Berresford_Michael2 Berresford_Michael1 berresford_michael3
Full Name: Michael Berresford
Nationality: American
Organization: -
Occupation Businessman

Creator: Leon LeGrand
Time Span: 1985 - 1987


Michael Berresford is the managing director of an oil company.

Being a businessman, it is Berresford's primary job to make money for the stockholders. To do that he has to make a profit and to do that he has to keep the company running. In this two-book series, he will find that mission a challenging one as his company is in the sights of others who have different plans. While Berresford's interests lie in business, that of these others is far beyond corporate bottom lines and that will prove a challenge to him.

At the beginning of the series, Berresford and his wife are living in Australia where he is the Manager of Tralas Enterprises. Ltd., an oil exploration company currently drilling in and around Australia. In his mid thirties, Berresford has worked hard to get to the position he is in and takes considerably pride in knowing he did it through ability. He is driven to protect his company at all costs and it is that dedication that gets him involved in international affairs when the welfare of his company is on the line.

When the chance comes via one of the directors on the Board to expand their operations in the neighboring Indochina area, Berresford is ready and excited about the opportunity, not yet aware of the other forces aligning to stop him. He will quickly become aware of the dangers, though, and suffer dearly in the process. Though Berresford has no background in intelligence work, he will find that only by learning such things quickly can he hope to survive and maybe to get back at those who have hurt him.

Aiding him in the process is an old friend named Ian, a CIA agent sent to liaise with the ASIO.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:1985
Last Appearance:1987

1 The Von Kessel Dossier The Von Kessel Dossier
Written by Leon LeGrand
Copyright: 1985

Certain that there were malevolent forces behind the sudden bankrupcy of the company for which he was managing director, Berresford would soon discover that the Soviets were behind it and his company's demise was just a small cog in a big wheel.

2 The Two-Ten Conspiracy The Two-Ten Conspiracy
Written by Leon LeGrand
Copyright: 1986

The finding of a diary talking of events in Japan 400 years ago is the first step in uncovering a modern conspiracy by a mysterious group called the Two-Ten Society, whose goal was total control of the entire South Pacific.

3 The Whittington Pact The Whittington Pact
Written by Leon LeGrand
Copyright: 1987

When international counterfeiters threaten to destroy the economies of both the UK and the US, the sitting President calls Michael Berresford to find out who is behind it. His unknown adversary is a high-ranking member of the House of Lords and is using Parliament to stay well hidden.


I could not get into this series. I wanted to but I found the characters were far too one-dimensional. The tragedy that befalls Berresford is the loss of his wife but you got no sense of real feeling for her before the event and not that much after it. If the relationship was a good one, emotions should have been much stronger. If the marriage was on the rocks, that should have been at least discussed.

And the same confusion exists in the plots which were either too forced or just not well explained. In the first book, I could not tell if the bad guys were after stock manipulation, control of oil companies, or had an global domination scheme.

I may have to try them again to be fair but for now, I was not very impressed.


My Grade: C


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