
Writing as: Anne Louise Bannon

According to the bio on her website: "I’m an author and journalist who wrote my first novel at age 15. My journalistic work has appeared in Ladies’ Home Journal, the Los Angeles Times, Wines and Vines, Seamwork, and in newspapers across the country. I was a TV critic for over 15 years, founded the YourFamilyViewer blog, and created the wine education blog with my husband, Michael Holland. I am the co-author of Howdunit: Book of Poisons, with Serita Stevens, as well as author of the Freddie and Kathy mystery series, set in the 1920s,  the Operation Quickline series and the Old Los Angeles series, set in the 1870s. My husband and I live in Southern California with an assortment of critters."

Series Books
Lisa Wycherly That Old Cloak and Dagger Routine (2016)
  Stopleak (2017)
  Deceptive Appearances (2017)
  Fugue in a Minor Key (2019)
  Sad Lisa (2020)
  These Hallowed Halls (2021)
  My Sweet Lisa (2022)
  A Little Family Business (2022)
  Just Because You're Paranoid (2022)
  From This Day Forward (2023)
  Silence in the Tortured Soul (2024)
  Amateur Theatricals (2024)
Other Howdunit Book of Poisons (2007)
  Fascinating Rhythm [Freddie and Kathy Mysteries] (2014)
  Tyger, Tyger (2015)
  Bring Into Bondage [Freddie and Kathy Mysteries] (2016)
  A Ring for a Second Chance (2017)
  The Last Witnesses [Freddie and Kathy Mysteries] (2017)
  Blood Red [Freddie and Kathy Mysteries] (2018)
  A Nose for a Niedeman (2018)
  Death of the Zanjero [Old Los Angeles] (2018)
  Death of the City Marshal [Old Los Angeles] (2019)
  White House Rapsody (2020)
  Death of the Chinese Field Hands [Old Los Angeles] (2020)
  Rage Issues (2021)
  Death of an Heiress [Old Los Angeles] (2022)
  Running Away to Boston (2023)
  Death of the Drunkard [Old Los Angeles] (2023)
  Time Enough (2023)