Written by Gary Brandner
Copyright: 1975

The Aardvark Project is a scientific attempt to find a way to feed the millions who go hungry every day but something has gone horribly wrong at the laboratory. Three key personnel have had their intellect stripped away leaving babbling brainless bodies. Agency Zero approaches Colin for help.

2 The Beelzebub Business The Beelzebub Business
Written by Gary Brandner
Copyright: 1975

Colin's assignment is to investigate the chief advisor to the President. Doing so takes Garrett deep into the notorious Beelzebub Club where major players in Washington engage in sex and Satanism. The Big Brain of Garrett is suddenly confronting a mind shield that is threatening to disrupt even his awesome abilities.

3 Energy Zero Energy Zero
Written by Gary Brandner
Copyright: 1976

The title reflects the status of the electricity throughout the country - zero. All forms of electricity has stopped, from power plants to simple batteries. It is the task of Garrett to find out who in Washington is behind the fantastic drain of energy.


Sometimes you are in the mood for a full course meal with all the trimmings and sometimes you want a simple lunch. When the latter is the case in the field of spy entertainment, the Big Brain is not a bad choice.

I know! The concept sounds ridiculous. The covers are incredibly weird. And the blurbs seem more geared to turn off a connoisseur than entice him. All elements pointing to a series of really bad books.

But the insides are what counts and these stories, albeit simple, are smooth and fun. There are a darn quick read and in this case that is a plus, which is meant in a good way. They are very reminiscent of the half-hour action dramas in the 50's like Have Gun, Will Travel in that the hero learns of the trouble, gets involved, and clears it up in 30 minutes, minus commercials.

I actually would not have minded more of the Big Brain.


My Grade: B-


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