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Full Name: Gary Seven
Codename: Supervisor 194
Nationality: Terran
Organization: Aegis
Occupation Agent

Creator: Gene Roddenberry
Time Span: 1968 - 2020


Gary Seven is an agent with the Aegis.

According to the "Memory Beta", terrific source of all things Star Trek (canon or not): "The Aegis were a mysterious group of highly-advanced aliens who lived on a hidden planet and attempted to safeguard the timeline and the fates of many races and cultures throughout the galaxy." The Aegis captured a group of humans back in 4000 BC "in order to train them as agents to aid in the development and survival of humanity".

Living on the Aegis-created world made similar to modern day Earth, a 35-year-old man named Caleb Howell was living his normal life waiting for the call to duty. That came in the form of an Aegis representative showing up on his doorstep with the news that "Gary Six is dead. You are now Gary Seven". It is then that he is partnered with the very unusual entity known as Isis. [Unusual because we are never quite sure whether she was a humanoid who could morph into a black cat, or a black cat who could take humanoid form.]

Gary Seven is given many missions in his career, assignments taking him to numerous different period of time on Earth (and elsewhere) as problems are determined by the Aegis needing to be addressed.

Our introduction to Seven comes when the USS Enterprise, heading back to the year 1968 for "historical research", intercepts a powerful transporter beam which was sending Seven to Earth to learn what happened to two other Aegis operatives. Seven would discover that those two had died in a car accident and now he was being assigned there to complete their mission. To assist him, he and Isis would hire a human female, Roberta Lincoln, to ostensibly be a secretary for Seven. Her role, once she learns about his identity - as well as time traveling space men and the truth of that cat and other things, will take on far more importance.

As the recorded adventures continue, we will be treated to many more missions both on Earth and elsewhere in the galaxy, usually with Lincoln and Isis at his side. Supervisor 194, the designation that Howell is given when he is renamed Gary Seven, seems to be a very busy operative.


Number of Books:5
First Appearance:2001
Last Appearance:2013

1 The Rise And Fall Of Khan Noonien Singh: Volume 1 The Rise And Fall Of Khan Noonien Singh: Volume 1
Written by Greg Cox
Copyright: 2001

1974 A.D. An international consortium of the world's top scientists have conspired to create the Chrysalis Project, a top-secret experiment in human genetic engineering. The project's goal is nothing less than the creation of a new, artificially improved breed of men and women: smarter, faster, stronger than ordinary human beings, a super-race to take command of the entire planet.
Gary Seven, an undercover operative for an advanced alien species, is alarmed by the project's objectives; he knows too well the apocalyptic consequences of genetic manipulation. With his trusted agents, Roberta Lincoln and the mysterious Isis, he will risk life and limb to uncover Chrysalis' insidious designs and neutralize the awesome threat that the Project poses to the future.
But he may already be too late. One generation of super-humans has already been conceived. As the years go by, Seven watches with growing concern as the children of Chrysalis -- in particular, a brilliant youth named Khan Noonien Singh -- grow to adulthood. Can Khan's dark destiny be averted -- or is Earth doomed to fight a global battle for supremacy?
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2 The Rise And Fall Of Khan Noonien Singh: Volume 2 The Rise And Fall Of Khan Noonien Singh: Volume 2
Written by Greg Cox
Copyright: 2002

Alarmed by the potential dangers of the Chrysalis project, extraterrestrial secret agent Gary Seven teams up with human Roberta Lincoln to neutralize the growing threat of Khan Noonien Singh, an ambitious, teenage, artificially enhanced human who is determined to seize control of Earth.
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3 The Exile Of Khan Noonien Singh The Exile Of Khan Noonien Singh
Written by Greg Cox
Copyright: 2005

What truly transpired during Khan's long years of exile on the forbidding world of Ceti Alpha V, before the tyrant escaped to embark on a murderous campaign of vengeance against Admiral James T. Kirk? What horrific trials spawned Khan's insane lust for revenge?
[Note: Gary Seven is only mentioned in this adventure, and not very fondly.]
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4 Assignment: Eternity Assignment: Eternity
Written by Greg Cox
Copyright: 2013

