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Full Name: Janet Markham Bennett
Nationality: British
Organization: British Intelligence
Occupation Part-Time Agent

Creator: Diana Xarissa
Time Span: 2015 - 2024


Janet Markham Bennett is an agent with British Intelligence.

I would love to tell you what exactly the agency she works for is but we are never told that little morsel of information. We just know what it exists, Janet's husband, Edward, has been with it for quite a long time, long before he meets and later marries her. And that is it run by an objectionable man we know only as Mr. Jones. That man is always showing up at the worst times and expecting Edward, and then soon Janet, to drop everything to head to who knows where to hands Lord knows what on behalf of the British government.

We first meet Bennett when she is still Janet Markham and is living with her older sister Joan.  The two were visiting the Isle of Man which is when they meet and became good friends with an amateur sleuth affectionately known to all as Aunt Bessie. We are told that "Bessie would have put her [Janet] somewhere in her mid-sixties. She had grey hair and bright blue eyes, and was tending towards plump. About Bessie's height [which is not that tall], she was dressed in casual and comfortable clothing, and her bright smile made the drizzly morning suddenly feel warmer". Janet tells Bessie that neither Joan nor she had ever married, both having lived and taught in their local village school in Derbyshire until their retirement. The two enjoyed traveling though neither had any interest in getting on a plane so they very roamed too far from home. 

It was Joan who had the idea of using their savings to buy a bed-and-breakfast and Janet, less sanguine about the idea, went along and that is how the two became owners of Doveby Hall in the village of Doveby Dale in Derbyshire. And that is how Janet would come to meet Edward Bennett when he shows up for long standing reservation at the Hall, not knowing his old friend and previous owner had passed nearly a year before.

Edward Bennett is "somewhere in his sixties, with short grey hair and light grey eyes. He was taller than Janet, but most people were. This man was maybe five feet seven or eight. His dark grey suit looked to have been tailor-made to fit his still athletic build". He alludes to being mostly retired but still doing the odd job here and there for his previous employer. Said employer being, as mentioned above, for Mr. Jones though we do not learn that right away. What Janet is told is that it was for the government but as he was considerably vague on what that entailed, little by little Janet realizes his work is covert in nature.

Over time Bennett will return for stays at the B&B and the relationship with Janet will begin and grow and so will her occasional foray into Edward's work. And when Edward and Janet decide to wed, that is when Janet finds two interesting facts. The first is that being the wife of Edward and being a proven sharp and intuitive and, surprisingly, gutsy woman, she is very much in demand for the occasional mission by Mr.  Jones. The second is she really enjoys it.


Number of Books:14
First Appearance:2015
Last Appearance:2024

The adventures of Janet Markham Bennett really fall into three parts and to read them in the proper sequence, understanding these three is useful.

Part 1 consists of two guest appearances (the first really an introduction of the character) in the Isle of Man Cozy Mystery series starring Aunt Bessie. Aunt Bessie is an elderly, well, snoop, who is also very good at finding dead bodies and solving their murders. In two of the many adventures she has, she becomes friends with Janet Markham and her older sister Joan.

Part 2 is the set of 26 novella adventures shown in the Novella section. These detail the decision of the sisters to buy an existing B&B, albeit one needing repairs since the previous owner fell ill and died a year before. In these very fast cozy mystery reads, Janet will meet her future husband and adventure partner, Edward Bennett, and slowly become involved in his covert missions for the British government.

Part 3 are the books listed below (after the two Aunt Bessie ones) which start with the wedding of the Bennett's and their first official mission for Mr. Jones immediately thereafter.

