merton_nurse_bk_caribbean merton_nurse_bk_homefront merton_nurse_bk_desertcaptive merton_nurse_bk_armyspy merton_nurse_bk_washington merton_nurse_bk_susanmerton merton_nurse_bk_pacific merton_nurse_bk_russianfront merton_nurse_bk_firstlieutenant merton_nurse_bk_daughter
Full Name: Susan Merton
Nationality: American
Organization: U.S. Army
Occupation Other - Nurse

Creator: Louise Logan
Time Span: 1941 - 1947


Susan Merton is an agent with American Army Intelligence.

She will be.

When we first meet her, in the days leading up to the entry into World War II by the United States, she is a nurse, relatively new to the hospital where she works, placed in a position that is not what she was looking for but holding out hope that things will get better. She will, after her initial adventure, be inveigled into working for Military Intelligence and will in short order show those who did not believe in her that she was actually very good at it. She will have missions in multiple parts of the world starting in the Midwest of the country and moving to the Pacific, the Caribbean, North Africa, and even Russia. Along the way she will court, and be courted by, a doctor she will soon marry and start a family.

But first she is a nurse in an unhappy position. And she is a bit of a gold-digger. When being flirted on by a new doctor at the facility, she opines (to herself), "he was so good-looking that she was rather sorry he was so poor" because "good looks didn't pay for a Park Avenue apartment and her mind was clearly on such things, as well as sables". Indeed, in that first recorded adventure, she does nothing related to the cloak and dagger world but instead fixates on getting a better career position and finding a potential mate that would make having that career not so vital.

It is when she and her recently chosen husband-to-be, Dr. Tam McDuff, are sent by the Army to a base in the Mid-West that she starts on the path in the Intelligence world that will define her professionally for several years to come. And she will not limit her involvement to tracking down traitorous black marketers and foreign saboteurs. She will learn to be a paratrooper and she will become an expert in interrogation and quite a bit more.

She may have started out as someone dedicated only to finding a rich husband but she does not stay shallow for long.


Number of Books:13
First Appearance:1941
Last Appearance:1947

1 Susan Merton - Nurse Susan Merton - Nurse
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1941

[plot unknown]

2 Doctor Tam and Nurse Merton Doctor Tam and Nurse Merton
aka Holiday Doctors
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1941

"Dr. Tam McDuff and Nurse Susan Merton are planning to get married. But Susan's bad choices cause problems between them and Tam breaks it off. Then, they both end up in a small town in the Midwest and find themselves in the middle of a conspiracy [involving an epidemic at a nearby army camp and airplane factory]. Can they stop it, before it's too late? It will mean Tam trusting her. Can he do it? Perhaps this emergency is just the means to help Susan prove that she can do the right thing and win Tam back. But that won't happen unless she can prove that she can think of someone else other then herself first."

3 Nurse Merton - Army Spy Nurse Merton - Army Spy
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1942

"This starts in late 1941. Nurse Susan Merton is tasked with finding the people responsible for tainting the blood donated at Hotchkiss Hospital. Here, blood is dried in a special process and used for soldiers fighting overseas and being trained in America. The blood is killing people."

4 Susan Merton - First Lieutenant Susan Merton - First Lieutenant
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1942

"Susan Merton is now a paratroop nurse. She and her husband, Dr. Tam, go with a convoy to Australia, while the Japanese advance on the continent and German spies are in their midst."

5 Nurse Merton in the Caribbean Nurse Merton in the Caribbean
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1943

"Susan is called away from Darwin and taken to the Caribbean. Here she is needed to use her talent for intelligence work in order to get information from the German prisoners in the hospital. The navy has been searching for the base of the submarines that are attacking the ships in the area. The usual methods have failed. Can Susan help them find the base?"

6 Nurse Merton - Desert Captive Nurse Merton - Desert Captive
aka Algerian Adventure
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1943

"Susan Merton, now a captain, is in North Africa. The Americans will soon be in Tunisia. She has to find the person among them who is helping the Nazis. While doing so, she helps a wounded Tuareg ruler who everyone suspects is collaborating with the enemy. This kindness will prove beneficial to Susan later when she is captured by the Germans."

7 Susan Merton, Washington Assignment Susan Merton, Washington Assignment
aka Algerian Adventure
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1943

"Susan Merton, army nurse and secret agent, learned that her beloved husband, Tam, was more than casually interested in someone else and that her own companionship with a high ranking Russian diplomat was a Washington scandal. Her gallantry in carryout out an assignment which endangered the one real love of her life provides the excitement."

8 Susan Merton On The Home Front Susan Merton On The Home Front
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1944

"Susan Merton goes undercover at a war production plant as a tank inspector in order to find out who is delaying production."

9 Nurse Merton In The Pacific Nurse Merton In The Pacific
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1944

"Susan is called to the Pacific island of Paramushiru with a new assistant named Nora and without Tam. Here, while working in a hospital located in a cave, Susan tries to learn what the Japanese on the other side of the island are planning. Matters worsen when she is captured by the enemy."

10 Nurse Merton On The Russian Front Nurse Merton On The Russian Front
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1945

"Susan Merton is serving at a field hospital on the Russian Front where she must learn the details of a fiendish German plot before it's too late."

11 Nurse Merton Comes Home Nurse Merton Comes Home
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1945

"After five thrilling and hazardous years as intelligence agent attached to the army nurse corps, dynamic little Major Susan Merton accepted her honorable discharge from the army with a deep sign of happiness. For the first time since her marriage to Tam (Lt. Colonel MacDuff), she could have a quiet life with her beloved husband. A trip to San Francisco results in her being asked by Major Delton to help unravel a neat little plot which concerned the State Department, the Russians, and a certain South American country."

12 Susan Merton, Civilian Susan Merton, Civilian
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1946

"Completely engrossed in her baby son, Susan threw herself into the role of motherhood with the same wholeheartedness that made her one of the most valued Intelligence agents of World War II. But when her adopted daughter, Tania, fell in love with the mysterious Captain Luther Wills, a patient in Dr. Tam's hospital for wounded veterans, Susan found herself in the middle of a situation as dangerous and as complex as any mission of war."

13 Susan Merton's Daughter Susan Merton's Daughter
Written by Louise Logan
Copyright: 1947

"Susan found the path of love can be more involved sometimes than the perilous paths of war."
"In her daughter's life, Susan Merton faces a problem more treacherous than war itself."




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