"Captain Kirk first encountered Gary Seven on twentieth-century Earth. Now Seven, a time-traveling operative for unknown alien forces, makes a surprise visit to the U.S.S. Enterprise. Kirk is on an urgent mission to bring relief to a disaster ravaged planet, but Seven has an agenda of his own -- and he's not above hijacking the Starship Enterprise and sending it on a perilous journey deep into the heart of the Romulan Empire.
Kirk must dare to trust Gary Seven once again, as he confronts the possibility that the enigmatic stranger may bring death and destruction to Kirk's own era."
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5 From History's Shadow From History's Shadow
Written by Dayton Ward
Copyright: 2013

"2268: Following the encounter with the mysterious Gary Seven in the twentieth century, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise is startled by two intruders who have transported through space and time from Earth circa 1968. Incredibly, one of the infiltrators is a Vulcan, who asserts that he’s lived among Earth’s population for over a decade. The other represents a little-known race, and reveals to Captain James T. Kirk that she has spent the last twenty years working to bring about humanity’s destruction. It is then that Gary Seven’s young protégée, Roberta Lincoln, arrives seeking Kirk’s help. . . ."
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Number of Stories:3
First Appearance:1969
Last Appearance:2005

1 Assignment: Earth Assignment: Earth
Written by James Blish
Copyright: 1969

4th of 7 stories in the collection Star Trek 3. Also printed in the collections The Star Reader Vol. 1 (1976)  and in Star Trek: The Classic Episodes (1991).
Novelization of the episode of the same name.

2 The Aliens Are Coming The Aliens Are Coming
Written by Dayton Ward
Copyright: 2000

2nd of 20 stories in the collection Star Trek: Strange New Worlds III, edited by Dean Wesley Smith. Also printed as a solo story.
1969: Captain John Christopher of the U.S. Air Force has just returned from a most peculiar mission to investigate a UFO sighting. But even though the mission took only a few minutes, the captain has vague memory flashes of futuristic humans, a pointy-eared alien named Spock, and a ship called The U.S.S. Enterprise....
Government agent James Wainwright has waited for this fateful day ever since he encountered the conquering Ferengi Marauders Quark, Rom, and Nog in Roswell in 1947. Now he will stop at nothing to use Captain Christopher's secret knowledge to bring his campaign to defend Earth against alien attack to the forefront once again!
Note: Gary Seven, Roberta, and Isis have a small but fun part in the story.
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3 Seven And Seven Seven And Seven
Written by Kevin Hosey
Copyright: 2003

15th of 23 stories in the anthology Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VI.
Gary Seven and Seven of Nine race to stop a giant asteroid from destroying an alien planet.
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4 Assignment: One Assignment: One
Written by Kevin Lauderdale
Copyright: 2005

2nd of 22 stories in the anthology Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 8.
Gary Seven is ordered by the Aegis to save Shaun Geoffrey Christopher from boarding a doomed airline flight on September 11, 2001.
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Number of Episodes:1
First Appearance:1968
Last Appearance:1968

Robert LansingGary Seven [ 1 ]
Teri GarrRoberta Lincoln [ 1 ]

1 Assignment: Earth
Episode S2-26, first aired 03/29/1968
Director: Marc Daniels
Writers: Gene Roddenberry, Art Wallace

This episode is part of Star Trek: The Original Series, Season 2. It was the 26th and final episode of that season.
"The Enterprise travels back in time to 1968, where the crew encounters the mysterious Gary Seven who claims to be sent by advanced beings trying to help Earth."