1 Aunt Bessie Decides Aunt Bessie Decides
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2015

Book #4 in the Isle of Man Cozy Mystery series.
Aunt Bessie and friends visit the theatre being put on at historic Peel Castle when there is a death. Deciding to give it another try later, she is stunned when there is yet another murder! She is determined to find the culprit. Along the way she meets and becomes friends with two tourists to the Isle of Man, Janet and Joan Markham.
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2 Aunt Bessie Observes Aunt Bessie Observes
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2017

Book #15 in the Isle of Man Cozy Mystery series.
"Aunt Bessie doesn’t miss much as she makes her way around the island that has been her home for all of her adult life. Aunt Bessie observes less than her friend Janet Markham.
Bessie’s friends Janet and Joan Markham are happy to be back on the island for a visit. When Janet peeks in a window and spots a dead body, the sisters’ holiday becomes a lot more complicated."
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3 The Armstrong Assignment The Armstrong Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2021

Janet Markham’s wedding day is perfect in every way, and she can’t imagine anything better than spending two weeks in Paris and two weeks in Venice on her honeymoon. Less than twenty-four hours later, though, her husband, Edward Bennett, has gone missing. 
The last thing Janet is going to do is sit around and wait for him to come back. It isn’t long before she’s managed to get herself tangled up in Edward’s assignment, whether he wants her there or not.
Can Janet help Edward protect Bobby Armstrong from whoever is trying to kill him? Can they both keep up the pretense that they’ve never met before? Or will Edward’s handler, Mr. Jones, get Janet sent back to Doveby Dale before she can do anything at all?
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4 The Blake Assignment The Blake Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2021

"Getting a man from London to Edinburgh doesn’t sound as if it’s going to be a very difficult assignment for Janet and Edward Bennett, not even if the man is somewhat particular about how he gets from one place to another. They are surprised and not happy when the man in question invites his new girlfriend to come along on the journey.
As the assignment gets both more convoluted and increasingly dangerous, Janet starts to wonder if anyone can be trusted. Edward doesn’t wonder. He simply stops sharing their plans with everyone until he can make some plans of his own."
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5 The Carlson Assignment The Carlson Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2021

"After nearly a year, Joan Markham Donaldson is ready to start welcoming guests again to the bed and breakfast, Doveby House, which she owns with her sister, Janet. Janet Markham Bennett is far less excited about the idea, so she’s quick to agree to another assignment from the mysterious and unfriendly Mr. Jones.
Layce Carlson has disappeared, and Mr. Jones is convinced that someone inside the luxury mansion where Layce was staying is behind the disappearance. A hastily constructed cover story sees Janet pretending to be a French tutor, come to help Layce’s father’s wife learn some French for an upcoming movie role. Edward has a cover story of his own and the pair must, once again, pretend to be strangers.
Can Janet and Edward work out who is behind Layce’s disappearance before the ransom is due to be paid?"
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6 The Doyle Assignment The Doyle Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2021

"Edward and Janet Markham Bennett are enjoying themselves in London, seeing the sights and doing some shopping. When Mr. Jones turns up with an assignment, though, Janet is more than willing to agree.
A fortnight in Florida sounds as if it will be the perfect holiday, even if there might be something odd going on in the retirement community there.?It isn’t long before the pair have met the staff and a handful of the residents at Sunshine Sunset Acres. With two men dead under mysterious circumstances, there are definitely some unusual things happening in the community, leading Janet and Edward to do some late-night exploring."

7 The Everest Assignment The Everest Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2022

When a retired Hollywood actor starts getting threatening letters, Janet Markham Bennett, retired teacher, and her husband, Edward Bennett, retired spy, are sent to investigate. Benjamin Everest may have quit acting, but he’s also about to embark on a whirlwind publicity tour, and Janet and Edward have to go along for the ride.
Benjamin gave up his career to settle in a country house in Yorkshire with his wife, Josephine. Now it seems as if someone wants him to go back to work, and that someone is threatening Josephine’s life if Benjamin refuses."
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8 The Farnsley Assignment The Farnsley Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2022

