ducharme_tolliver_bk_jefferson ducharme_tolliver_bk_kennedy
Full Name: Ducharme & Tolliver
Nationality: American
Organization: CIA
Occupation Adventurer

Creator: Bob Mayer
Time Span: 2013 - 2013


Paul Ducharme is an officer in the U.S. Army special forces.

Evie Tolliver is the curator of Monticello, stately home of Thomas Jefferson.

Neither of these are operatives with any intelligence organization. Tolliver had been for many years an employee in excellent standing with the CIA but other interests had pulled her away from that career. Ducharme had through his many years of service dealt with and undoubtedly assisted in one way or another intelligence personnel but his job was being a soldier, not a spy.

Both Ducharme and Tolliver are in their mid-40s and while they do not know each other at the start of the first recorded adventure, they will soon meet and become very close. What brings these two together and makes the two adventures they will share spy-adjacent enough to qualify for membership in this compendium is that they will find themselves going up against a very powerful and extremely secret sect within the organization known as the Society of Cincinnati.

As we can learn by going to its website, "The Society of the Cincinnati is the nation's oldest patriotic organization, founded in 1783 by officers of the Continental Army who served together in the American Revolution. Its mission is to promote knowledge and appreciation of the achievement of American independence and to foster fellowship among its members". In that regard, the organization is public and open to scrutiny and decidedly aboveboard in its mission and activities. But, according to the things that we follow Ducharme and Tolliver on, there is a small group inside with decidedly different goals and tactics.

Colonel Ducharme - proud and highly experienced member of the Army's elite Green Berets having served proudly and more than ably for over two decades. At 6'3 and in superb conditioning, Ducharme struck an imposing and impressive figure in his Class-A uniform though he routinely found it uncomfortable and longed to be in fatigues. Keeping his hair a regulation short length, he is pleased to have retained all of it despite his age though it had long before turned white; Ducharme is by no means a vain man but he is appreciative of the truth and he works hard to keep in shape.

Evie Tolliver "was a woman of average height, but uncommon carriage; the type of body that suggests dance classes or, more likely, years of stern warnings to stand up straight. Her age would be more difficult in today's world of dermatology and expert hair coloring, but the few spots on the hands clasping the book and battered old leather briefcase suggested mid-forties-along with the self-assurance that comes with experience". Her thick dark hair had just enough silver to make it fierce. As she tells Ducharme shortly after meeting, she had worked for the Agency "once upon a time" as a "field operative. I speak Farsi, Russian and German. Spent six years overseas, two in the Middle East, two in Turkey and a year and a half in Russia".


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:2013
Last Appearance:2013

1 The Jefferson Allegiance The Jefferson Allegiance
Written by Bob Mayer
Copyright: 2013

"The 4th of July 1826. As Thomas Jefferson lies dying, he gives his part of his Jefferson Cipher to Edgar Allen Poe, with instructions to take the disks to West Point. In Massachusetts, John Adams entrusts his part of the Cipher to Colonel Thayer, the superintendent of the Military Academy. As Thayer rides away, Adams utters his final words: 'Thomas Jefferson survives'.
In the present, Green Beret Paul Ducharme has been recalled from Afghanistan after the ‘accidental’ death of his best friend, the son of one of the Philosophers. While Ducharme is visiting his friend’s gravesite in Arlington, an old man is executed by a member from the Society of Cincinnati known as the Surgeon, who is seeking to gather all the pieces of the cipher. In a nearby restaurant, former CIA and now Curator at Monticello, Evie Tolliver, waits anxiously for her mentor to arrive, but he’s killed by the same assassin at the Zero Milestone. His heart and the Philosopher’s head are displayed as a grisly message on top of the stone, echoing Jefferson’s famous head-heart letter.
Ducharme and Tolliver, the unknowing heirs to become the next generation of caretakers of the Jefferson Allegiance, team up and must battle the Surgeon to assemble the Cipher and find the Jefferson Allegiance, a document that has kept the balance of power in the United States for over two centuries."
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2 The Kennedy Endeavor The Kennedy Endeavor
Written by Bob Mayer
Copyright: 2013

"For 13 days in October 1962 the world came the closest to nuclear Armageddon. On 22 November 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated. On the 25th of November, as Kennedy’s body lay in state at the Rotunda in Washington, Anastas Mikyoan, Khrushchev’s top adviser, presented the Premier’s condolences to Jacqueline Kennedy. She took Mikoyan’s hand in both hers and told him: 'I am sure that Chairman Khrushchev and my husband could have been successful in the search for peace, and they were really striving for that. Now the Chairman must continue the agreed upon endeavor and bring it to completion.'
On 12 October 1964, a Washington socialite named Mary Meyer was shot in the back of the head and through the heart at point-blank range. She had been married to a high-ranking CIA agent. More importantly, she had been carrying on an affair with President John F. Kennedy and was one of his most trusted friends, at his side through the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. On 13 October 1964, the day after Mary Meyer’s murder, the Soviet Politburo forced Nikita Khrushchev to resign from power and put him under house arrest.
Today, Paul Ducharme and Evie Tolliver unveil a Fail Safe type scenario brokered by President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev and race against time before the archaic Sword of Damocles initiates World War III."
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