rapiere_louis_mv_codenametiger rapiere_louis_bk_entre_en_piste rapiere_louis_mv_ouragent rapiere_louis_bk_codenametiger
Full Name: Louis Rapiere
Codename: The Tiger
Nationality: French
Organization: French Intelligence
Occupation Agent

Creator: Clause Chabrol, Roger Hanin
Time Span: 1964 - 1965


Louis Rapiere, aka The Tiger, is an agent with the French Intelligence.

I have one source that indicated the department for whom he worked was that Directorate of Terrrtorial Security (DST), "a third important member of the French intelligence system ... responsible for internal security". Whichever group he works for, there is no doubt that Rapiere (French for rapier) is that department's best agent and is the one assigned the cases which are either the most difficult or the most sensitive. This middle-aged man, likely just into his 40's at the time of the first recorded adventure, is still in very good athletic shape which is important as he will be put to the test on many occasions.

Rapiere is a man of above average height (6'1"), with lush dark hair always neatly coiffed, who has the expected swagger and extreme confidence one would expect of the best operative in an entire country, the man that is called upon when only the very best could hope pull off a miracle. And Rapiere does so with a near constant smile of immense pleasure atop a face which some would call handsome and some would say was appealing. His looks are remarkable for another reason - considering the number of very large and dangerous men who take great pleasure in pounding their fists against it, it has somehow not suffered permanent harm.

One would be excused asking the question whether Rapiere is far too overconfident bordering on foolhardy or he is just foolish and not seeing the traps he is about to step into. I choose to give him the benefit of the doubt but at times it is a major head-shaking at his choices.

Nearly constant at his side is Duvet, the Tiger's able and eager sidekick. A pretty smart man with the gadgets and not too shabby at fighting himself, he and Rapiere seem to take turns saving each other's life, usually with a wry grin as if to say 'tag, you're it'. And yet for all the good that Duvet does the Tiger in course of their joint missions, Rapiere has an annoying habit of slapping Duvet up the back of his head at the oddest moment.


Number of Books:2
First Appearance:1965
Last Appearance:1965

IMPORTANT! Neither of the two books listed below were translated into English, normally a requirement for being shown in this section. I place them here because ... I'm not sure where might be better.

1 Le Tigre Aime La Chair Fraiche Le Tigre Aime La Chair Fraiche
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1965

A novelization of the first Louis Rapiere movie of the same name.
A Turkish ambassador arrives in Paris to sign an important trade agreement, allowing Turkey to buy a sophisticated new war plane from France. Immediately he is the target of an assassin, and a special agent is assigned to protect him. 

2 Le Tigre Entre En Piste Le Tigre Entre En Piste
Written by Unknown
Copyright: 1965

Possibly a novelization of the second Louis Rapiere movie though the name is different. A Google translation of the synopsis on the back cover says:
"For a quartet of girls who spin caberlot and want to destroy the Kremlin in the name of Fuhrer, here is Louis Repiere, known as the Tiger, secret agent of the D.S.T., going from Singapore to the Andes, via Moscow, Washington, Copenhagen, Caracas, the Hawaiian Islands, the Belgian Congo, and the Kalahari Desert! All these rebeccas... for what?... to prevent a dozen half-crazy people from dancing the hully-gully to the goose step and from climbing ... to the Mount of Olives! Guess it was worth it, right?"


Number of Movies:2
First Appearance:1964
Last Appearance:1965

Listed below are the two "official" Louis Rapiere, aka the Tiger, movies. I have read online, though not seen yet for myself, that a couple of other films starring Roger Hanin were marked in other countries with dubbing or subtitles as being 'the Tiger' adventures.

1 Code Name: Tiger Code Name: Tiger
aka Le Tigre aime la chair fraƮche
Director: Claude Chabrol
Writers: Roger Hanin, Jean Halain
Actors: Roger Hanin as Louis Rapiere, , Maria Mauban as Madame Baskine, Daniela Bianchi as Mehlica Baskine, Roger Dumas as Duvet
Released: 1964

Translation of the French title is "The Tiger Loves Fresh Flesh"
"A Turkish ambassador arrives in Paris to sign an important trade agreement, allowing Turkey to buy a sophisticated new war plane from France. Immediately he is the target of an assassin, and a special agent is assigned to protect him."

2 Our Agent Tiger Our Agent Tiger
aka Le tigre se parfume a la dynamite
Director: Claude Chabrol
Writers: Roger Hanin, Jean Curtelin
Actors: Roger Hanin as Louis Rapiere, , Margaret Lee as Pamela Mitchum, Michel Bouquet as Jacques Vermorel, Micaela Pignatelli as Sarita Sanchez
Released: 1965

Translation of the French title is "The Tiger Perfumes Itself With Dynamite"
"The Tiger is sent to oversee the excavation of a sunken ship. While busy retrieving the gold treasure inside the vessel, The Tiger is constantly thwarted by international enemies. Among them is an old Nazi named Hans von Wunchendorf who dreams of world domination. He hides behind the codename "The Orchid" and needs the treasure to sustain a worldwide network of exiled former comrades."


Sometimes almost entering the realm of buffoonery but, IMHO, never quite reaching it, these two movies are a lot of fun to watch, once you can force yourself to not watch the lips moving in non-sync to the words being 'spoken'. That is hard for me to do. Luckily helping in this are several gorgeous, seductive women in both adventures.

These two Eurospy films are worth watching for the historical aspect of what were a couple of the better films coming out in that short but incredibly prolific period. But, boy! Does the Tiger take a beating. Poor fellow. Thank goodness that most of those beauties just mentioned seem ready to offer TLC. Well, except for one or two who are trying to kill him.


My Grade: B-


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