"Janet Markham Bennett is just starting to feel as if she’s getting used to her part-time job with her husband Edward’s top-secret government agency. Their next assignment is something a bit different, though. This time the agency is sending them to the Bahamas to spend a weekend on a private island. Instead of being given a specific job to do, they’re simply asked to keep their eyes open while they’re there.
In spite of the rather vague assignment, neither Janet nor Edward is expecting their host, Arthur Farnsley, to get murdered within hours of their arrival on the island. To Janet it seems as if there are far too many suspects but no clear motive."
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9 The George Assignment The George Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2022

"Janet and Edward are enjoying life in Doveby Dale, planning their carriage house remodel, when Mr. Jones arrives with a new and rather urgent assignment. Another agent has disappeared. While there are any number of possible explanations for the disappearance, none of them are good.
As Janet and Edward follow the missing man's trail from Edinburgh to Paris to Berlin, it begins to seem as if he’s disappeared by choice, which raises a number of other worrying possibilities."
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10 The Hamilton Assignment The Hamilton Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2022

"Edward and Janet are enjoying themselves in London when they are given their next assignment. This one sounds simple enough. All they need to do is get inside a museum after hours and exchange some buttons on display for another, seemingly identical set.
Of course, nothing is as easy as it seems when it comes to top-secret assignments. There’s only one hotel in the tiny Pennsylvania town where they’re staying, and Janet and Edward haven’t been there long before they discover that things aren’t what they appear to be at the Craterstown Hotel."
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11 The Ingram Assignment The Ingram Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2022

"Janet is happy to be back in Doveby Dale, under the same roof as her sister, Joan. The arrangement is only temporary, as Janet and her husband, Edward, are planning to move out to the carriage house on the grounds of the bed and breakfast that Joan and Janet own. Still, after several exciting months travelling all over the world on various assignments for a top-secret government agency, Janet is looking forward to some rest and relaxation.
The agency has other plans, of course. Now that Janet has shown herself to be a valuable asset to the agency, it’s been decided that she needs some formal training. Having spent some weeks learning the basics in London, now that they’re in Doveby Dale, the agency has a few training assignments for Janet. They’re meant to be simple exercises, designed to test her skills, but the very first one goes badly wrong."
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12 The Jacobs Assignment The Jacobs Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2023

"Janet and Edward are enjoying a break between assignments from the top-secret government agency for which they work. Their friend, Eugenie Snelling, is paying a visit to Doveby House, and they are both looking forward to seeing her again. But Eugenie brings a friend with her, a friend who needs a special favour.

Eugenie is confident that Janet and Edward can help, but things quickly get considerably more complicated. Finding a dead body is bad enough. When the short list of suspects includes the mother of one of Janet’s friends, Janet is determined to do what she can to help find the killer."
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13 The Knox Assignment The Knox Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2023

"After the events of the previous month, Mr. Jones is on a temporary leave of absence. His replacement, Mr. Brown, seems to dislike Janet and Edward as soon as he meets them. When he calls them into his office to demand that Janet get additional training before they attempt another mission, Edward is quick to suggest that perhaps the agency no longer needs their help. Mr. Brown is happy to agree.
Chuck Hanson, from a US agency, seems to have a different opinion as to Janet’s usefulness. He's quick to offer Janet and Edward an assignment under his supervision. A few hours later, the couple is on their way to Hawaii, hoping to help locate four women who’ve gone missing from a luxury resort there."
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14 The Lock Assignment The Lock Assignment
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2024

"Mr. Brown has summoned Edward and Janet back to London. It’s obvious that he doesn’t want to work with them, but, for this assignment, he doesn’t have a choice. Edward is one of a very small number of agents privy to a huge secret, and now the items being protected by that secret are at risk.
Someone needs to work from the inside at an agency-operated secure site. Edward is too well known within the group, so Janet gets sent in undercover. She needs to try to get to know everyone working at the location so she can determine who is planning to steal what is being so carefully guarded."
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Number of Stories:26
First Appearance:2015
Last Appearance:2020

