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Full Name: Lisa Wycherly
Series Name: Operation Quickline
Nationality: American
Organization: Unnamed Agency
Occupation Agent

Creator: Anne Louise Bannon
Time Span: 2016 - 2024




Number of Books:11
First Appearance:2016
Last Appearance:2024

1 That Old Cloak and Dagger Routine That Old Cloak and Dagger Routine
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2016

"In 1982, Lisa Wycherly was broke, out of work and desperate. So when Sid Hackbirn offered her a job as his live-in secretary, she jumped at it, little knowing just how dangerous it would be. Living at Sid's house was scary enough, given Sid's tendency to fool around and Lisa's unexpected attraction to him in spite of their directly opposed values regarding sex. Sid was a spy for an ultra-top-secret agency and had recruited Lisa to work as his associate. Sid knew he was turning Lisa's life upside-down. He had no clue what she'd do to him."
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2 Stopleak Stopleak
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2017

"The worst has happened. There’s been a leak in the courier system that is Operation Quickline, and Lisa Wycherly and Sid Hackbirn are sent to plug it. This is no straight up investigation. The two are being used as bait for a complex trap. As Lisa and Sid make their way around the country, starting in Washington, DC. Lisa eats her way through Manhattan, Sid puts up with rides at DisneyWorld, Florida. But the tension really ratchets up in New Orleans, when Lisa is spotted by a pair of thugs determined to kill her. The trail of dead bodies grows, but something else is happening. Sid and Lisa learn not just to accept each other, in spite of their very differing values. They try to understand each other, which means learning about their childhoods and how they became the people they are."
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3 Deceptive Appearances Deceptive Appearances
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2017

"Sid Hackbirn and Lisa Wycherly knew that their latest assignment in Lake Tahoe was not going to be your basic pick up of secrets. After all, their bosses upline sent them as people who would never be suspected as the domestic espionage agents they were. Lisa had grown up in Lake Tahoe and had a reputation as a very good girl. But it was Sid who first ran into an old friend from high school - his teacher and former lover Della Riordan, who was murdered shortly after leaving Sid. Then Lisa found a small box filled with cocaine instead of the coded instructions she'd been expecting."
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4 Fugue in a Minor Key Fugue in a Minor Key
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2019

"Lisa's nephew Darby is having trouble at school. Sid agrees to let Darby come stay with him and Lisa, not realizing that his own life is about to be turned upside-down. An old friend comes by the house with a boy about Darby's age who looks remarkably like Sid. Rachel never told Sid that she was pregnant, but now it's time for Nick to know where he came from. Lisa suddenly finds her hands full trying to get Sid to acknowledge Nick, figure out what Darby's problem is and working undercover to set up a sting on a group of defense plant employees who are selling secrets."
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5 Sad Lisa Sad Lisa
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2020

"Lisa Wycherly's secret life as a spy has always made things tricky for her social life. When her boyfriend, George Hernandez, proposes, she shocks everyone, including herself, by accepting. And no one is less thrilled by the news than Lisa's boss and housemate, Sid Hackbirn. The new situation complicates their latest case - trying to follow and capture a double agent that is trying to bring down Operation Quickline, the ultra-secret espionage agency that Sid and Lisa work for. Then Sid gets kidnapped and rescued. George starts to resent Lisa not telling him everything that's going on in her life. Lisa is ready to give up on men altogether, only to find that Sid has another bombshell to drop on her."
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6 These Hallowed Halls These Hallowed Halls
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2021

"A deadly amateur, a top-secret formula, and full mating plumage. Lisa Wycherly and Sid Hackbirn are sent undercover at a small arts college in Wisconsin. The job is to find out who is stealing a top secret chemical formula being developed by someone on the faculty."
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7 My Sweet Lisa My Sweet Lisa
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2022

"Lisa Wycherly's surprise birthday party ends in a terrifying disaster when she's kidnapped off the street. Her partner, Sid Hackbirn, is so devastated that he loses his interest in sleeping around - the one thing keeping the two of them apart. The kidnapping gets messy enough when it comes to light that the kidnappers got the wrong target. There's also a defecting KGB agent playing games with the CIA, who are involved with the Colombian kidnappers."
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8 A Little Family Business A Little Family Business
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2022

"After Lisa makes a disastrous pickup for Operation Quickline, the top-secret courier group that she and her partner Sid Hackbirn work for, she realizes it's time for her and Sid to get married. They're already re-building their house and have merged their assets. Sid's given up sleeping around. But then the two have to take custody of Sid's son, Nick, after the boy's mother dies. Thanks to the bad pickup, Sid and Lisa are ordered to find a missing operative and get embroiled in an arms-trading scheme."
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9 Just Because You're Paranoid Just Because You're Paranoid
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2022

"Lisa Wycherly and Sid Hackbirn find themselves up against a relentless enemy and about to get the shock of their lives in book nine of the Operation Quickline series. First, there's the wedding. Not Sid and Lisa's, but her cousin Maggie's, where Sid and his son, Nick, raise all sorts of eyebrows. Then there's the attempt on Sid's life. Then Sid and Lisa's good friends are recruited into their top secret organization. Then there's Lisa's sister being jealous, and a new house getting close to being ready, and Sid and Lisa's own wedding to work on, and Nick bringing home every bug there is at his new school and sharing it with his parents."
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10 From This Day Forward From This Day Forward
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2023

"It’s The Big Day. Sid Hackbirn and Lisa Wycherly are getting married. But in the days and weeks before the wedding, the pair discover that there is something very strange going on with their work as ultra-top-secret counter-espionage agents. Courier drops are coming in without the usual processing. The bad guys tailing them are unusually persistent. Then Sid and Lisa take off for their honeymoon only to find that the nice, relaxing vacation in England that they had planned will be anything but."
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11 Silence in the Tortured Soul Silence in the Tortured Soul
Written by Anne Louise Bannon
Copyright: 2024

"Undercover operatives Sid Hackbirn and Lisa Wycherly face many of the usual problems of newlywed parents, including raising their son, Nick, a pre-teen dealing with a pack of girls chasing him and an exploding appetite. But they also get a more ticklish job than usual - protecting one of the engineers working on a satellite with some new capabilities. What makes it ticklish is that the engineer is Sid and Lisa’s good friend Esther Nguyen, and not only do they need to protect her from anti-nuke protesters and even the KGB, Sid and Lisa need to draft Esther and her almost husband Frank into the ultra top-secret Operation Quickline, and then train them."
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