Number of Stories:13
First Appearance:1993
Last Appearance:2020

1 The Peacekeeper: Part One The Peacekeeper: Part One
Published by DC Comics
Contributors: Howard Weinstein (writer), Rod Whigham (cover and pencils), Romeo Tanghal (inks), Tom McCraw (colors), Bob Tinaha (letters)
Copyright: 1993

Part 1 of 2. Published in Star Trek #49, June 1993.
Kirk reluctantly takes part in an experiment on a weapon that use protomatter, the substance that caused the Genesis disaster which led to the death of Kirk's son. And what could this possibly have to do with Gary Seven, the human raised by aliens to help humanity when they need it most?

2 The Peacekeeper: Part Two The Peacekeeper: Part Two
Published by DC Comics
Contributors: Howard Weinstein (writer), Rod Whigham (pencils), Tom McCraw (colors), Arne Starr (inks), Bob Pinaha (letters)
Copyright: 1993

Part 2 of 2. Published in Star Trek #49, July 1993. A double-sized issue
Kirk and the enigmatic Gary Seven race to overcome murderous rebels who would use unstable proto-matter to undo history.

3 Split Infinities Split Infinities
Published by DC Comics
Contributors: Howard Weinstein (writer), Michael Jan Friedman (writer), Ken Save (pencils), Sam de la Rosa (inks), Rick Taylor (colors), Chris Eliopoulos (letters)
Copyright: 1995

Part 1. Published in Star Trek Convergence Annual #6, 1995.
"Part one of the two-part Convergence story arc, a crossover between The Original Series and The Next Generation involving Gary Seven."
"Captain Spock's briefing about an improved Romulan cloaking device is interrupted by a high-powered transporter beam hitting the deflectors. Kirk allows it through, and Gary Seven materializes on the bridge. Before he can finish warning them that Spock is in danger, a Devidian materializes on the bridge, kills Seven and dematerializes with Spock."

4 Future Imperiled Future Imperiled
Published by DC Comics
Contributors: Howard Weinstein (writer), Michael Jan Friedman (writer), Jason Palmer (cover), Sam de la Rosa (inks)
Copyright: 1996

Part 2. Published in Star Trek Convergence Annual #6, 1996.
"Part two of the two-part Convergence story arc, a crossover between The Original Series and The Next Generation involving Gary Seven."
"Having caught Captain Spock and Lieutenant Commander Data in a deadly web of temporal genocide, the Devidians continue their plot to destroy the Federation. Now James T. Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard, the Enterprise captains of two centuries, must find a way to rescue their people and stop the Devidians."

5 The Gary Seven Collection The Gary Seven Collection
Published by DC Comics
Contributors: assorted (writers and artists)
Copyright: 2009

Part 2. Published in Star Trek Archives Volume 3, 2009.
Contains the first four graphic adventures of Gary Seven:
The Peacekeeper: Part One
The Peacekeeper: Part Two
Split Infinities
Future Imperiled

6 Assignment: Earth Assignment: Earth
Published by IDW Publishing
Contributors: John Byrne (writer and artist)
Copyright: 2008

Trade Paperback containing the five-issue limited series based on the events in the television episode. According to Wikipedia, "One notable story shows Gary Seven's and Roberta Lincoln's peripheral involvement in the events of a prior Star Trek episode, "Tomorrow Is Yesterday"—which, due to peculiarities of time travel, happens after Assignment: Earth for Seven and Roberta, but before Assignment: Earth for the Enterprise crew."

7 Shadow Of The Past Shadow Of The Past
Published by IDW Publishing
Contributors: John Byrne (writer and artist), Lovern Kindzierski (colors), Neil Uyetake (letters)
Copyright: 2009

Printed in Star Trek Crew #4, June 2009.
"As a Lieutenant, Number One arrives on the Enterprise along with other transfers. Almost immediately, the Enterprise goes through a powerful transporter wave that shakes the ship. Number One's first contribution is to find a way to get to that beam's original end point. They follow it to a planet where five warlike villages inhabited by English-speaking humans are perpetually at war. Investigating, Number One is captured by some of the warriors and she discovers that they are clones sent here by Gary Seven back in the 20th century. They only know war, and this system is working for them. The Enterprise sends a party to rescue Number One, but "Earth Control" (this era's Starfleet Command) tells the ship to leave it alone and that another ship will take care of studying this society."

