Tyson Greer is an agent with the CIA.
More specifically he is a leader in a special task force the Agency has put together, Romeo-1-5, based out of Houston, Texas.
"Romeo-1-5 uses a collection of computer programs which utilize random security cameras, personal cell phones, right up to satellites fitted with unique scanning abilities. These isolate and identify the smallest traces of airborne contagion. In other words, if somebody was assembling a method for distributing a concentrated amount of Anthrax, or Ebola, or maybe even Covid, these systems would pinpoint the source and one of our agents would hightail it to the location, identify the threat and knock it out."
Greer had been an agent with the Secret Service for several years before his attendance was no longer required or desired at that department. He had worked for the Service as part of the prestigious White House security team but then must have angered someone somewhere as he was reassigned from that duty to being part of the personal protection detail of "one Robert Pritchard", younger brother of the then-sitting President. According to Greer's assessment, read into that the word "scumbag" - his tolerance level of dealing with the rich and famous was exceeded when a line was crossed as "children became involved". After a particularly nasty encounter stopping the man's assault of a 17-year-old girl, Greer was out of a job.
A week later, he had another as Charlie Bester from the CIA called to talk about his newly formed Romeo-1-5. Greer's response to the offer was typical Greer - "what did all that mean? I hadn't a clue but it sounded cool". That all was five years before the first recorded adventure and during that time Greer has been on quite a few harrowing missions. "The dreams, the nightmares which plague my mind are of the victims I sometimes find, the test subjects used by these so-called terrorists", Greer tells us. He adds, "Killing them, while second nature at the best of times, brings its own sense of reward".