1 The Appleton Case The Appleton Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2015

"In Derbyshire, Janet and Joan have just purchased a small bed and breakfast, Doveby House, but Janet finds herself doing her own investigating.
Just how did the previous owner, Margaret Appleton, die?
Margaret's son isn't happy that he was left out of his mother's will, but what's he so desperate to get inside Doveby House to find? And are there really ghosts in Janet's bedroom, the library and the coach house?"
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2 The Bennett Case The Bennett Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2015

"Janet and Joan Markham are starting to feel settled in their new home. Now Joan is ready to start welcoming guests to their bed and breakfast, but Janet isn't so sure. When an unexpected visitor turns up, the sisters can't agree on what exactly they should do with the man, who is just a little too charming for Janet's liking.
When the sisters learn that an escaped criminal might be hiding in their small Derbyshire village, they can't help but wonder if their guest is the man in question."
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3 The Chalmers Case The Chalmers Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2015

"Now that Janet and Joan Markham have had their first (albeit unexpected) guest, Joan is eager to get the bed and breakfast running properly. A shopping trip for some paintings to decorate the guest rooms leaves Janet convinced that William Chalmers, a man she doesn't like anyway, is up to no good.
When some of William's friends come to stay with the sisters, Janet's suspicions are heightened. A second set of guests keeps the women busy, but Janet can't help but wonder when the two couples become unlikely friends."
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4 The Donaldson Case The Donaldson Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2016

"Janet and Joan Markham are settling in to running their bed and breakfast and their new life in Doveby Dale. Janet is excited to discover a hidden panel and a piggy bank that holds a key. She's eager to find out what the key is for, but Joan isn't really interested. Joan is busy spending time with their handsome neighbor, Michael Donaldson.
But Michael finds himself being investigated by the police after some problems at the local chemist shop and Janet is surprised to find that Joan is more anxious to snoop than she is.
Can the sisters find time to snoop while the house is full of guests? Can they clear Michael's name? Can Janet find a lock to open with her key?"
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5 The Ellsworth Case The Ellsworth Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2016

"The bed and breakfast is now up and running and Janet and Joan are looking forward to welcoming their last guests before they take a break for Christmas. The news that someone is passing counterfeit currency around Doveby Dale is worrying.
Both couples that arrive at Doveby House seem odd to the sisters, and so does William Chalmers's new friend, Karen Holmes. The library keeps turning up surprises, including a beautiful oak tantalus, while the police keep turning up more counterfeit twenty-pound notes.
Is it possible that some of their guests are counterfeiters? Why is Karen Holmes interested in the much older William Chalmers? And what other secrets will the library reveal?"
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6 The Fenton Case The Fenton Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2016

"Joan and Janet are happy to welcome a young couple for a weekend stay, although Janet has mixed emotions about their other visitor, Margaret Burns, an older woman sent to Doveby House by the mysterious Edward Bennett.
A series of break-ins around the village of Doveby Dale worries all of the small business owners in the area, including the sisters and their friend William Chalmers. When the burglar strikes at one of the homes right across the street from Doveby House, Janet and Joan are even more concerned."
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7 The Green Case The Green Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2016

Joan and Janet are starting to feel at home in Doveby Dale. Janet has even joined the Doveby Dale Ladies’ Club, a group of women who meet for dinner on a monthly basis.
But when one of the other members suggests adding men to the club, the ladies find they can’t agree. An arranged gathering with the ladies and a few potential male members worries Janet.
Gerald Butler-Smythe is a retired investment banker who seems far too interested in everyone else’s finances. Janet doesn’t really care one way or other about letting men into the club, but she doesn’t want to stand by and see her new friends being cheated out of their hard-earned money."
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8 The Hampton Case The Hampton Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2017