8 Medics Medics
Published by IDW Publishing
Contributors: John Byrne (writer and artist), Lovern Kindzierski (colors), Neil Uyetake (letters)
Copyright: 2010

Printed in Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor #3, June 2010.
"McCoy and his team [of Frontier Doctors] are asked to visit and report on a planet under routine Starfleet observation. On arrival, their ship is fired upon and damaged. Only Duncan's sure-handed piloting gets them down alive. On the ground, they find themselves in a war zone. Theela and McCoy are separated from Duncan, then captured by soldiers. McCoy's interrogation is interrupted by Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln. It seems that Seven's employers are partly responsible for the surprising situation on the planet. Klingons are responsible for the rest."

9 Hosts Hosts
Published by IDW Publishing
Contributors: John Byrne (writer and artist), Lovern Kindzierski (colors), Neil Uyetake (letters)
Copyright: 2010

Printed in Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor #4, July 2010.
"Aboard the Yorktown, McCoy says goodbye to his friends, Theela and Duncan, who are joining a new research team. Then he says goodbye to new friends, Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln. Afterwards, Dr. Christine Chapel asks him for help diagnosing an ailment that has caused the death of several crewmembers recently returned from Sigma Thernia 38. McCoy's knowledge of DNA and evolution lead him to a startling discovery."

10 An Unexpected Yesterday An Unexpected Yesterday
Published by IDW Publishing
Contributors: John Byrne (writer and artist), Lovern Kindzierski (colors), Neil Uyetake (letters)
Copyright: 2018

Printed in Star Trek: New Visions #22, June 2018.
"Unusual readings from the Guardian of Forever brought the USS Enterprise to Gateway's orbiting Science Station 187. Analysis of scan data suggested that the Guardian reset itself, and even the Guardian could not explain the cause of strange temporal distortions. Kirk and Spock stepped through the portal to investigate. They arrive in a parallel universe and encounter a Gary Seven who has never met them."

11 The Mission Who Walks Like A Man The Mission Who Walks Like A Man
Published by IDW Publishing
Contributors: Jackson Lanzing (writer), Collin Kelly (writer), Stephen Thompson (pencils and inks), Charlie Kirchoff (colors), Neil Uyetake (letters)
Copyright: 2020

Printed in Star Trek: Year Five #11-#12, Feb-Mar 2020.
Part 1: Gary Seven boards the Enterprise with Isis and takes control of the ship. His mission: eliminate Captain Kirk!

Part 2: With the Enterprise crew evacuated to the planet Circe V, Kirk remains alone on the ship to battle Gary Seven. When Gary Seven gets the upper hand, he orders Kirk to crash the Enterprise on Circe V to kill the crew.

12 Vote Mudd Vote Mudd
Published by IDW Publishing
Contributors: Jody Houser (writer), Silvia Califano (pencils & inks), Charlie Kirchoff (colors), Neil Uyetake (letters)
Copyright: 2020

Printed in Star Trek Year Five #15-#16, October 2020.
The Andorians have a candidate they are proposing for the next Federation President and it is .... Harry Mudd!
Gary Seven pops in to monitor events because he is somewhat concerned - who wouldn't be with Mudd involved.

13 Weaker Than Man Weaker Than Man
Published by IDW Publishing
Contributors: Jackson Lanzing (writer), Collin Kelly (writer), J. K. Woodward (pencils, inks, and colors), Neil Uyetake (letters)
Copyright: 2020

Printed in Star Trek Year Five #17, November 2020.
"35 year old Caleb Howell is taken from Earth by the Aegis and transformed into a powerful being who is pressed into service as agent Gary Seven who is assigned to protect Earth, with the help of his partner Isis, a woman who can turn into a cat (or vice versa). After serving as a protector of Earth for many years, Gary Seven learns that for the galaxy to survive, all races except the Tholians must be eliminated, and that the only one who can stop him is Captain Kirk and the Enterprise."


