darby_linda_bk_firstlady darby_linda_bk_heart testler_ryan_bk_doab darby_linda_bk_secrets darby_linda_bk_woman
Full Name: Linda Darby
Nationality: American
Organization: None
Occupation Other - Day Trader

Creator: David Bishop
Time Span: 2011 - 2018


Linda Darby is a day-trader.

Her specialty is buying and selling stocks from the comfort of her computer, placed on a desk in her oceanfront condo in the "let-the-world-go-by beach town" of Sea Crest, Oregon. That strategic desk placement also allows her to maintain her leave-be-alone lifestyle while still watching "the comings and goings of her neighbors, whose lives seemed more exciting than her own".

We are told that Darby is good enough at her vocation to have purchased her condo with cash and to stash away "several jumbo CDs that provided a steady living income". Staying home frees her from the kinds of questions about her personal life that would be inevitable in an office setting. After her unpleasant divorce, not having to talk about what happened and why was a relief.

Darby is described initially as "prettier than most but otherwise in many ways an ordinary woman living an ordinary life" which makes it so unusual that as we meet her, she has already been "marked for death". This threatened demise will bring with it a major change to her life style.

Far too rapidly approaching her 40th birthday, Darby was happy living alone, the remembrance of her failed marriage which ended some years before enough to keep her from wanting anything in the way of a relationship. When she found "her celibacy growing intolerable", as it did now and then, she chose to drive to other towns and hook up for a single night rather than risk anything tarnishing her homefront.

This quiet but satisfying life is not the sort of existence one would expect to bring the threat of danger and even death but it comes anyways and just when she thinks she is likely to meet her death, a stranger steps in to rescue her, defeating the two men who were posing the peril. The man, she would later learn was named Ryan Testler, told her to race home and to not call the police, warning her they could not be trusted. That was the way she was introduced to Testler's world and soon she would become more than intimately involved with it and him.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2011
Last Appearance:2018

1 The Woman The Woman
Written by David Bishop
Copyright: 2011

One evening, Linda Darby "goes for a walk and nothing for her is ever the same. She is dragged into an alley by two men, but saved by a third, a stranger who disappears as suddenly as he appeared. The next day she finds out the two men in the alley had been killed, the town’s first murders ever. The following day she learns that hours before she had been dragged into the alley, her close friend was tortured and killed. The next night, she awakens several hours after going to bed to find a man sitting in her bedroom, watching her. In the days that follow, events stretching all the way to the nation’s capital change who Linda is, what she thinks, and how she will live the rest of her life."
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1.5 Death Of A Bankster Death Of A Bankster
Written by David Bishop
Copyright: 2013

Book #2 in the Maddie Richards homicide detective series. This is not a Linda Darby adventure; it does have a major role played by Ryan Testler.
Maddie Richards finds herself in the middle of a case which starts with the sights and sounds of just another murder investigation. A woman claims her husband, a banker, was murdered. Later, Maddie learns that the woman had begun divorce proceedings the day before she claims a bullet had taken her husband from her. The murder greased her path to not only ending her marriage, but negating any need to divide their marital property. Then the wheels come off and nothing about Maddie's case is what it seems.
Ryan Testler, last seen in The Woman, guest stars.
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2 Hometown Secrets Hometown Secrets
Written by David Bishop
Copyright: 2015

Linda Darby returns to the town of her childhood to find her ex-boyfriend is the sheriff and he rules the place with intimidation. It does not take Darby very long to decide to do something about that. Of course, the man dropping dead next to her in a coffee shop might have played a part somewhere.
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3 The First Lady's Second Man The First Lady's Second Man
Written by David Bishop
Copyright: 2016

"An assassination is planned in Syria. An extramarital affair occurs in Washington, D.C. The U.S. President decides to run for re-election. A mother and her daughter in Oregon are threatened.
Relentlessly, Linda Darby and Ryan Testler are pulled toward these seemingly disparate events until their only way out is to confront what is quickly becoming unavoidable."
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4 Heart Strike Heart Strike
Written by David Bishop
Copyright: 2018

"The President of the United States assigns Ryan Testler a cloak-and-dagger mission to Europe in pursuit of support for his new doctrine dealing with the Middle East. Linda Darby accompanies Ryan to create the look of a couple of tourists. That cover story fails. Meanwhile, back in Washington, D.C., a lone terrorist, after four years as a sleeper, is activated. He wants to complete his sworn duty and make his family in Egypt proud."
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I really enjoyed the way that the life of the main character, Linda Darby, takes a totally unexpected and undesired change when a couple of bad guys decide she knows something she shouldn't. And then a mysterious man steps in, saves her life, and sends her on her way. Damsel in distress tale? Oh, not so much!

Darby is by no means an experienced operative able to shake off the attack but she is definitely not a shrinking violet prone to wilting in the face of adversary. She gets scared - and then she gets mad. Darby mad is not a thing you want to see if you are going to be the target.

I have no idea if there will be more Darby tales beyond the 4 that we have as of this entry. I would like more but am not expecting any.


My Grade: B+


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