"Janet Markham is excited that Edward Bennett is coming to stay at Doveby House, the bed and breakfast that she owns with her sister, Joan.
Edward may or may not be a secret government agent, but he is definitely attractive and interesting, at least as far as Janet is concerned.
When a fire in Doveby Dale turns out to have been arson, both Janet and Edward want to learn more. Joan doesn’t approve of their getting involved, but Janet can’t resist a bit of snooping, especially when Edward is as eager as she is to investigate.
Can Janet and Edward work out who started the fire? Is Edward really interested in Janet or does he have some other motive for visiting? And what will Aggie, Janet’s kitten, think of the visitor?"
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9 The Irwin Case The Irwin Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2017

"Guests at Doveby House don’t usually pay by credit card, but when one tries and his card is refused, Janet Markham can’t help but wonder if there’s something more going on than a simple glitch in the credit card machine.
As more stories of troublesome cards spread through Doveby Dale, Janet gets more curious, but unexpected guests keep her too busy to do much. As she and Joan work on clearing out the carriage house, a new mystery presents itself.
Can Janet work out what links the credit card cases together?"7
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10 The Jackson Case The Jackson Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2017

When their neighbour, Stuart, asks for a simple favour, Janet and Joan Markham can’t refuse. They’re happy to let the man use their bed and breakfast, Doveby House, for a planning meeting.
Stuart is part of a committee that’s putting together a charity fundraiser and the sisters are happy to support his efforts. The committee members are an odd mix of retired London professionals and local characters, including Doveby Dale’s resident historian.
He's been ignoring Janet’s efforts to find out more about Alberta Montgomery, a former resident of Doveby House."
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11 The Kingston Case The Kingston Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2017

"Back from their holiday on the Isle of Man, Janet and Joan Markham are ready to reopen the bed and breakfast to guests. Janet is surprised to learn that one of the guests who will be arriving soon is William Chalmers's former wife, Alice. But William, who runs a local antique shop, has bigger problems than that.
He’s been receiving anonymous letters, telling him to leave Doveby Dale. While he has reasons for not wanting to involve the police in the problem, once he tells Janet about it, she insists on discussing the matter with Robert Parsons, the local constable.
Just because Robert is on the case, though, doesn’t mean that Janet is staying out of it. William has several business associates who might benefit from driving William out of business."
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12 The Lawley Case The Lawley Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2018

"Janet Markham is starting to feel almost settled at the bed and breakfast she owns with her sister, Joan. When their neighbour and gardener, Stuart, tells Janet that he thinks someone might be growing plants for illegal drug manufacturing in Doveby Dale, Janet insists that they go straight to the police.
Stuart agrees, but only if they visit the farmer he believes may be providing the land for the operation first. A visit to Martin Lawley’s farm raises more questions than it answers, though. It seems obvious that something suspicious is going on, but what?"
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13 The Moody Case The Moody Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2018

"Janet and Joan Markham are on a routine trip to the supermarket when their car gets hit from behind. When the man who hit them doesn’t want to provide his name or insurance details, Janet rings her friend, Constable Robert Parsons.
Robert fills out an accident report, and that should be the end of that. Meanwhile, the sisters have two single men as guests at their bed and breakfast. The guests don’t appear to know one another, but they share a few peculiarities. The one that bothers Joan is that neither of them ever wants any breakfast.
While their car is being repaired, Janet borrows a sporty red coupe from the local garage. She loves driving it, but when she gets stuck in heavy traffic as the result of an accident, she’s shocked to discover that one of their guests is involved. A few days later a second accident, this time involving their other guest, leaves Janet wondering if there might be something criminal going on."
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14 The Norman Case The Norman Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2018

"Summer in Derbyshire brings a never ending stream of guests to Doveby House. Janet and Joan Markham find themselves working harder than they’d ever expected when they bought the bed and breakfast.
While most of the guests have been pleasant, there have been enough difficult guests to make Janet wary whenever they are expecting new arrivals.?She and Joan are both relieved when their latest guests seem nearly perfect.
The quick arrival and departure of another couple who are considerably less amiable makes them feel as if they’re being quite lucky at the moment.?However, when a few small objects disappear from the local antique shop, they find themselves wondering whether their guests are as nice as they seem."
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15 The Osborne Case The Osborne Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2018

