Eddie Drood is an agent with the Droods.
"Call me Drood, Eddie Drood. Some know me as Shaman Bond and most simply don't want to know me at all. For centuries, my family has been keeping the things that lurk on the darker side of existence as far away as possible from humans like you, without you even knowing we're there."
The dozen adventures that we are lucky to have dealing with Drood as he goes about his job all show a very fascinating individual. As he indicated in the statement above, he is a member of the Drood family which has been tasked - by themselves, perhaps - with keeping the world a safe-ish place to live. Just because almost all humans go about their daily lives blissfully unaware of the sorts of strange and often frightening creatures that dwell among us does not mean they aren't there. And sometimes they squabble and that can lead to trouble and sometimes they don't want to stay hidden and that usually leads to trouble and sometimes they want to take over the world and rule over everyone and that always leads to trouble. And that is where members of the Drood clan, like Eddie, come in. They do whatever is needed to make the trouble go away.
However, being a very good agent of the Droods like Eddie is does not necessarily mean he is always appreciated. Eddie is described as a free-thinker and he has a glib tongue and he has a problem with authority and he likes to do things his way no matter how he is told to do them otherwise. That has kept him on the outs with the powers-that-be in the Droods. What got him there in the first place is kind of not really explained but what is certain is that despite his being a darn good agent, he is considered by all to be a rogue.
Drood is rather proud of his looks, at least as far as helping him do his job. He tells us straight off that he has "the kind of face that always reminds you of someone else: average, pleasant, nothing to jog your memory afterwards. An agent's face". With it and the training he has had and the experience using that training, he has the ability to "look like nobody in particular".
He has a few nifty gadgets with which to perform his duties; the most important one being a torc, a golden cirlet around his throat. It is invisible to anyone who's not a member of the Drood family but when he activates it with softly spoken Words, "the living metal in the torc spread out to cover my whole body, embracing me in a moment from head to toe. It's a warm, refreshing feeling, like pulling on an old familiar coat. As the golden mask covered my head and face, I could see even more clearly, including all the things that are normally hidden from even gifted humans like me. I felt stronger, sharper, more alive, like waking from a pleasant doze into full alertness. I felt like I could take on the whole damned world and make it cry like a baby."
Drood may be for the most part a loner but he does have a special relationship with Molly Metcalf, a "witch of the wild forests". Well, they will get close soon after we meet her and once they stop being arch-enemies. Even after the two become close, that rivalry will keep popping up to the annoyance of each other and the enjoyment of us.