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Full Name: Danya Biton
Nationality: Israeli
Organization: Mossad
Occupation Agent

Creator: Dave Edlund
Time Span: 2017 - 2021


Danya Biton is an agent with Mossad.

For some time she has been with the Israeli intelligence organization and has proven her worth and her deadliness many times over. She will leave that group sometime after we first meet her but she will not lose the dedication to fight bad people on behalf of those unable to defend themselves.

Our initial encounter with her is while following the adventures of Peter Savage, the CEO of an engineering company who has an amazing affinity for being in the wrong place when some nasty individuals attempt to do very unpleasant things. Savage does not go looking for trouble - usually - but it does find him. In the case of Biton, on the other hand, she does seek it out as she is "responsible for eliminating terrorists and other enemies of Israel". She is going by the name of Nadya Wheeler when she and Savage first meet but not too long afterwards she reveals her true identity as they become friends and as they learn they can and should trust each other. She will also tell Savage that her first name of Danya meant 'Judgment of God' and the actions forced on her will go a long way in proving it.

In the meeting, we find that Biton was part of a team of five, "all were fluent in English and had deeply established aliases, including expertly forged birth certificates used to acquire government-issued social security numbers, drivers' licenses, and U.S. passports. They had all lived in the United States since graduating from college and being recruited into the elite Israeli intelligence organization".

This familiarity is why, when she is forced to leave Mossad and go into hiding, she already has years of experience blending in and why she chooses the very large United States to go to ground.

Biton is likely in her late 30s based on her impressive record and the fact that we are told she was a decade older than the other members in that team mentioned before. She is in excellent physical shape and no one would argue that she was a very attractive woman, albeit somewhat aloof since she knows lasting relationships were not likely for someone in her line of work, especially someone that carries inside her regret for the many things her vocation has forced her to do.


Number of Books:3
First Appearance:2017
Last Appearance:2021

1 Hunting Savage Hunting Savage
Written by Dave Edlund
Copyright: 2017

Book 1 in the Peter Savage series.
A computer hacker gets hold of top secret files showing a government cover-up during the Six Day War. The files accidentally fall into the possession of Peter Savage and suddenly he has assassins after him and is a suspect in murders he did not commit. Playing a major role in handling this situation is Danya Biton leading a small team of Mossad agents.
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2 Lethal Savage Lethal Savage
Written by Dave Edlund
Copyright: 2019

Book 6 in the Peter Savage series.
Several young men on a reservation in Oregon suddenly get very sick leaving them sterile. Peter Savage is asked to look into the matter but that investigation will get him kidnapped and facing a biological catastrophe.
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3 Judgment At Alcatraz Judgment At Alcatraz
Written by Dave Edlund
Copyright: 2021

"Capitalizing on a peaceful protest for Native American rights, a small, extremist militia swiftly seizes Alcatraz Island and holds more than 200 people hostage. Their demand: return all lands taken from Native American tribes through broken treaties, or an armada of drones will render the San Francisco Bay Area a glowing ruin, uninhabitable for decades."
Danya Biton and her friend, Toby Riddle, find themself deeply in the affair and Danya knows it is well up to her to find a solution even if it means sacrificing herself.
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Number of Stories:1
First Appearance:2017
Last Appearance:2017

1 Deadly Atonement Deadly Atonement
Written by Dave Edlund
Copyright: 2017

After a failed mission in the States, Danya Biton goes off the grid, living on the cash she stole from Mexican drug cartels. When a picture of her appears in the local newspaper, she is discovered and suddenly numerous powerful groups come looking to make her previously thought death a reality.
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I credit my older sister for my appreciation of strong do-not-mess-with-me females. Or is it blame? No, credit. She was (and is) a force to reckon with and I learned the hard way to not cross her. But if she was on your side, you had one heckuva ally.

That is what we have with Danya Biton. We meet her in the first adventure of Peter Savage and then get to see her on her on in a novella before she again pops up in a much later Savage tale. And then she gets her own full-length adventure and definitely deserves it and more.


My Grade: B+


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