"Janet Markham has been trying to track down Gretchen Falkirk for months. She’s eager to learn more about Alberta Montgomery, one of the previous residents of the bed and breakfast she now owns with her sister, Joan.
When her friends from the Isle of Man, Bessie Cubbon and Doona Moore, come for a short stay, it seems the perfect time to try visiting the elusive woman. Unfortunately for Janet, instead of finding Gretchen, she finds herself and her friends caught up in the hunt for a missing person.
She and Joan want to show Bessie and Doona the sights around Derbyshire, but Janet wants to find Gretchen at least as much."
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16 The Patrone Case The Patrone Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2019

"Janet is happy to help William Chalmers, the owner of Doveby Dale’s antique shop, interview a few potential employees. She and William are friends, although William often hints that he has romantic intentions. Regardless, it makes a nice change for Janet from the day-to-day running of the bed and breakfast that she shares with her sister, Joan.
The three candidates for the part-time job are less than stellar, though. When a brick gets thrown through William’s window the day after the interviews, Janet can’t help but wonder if one of the three was involved."
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17 The Quinton Case The Quinton Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2019

"It’s nearly Christmas, and Janet and Joan Markham have been looking forward to having Doveby House to themselves for a fortnight.
Joan promised not to book any guests into the bed and breakfast through Christmas and New Year. When Joan gets a letter from a distant cousin who wants to visit, though, the sisters can’t bring themselves to turn him away.
Roland Dickerson turns out to be a fairly unpleasant man who expects to be entertained during his visit. While the sisters do their best, they feel considerably less hospitable when Roland informs them that before he arrived he’d discovered a newer will written by the sisters’ great-aunt Mildred."
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18 The Rhodes Case The Rhodes Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2019

"Janet Markham is both excited and nervous that Edward Bennett is coming for another visit. The handsome man has made no secret of the fact that he’s interested in being more than friends with Janet, but he’s usually too busy to pursue her.
His job with a secret government agency keeps him travelling around the world, leaving Janet on her own at Doveby House, the bed and breakfast she runs with her sister, Joan.
While Janet is attracted to the man, she’s not sure she trusts him. That trust is further challenged when he tells her that she needs to pretend she’s never met him before when he arrives at Doveby House with his guest.
Just hours after the two men arrive, Janet and Joan see a news bulletin about a wanted man who bears an uncanny resemblance to Edward’s guest. Break-ins at houses in the area worry the sisters."
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19 The Somerset Case The Somerset Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2020

"Everyone enjoys getting flowers, especially around Valentine’s Day, but Stacey, the waitress at the local café, is less than happy with the ones she’s been getting. Someone has been sending her flowers anonymously every day since the first of February, and she’s had enough.
The cards with the flowers have been getting increasingly sinister, but Stacey is reluctant to bother the local police constable with her problem. Instead, she shares her thoughts about the flowers and some possible senders with Janet and Joan Markham.
The sisters own the local bed and breakfast, and Janet helped Stacey in the past when she was out of work. Once the Markhams hear Stacey’s story, they insist on ringing the police."
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20 The Tanner Case The Tanner Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2020

Visiting special event venues sounds as if it could be interesting, especially when Janet Markham discovers that there will be cake samples. What neither Markham sister is expecting is a nasty message spray-painted across the front door of the first place they visit.
A second venue and a second lot of graffiti has the sisters ringing their friend, police constable Robert Parsons. He knows enough about the various business owners to understand why no one wants the police involved, though. The three local wedding venues are owned by an odd combination of former spouses and former partners, and everyone is quick to blame someone else in the group for the current difficulties."
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21 The Underwood Case The Underwood Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2020

"Janet Markham is excited that Edward Bennett, the man in her life, is coming to stay at Doveby House, the bed and breakfast that she runs with her sister Joan. He has a mysterious past and a job that keeps them apart most of the time. Edward hasn’t been in Doveby Dale for more than a few hours when he discovers a forged painting that’s been sold to the new owner of the local antique shop.

