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Full Name: Rake Ozenna
Nationality: American
Organization: Alaska Army National Guard
Occupation Other - Military Officer

Creator: Humphrey Hawksley
Time Span: 2018 - 2022


Raymond 'Rake' Ozenna is an officer in the Alaska Army National Guard.

He hails from the smaller of the two Diomede Islands in the middle of the Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia. Known by the nickname of 'Yesterday Isle', Little Diomede has a population now of just under 100 people but back when Ozenna lived there it likely had twice as many; Ozenna is one of those that wanted to see a bit more than the frozen 2 square miles of rock and the always frigid water. The significance of these two specks of land in inhospitable sea is that since the purchase of Alaska in 1867, the border between the US and Russia runs between the two with Big Diomede belonging to Russia and two miles to the east, Little Diomede is American.

Ozenna is a native Inupiaq (part of the larger Inuit grouping), though Ozenna uses the more common, and now sometimes considered derogatory term Eskimo, and since he is one, he has the right to use whatever term he wishes. He was raised in the tiny village by his cousins after his parents disappeared when he was very little. "As soon as Rake was old enough, he had joined the Alaska Army National Guard. From the lowest rank of private, he broke through to reach captain in the 207th Infantry Group based at Fort Richardson outside of Anchorage, better known as the elite unit of Eskimo Scouts, perfect for deployment to mountain winters in Afghanistan." In the more than 10 years since he had last visited the land of his birth, Ozenna had seen "Iraq, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Iraq again, Afghanistan again".

Ozenna history with the military is an interesting one. "The primary task of the Eskimo Scouts was not fighting, but surveillance. Rake was to be the eyes and ears of America on its sub-zero icy border. Combat was for other units. He had applied and won a transfer to the 19th Special Forces group in Washington State. They taught him how to shoot and kill men in the cold. In return, he had showed them how to read the Arctic wind and ice. It was this unit that had taken him to Afghanistan .. where he learned the skills he was about to use now."

That 'now' was our introduction to Ozenna takes place when a call for medical assistance in Little Diomede reached Anchorage and Ozenna's girl friend at the time, Dr. Carrie Walker, went with Ozenna back to his place of birth. The timing was lousy for not only was the weather troublesome, so were the Russian troops which would land a couple hours later as the world witnessed a bold move by the Russian President. That will mark Ozenna's transition from being a valued member of the Eskimo Scouts to having a larger part in the country's trouble spots.


Number of Books:4
First Appearance:2018
Last Appearance:2022

1 Man On Ice Man On Ice
Written by Humphrey Hawksley
Copyright: 2018

"When Rake Ozenna of the elite Eskimo Scouts brings his fiancée, trauma surgeon Carrie Walker, to his remote home island in the Bering Strait, they are faced immediately with a medical crisis. Then Russian helicopters swarm in.
America is on the eve of an acrimonious presidential transition and inauguration. As news breaks of a possible Russian invasion, Stephanie Lucas, British ambassador to Washington DC, is hosting a dinner for the president-elect.
Ozenna’s small Alaskan island community is suddenly caught in the crosshairs of sabre-rattling big powers. The only way to save his people is to undertake a perilous mission across the ice. Can he survive long enough to prevent a new world war breaking out?"
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2 Man On Edge Man On Edge
Written by Humphrey Hawksley
Copyright: 2019

"Trauma surgeon Carrie Walker is taken aback when her estranged uncle makes contact out of the blue. Senior Russian naval officer Artyom Semenov claims to be in possession of an explosive piece of information which he is offering to share with the West. But can he be trusted?
Travelling to Moscow undercover to meet with Semenov, Carrie finds herself stranded when the carefully-planned operation goes catastrophically awry. In grave danger, there’s only one person she can turn to for help: her former fiancé, Major Rake Ozenna of the Alaska National Guard.
Aware how vital it is that he reaches Carrie before others do, Rake knows he’s pitted against a powerful and lethal enemy. But is it a rogue agent - or the Russian state?"
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3 Man On Fire Man On Fire
Written by Humphrey Hawksley
Copyright: 2021

"Instructed to guide in a speed boat crossing from Russia in the Bering Strait, special forces Major Rake Ozenna watches in horror as the operation culminates in a fatal firefight - and the loss of vital intelligence of a deadly new weapon. A weapon of unimaginable power. A weapon that, if it were unleashed, would cripple civilization as we know it. But who sabotaged the mission? Who possesses the weapon - and what is their ultimate goal?"
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4 Ice Islands Ice Islands
Written by Humphrey Hawksley
Copyright: 2022

"Major Rake Ozenna's mission is simple: gain access to the Kato family - Japan's most dangerous crime empire - and stop the threat to America. But when the secret son of the Russian leader is executed and Rake's target, Sara Kato, is implicated in the murder, a political crisis between Russia, Japan and the US is set in motion.
It's a race to protect Sara and earn her trust whilst escaping the inhospitable terrain of the icy Aland Islands."
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Okay, I was a big fan of the short but terrific series about Kat Polinski the author, Humphrey Hawksley, penned a half decade before this series about Rake Ozenna. She was a computer hacker so I sorta kinda expected something similar with Ozenna.

Nope! Not a whit like her. The adventures are so totally different it is hard to imagine they came from the same mind.

Well, except for the fact that both, in their own way, are pretty darn terrific and well worth the time spent reading them.

I am now a big, big fan of Ozenna and I think you will be to if you give him a try.


My Grade: A-


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