Number of Items:1
First Appearance:1987
Last Appearance:1987

1 Gary Seven - Biography Gary Seven - Biography
Item Type: Character Profile
Made by: DC Comics
Copyright: 1987

Printed in Who's Who in Star Trek #2, April 1987.
A one page history of Gary Seven and picture of him with Isis, his cat, and Roberta Lincoln.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:1969
Last Appearance:2023

1 Star Trek Concordance Star Trek Concordance
Written by Bjo Trimble
Copyright: 1969

A reference work that was first published in 1969 as a booklet, expanded in 1973 with a supplement and expanded again in
1976 to include information all about the Star Trek TV shows known as The Original Series and The Animated Series. Once again it was expanded in 1995 to include a lexicon with more stuff. Listing next are all version with years, publishers and page numbers as follows:
1st Edition - 1969 - Mathon House - 84 pages
Supplement - 1973 - Mathon House - 70 pages
2nd Edition - 1976 - Ballantine - 256 pages
3rd Edition (No. 1) - 1995 - Citadel - 322 Pages
3rd Edition (No. 2) - 1995 -Titan - 288

2 The Star Trek Compendium The Star Trek Compendium
Written by Allen Asherman
Copyright: 1981

An official guidebook to the Star Trek universe as created by Gene Roddenberry. Relive the voyages of the starship USS Enterprise that includes information about the original and animated show, plus the movies. Listed next are all English versions with published years, publishers, country and page numbers:
1st Edition - 1981 - Wallaby Books - US - 187 pages
2nd Edition (No. 1) - 1986 - Pocket Books - US - 184 pages
2nd Edition (No. 2) - 1987 - Titan Books - UK - 184 pages
3rd Edition - 1989 - Pocket Books - US- 190 pages
4th Edition (No. 1) - 1993 - Pocket Books - US - 192 pages
4th Edition (No. 2) - 1993 - Titan Books - UK - 192 pages

3 The Star Trek Encyclopedia The Star Trek Encyclopedia
Written by Assorted
Copyright: 1994

A reference book to the future with everything dealing with the universe that was created by Gene Roddenberry.
First published in 1994 and currently there are 4 editions. These are with year and page numbers as follows;
1st Edition - 1994 - 400 pages
2nd Edition - 1997 - 640 pages
3rd Edition - 1999 - 745 pages
4th Edition - 2016 - 1,056 pages

4 Star Trek: The Series Star Trek: The Series
Written by Scott V. Palmer
Copyright: 2023

"A reference work of the TV series Star Trek, that ran from 1966 -1969. It also includes the 1965 pilot episode of The Cage. The book includes information about all episodes in the original order, complete cast lists, directorial credits, many photographs, TV Posters and story plots for each of the episodes. Everything for the Star Trek fan."
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Part of the Star Trek meta-lore is that creator and executive producer Gene Roddenberry had had another idea for an interesting television series, this one being about a human agent working for an alien race to protect humanity from both itself and outside troubles. He apparently tried to get it green-lit on its own and when that proved untenable, decided to meld the pilot into an episode of The Original Series. That still did not work and the would-be series went nowhere.

Jump ahead thirty-some years and the huge juggernaut that was the publishing world's litany of exciting and widely varied non-canonical adventures set inside the Star Trek Universe. I was a willing recipient of the huge number of books that started pouring out of the presses onto the bookstands. I bought way more of these books (and loved them a bunch) over the next decade before my passion waned and I regained my spy-fiction devotion.

One of those books that came out after I slowed my addiction was Assignment: Earth. I did not buy it when it came out but the old urge was definitely pulling me that way. I did not know about Gary Seven's involvement in the Eugenics War trilogy and I only had a fleeting glimpse of the numerous graphic adventures that came out. At least, until I decided that Gary Seven was definitely a fit for this compendium and since then ... well ...

Gary Seven is/was/will be a fascinating character so suavely played by the late Robert Lansing.


My Grade: B


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