With Robert Parsons, the local police constable on the case, Edward jumps into the investigation, taking Janet along for the ride.
Can they work out who painted the forgery? Finding out where it came from proves to be the first challenge."
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22 The Vernon Case The Vernon Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2020

"Janet Markham doesn’t like coincidences. When she and her sister Joan spend a day running errands and she keeps seeing the same man over and over again, it worries her. When that same man nearly dies of a drug overdose that evening, Janet is even more concerned.
Another day, another man who keeps crossing Janet’s path, and then another drug overdose worry her even more.
Is someone in Doveby Dale, the village the sisters call home, dealing in drugs?"
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23 The Walters Case The Walters Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2020

"With the big event only a few days away, some special guests are arriving in Doveby Dale. Bessie Cubbon has come from the Isle of Man for the special celebration. When she accompanies the sisters on a last planning session at the event venue, all three women are surprised to learn that money has been stolen from the place.
When Edward Bennett arrives the next day, he’s eager to help the local police constable, Robert Parsons, with his investigation."
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24 The Xanders Case The Xanders Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2020

"Janet has Doveby House, the bed and breakfast she owns with her sister, Joan, all to herself for a few weeks, and she’s enjoying the solitude. When sirens in the middle of the night wake her, however, things get complicated.
Stuart and Mary Long have lived across the road from Doveby House for years. Now their half of the semi-detached property has burned to the ground and Stuart was lucky to escape the blaze with his life.
When the police determine that the fire was started deliberately, Janet can’t help but get involved in the investigation. Having never cared for Mary, Janet immediately puts the woman at the top of her list of suspects, but the more she learns about both Mary and Stuart, the longer the list becomes."
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25 The Young Case The Young Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2020

"Joan and Michael are back and everything is changing at Doveby House. After the fire across the road, Michael’s house is uninhabitable, leaving him no choice but to move into Doveby House. Their other neighbour, Stuart, is still staying in one of the guest rooms while his house is being rebuilt, and Janet is finding having two men in the house somewhat odd.
When someone breaks into the shed that the builders are using to store materials for the construction across the road, Janet can’t help but want to get involved in the investigation. Another break-in, this time at the Doveby House carriage house, complicates things."
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26 The Zachery Case The Zachery Case
Written by Diana Xarissa
Copyright: 2020

"Janet Markham is looking forward to Edward Bennett’s arrival at the bed and breakfast she runs with her sister Joan. She and Edward have been seeing one another for a while now, and he’s meant to be retiring and moving to Doveby Dale for good.
Joan is just anxious to get the carriage house cleared out so that she can turn it into a guest room. When Janet moves the last few boxes and finds a skeleton, though, Joan’s plans get put on hold as the sisters find themselves caught up in a murder investigation."
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This is a cozy murder spy series, as in the more traditional cozy murder mystery where often little old ladies come upon a corpse and then decide to out-detective the police to solve the crime. Of course sometimes it is an old man. And sometimes it is a younger person from a very non-standard - for a detective - profession like seamstress or baker or such.

With Janet Markham, it is teacher turned B&B owner along with her sister Joan. Toss in semi-regular guest Edward Bennett and have the two get married and have Edward turn out to be a government spy-hunter. Then have the bodies start littering the places where the two go. And then have Janet, aided by Edward, solve whodunnit and thus who the spy that needs catching in.

And all done in a nice, cozy manner so as to not upset the neighborhood.

Oh, and let the reader have fun along the way. I know I did.


My Grade: B


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